opendaylight-ui =============== OpenDaylight SDN Controller - UI (AngularJS 100% Client Side) Setting it up ------------ # curl | sh ... Cloning into '/root/.nvm'... remote: Counting objects: 602, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (396/396), done. remote: Total 602 (delta 296), reused 484 (delta 195) Receiving objects: 100% (602/602), 91.40 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (296/296), done. => Appending source string to /root/.profile => Close and reopen your terminal to start using NVM # nvm ls-remote v0.1.14 ... ... ... ... ... ... v0.10.17 ... ... ... ... ... # nvm install 0.10.17 ######################################################################## 100.0% Now using node v0.10.17 # nvm ls v0.10.7 current: v0.10.17 # npm install -g grunt-cli # npm install -g bower # git clone # cd opendaylight-ui # npm install #### Install and copy bower deps # grunt bower Starting a webserver using the grunt command -------------------------------------------- The below steps will also open a webbrowser towards the server on localhost. None of the below tasks will perform minification except Production #### Development Environment Does not reload in the browser when you do changes but updates files on changes. # grunt dev #### Live Development Environment This updates all the files and reloads the page in the browser for each each time a file is changes (Recommended) # grunt live #### Production Environment # grunt prod OpenDaylight NB API Documentation =================================