[netconf.git] / restconf / restconf-nb-rfc8040 / src / test / java / org / opendaylight / restconf / nb / rfc8040 / jersey / providers / errors / RestconfDocumentedExceptionMapperTest.java
1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2019 FRINX s.r.o. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5  * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
6  * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7  */
8 package org.opendaylight.restconf.nb.rfc8040.jersey.providers.errors;
10 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
11 import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
12 import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
13 import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
15 import java.util.Arrays;
16 import java.util.List;
17 import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders;
18 import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
19 import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
20 import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
21 import org.json.JSONException;
22 import org.json.JSONObject;
23 import org.json.XML;
24 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
25 import org.junit.Test;
26 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
27 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
28 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
29 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
30 import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.errors.RestconfDocumentedException;
31 import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.errors.RestconfError;
32 import org.opendaylight.restconf.common.errors.RestconfError.ErrorTag;
33 import org.opendaylight.restconf.nb.rfc8040.MediaTypes;
34 import org.opendaylight.restconf.nb.rfc8040.handlers.SchemaContextHandler;
35 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.ErrorType;
36 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName;
37 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QNameModule;
38 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Revision;
39 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.XMLNamespace;
40 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier;
41 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext;
42 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.test.util.YangParserTestUtils;
43 import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;
45 @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
46 public class RestconfDocumentedExceptionMapperTest {
48     private static final String EMPTY_XML = "<errors xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf\"></errors>";
49     private static final String EMPTY_JSON = "{}";
50     private static final QNameModule MONITORING_MODULE_INFO = QNameModule.create(
51         XMLNamespace.of("instance:identifier:patch:module"), Revision.of("2015-11-21"));
53     private static RestconfDocumentedExceptionMapper exceptionMapper;
55     @BeforeClass
56     public static void setupExceptionMapper() {
57         final SchemaContext schemaContext = YangParserTestUtils.parseYangResources(
58                 RestconfDocumentedExceptionMapperTest.class, "/restconf/impl/ietf-restconf@2017-01-26.yang",
59                 "/instanceidentifier/yang/instance-identifier-patch-module.yang");
60         final SchemaContextHandler schemaContextHandler = mock(SchemaContextHandler.class);
61         doReturn(schemaContext).when(schemaContextHandler).get();
63         exceptionMapper = new RestconfDocumentedExceptionMapper(schemaContextHandler);
64     }
66     /**
67      * Testing entries 0 - 6: testing of media types and empty responses.
68      * Testing entries 7 - 8: testing of deriving of status codes from error entries.
69      * Testing entries 9 - 10: testing of serialization of different optional fields of error entries (JSON/XML).
70      *
71      * @return Testing data for parametrized test.
72      */
73     @Parameters(name = "{index}: {0}: {1}")
74     public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
75         final RestconfDocumentedException sampleComplexError =
76             new RestconfDocumentedException("general message", new IllegalStateException("cause"), List.of(
77                 new RestconfError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, ErrorTag.BAD_ATTRIBUTE, "message 1", "app tag #1"),
78                 new RestconfError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, ErrorTag.OPERATION_FAILED,
79                     "message 2", "app tag #2", "my info"),
80                 new RestconfError(ErrorType.RPC, ErrorTag.DATA_MISSING,
81                     "message 3", " app tag #3", "my error info", YangInstanceIdentifier.builder()
82                     .node(QName.create(MONITORING_MODULE_INFO, "patch-cont"))
83                     .node(QName.create(MONITORING_MODULE_INFO, "my-list1"))
84                     .nodeWithKey(QName.create(MONITORING_MODULE_INFO, "my-list1"),
85                         QName.create(MONITORING_MODULE_INFO, "name"), "sample")
86                     .node(QName.create(MONITORING_MODULE_INFO, "my-leaf12"))
87                     .build())));
89         return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
90             {
91                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and XML output derived from content type",
92                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.BAD_REQUEST),
93                 mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE, List.of()),
94                 Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
95                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_XML_TYPE)
96                         .entity(EMPTY_XML)
97                         .build()
98             },
99             {
100                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and JSON output derived from unsupported content type",
101                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR),
102                 mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, List.of()),
103                 Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
104                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
105                         .entity(EMPTY_JSON)
106                         .build()
107             },
108             {
109                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and JSON output derived from missing content type "
110                         + "and accepted media types",
111                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED),
112                 mockHttpHeaders(null, List.of()),
113                 Response.status(Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
114                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
115                         .entity(EMPTY_JSON)
