Postman for L2GW and L2GWConnection
[netvirt.git] / resources / commons / Neutron-v2.0-LBaaS-API-Examples_July15.json.postman_collection.txt
1 {
2         "id": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
3         "name": "Neutron-v2.0-LBaaS-API-Examples",
4         "description": "A collection of OpenStack Neutron v2.0 REST API calls for Postman. Import these into Postman and use to validate the OpenDaylight Neutron NB-API interfaces.\n\nResources:\n- Postman\n- Neutron v2.0",
5         "order": [
6                 "80b2233e-3c0c-1eda-ee31-c78abad32f8f",
7                 "e9e80a59-0898-4429-81fb-8e9a85eec77f",
8                 "976a426e-c8ec-efae-c80a-f23cb4d0d404",
9                 "a6a09c93-a701-3381-9560-7d6b4f12083d",
10                 "647ecd26-a5f9-9f6e-c2ed-bbb2881c57ab",
11                 "261535f5-37c0-8358-8f26-0a76ea169c54",
12                 "e5230742-6966-2fd3-5ba9-a5c6784b5fd5",
13                 "92ecc186-f3ff-c6cf-4a12-f66e0ba41c44",
14                 "4df70c66-4d47-a1eb-ea3c-3a53021b59a6",
15                 "e489ca9e-82c3-b988-0c69-3e29ef08f689",
16                 "8c9eba41-f49d-3cb3-4a36-b7e743ac4e80",
17                 "c06c3e2e-80b4-9673-3ad2-dba02eee7ab0",
18                 "37c50edc-99e0-6256-ef49-e26bcdce00ce"
19         ],
20         "folders": [],
21         "timestamp": 1394529177458,
22         "owner": "79838",
23         "remoteLink": "",
24         "public": false,
25         "requests": [
26                 {
27                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
28                         "id": "261535f5-37c0-8358-8f26-0a76ea169c54",
29                         "name": "Get Neutron Load Balancer  Pool",
30                         "description": "Return a Neutron v2.0  Load Balancer Pool.",
31                         "url": "",
32                         "method": "GET",
33                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\n",
34                         "data": [],
35                         "dataMode": "raw",
36                         "timestamp": 0,
37                         "version": 2,
38                         "time": 1436369062511,
39                         "preRequestScript": "",
40                         "tests": "",
41                         "rawModeData": ""
42                 },
43                 {
44                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
45                         "id": "37c50edc-99e0-6256-ef49-e26bcdce00ce",
46                         "name": "Delete Neutron Load Balancer Pool Member",
47                         "description": "",
48                         "url": "",
49                         "method": "DELETE",
50                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
51                         "data": [],
52                         "dataMode": "raw",
53                         "timestamp": 0,
54                         "version": 2,
55                         "time": 1436380297165,
56                         "preRequestScript": "",
57                         "tests": "",
58                         "rawModeData": ""
59                 },
60                 {
61                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
62                         "id": "4df70c66-4d47-a1eb-ea3c-3a53021b59a6",
63                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Load Balancer",
64                         "description": "Example posting of a Neutron v2.0  Load Balancer (LBaaS).",
65                         "url": "",
66                         "method": "POST",
67                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
68                         "data": [],
69                         "dataMode": "raw",
70                         "timestamp": 0,
71                         "version": 2,
72                         "time": 1436380013197,
73                         "preRequestScript": "",
74                         "tests": "",
75                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"loadbalancer\": {\n    \"id\": \"8992a43f-83af-4b49-9afd-c2bfbd82d7d7\",\n    \"name\": \"Example LB\",\n    \"description\": \"A very simple example load balancer.\",\n    \"vip_address\": \"\",\n    \"vip_subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n    \"tenant_id\": \"c778d7b543914fc68df8b44f57035f0b\",\n    \"status\": \"PENDING_CREATE\"\n  }\n}"
76                 },
77                 {
78                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
79                         "id": "647ecd26-a5f9-9f6e-c2ed-bbb2881c57ab",
80                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Load Balancer Pool",
81                         "description": "Example posting of a Neutron v2.0  Load Balancer Pool.",
82                         "url": "",
83                         "method": "POST",
84                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
85                         "data": [],
86                         "dataMode": "raw",
87                         "timestamp": 0,
88                         "version": 2,
89                         "time": 1436380885465,
90                         "preRequestScript": "",
91                         "tests": "",
92                         "rawModeData": "{\n    \"pool\": {\n        \"id\": \"332abe93-f488-41ba-870b-2ac66be7f853\",\n        \"tenant_id\": \"19eaa775-cf5d-49bc-902e-2f85f668d995\",\n        \"name\": \"Example pool\",\n        \"description\": \"\",\n        \"protocol\": \"http\",\n        \"lb_algorithm\": \"ROUND_ROBIN\",\n        \"session_persistence\": {},\n        \"healthmonitor_id\": null,\n        \"members\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": \"a183a8b3-bddb-dc04-ae73-3beb11af4d04\",\n                \"tenant_id\": \"c778d7b543914fc68df8b44f57035f0b\",\n                \"address\": \"\",\n                \"protocol_port\": 80,\n                \"subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n                \"admin_state_up\": true\n            }\n        ],\n        \"admin_state_up\": true,\n        \"status\": \"ACTIVE\"\n    }\n}"
