[netconf.git] / restconf / restconf-openapi / src / test / resources / yang-document / device-string-types.json
1 {
2   "openapi": "3.0.3",
3   "info": {
4     "version": "1.0.0",
5     "title": "string-types",
6     "description": "We are providing full API for configurational data which can be edited (by POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE).\nFor operational data we only provide GET API.\n\nFor majority of request you can see only config data in examples. That’s because we can show only one example\nper request. The exception when you can see operational data in example is when data are representing\noperational (config false) container with no config data in it."
7   },
8   "servers": [
9     {
10       "url": "http://localhost:8181/"
11     }
12   ],
13   "paths": {
14     "/rests/data/nodes/node=123/yang-ext:mount": {
15       "post": {
16         "tags": [
17           "123 string-types"
18         ],
19         "parameters": [],
20         "requestBody": {
21           "description": "test",
22           "content": {
23             "application/xml": {
24               "schema": {
25                 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test"
26               }
27             },
28             "application/json": {
29               "schema": {
30                 "properties": {
31                   "test": {
32                     "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test",
33                     "type": "object"
34                   }
35                 }
36               }
37             }
38           }
39         },
40         "responses": {
41           "201": {
42             "description": "Created"
43           }
44         },
45         "description": "\n\nNote:\nIn example payload, you can see only the first data node child of the resource to be created, following the\nguidelines of RFC 8040, which allows us to create only one resource in POST request.\n",
46         "summary": "POST - 123 - string-types - string-types"
47       }
48     },
49     "/rests/data/nodes/node=123/yang-ext:mount/string-types:test": {
50       "get": {
51         "tags": [
52           "123 string-types"
53         ],
54         "parameters": [
55           {
56             "name": "content",
57             "in": "query",
58             "required": false,
59             "schema": {
60               "enum": [
61                 "config",
62                 "nonconfig",
63                 "all"
64               ],
65               "type": "string"
66             }
67           }
68         ],
69         "responses": {
70           "200": {
71             "description": "200",
72             "content": {
73               "application/xml": {
74                 "schema": {
75                   "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test"
76                 }
77               },
78               "application/json": {
79                 "schema": {
80                   "properties": {
81                     "test": {
82                       "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test",
83                       "type": "object"
84                     }
85                   }
86                 }
87               }
88             }
89           }
90         },
91         "description": "Tests various combinations of regex expressions found in snmp yang models,\nwhich are causing problems because of isBasicLatin expression.\n\nAccording to https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf basic latin characters are in range\n0x00-0x7F ([\\x00-\\xFF] or [\\u0000-\\u00FF]). This means it should be safe to replace isBasicLatin\nin regex expressions for characters in this range.",
92         "summary": "GET - 123 - string-types - test"
93       },
94       "put": {
95         "tags": [
96           "123 string-types"
97         ],
98         "parameters": [],
99         "requestBody": {
100           "description": "test",
101           "content": {
102             "application/xml": {
103               "schema": {
104                 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test"
105               }
106             },
107             "application/json": {
108               "schema": {
109                 "properties": {
110                   "string-types:test": {
111                     "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test",
112                     "type": "object"
113                   }
114                 }
115               }
116             }
117           }
118         },
119         "responses": {
120           "204": {
121             "description": "Updated"
122           },
123           "201": {
124             "description": "Created"
125           }
126         },
127         "description": "Tests various combinations of regex expressions found in snmp yang models,\nwhich are causing problems because of isBasicLatin expression.\n\nAccording to https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf basic latin characters are in range\n0x00-0x7F ([\\x00-\\xFF] or [\\u0000-\\u00FF]). This means it should be safe to replace isBasicLatin\nin regex expressions for characters in this range.",
128         "summary": "PUT - string-types - 123 - test"
129       },
130       "delete": {
131         "tags": [
132           "123 string-types"
133         ],
134         "parameters": [],
135         "responses": {
136           "204": {
137             "description": "Deleted"
138           }
139         },
140         "description": "Tests various combinations of regex expressions found in snmp yang models,\nwhich are causing problems because of isBasicLatin expression.\n\nAccording to https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf basic latin characters are in range\n0x00-0x7F ([\\x00-\\xFF] or [\\u0000-\\u00FF]). This means it should be safe to replace isBasicLatin\nin regex expressions for characters in this range.",
141         "summary": "DELETE - 123 - string-types - test"
142       },
143       "patch": {
144         "tags": [
145           "123 string-types"
146         ],
147         "parameters": [],
148         "requestBody": {
149           "description": "test",
150           "content": {
151             "application/yang-data+json": {
152               "schema": {
153                 "properties": {
154                   "string-types:test": {
155                     "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test",
156                     "type": "object"
157                   }
158                 }
159               }
160             },
161             "application/yang-data+xml": {
162               "schema": {
163                 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/string-types_test"
164               }
165             }
166           }
167         },
168         "responses": {
169           "200": {
170             "description": "OK"
171           },
172           "204": {
173             "description": "Updated"
174           }
175         },
176         "description": "Tests various combinations of regex expressions found in snmp yang models,\nwhich are causing problems because of isBasicLatin expression.\n\nAccording to https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf basic latin characters are in range\n0x00-0x7F ([\\x00-\\xFF] or [\\u0000-\\u00FF]). This means it should be safe to replace isBasicLatin\nin regex expressions for characters in this range.",
177         "summary": "PATCH - string-types - 123 - test"
178       }
179     }
180   },
181   "components": {
182     "schemas": {
183       "string-types_test": {
184         "properties": {
185           "date-and-time": {
186             "description": "",
187             "type": "string",
188             "example": "",
189             "minLength": 8,
190             "maxLength": 11
191           },
192           "braille-patterns": {
193             "description": "",
194             "type": "string",
195             "example": "",
196             "minLength": 10,
197             "maxLength": 10
198           },
199           "mac-address": {
200             "description": "",
201             "type": "string",
202             "example": "00:",
203             "minLength": 6,
204             "maxLength": 6
205           },
206           "phys-address": {
207             "description": "",
208             "type": "string",
209             "example": "00:",
210             "minLength": 0,
211             "maxLength": 2147483647
212           },
213           "arrows": {
214             "description": "",
215             "type": "string",
216             "example": "",
217             "minLength": 10,
218             "maxLength": 10
219           },
220           "mathematical-operators": {
221             "description": "",
222             "type": "string",
223             "example": "",
224             "minLength": 10,
225             "maxLength": 10
226           },
227           "thai": {
228             "description": "",
229             "type": "string",
230             "example": "",
231             "minLength": 10,
232             "maxLength": 10
233           },
234           "display-string": {
235             "description": "",
236             "type": "string",
237             "example": "",
238             "minLength": 0,
239             "maxLength": 255
240           }
241         },
242         "xml": {
243           "name": "test",
244           "namespace": "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:test:string:types"
245         },
246         "description": "Tests various combinations of regex expressions found in snmp yang models,\nwhich are causing problems because of isBasicLatin expression.\n\nAccording to https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf basic latin characters are in range\n0x00-0x7F ([\\x00-\\xFF] or [\\u0000-\\u00FF]). This means it should be safe to replace isBasicLatin\nin regex expressions for characters in this range.",
247         "title": "string-types_test",
248         "type": "object"
249       }
250     },
251     "securitySchemes": {
252       "basicAuth": {
253         "scheme": "basic",
254         "type": "http"
255       }
256     }
257   },
258   "security": [
259     {
260       "basicAuth": []
261     }
262   ]
263 }