BUG-2363: Wire NSF apps to local models
[openflowplugin.git] / test-scripts / xmls / ef26.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
2 <flow xmlns="urn:opendaylight:flow:inventory">
3     <strict>false</strict>
4     <flow-name>FooXf26</flow-name>
5     <id>149</id>
6     <cookie_mask>255</cookie_mask>
7     <cookie>26</cookie>
8     <table_id>2</table_id>
9     <priority>2</priority>
10     <hard-timeout>1200</hard-timeout>
11     <idle-timeout>3400</idle-timeout>
12     <installHw>false</installHw>
13     <instructions>
14         <instruction>
15             <order>0</order>
16             <apply-actions>
17                 <action>
18                     <order>0</order>
19                     <dec-nw-ttl/>
20                 </action>
21             </apply-actions>
22         </instruction>
23     </instructions>
24     <match>
25         <ethernet-match>
26             <ethernet-type>
27                 <type>34525</type>
28             </ethernet-type>
29         </ethernet-match>
30         <ipv6-source>1234:5678:9ABC:DEF0:FDCD:A987:6543:0/76</ipv6-source>
31         <ipv6-destination>fe80:2acf:e9ff:fe21::0/94</ipv6-destination>
32         <!-- 1. err - missing prereq. definition for icmpv6-much-type -->
33         <!-- 2. err - conflict -> nd-sll needs 135 and nd-ttl needs 136 for icmpv6-much-type, so only one could be presented -->
34         <ipv6-nd-target>fe80:3456:789A:fe21::6431</ipv6-nd-target>
35         <ipv6-nd-sll>12:34:56:78:9A:BC</ipv6-nd-sll>
36         <ipv6-nd-tll>FE:DC:BA:98:76:54</ipv6-nd-tll>
37         <metadata>
38             <metadata>12345</metadata>
39         </metadata>
40         <ip-match>
41             <!-- 3. err - ip-protocol tcp ? for nd ? No we need icmpIPv6 -> 58  -->
42             <ip-protocol>6</ip-protocol>
43             <ip-dscp>60</ip-dscp>
44             <ip-ecn>3</ip-ecn>
45         </ip-match>
46         <!-- 4. err - tcp for icmp is not correct, both values need to be removed -->
47         <tcp-source-port>183</tcp-source-port>
48         <tcp-destination-port>8080</tcp-destination-port>
49     </match>
50 </flow>