OVSDB Qos and Queue - Postman examples
[netvirt.git] / resources / commons / Qos-and-Queue-Collection.json.postman_collection
1 {
2     "id": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
3     "name": "Qos and Queue Collection",
4     "description": "This collection demonstrates how to:\n\n- create Qos and Queue entries in the OVSDB\n- add or delete Queue entries from a Qos entry\n- add or delete a Qos entry from a termination point\n- delete Qos and Queue entries",
5     "order": [
6         "8470a026-b32c-a292-49a2-a523fe831881",
7         "f1627096-7541-0c7e-e998-cd29e90f2547",
8         "78f912b9-eb93-6df1-e6bd-b175a8ee097a",
9         "17f45b0e-bdd2-6c7b-18a9-26df17d2ca20",
10         "194fbaf3-362e-54c9-2daf-c9b76f38ee57",
11         "64210287-3ec5-48f3-7ee5-447c09cc3c84",
12         "9d1dc5b0-99a2-9d31-29b6-35dcc0cf24fa",
13         "760bb52a-e621-bf9c-7053-e72a94899fa9",
14         "501cf348-4095-3826-1081-c1b3ba428f3c",
15         "61f5f3d5-1014-b211-b9bf-80a6b269d9b4",
16         "c3549a74-512b-7e93-a5e8-0219e1956c99",
17         "18641f3c-2f50-9761-c780-3f6ee358c616",
18         "fbecd07b-135b-6070-0178-71af93998104"
19     ],
20     "folders": [],
21     "timestamp": 1454567977189,
22     "owner": "",
23     "remoteLink": "",
24     "public": false,
25     "requests": [
26         {
27             "id": "17f45b0e-bdd2-6c7b-18a9-26df17d2ca20",
28             "headers": "Content-Type: application/json\n",
29             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:qos-entries/QOS-1/",
30             "preRequestScript": "",
31             "pathVariables": {},
32             "method": "PUT",
33             "data": [],
34             "dataMode": "raw",
35             "version": 2,
36             "tests": "",
37             "currentHelper": "normal",
38             "helperAttributes": {},
39             "time": 1454572576470,
40             "name": "Add a QpS entry to a qos-entries list",
41             "description": "This restconf request will create or update a Qos entry for the ovsdb node 'HOST1'.",
42             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
43             "responses": [],
44             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"ovsdb:qos-entries\": [\n    {\n      \"qos-id\": \"QOS-1\",\n      \"qos-type\": \"ovsdb:qos-type-linux-htb\",\n      \"qos-other-config\": [\n        {\n          \"other-config-key\": \"max-rate\",\n          \"other-config-value\": \"3300000\"\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}"
45         },
46         {
47             "id": "18641f3c-2f50-9761-c780-3f6ee358c616",
48             "headers": "",
49             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:queues/QUEUE-1/",
50             "preRequestScript": "",
51             "pathVariables": {},
52             "method": "DELETE",
53             "data": [],
54             "dataMode": "params",
55             "version": 2,
56             "tests": "",
57             "currentHelper": "normal",
58             "helperAttributes": {},
59             "time": 1454572803238,
60             "name": "Delete a Queue entry from an ovsdb node",
61             "description": "This restconf command will delete a Qos entry.",
62             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
63             "responses": []
64         },
65         {
66             "id": "194fbaf3-362e-54c9-2daf-c9b76f38ee57",
67             "headers": "Content-Type: application/json\n",
68             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:queues/QUEUE-1/",
69             "preRequestScript": "",
70             "pathVariables": {},
71             "method": "PUT",
72             "data": [],
73             "dataMode": "raw",
74             "version": 2,
75             "tests": "",
76             "currentHelper": "normal",
77             "helperAttributes": {},
78             "time": 1454572671919,
79             "name": "Add a Queue entry to the queues list of aovsdb node 'HOST1'",
80             "description": "This restconf request will create or update a Queue entry on ovsdb node 'HOST1'.",
81             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
82             "responses": [],
83             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"ovsdb:queues\": [\n    {\n      \"queue-id\": \"QUEUE-1\",\n      \"dscp\": 25,\n      \"queues-other-config\": [\n        {\n          \"queue-other-config-key\": \"max-rate\",\n          \"queue-other-config-value\": \"3600000\"\n        }\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}"
84         },
85         {
86             "id": "501cf348-4095-3826-1081-c1b3ba428f3c",
87             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\n",
88             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:qos-entries/QOS-1/queue-list/0/",
89             "preRequestScript": "",
90             "pathVariables": {},
91             "method": "DELETE",
92             "data": [],
93             "dataMode": "params",
94             "version": 2,
95             "tests": "",
96             "currentHelper": "normal",
97             "helperAttributes": {},
98             "time": 1454572752090,
99             "name": "Delete a Queue entry from a Qos entry",
100             "description": "This restconf command will delete a queue entry from a qos entry.\n\nThe queue entry is identified by it's key value (the queue number) in\nthe queue-list which is part of the qos entry.",
