/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.impl; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.DataObjectModification; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.DataTreeModification; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.SyncReactor; import org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.dao.FlowCapableNodeDao; import org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.dao.FlowCapableNodeSnapshotDao; import org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.util.PathUtil; import org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync.util.SyncupEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.inventory.rev130819.FlowCapableNode; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.inventory.rev130819.NodeId; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Listens to config changes and delegates sync entry to {@link SyncReactor}. */ public class SimplifiedConfigListener extends AbstractFrmSyncListener { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimplifiedConfigListener.class); private final SyncReactor reactor; private final FlowCapableNodeSnapshotDao configSnapshot; private final FlowCapableNodeDao operationalDao; public SimplifiedConfigListener(final SyncReactor reactor, final FlowCapableNodeSnapshotDao configSnapshot, final FlowCapableNodeDao operationalDao) { this.reactor = reactor; this.configSnapshot = configSnapshot; this.operationalDao = operationalDao; } @Override public void onDataTreeChanged(final List> modifications) { super.onDataTreeChanged(modifications); } /** * Update cache. If operational data are present, choose appropriate data and start syncup. * Otherwise skip incoming change. */ @Override protected Optional> processNodeModification( final DataTreeModification modification) { final InstanceIdentifier nodePath = modification.getRootPath().path(); final NodeId nodeId = PathUtil.digNodeId(nodePath); configSnapshot.updateCache(nodeId, Optional.ofNullable(modification.getRootNode().dataAfter())); final Optional operationalNode = operationalDao.loadByNodeId(nodeId); if (operationalNode.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Skip syncup, {} operational is not present", nodeId.getValue()); return Optional.empty(); } final DataObjectModification configModification = modification.getRootNode(); final FlowCapableNode dataBefore = configModification.dataBefore(); final FlowCapableNode dataAfter = configModification.dataAfter(); final ListenableFuture endResult; if (dataBefore == null && dataAfter != null) { endResult = onNodeAdded(nodePath, dataAfter, operationalNode.orElseThrow()); } else if (dataBefore != null && dataAfter == null) { endResult = onNodeDeleted(nodePath, dataBefore); } else { endResult = onNodeUpdated(nodePath, dataBefore, dataAfter); } return Optional.of(endResult); } /** * If node was added to config DS and it is already present in operational DS (connected) diff between current * new configuration and actual configuration (seen in operational) should be calculated and sent to device. */ private ListenableFuture onNodeAdded(final InstanceIdentifier nodePath, final FlowCapableNode dataAfter, final FlowCapableNode operationalNode) { LOG.debug("Reconciliation {}: {}", dsType(), PathUtil.digNodeId(nodePath).getValue()); final SyncupEntry syncupEntry = new SyncupEntry(dataAfter, dsType(), operationalNode, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL); return reactor.syncup(nodePath, syncupEntry); } /** * Apply minimal changes very fast. For better performance needed just compare config * after+before. Config listener should not be dependent on operational flows/groups/meters while * updating config because operational store is highly async and it depends on another module in * system which is updating operational store (that components is also trying to solve * scale/performance issues on several layers). */ private ListenableFuture onNodeUpdated(final InstanceIdentifier nodePath, final FlowCapableNode dataBefore, final FlowCapableNode dataAfter) { final SyncupEntry syncupEntry = new SyncupEntry(dataAfter, dsType(), dataBefore, dsType()); return reactor.syncup(nodePath, syncupEntry); } /** * Remove values that are being deleted in the config from the switch. * Note, this could be probably optimized using dedicated wipe-out RPC. */ private ListenableFuture onNodeDeleted(final InstanceIdentifier nodePath, final FlowCapableNode dataBefore) { final SyncupEntry syncupEntry = new SyncupEntry(null, dsType(), dataBefore, dsType()); return reactor.syncup(nodePath, syncupEntry); } @Override public LogicalDatastoreType dsType() { return LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION; } }