Change the group id
[packetcable.git] / features-packetcable / pom.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!--
3  This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
4  terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
5  and is available at
6 --><project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
7    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
8    <parent>
9     <artifactId>packetcable</artifactId>
10     <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
11     <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
12   </parent>
13    <!--
14     Necessary TODO: Hookup your parent pom here, else you will not get necessary versions,
15     maven repos etc.  If you run this archetype in a subdirectory of your project, it
16     will pick the pom.xml from the parent directory as the parent pom, which may or may
17     not be correct.
18   -->
19    <artifactId>features-packetcable</artifactId>
20    <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
21    <!-- Optional Uncomment version if you are not using a parent pom.xml
22    <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
23    -->
24    <packaging>jar</packaging>
25    <properties>
26       <features.file>features.xml</features.file>
27       <!-- Optional: Move these properties to your parent pom and possibly
28             DependencyManagement section of your parent pom -->
29       <branding.version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</branding.version>
30       <karaf.resources.version>1.4.2-SNAPSHOT</karaf.resources.version>
31       <karaf.version>3.0.1</karaf.version>
32       <feature.test.version>0.6.2-SNAPSHOT</feature.test.version>
33       <karaf.empty.version>1.4.2-SNAPSHOT</karaf.empty.version>
34       <surefire.version>2.16</surefire.version>
35    </properties>
36    <dependencies>
37     <!--
38       Necessary: Put dependencies on any feature repos
39       you use in your features.xml file.
41       Note: they will need to be <type>xml</xml>
42       and <classifier>features</classifier>.
43       One other thing to watch for is to make sure they are
44       <scope>compile</compile>, which they should be by default,
45       but be cautious lest they be at a different scope in a parent pom.
47       Examples:
48     -->
49         <dependency>
50           <groupId>org.opendaylight.yangtools</groupId>
51           <artifactId>features-yangtools</artifactId>
52           <version>0.6.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
53           <classifier>features</classifier>
54           <type>xml</type>
55         </dependency>
56         <dependency>
57           <groupId>org.opendaylight.controller</groupId>
58           <artifactId>features-mdsal</artifactId>
59           <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
60           <classifier>features</classifier>
61           <type>xml</type>
62         </dependency>
63       <dependency>
64       <groupId>org.opendaylight.controller</groupId>
65       <artifactId>features-flow</artifactId>
66       <version>${mdsal.version}</version>
67       <classifier>features</classifier>
68       <type>xml</type>
69       </dependency>
73     <!--
74       Necessary TODO: Put dependencies for bundles directly referenced
75       in your features.xml file.  For every <bundle> reference in your
76       features.xml file, you need a corresponding dependency here.
78       Examples:
79     -->
80       <dependency>
81         <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
82         <artifactId>packetcable-consumer</artifactId>
83         <version>${project.version}</version>
84       </dependency>
85       <dependency>
86         <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
87         <artifactId>packetcable-provider</artifactId>
88         <version>${project.version}</version>
89       </dependency>
90       <dependency>
91         <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
92         <artifactId>packetcable-model</artifactId>
93         <version>${project.version}</version>
94       </dependency>
95       <dependency>
96         <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
97         <artifactId>packetcable-driver</artifactId>
98         <version>${project.version}</version>
99       </dependency>
101     <!--
102       Put dependencies for configfiles directly referenced
103       in your features.xml file.  For every <configfile> reference in your
104       features.xml file, you need a corresponding dependency here.
106       Example (presuming here version is coming from the parent pom):
107       <dependency>
108         <groupId>org.opendaylight.packetcable</groupId>
109         <artifactId>packetcable-config</artifactId>
110         <version>${project.version}</version>
111         <type>xml</type>
112         <classifier>config</classifier>
113       </dependency>
114     -->
116     <!--
117       Optional TODO: Remove TODO comments.
118     -->
119     <!-- test to validate features.xml -->
120     <dependency>
121       <groupId>org.opendaylight.yangtools</groupId>
122       <artifactId>features-test</artifactId>
123       <version>${feature.test.version}</version>
124       <scope>test</scope>
125     </dependency>
126     <!-- dependency for opendaylight-karaf-empty for use by testing -->
127     <dependency>
128       <groupId>org.opendaylight.controller</groupId>
129       <artifactId>opendaylight-karaf-empty</artifactId>
130       <version>${karaf.empty.version}</version>
131       <type>zip</type>
132     </dependency>
133     <!-- Uncomment this if you get an error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter.format(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/slf4j/helpers/FormattingTuple;
134     <dependency>
135       <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
136       <artifactId>slf4j-simple</artifactId>
137       <version>1.7.2</version>
138     </dependency>
139     -->
141    </dependencies>
142    <build>
143       <resources>
144          <resource>
145             <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
146             <filtering>true</filtering>
147          </resource>
148       </resources>
149       <plugins>
150          <plugin>
151             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
152             <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId>
153             <executions>
154                <execution>
155                   <id>filter</id>
156                   <phase>generate-resources</phase>
157                   <goals>
158                      <goal>resources</goal>
159                   </goals>
160                </execution>
161             </executions>
162          </plugin>
163          <plugin>
164             <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
165             <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
166             <executions>
167                <execution>
168                   <id>attach-artifacts</id>
169                   <phase>package</phase>
170                   <goals>
171                      <goal>attach-artifact</goal>
172                   </goals>
173                   <configuration>
174                      <artifacts>
175                         <artifact>
176                            <file>${}/classes/${features.file}</file>
177                            <type>xml</type>
178                            <classifier>features</classifier>
179                         </artifact>
180                      </artifacts>
181                   </configuration>
182                </execution>
183             </executions>
184          </plugin>
185          <plugin>
186             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
187             <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
188             <version>${surefire.version}</version>
189             <configuration>
190               <systemPropertyVariables>
191                 <karaf.distro.groupId>org.opendaylight.controller</karaf.distro.groupId>
192                 <karaf.distro.artifactId>opendaylight-karaf-empty</karaf.distro.artifactId>
193                 <karaf.distro.version>${karaf.empty.version}</karaf.distro.version>
194               </systemPropertyVariables>
195               <dependenciesToScan>
196                <dependency>org.opendaylight.yangtools:features-test</dependency>
197               </dependenciesToScan>
198             </configuration>
199           </plugin>
200       </plugins>
201    </build>
202    <scm>
203       <connection>scm:git:ssh://</connection>
204       <developerConnection>scm:git:ssh://</developerConnection>
205       <tag>HEAD</tag>
206       <url>;a=summary</url>
207    </scm>
208 </project>