Enable JSON linting via Coala, fix JSON errors
[integration/packaging.git] / tutorials / cluster-nodes / ODL_clustering.postman_collection.json
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68         {
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73             "preRequestScript": "",
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78             "name": "GET shard-topology-operational",
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103             "name": "RPC add-replicas-for-all-shards",
104             "description": "Adds replicas on this node for all currently defined shards. This is equivalent to issuing an add-shard-replica RPC for all shards.",
105             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
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122             "time": 1485206134489,
123             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Topology",
124             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
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142             "name": "Fetch Cluster details",
143             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nMembers field should list all the cluster nodes added to the cluster.\nAlso the Unreachable fields should be empty.\n",
144             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
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161             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Inventory",
162             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
163             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
164             "responses": []
165         },
166         {
167             "id": "6327aa5f-1b46-12bc-8a6e-c23eeedb1e50",
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179             "time": 1485207730541,
180             "name": "GET entity-ownership-operational",
181             "description": "",
182             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
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184         },
185         {
186             "id": "7307e998-b3b6-134a-6294-12bd30dcf906",
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192             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
193             "data": [],
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195             "name": "RPC backup-datastore",
196             "description": "Creates a backup file of the datastore state.\n\nTo restore the backup on the target node the file needs to be placed into the $KARAF_HOME/clustered-datastore-restore directory, and then the node restarted. If the directory does not exist (which is quite likely if this is a first-time restore) it needs to be created. On startup, ODL checks if the journal and snapshots directories in $KARAF_HOME are empty, and only then tries to read the contents of the clustered-datastore-restore directory, if it exists. So for a successful restore, those two directories should be empty. The backup file name itself does not matter, and the startup process will delete it after a successful restore.",
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198             "time": 1485290717090,
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202             "currentHelper": "normal",
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204             "folder": "27881d9d-f4fe-0fbf-861c-974b230d347b",
205             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"input\": {\n    \"file-path\": \"/tmp/datastore_backup\"\n  }\n}"
206         },
207         {
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227         },
228         {
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238             "name": "RPC remove-shard-replica",
239             "description": "Removes an existing replica of a shard from this node via the RemoveServer mechanism as described in the Raft paper.",
240             "descriptionFormat": "html",
241             "time": 1485290364020,
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248             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"input\": {\n    \"shard-name\": \"default\",\n    \"member-name\": \"member-2\",\n    \"data-store-type\": \"config\"\n  }\n}"
249         },
250         {
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263             "time": 1485204541025,
264             "name": "Fetch Cluster details",
265             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nMembers field should list all the cluster nodes added to the cluster.\nAlso the Unreachable fields should be empty.\n",
266             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646"
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281             "time": 1485204322745,
282             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Inventory",
283             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
284             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
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287         },
288         {
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291             "url": ",Category=ShardManager,name=shard-manager-config",
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299             "currentHelper": "normal",
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301             "time": 1485206201789,
302             "name": "Get config local shards",
303             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
304             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
305             "responses": []
306         },
307         {
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321             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Topology",
322             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
323             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
324             "responses": []
325         },
326         {
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328             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
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340             "name": "Fetch Cluster details",
341             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nMembers field should list all the cluster nodes added to the cluster.\nAlso the Unreachable fields should be empty.\n",
342             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646"
343         },
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365         {
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367             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
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375             "name": "RPC remove-all-shard-replicas",
376             "description": "Removes replicas for all shards on this node. This is equivalent to issuing a remove-shard-replica for all shards and essentially removes this node from a cluster.",
377             "descriptionFormat": "html",
378             "time": 1485290286817,
379             "version": 2,
380             "responses": [],
381             "tests": "",
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384             "folder": "27881d9d-f4fe-0fbf-861c-974b230d347b",
385             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"input\": {\n    \"member-name\": \"member-1\"\n  }\n}"
386         },
387         {
388             "id": "d30bb5b1-2076-13a5-9b4f-1a25799b1a3c",
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397             "name": "RPC flip-member-voting-states-for-all-shards",
398             "description": "Flips the voting states of all cluster members for all shards, such that if a member was voting it becomes non-voting and vice versa.",
399             "descriptionFormat": "html",
400             "time": 1485289993429,
401             "version": 2,
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403             "tests": "",
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405             "helperAttributes": {},
406             "folder": "27881d9d-f4fe-0fbf-861c-974b230d347b",
407             "rawModeData": ""
408         },
409         {
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411             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
412             "url": ",name=member-2-shard-inventory-config,type=DistributedConfigDatastore",
413             "preRequestScript": "",
414             "pathVariables": {},
415             "method": "GET",
416             "data": [],
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421             "helperAttributes": {},
422             "time": 1485206120320,
423             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Inventory",
424             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
425             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
426             "responses": []
427         },
428         {
429             "id": "e0910063-966e-1b89-043f-409fb028883a",
430             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
431             "url": "",
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437             "version": 2,
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440             "helperAttributes": {},
441             "time": 1485289910941,
442             "name": "RPC change-member-voting-states-for-all-shards",
443             "description": "Changes the voting states, either voting or non-voting, of cluster members for all shards. Non-voting members will no longer participate in leader elections and consensus but will be replicated. This is useful for having a set of members serve as a backup cluster in case the primary voting cluster suffers catastrophic failure. This RPC can be issued to any cluster member and will be forwarded to the leader.",
444             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
445             "responses": [],
446             "rawModeData": "{\n  \"input\": {\n    \"member-voting-state\": [\n      {\n        \"member-name\": \"member-1\",\n        \"voting\": false\n      },\n      {\n        \"member-name\": \"member-2\",\n        \"voting\": false\n      },\n      {\n        \"member-name\": \"member-3\",\n        \"voting\": true\n      }\n    ]\n  }\n}"
447         },
448         {
449             "id": "eba3a877-fa9e-0c8d-8b66-9b2e3ff2e19e",
450             "headers": "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\nContent-Type: application/json\nAccept: application/json\n",
451             "url": ",Category=ShardManager,name=shard-manager-operational",
452             "pathVariables": {},
453             "preRequestScript": "",
454             "method": "GET",
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458             "name": "Get operational local shards",
459             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
460             "descriptionFormat": "html",
461             "time": 1485205009023,
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463             "responses": [],
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467             "folder": "e23de96f-af25-d497-bd13-6fa2bf22b62f"
468         },
469         {
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472             "url": ",Category=ShardManager,name=shard-manager-config",
473             "pathVariables": {},
474             "preRequestScript": "",
475             "method": "GET",
476             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
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479             "name": "Get config local shards",
480             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
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482             "time": 1485204979563,
483             "version": 2,
484             "responses": [],
485             "tests": "",
486             "currentHelper": "normal",
487             "helperAttributes": {},
488             "folder": "e23de96f-af25-d497-bd13-6fa2bf22b62f"
489         },
490         {
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493             "url": ",name=member-1-shard-topology-config,type=DistributedConfigDatastore",
494             "preRequestScript": "",
495             "pathVariables": {},
496             "method": "GET",
497             "data": [],
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499             "version": 2,
500             "tests": "",
501             "currentHelper": "normal",
502             "helperAttributes": {},
503             "time": 1485204359414,
504             "name": "Fetch Shared details-Topology",
505             "description": "Fetch clustering related data and look for following details to make sure that cluster is up and running.\nUser should direct this request to the controller where jolokia agent is installed.",
506             "collectionId": "3560a667-bc27-fe5e-47b0-ae6b69959646",
507             "responses": [],
508             "folder": "e23de96f-af25-d497-bd13-6fa2bf22b62f"
509         }
510     ]
511 }