116                         .build()
117             },
118             {
119                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and JSON output derived from expected types - both JSON"
120                         + "and XML types are accepted, but server should prefer JSON format",
121                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR),
122                 mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, List.of(
123                         MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE,
124                         MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE)),
125                 Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
126                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
127                         .entity(EMPTY_JSON)
128                         .build()
129             },
130             {
131                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and JSON output derived from expected types - there"
132                         + "is only a wildcard type that should be mapped to default type",
133                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.NOT_FOUND),
134                 mockHttpHeaders(null, List.of(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE)),
135                 Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND)
136                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
137                         .entity(EMPTY_JSON)
138                         .build()
139             },
140             {
141                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and XML output derived from expected types - "
142                         + "we should choose the most specific and supported type",
143                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.NOT_FOUND),
144                 mockHttpHeaders(null, List.of(MediaType.valueOf("*/yang-data+json"),
145                         MediaType.valueOf("application/yang-data+xml"), MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE)),
146                 Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND)
147                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_XML_TYPE)
148                         .entity(EMPTY_XML)
149                         .build()
150             },
151             {
152                 "Mapping of the exception without any errors and XML output derived from expected types - "
153                         + "we should choose the most specific and supported type",
154                 new RestconfDocumentedException(Status.NOT_FOUND),
155                 mockHttpHeaders(null, List.of(MediaType.valueOf("*/unsupported"),
156                         MediaType.valueOf("application/*"), MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE)),
157                 Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND)
158                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
159                         .entity(EMPTY_JSON)
160                         .build()
161             },
162             {
163                 "Mapping of the exception with one error entry but null status code. This status code should"
164                         + "be derived from single error entry; JSON output",
165                 new RestconfDocumentedException("Sample error message"),
166                 mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, List.of(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_PATCH_JSON_TYPE)),
167                 Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
168                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
169                         .entity("{\n"
170                                 + "  \"errors\": {\n"
171                                 + "    \"error\": [\n"
172                                 + "      {\n"
173                                 + "        \"error-tag\": \"operation-failed\",\n"
174                                 + "        \"error-message\": \"Sample error message\",\n"
175                                 + "        \"error-type\": \"application\"\n"
176                                 + "      }\n"
177                                 + "    ]\n"
178                                 + "  }\n"
179                                 + "}")
180                         .build()
181             },
182             {
183                 "Mapping of the exception with two error entries but null status code. This status code should"
184                         + "be derived from the first error entry that is specified; XML output",
185                 new RestconfDocumentedException("general message", new IllegalStateException("cause"), List.of(
186                                 new RestconfError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, ErrorTag.BAD_ATTRIBUTE, "message 1"),
187                                 new RestconfError(ErrorType.APPLICATION, ErrorTag.OPERATION_FAILED, "message 2"))),
188                 mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, List.of(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_PATCH_XML_TYPE)),
189                 Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
190                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_XML_TYPE)
191                         .entity("<errors xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf\">\n"
192                                 + "<error>\n"
193                                 + "<error-message>message 1</error-message>\n"
194                                 + "<error-tag>bad-attribute</error-tag>\n"
195                                 + "<error-type>application</error-type>\n"
196                                 + "</error>\n"
197                                 + "<error>\n"
198                                 + "<error-message>message 2</error-message>\n"
199                                 + "<error-tag>operation-failed</error-tag>\n"
200                                 + "<error-type>application</error-type>\n"
201                                 + "</error>\n"
202                                 + "</errors>")
203                         .build()
204             },
205             {
206                 "Mapping of the exception with three entries and optional entries set: error app tag (the first error),"
207                         + " error info (the second error), and error path (the last error); JSON output",
208                 sampleComplexError, mockHttpHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, List.of(
209                         MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)),
210                 Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
211                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE)
212                         .entity("{\n"
213                                 + "  \"errors\": {\n"
214                                 + "    \"error\": [\n"
