module transportpce-common-types { namespace "http://org/transportpce/common-types"; prefix org-transportpce-common-types; import org-openroadm-resource-types { prefix org-openroadm-resource-types; revision-date 2016-10-14; } import org-openroadm-pm-types { prefix org-openroadm-pm-types; revision-date 2016-10-14; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Initial revision of TransportPCE common-types"; } grouping olm-renderer-input { leaf service-name { type string; } leaf wave-number { type uint32; } list nodes { ordered-by user; key "node-id"; leaf node-id { type string; description "Gloabally unique identifier for the node"; } leaf src-tp { type string; description "Source termination point "; mandatory true; } leaf dest-tp { type string; description "Destination termination point "; mandatory true; } } description "Type to be used by OLM and Renderer RPCs"; } grouping olm-get-pm-input { leaf node-id { type string; description "Gloabally unique identifier for the node"; mandatory true; } leaf resource-type { type org-openroadm-resource-types:resource-type-enum; description "Type of the PM resource"; mandatory true; } container resource-identifier { leaf resource-name { type string; description "Identifier of particular resource of given type"; mandatory true; } leaf circuit-pack-name { when "../../resource-type = 'port'"; type string; description "In case resource type is port, then particular resource is identified by port-name (resource-name) and circuit-pack-name (this leaf)."; mandatory true; } } leaf granularity { type org-openroadm-pm-types:pm-granularity; description "Granularity of PM bin can be notApplicable,15min,24Hour"; mandatory true; } } grouping node-interfaces { list node-interface { key node-id; leaf node-id { type string; } leaf-list och-interface-id { type string; } leaf-list otu-interface-id { type string; } leaf-list odu-interface-id { type string; } leaf-list eth-interface-id { type string; } leaf-list connection-id { type string; } } } }