yangUI changes
[dlux.git] / modules / loader-resources / src / main / resources / assets / yang2xml / ipv6-packet.yang.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <module name="ipv6-packet"
3         xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:yin:1"
4         xmlns:ipv6="urn:opendaylight:packet:ipv6"
5         xmlns:inet="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-inet-types"
6         xmlns:ipv4="urn:opendaylight:packet:ipv4"
7         xmlns:ethernet="urn:opendaylight:packet:ethernet">
8   <yang-version value="1"/>
9   <namespace uri="urn:opendaylight:packet:ipv6"/>
10   <prefix value="ipv6"/>
11   <import module="ietf-inet-types">
12     <prefix value="inet"/>
13     <revision-date date="2010-09-24"/>
14   </import>
15   <import module="base-packet">
16     <prefix value="bpacket"/>
17     <revision-date date="2014-05-28"/>
18   </import>
19   <import module="ipv4-packet">
20     <prefix value="ipv4"/>
21     <revision-date date="2014-05-28"/>
22   </import>
23   <import module="ethernet-packet">
24     <prefix value="ethernet"/>
25     <revision-date date="2014-05-28"/>
26   </import>
27   <revision date="2014-05-28">
28     <description>
29       <text>IPv6 packet module draft.</text>
30     </description>
31   </revision>
32   <grouping name="ipv6-packet-fields">
33     <leaf name="version">
34       <type name="uint8"/>
35     </leaf>
36     <leaf name="dscp">
37       <type name="inet:dscp"/>
38       <description>
39         <text>Differentiated Code Services Point</text>
40       </description>
41     </leaf>
42     <leaf name="ecn">
43       <type name="uint8"/>
44       <description>
45         <text>Explicit Congestion Notification</text>
46       </description>
47     </leaf>
48     <leaf name="flow-label">
49       <type name="uint32"/>
50       <description>
51         <text>Flow label</text>
52       </description>
53     </leaf>
54     <leaf name="ipv6-length">
55       <type name="uint16"/>
56       <description>
57         <text>Payload size including any extension headers, in octets</text>
58       </description>
59     </leaf>
60     <leaf name="next-header">
61       <type name="ipv4:known-ip-protocols"/>
62       <description>
63         <text>Type of the next header or Transport layer protocol used by the payload</text>
64       </description>
65     </leaf>
66     <leaf name="hop-limit">
67       <type name="uint8"/>
68       <description>
69         <text>Hop Limit, the IPv6 version of Time to live</text>
70       </description>
71     </leaf>
72     <leaf name="source-ipv6">
73       <type name="inet:ipv6-address"/>
74     </leaf>
75     <leaf name="destination-ipv6">
76       <type name="inet:ipv6-address"/>
77     </leaf>
78     <list name="extension-headers">
79       <leaf name="next-header">
80         <type name="ipv4:known-ip-protocols"/>
81         <description>
82           <text>Type of this extension header</text>
83         </description>
84       </leaf>
85       <leaf name="length">
86         <type name="uint16"/>
87         <description>
88           <text>Length of this extension header, in octets</text>
89         </description>
90       </leaf>
91       <leaf name="data">
92         <type name="binary"/>
93         <description>
94           <text>Data for this extension header</text>
95         </description>
96       </leaf>
97     </list>
98     <uses name="bpacket:packet-fields"/>
99   </grouping>
100   <notification name="ipv6-packet-received">
101     <uses name="bpacket:packet-chain-grp">
102       <augment target-node="bpacket:packet-chain/bpacket:packet">
103         <case name="ipv6-packet">
104           <uses name="ipv6-packet-fields"/>
105         </case>
106       </augment>
107     </uses>
108     <uses name="bpacket:packet-payload"/>
109   </notification>
110 </module>