215                                 + "      {\n"
216                                 + "        \"error-tag\": \"bad-attribute\",\n"
217                                 + "        \"error-app-tag\": \"app tag #1\",\n"
218                                 + "        \"error-message\": \"message 1\",\n"
219                                 + "        \"error-type\": \"application\"\n"
220                                 + "      },\n"
221                                 + "      {\n"
222                                 + "        \"error-tag\": \"operation-failed\",\n"
223                                 + "        \"error-app-tag\": \"app tag #2\",\n"
224                                 + "        \"error-info\": \"my info\",\n"
225                                 + "        \"error-message\": \"message 2\",\n"
226                                 + "        \"error-type\": \"application\"\n"
227                                 + "      },\n"
228                                 + "      {\n"
229                                 + "        \"error-tag\": \"data-missing\",\n"
230                                 + "        \"error-app-tag\": \" app tag #3\",\n"
231                                 + "        \"error-info\": \"my error info\",\n"
232                                 + "        \"error-message\": \"message 3\",\n"
233                                 + "        \"error-path\": \"/instance-identifier-patch-module:patch-cont/"
234                                 + "my-list1[name='sample']/my-leaf12\",\n"
235                                 + "        \"error-type\": \"rpc\"\n"
236                                 + "      }\n"
237                                 + "    ]\n"
238                                 + "  }\n"
239                                 + "}")
240                         .build()
241             },
242             {
243                 "Mapping of the exception with three entries and optional entries set: error app tag (the first error),"
244                         + " error info (the second error), and error path (the last error); XML output",
245                 sampleComplexError, mockHttpHeaders(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_PATCH_JSON_TYPE,
246                         List.of(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_XML_TYPE)),
247                 Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)
248                         .type(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_XML_TYPE)
249                         .entity("<errors xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf\">\n"
250                                 + "<error>\n"
251                                 + "<error-type>application</error-type>\n"
252                                 + "<error-message>message 1</error-message>\n"
253                                 + "<error-tag>bad-attribute</error-tag>\n"
254                                 + "<error-app-tag>app tag #1</error-app-tag>\n"
255                                 + "</error>\n"
256                                 + "<error>\n"
257                                 + "<error-type>application</error-type>\n"
258                                 + "<error-message>message 2</error-message>\n"
259                                 + "<error-tag>operation-failed</error-tag>\n"
260                                 + "<error-app-tag>app tag #2</error-app-tag>\n"
261                                 + "<error-info>my info</error-info></error>\n"
262                                 + "<error>\n"
263                                 + "<error-type>rpc</error-type>\n"
264                                 + "<error-path xmlns:a=\"instance:identifier:patch:module\">/a:patch-cont/"
265                                 + "a:my-list1[a:name='sample']/a:my-leaf12</error-path>\n"
266                                 + "<error-message>message 3</error-message>\n"
267                                 + "<error-tag>data-missing</error-tag>\n"
268                                 + "<error-app-tag> app tag #3</error-app-tag>\n"
269                                 + "<error-info>my error info</error-info>\n"
270                                 + "</error>\n"
271                                 + "</errors>")
272                         .build()
273             }
274         });
275     }
277     @Parameter
278     public String testDescription;
279     @Parameter(1)
280     public RestconfDocumentedException thrownException;
281     @Parameter(2)
282     public HttpHeaders httpHeaders;
283     @Parameter(3)
284     public Response expectedResponse;
286     @Test
287     public void testMappingOfExceptionToResponse() throws JSONException {
288         exceptionMapper.setHttpHeaders(httpHeaders);
289         final Response response = exceptionMapper.toResponse(thrownException);
290         compareResponseWithExpectation(expectedResponse, response);
291     }
293     @Test
294     public void testFormatingJson() throws JSONException {
295         assumeTrue(expectedResponse.getMediaType().equals(MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE));
297         exceptionMapper.setHttpHeaders(httpHeaders);
298         final Response response = exceptionMapper.toResponse(thrownException);
299         assertEquals(expectedResponse.getEntity().toString(), response.getEntity().toString());
300     }
302     private static HttpHeaders mockHttpHeaders(final MediaType contentType, final List<MediaType> acceptedTypes) {
303         final HttpHeaders httpHeaders = mock(HttpHeaders.class);
304         doReturn(contentType).when(httpHeaders).getMediaType();
305         doReturn(acceptedTypes).when(httpHeaders).getAcceptableMediaTypes();
306         return httpHeaders;
307     }
309     private static void compareResponseWithExpectation(final Response expectedResponse, final Response actualResponse)
310             throws JSONException {
311         final String errorMessage = String.format("Actual response %s doesn't equal to expected response %s",
312                 actualResponse, expectedResponse);
313         assertEquals(errorMessage, expectedResponse.getStatus(), actualResponse.getStatus());
314         assertEquals(errorMessage, expectedResponse.getMediaType(), actualResponse.getMediaType());
315         if (MediaTypes.APPLICATION_YANG_DATA_JSON_TYPE.equals(expectedResponse.getMediaType())) {
316             JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedResponse.getEntity().toString(),
317                     actualResponse.getEntity().toString(), true);
318         } else {
319             final JSONObject expectedResponseInJson = XML.toJSONObject(expectedResponse.getEntity().toString());
320             final JSONObject actualResponseInJson = XML.toJSONObject(actualResponse.getEntity().toString());
321             JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedResponseInJson, actualResponseInJson, true);
322         }
323     }
324 }