101             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
102             "responses": []
103         },
104         {
105             "id": "61f5f3d5-1014-b211-b9bf-80a6b269d9b4",
106             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
107             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1%2Fbridge%2Fbr-test/termination-point/testport/",
108             "preRequestScript": "",
109             "pathVariables": {},
110             "method": "PUT",
111             "data": [],
112             "dataMode": "raw",
113             "version": 2,
114             "tests": "",
115             "currentHelper": "normal",
116             "helperAttributes": {},
117             "time": 1454572769501,
118             "name": "Add existing QoS UUID to existing termination point",
119             "description": "This restconf request will specify the UUID of a Qos entry to associate with a port.\n\nThe Qos UUID is the actual operational value of a Qos entry.",
120             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
121             "responses": [],
122             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"network-topology:termination-point\": [\n    \t{\n \t  \t\t\"ovsdb:name\": \"testport\",\n \t\t\t\"tp-id\": \"testport\",\n \t\t\t\"qos\": \"4126e461-020d-497d-97b7-c8f409d1c9b9\"\n  \t\t}\n    ]\n}"
123         },
124         {
125             "id": "64210287-3ec5-48f3-7ee5-447c09cc3c84",
126             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\n",
127             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:qos-entries/QOS-1/",
128             "preRequestScript": "",
129             "pathVariables": {},
130             "method": "GET",
131             "data": [],
132             "dataMode": "params",
133             "version": 2,
134             "tests": "",
135             "currentHelper": "normal",
136             "helperAttributes": {},
137             "time": 1454572690160,
138             "name": "Get Operational QoS Entry from Qos Entry list",
139             "description": "This restconf queries the operational md-sal for a specific Qos entry which was previously created by restconf (e.g. 'QOS-1').\n\nThis is useful for determining the actual UUID of the Qos entry in order to assign it to a port (i.e. termination point).",
140             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
141             "responses": []
142         },
143         {
144             "id": "760bb52a-e621-bf9c-7053-e72a94899fa9",
145             "headers": "Content-Type: application/json\n",
146             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:qos-entries/QOS-1/",
147             "preRequestScript": "",
148             "pathVariables": {},
149             "method": "PUT",
150             "data": [],
151             "dataMode": "raw",
152             "version": 2,
153             "tests": "",
154             "currentHelper": "normal",
155             "helperAttributes": {},
156             "time": 1454572737919,
157             "name": "Add a Queue List to a QoS entry",
158             "description": "This restconf adds a Queue to a Qos entry by specifying a queue-list\nin the Qos entry which uses the operational queue UUID value.",
159             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
160             "responses": [],
161             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"ovsdb:qos-entries\": [\n    {\n      \"qos-id\": \"QOS-1\",\n      \"queue-list\": [\n          {\n              \"queue-number\": \"0\",\n              \"queue-uuid\": \"8100a05f-d3fa-4e65-bbd1-6e886713f592\"\n          }\n        ]\n    }\n  ]\n}"
162         },
163         {
164             "id": "78f912b9-eb93-6df1-e6bd-b175a8ee097a",
165             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
166             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1%2Fbridge%2Fbr-test/termination-point/testport/",
167             "preRequestScript": "",
168             "pathVariables": {},
169             "method": "PUT",
170             "data": [],
171             "dataMode": "raw",
172             "version": 2,
173             "tests": "",
174             "currentHelper": "normal",
175             "helperAttributes": {},
176             "time": 1454573176142,
177             "name": "Create Termination Point",
178             "description": "This restconf request creates port/interface (`testport`) and attach it to give bridge 'br-test'. \n",
179             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
180             "responses": [],
181             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"network-topology:termination-point\": [\n    \t{\n\t  \t\t\"ovsdb:name\": \"testport\",\n  \t\t\t\"tp-id\": \"testport\"\n\t\t}\n    ]\n}"
182         },
183         {
184             "id": "8470a026-b32c-a292-49a2-a523fe831881",
185             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nAccept: application/json\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
186             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/",
187             "preRequestScript": "",
188             "pathVariables": {},
189             "method": "POST",
190             "data": [],
191             "dataMode": "raw",
192             "version": 2,
193             "tests": "",
194             "currentHelper": "normal",
195             "helperAttributes": {},
196             "time": 1454573115055,
