module olm { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:olm"; prefix "olm"; import org-transportpce-common-types { prefix org-transportpce-common-types; revision-date 2017-09-07; } import ietf-network-topology { prefix ietf-network-topology; revision-date 2015-06-08; } organization "transportPCE"; contact "transportPCE committers - ODL"; description "YANG definitions of RPCs supported by OLM. Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T and others. All rights reserved. authors: Dhruv Bhardwaj ( ) Shweta Vachhani ( )"; revision "2017-04-18" { description "Initial revision of olm model"; } rpc get-pm{ description "This RPC fetches from the device a list of pm measurements on a given resource and granularity."; input{ uses org-transportpce-common-types:olm-get-pm-input; } output{ uses org-transportpce-common-types:olm-get-pm-input; leaf resource-id{ type string; } list measurements { description "Set of parameters related to a PM Measurement"; leaf pmparameter-name{ type string; } leaf pmparameter-value { type string; } } } } rpc service-power-setup{ description "This RPC sets up output power values on a list of ROADMs/Transponders based on the path the wavelength takes"; input{ uses org-transportpce-common-types:olm-renderer-input; } output{ leaf result{ type string; } } } rpc service-power-turndown{ description "This RPC turn down the output power values on a list of ROADMs/Transponders based on the path the wavelength takes"; input{ uses org-transportpce-common-types:olm-renderer-input; } output{ leaf result{ type string; } } } rpc service-power-reset{ description "This RPC re-calculates and re-sets power for all nodes part of a service given in input"; input{ leaf service-name{ type string; description "Name of the service. Unique identifier for serivice"; } } output{ leaf result{ type string; } } } rpc calculate-spanloss-base{ description "This RPC calculates spanloss for the very first time on all links in the network model or any newly discovered link"; input{ leaf src-type { description "Soruce type defines whether RPC runs for all links or given link Id"; type enumeration{ enum "link"{ value 1; } enum "all"{ value 2; } } } leaf link-id { when "../src-type = 'link'"; type ietf-network-topology:link-id; default "all"; description "Link-Id for the link where spanloss-base needs to be calculated. Default option is calculating spanloss for all Roadm to Roadm links"; } } output{ leaf result{ type string; } list spans { leaf link-id { type ietf-network-topology:link-id; } leaf spanloss { type string; } } } } rpc calculate-spanloss-current{ description "This RPC can be used by PM monitoring to calculate spanloss periodically"; input{ } output{ leaf result{ type string; } } } }