module gnpy-api { yang-version 1; namespace "gnpy:gnpy-api"; prefix "gnpyapi"; import gnpy-network-topology { prefix "gnpynt"; } import gnpy-path-computation-simplified { prefix "gnpypc"; } organization "Telecom Infra Project OOPT PSE Working Group"; contact "WG Web: contact: contact: "; description "YANG model for gnpy api input for path computation - TransportPCE preversion"; revision "2019-01-03" { description "first draft"; reference "YANG model for api input for path computation with gnpy"; } container gnpy-api{ description "This is the structure of the body of the request to gnpy"; container topology-file{ uses gnpynt:topo; description "Describe the topology file to connect to gnpy"; } container service-file{ uses gnpypc:service; description "Describe the service file to connect to gnpy"; } } }