/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.jaxen; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import java.util.Optional; import org.jaxen.expr.AllNodeStep; import org.jaxen.expr.BinaryExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.CommentNodeStep; import org.jaxen.expr.Expr; import org.jaxen.expr.FilterExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.FunctionCallExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.LiteralExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.LocationPath; import org.jaxen.expr.NameStep; import org.jaxen.expr.NumberExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.PathExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.ProcessingInstructionNodeStep; import org.jaxen.expr.TextNodeStep; import org.jaxen.expr.UnaryExpr; import org.jaxen.expr.VariableReferenceExpr; final class ExprWalker { private final ExprListener listener; ExprWalker(final ExprListener listener) { this.listener = requireNonNull(listener); } public void walk(final Expr expr) { if (expr instanceof BinaryExpr) { final BinaryExpr binary = (BinaryExpr) expr; listener.enterBinaryExpr(binary); walk(binary.getLHS()); listener.visitOperator(Operator.forString(binary.getOperator())); walk(binary.getRHS()); listener.exitBinaryExpr(binary); } else if (expr instanceof FilterExpr) { final FilterExpr filter = (FilterExpr) expr; listener.enterFilterExpr(filter); walk(expr); listener.exitFilterExpr(filter); } else if (expr instanceof FunctionCallExpr) { final FunctionCallExpr func = (FunctionCallExpr) expr; listener.enterFunctionCallExpr(func); for (Object arg : func.getParameters()) { walk((Expr) arg); } listener.exitFunctionCallExpr(func); } else if (expr instanceof LiteralExpr) { listener.visitLiteralExpr((LiteralExpr) expr); } else if (expr instanceof LocationPath) { final LocationPath path = (LocationPath) expr; final Optional maybeListener = listener.enterLocationPath(path); if (maybeListener.isPresent()) { final StepListener l = maybeListener.get(); for (Object step : path.getSteps()) { if (step instanceof AllNodeStep) { l.onAll((AllNodeStep) step); } else if (step instanceof CommentNodeStep) { l.onComment((CommentNodeStep) step); } else if (step instanceof NameStep) { l.onName((NameStep) step); } else if (step instanceof ProcessingInstructionNodeStep) { l.onProcessingInstruction((ProcessingInstructionNodeStep) step); } else if (step instanceof TextNodeStep) { l.onTest((TextNodeStep) step); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported step " + step); } } } listener.exitLocationPath(path); } else if (expr instanceof NumberExpr) { listener.visitNumberExpr((NumberExpr) expr); } else if (expr instanceof PathExpr) { final PathExpr path = (PathExpr) expr; listener.enterPathExpr(path); walk(path.getFilterExpr()); walk(path.getLocationPath()); listener.exitPathExpr(path); } else if (expr instanceof UnaryExpr) { final UnaryExpr unary = (UnaryExpr) expr; listener.enterNotExpr(unary); walk(unary.getExpr()); listener.exitNotExpr(unary); } else if (expr instanceof VariableReferenceExpr) { listener.visitVariableReferenceExpr((VariableReferenceExpr) expr); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported expression " + expr); } } }