[![CI Status][7]][6] # OpenDaylight Ansible Role Ansible role for the [OpenDaylight SDN controller][1]. #### Ansible Dependencies: `ansible-galaxy` Releases of this role can also be installed available via [Ansible Galaxy][5] which ships with Ansible. To install the latest version of ansible on RedHat based OSs: ``` $ sudo yum install -y ansible ``` To install the latest version of ansible on Debian based OSs: ``` $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y ansible ``` #### Ansible Dependencies: Roles After you install the `ansible-galaxy` tool, point it at the project's `requirements.yml` file to install ODL's role. ``` [~/ansible-opendaylight]$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml ``` The OpenDaylight Ansible role doesn't depend on any other Ansible roles. ## Role Variables ### Karaf Features To set extra Karaf features to be installed at OpenDaylight start time, pass them in a list to the `extra_features` variable. The extra features you pass will typically be driven by the requirements of your ODL install. You'll almost certainly need to pass some. OpenDaylight normally installs a default set of Karaf features at boot. They are recommended, so the ODL Ansible role defaults to installing them. This can be customized by overriding the `default_features` variable. You shouldn't normally need to do so. ### REST API Port To change the port on which OpenDaylight's northbound listens for REST API calls, use the `odl_rest_port` variable. This was added because OpenStack's Swift project uses a conflicting port. The Ansible role will handle opening this port in FirewallD if it's active. ### Install Method OpenDaylight can be installed either via an RPM or a .deb depending on the operating system. For RedHat based OSs, the valid options for `install_method` are `rpm_repo` or `rpm_path`. For Debian based OSs, `install_method` can accept either `deb_repo` or `deb_path`. ## Installing OpenDaylight To install OpenDaylight on your system, you can make use of `ansible-playbook`. On RedHat based OSs, you can install OpenDaylight from RPM repo (recommended) using the playbook `examples/all_defaults_playbook.yml` or from a local/remote path to an ODL rpm via `examples/rpm_path_install_playbook.yml`. ```Shellsession sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local examples/ ``` On a Debian based OS, you can install OpenDaylight either from a Debian repo using the playbook `examples/deb_repo_install_playbook.yml` or from a local/remote Deb path using `examples/deb_path_install_playbook.yml`. ```Shellsession sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local examples/ ``` You can also use ansible-opendaylight using [Vagrant base box examples of Ansible ODL deployments][8]. ## Example Playbook The simple example playbook below would install and configure OpenDaylight using this role. ```yaml --- - hosts: example_host sudo: yes roles: - opendaylight ``` To override default settings, pass variables to the `opendaylight` role. ```yaml --- - hosts: all sudo: yes roles: - role: opendaylight extra_features: ['odl-netvirt-openstack'] ``` Results in: opendaylight-user@root>feature:list | grep odl-netvirt-openstack odl-netvirt-openstack | | x | odl-netvirt- | OpenDaylight :: NetVirt :: OpenStack ## License The OpenDaylight Ansible role is Open Sourced under a BSD two-clause license. [Contributions encouraged][4]! ## Author Information [Daniel Farrell][2] of the [OpenDaylight Integration/Packaging project][3] is the main developer of this role. See [CONTRIBUTING.md][4] for details about how to contribute to the OpenDaylight Ansible role. [1]: http://www.opendaylight.org/project/technical-overview "OpenDaylight main technical overview" [2]: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/User:Dfarrell07 "Maintainer information" [3]: https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Integration/Packaging "OpenDaylight Integration/Packaging project wiki" [4]: https://github.com/dfarrell07/ansible-opendaylight/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md "OpenDaylight Ansible role contributing docs" [5]: https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles/3948 "OpenDaylight Ansible role on Ansible Galaxy" [6]: https://travis-ci.org/dfarrell07/ansible-opendaylight "OpenDaylight Ansible role Travis CI" [7]: https://travis-ci.org/dfarrell07/ansible-opendaylight.svg "Travis CI status image" [8]: https://github.com/dfarrell07/vagrant-opendaylight#ansible-deployments "Ansible Vagrant deployment"