93                 },
94                 {
95                         "id": "80b2233e-3c0c-1eda-ee31-c78abad32f8f",
96                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
97                         "url": "",
98                         "pathVariables": {},
99                         "preRequestScript": "",
100                         "method": "GET",
101                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
102                         "data": [],
103                         "dataMode": "params",
104                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Network",
105                         "description": "",
106                         "descriptionFormat": "html",
107                         "time": 1436388271366,
108                         "version": 2,
109                         "responses": [],
110                         "tests": "",
111                         "currentHelper": "normal",
112                         "helperAttributes": {}
113                 },
114                 {
115                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
116                         "id": "8c9eba41-f49d-3cb3-4a36-b7e743ac4e80",
117                         "name": "Post Add LoadBalancer Pool Member",
118                         "description": "",
119                         "url": "",
120                         "method": "PUT",
121                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
122                         "data": [],
123                         "dataMode": "raw",
124                         "timestamp": 0,
125                         "version": 2,
126                         "time": 1436379833081,
127                         "preRequestScript": "",
128                         "tests": "",
129                         "rawModeData": "{\n    \"member\": {\n        \"id\": \"a183a8b3-bddb-dc04-ae73-3beb11af4d06\",\n        \"tenant_id\": \"c778d7b543914fc68df8b44f57035f0b\",\n        \"address\": \"\",\n        \"protocol_port\": 80,\n        \"subnet_id\": \"3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126\",\n        \"admin_state_up\": true,\n        \"weight\": 1,\n        \"status\": \"UP\"\n    }\n}"
130                 },
131                 {
132                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
133                         "id": "92ecc186-f3ff-c6cf-4a12-f66e0ba41c44",
134                         "name": "Get Neutron Load Balancers",
135                         "description": "Return a Neutron v2.0  Load Balancer (LBaaS).",
136                         "url": "",
137                         "method": "GET",
138                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
139                         "data": [],
140                         "dataMode": "raw",
141                         "timestamp": 0,
142                         "version": 2,
143                         "time": 1436369027509,
144                         "preRequestScript": "",
145                         "tests": "",
146                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"pool\": {\n    \"id\": \"332abe93-f488-41ba-870b-2ac66be7f853\",\n    \"tenant_id\": \"19eaa775-cf5d-49bc-902e-2f85f668d995\",\n    \"name\": \"Example pool\",\n    \"description\": \"\",\n    \"protocol\": \"http\",\n    \"lb_algorithm\": \"ROUND_ROBIN\",\n    \"session_persistence\": {\n    },\n    \"healthmonitor_id\": null,\n    \"members\": [{\n      \"id\": \"a183a8b3-bddb-dc04-ae73-3beb11af4d04\",\n \"tenant_id\": \"c778d7b543914fc68df8b44f57035f0b\",\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"protocol_port\":80,\n \"subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n      \"admin_state_up\": true\n }],\n    \"admin_state_up\": true,\n    \"status\": \"ACTIVE\"\n  }\n}"
147                 },
148                 {
149                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
150                         "id": "976a426e-c8ec-efae-c80a-f23cb4d0d404",
151                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Network Port",
152                         "description": "Post a list of Neutron v2.0 Port",
153                         "url": "",
154                         "method": "POST",
155                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
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159                         "version": 2,
160                         "preRequestScript": "",
161                         "tests": "",
162                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"port\": {\n    \"status\": \"UP\",\n    \"binding:host_id\": \"\",\n    \"name\": \"private-port\",\n    \"allowed_address_pairs\": [\n    ],\n    \"admin_state_up\": true,\n    \"network_id\": \"e9330b1f-a2ef-4160-a991-169e56ab17f5\",\n    \"tenant_id\": \"19eaa775-cf5d-49bc-902e-2f85f668d995\",\n    \"binding:vif_details\": {\n    },\n    \"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\",\n    \"binding:vif_type\": \"unbound\",\n    \"device_owner\": \"\",\n    \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:c9:cb:f0\",\n    \"binding:profile\": {\n    },\n    \"fixed_ips\": [\n      {\n        \"subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n        \"ip_address\": \"\"\n      }\n    ],\n    \"id\": \"65c0ee9f-d634-4522-8954-51021b570b0d\",\n    \"security_groups\": [\n      \"f0ac4394-7e4a-4409-9701-ba8be283dbc3\"\n    ],\n    \"device_id\": \"\"\n  }\n}"