197             "name": "POST to create OVSDB NODE HOST1",
198             "description": "Fire this Restconf request if you want to initiate the connection to ovsdb node from controller. It assumes that ovsdb node is listening for tcp connection in passive mode. To configure the ovsdb node for listening incoming connection, please fire following command at ovsdb node machine\n\n\"ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:16640\"",
199             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
200             "responses": [],
201             "rawModeData": "\r\n        {\r\n            \"node\": [\r\n                {\r\n                    \"node-id\": \"ovsdb:HOST1\",\r\n                    \"connection-info\": {\r\n                        \"ovsdb:remote-ip\": \"{{HYPERVISOR-IP}}\",\r\n                        \"ovsdb:remote-port\": \"{{HYPERVISOR-OVSDB-PORT}}\"\r\n                    }\r\n                }\r\n            ]\r\n        }\r\n"
202         },
203         {
204             "id": "9d1dc5b0-99a2-9d31-29b6-35dcc0cf24fa",
205             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
206             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:queues/QUEUE-1/",
207             "preRequestScript": "",
208             "pathVariables": {},
209             "method": "GET",
210             "data": [],
211             "dataMode": "params",
212             "version": 2,
213             "tests": "",
214             "currentHelper": "normal",
215             "helperAttributes": {},
216             "time": 1454572710554,
217             "name": "Get a specific operaiontal Queue entry",
218             "description": "This restconf command will query the operational md-sal for a specified Queue entry (e.g. 'QUEUE-1') which has previously been added to the config md-sal.\n\nThis is useful in order to get the actual UUID of the Queue entry in order to assign it to a Qos entry.",
219             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
220             "responses": []
221         },
222         {
223             "id": "c3549a74-512b-7e93-a5e8-0219e1956c99",
224             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
225             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1%2Fbridge%2Fbr-test/termination-point/testport/",
226             "preRequestScript": "",
227             "pathVariables": {},
228             "method": "PUT",
229             "data": [],
230             "dataMode": "raw",
231             "version": 2,
232             "tests": "",
233             "currentHelper": "normal",
234             "helperAttributes": {},
235             "time": 1454572787173,
236             "name": "Delete a QoS UUID from a termination point",
237             "description": "This restconf request will delete a Qos entry from a port (termination point).\n\nNote - this is done by doing a PUT operation on the termination port with the Qos\nentry cleared.",
238             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
239             "responses": [],
240             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"network-topology:termination-point\": [\n    \t{\n \t  \t\t\"ovsdb:name\": \"testport\",\n \t\t\t\"tp-id\": \"testport\"\n  \t\t}\n    ]\n}"
241         },
242         {
243             "id": "f1627096-7541-0c7e-e998-cd29e90f2547",
244             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\n",
245             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1%2Fbridge%2Fbr-test",
246             "preRequestScript": "",
247             "pathVariables": {},
248             "method": "PUT",
249             "data": [],
250             "dataMode": "raw",
251             "version": 2,
252             "tests": "",
253             "currentHelper": "normal",
254             "helperAttributes": {},
255             "time": 1454572634841,
256             "name": "Create bridge br-test on HOST1",
257             "description": "Create bridge \"br-test\" on OVSDB node \"ovsdb:HOST1\"",
258             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
259             "responses": [],
260             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"network-topology:node\": [\n        {\n            \"node-id\": \"ovsdb:HOST1/bridge/br-test\",\n             \"ovsdb:bridge-name\": \"br=test\",\n             \"ovsdb:managed-by\": \"/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology[network-topology:topology-id='ovsdb:1']/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='ovsdb:HOST1']\"\n        }\n    ]\n}"
261         },
262         {
263             "id": "fbecd07b-135b-6070-0178-71af93998104",
264             "headers": "",
265             "url": "http://{{CONTROLLER-IP}}:8181/restconf/config/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:HOST1/ovsdb:qos-entries/QOS-1/",
266             "preRequestScript": "",
267             "pathVariables": {},
268             "method": "DELETE",
269             "data": [],
270             "dataMode": "params",
271             "version": 2,
272             "tests": "",
273             "currentHelper": "normal",
274             "helperAttributes": {},
275             "time": 1454572816260,
276             "name": "Delete a QoS entry from a node",
277             "description": "This restconf command will delete a Qos entry from an ovsdb node.",
278             "collectionId": "af60f3ad-e690-74ea-1a5a-2ed6f4013755",
279             "responses": []
280         }
281     ]
282 }