163                 },
164                 {
165                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
166                         "id": "a6a09c93-a701-3381-9560-7d6b4f12083d",
167                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Network Port 2",
168                         "description": "",
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171                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
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173                         "dataMode": "raw",
174                         "timestamp": 0,
175                         "version": 2,
176                         "preRequestScript": "",
177                         "tests": "",
178                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"port\": {\n    \"status\": \"UP\",\n    \"binding:host_id\": \"\",\n    \"name\": \"private-port\",\n    \"allowed_address_pairs\": [\n    ],\n    \"admin_state_up\": true,\n    \"network_id\": \"e9330b1f-a2ef-4160-a991-169e56ab17f5\",\n    \"tenant_id\": \"19eaa775-cf5d-49bc-902e-2f85f668d995\",\n    \"binding:vif_details\": {\n    },\n    \"binding:vnic_type\": \"normal\",\n    \"binding:vif_type\": \"unbound\",\n    \"device_owner\": \"\",\n    \"mac_address\": \"fa:16:3e:c9:cb:f4\",\n    \"binding:profile\": {\n    },\n    \"fixed_ips\": [\n      {\n        \"subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n        \"ip_address\": \"\"\n      }\n    ],\n    \"id\": \"65c0ee9f-d634-4522-8954-51021b570b0e\",\n    \"security_groups\": [\n      \"f0ac4394-7e4a-4409-9701-ba8be283dbc3\"\n    ],\n    \"device_id\": \"\"\n  }\n}"
179                 },
180                 {
181                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
182                         "id": "c06c3e2e-80b4-9673-3ad2-dba02eee7ab0",
183                         "name": "Get Neutron Load Balancer Pool Members",
184                         "description": "Return Neutron v2.0  Load Balancer (LBaaS). pool members",
185                         "url": "",
186                         "method": "GET",
187                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
188                         "data": [],
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191                         "version": 2,
192                         "time": 1436369134571,
193                         "preRequestScript": "",
194                         "tests": "",
195                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"member\": {\n      \"id\": \"a183a8b3-bddb-dc04-ae73-3beb11af4d05\",\n \"tenant_id\": \"c778d7b543914fc68df8b44f57035f0b\",\n \"address\": \"\",\n \"protocol_port\":80,\n \"subnet_id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\",\n      \"admin_state_up\": true,\n    \"weight\": 1,\n    \"status\": \"UP\"\n }\n}"
196                 },
197                 {
198                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
199                         "id": "e489ca9e-82c3-b988-0c69-3e29ef08f689",
200                         "name": "Delete Neutron Load Balancer",
201                         "description": "",
202                         "url": "",
203                         "method": "DELETE",
204                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
205                         "data": [],
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207                         "timestamp": 0,
208                         "version": 2,
209                         "time": 1436378718919,
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211                         "tests": ""
212                 },
213                 {
214                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
215                         "id": "e5230742-6966-2fd3-5ba9-a5c6784b5fd5",
216                         "name": "Delete Neutron Load Balancer Pool",
217                         "description": "",
218                         "url": "",
219                         "method": "DELETE",
220                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
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223                         "timestamp": 0,
224                         "version": 2,
225                         "time": 1436376334648,
226                         "preRequestScript": "",
227                         "tests": "",
228                         "rawModeData": ""
229                 },
230                 {
231                         "collectionId": "1ad8d425-4d48-1f4d-9659-f8dab30861e6",
232                         "id": "e9e80a59-0898-4429-81fb-8e9a85eec77f",
233                         "name": "Post Add Neutron Subnet",
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235                         "url": "",
236                         "method": "POST",
237                         "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
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240                         "timestamp": 0,
241                         "version": 2,
242                         "preRequestScript": "",
243                         "tests": "",
244                         "rawModeData": "{\n  \"subnet\": {\n    \"name\": \"\",\n    \"enable_dhcp\": true,\n    \"network_id\": \"e9330b1f-a2ef-4160-a991-169e56ab17f5\",\n    \"tenant_id\": \"19eaa775-cf5d-49bc-902e-2f85f668d995\",\n    \"dns_nameservers\": [\n    ],\n    \"allocation_pools\": [\n      {\n        \"start\": \"\",\n        \"end\": \"\"\n      }\n    ],\n    \"host_routes\": [\n    ],\n    \"ip_version\": 4,\n    \"gateway_ip\": \"\",\n    \"cidr\": \"\",\n    \"id\": \"5966ebd4-b456-4e11-a3a3-def0d3f432d4\"\n  }\n}"
245                 }
246         ]
247 }