package org.opendaylight.bgpmanager.thrift.client.implementation; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import java.util.*; import org.opendaylight.bgpmanager.thrift.client.globals.Route; import org.opendaylight.bgpmanager.thrift.common.Constants; import org.opendaylight.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.*; import org.opendaylight.bgpmanager.thrift.exceptions.BgpRouterException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class BgpRouter { private TTransport transport; private TProtocol protocol; private static BgpConfigurator.Client bgpClient=null; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BgpRouter.class); private final static int ADD_NBR = 1; private final static int DEL_NBR = 2; private final static int ADD_VRF = 3; private final static int DEL_VRF = 4; private final static int ADD_PFX = 5; private final static int DEL_PFX = 6; private final static int START_BGP = 7; private final static int GET_RTS_INIT = 0; private final static int GET_RTS_NEXT = 1; private class BgpOp { public int type; public String nbrIp; public int nbrAsNum; public String rd; public List irts; public List erts; public String pfx; public String nh; public int lbl; public int asNum; public String rtrId; public static final int ignore = 0; public BgpOp() {} } static BgpOp bop = null; private String bgpHost; private int bgpPort; public BgpRouter() { } public void setBgpServer(String host, int port) { this.bgpHost = host; this.bgpPort = port; } public void connect(String bgpHost, int bgpPort) throws TException, BgpRouterException { this.bgpHost = bgpHost; this.bgpPort = bgpPort; bop = new BgpOp(); try { LOGGER.debug("Connecting to BGP Server " + bgpHost + " on port " + bgpPort); reInit(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed connecting to BGP server "); throw e; } } public void disconnect() { if(transport != null) { transport.close(); } } public void reInit() throws TException, BgpRouterException { if(transport != null) { transport.close(); } transport = new TSocket(bgpHost, bgpPort); ((TSocket)transport).setTimeout(Constants.CL_SKT_TIMEO_MS);; protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); bgpClient = new BgpConfigurator.Client(protocol); if(bop == null) { bop = new BgpOp(); } } private void dispatch(BgpOp op) throws TException, BgpRouterException { int result = 1; if (bgpClient == null) { throw new BgpRouterException(BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED); } switch (op.type) { case START_BGP: result = bgpClient.startBgpServer(op.asNum, op.rtrId, op.ignore, op.ignore, op.ignore); break; case ADD_NBR: result = bgpClient.createPeer(op.nbrIp, op.nbrAsNum); break; case DEL_NBR: result = bgpClient.deletePeer(op.nbrIp); break; case ADD_VRF: result = bgpClient.addVrf(op.rd, op.irts, op.erts); break; case DEL_VRF: result = bgpClient.delVrf(op.rd); break; case ADD_PFX: result = bgpClient.pushRoute(op.pfx, op.nh, op.rd, op.lbl); break; case DEL_PFX: result = bgpClient.withdrawRoute(op.pfx, op.rd); break; default: break; } if (result != 0) { throw new BgpRouterException(result); } } public void startBgp(int asNum, String rtrId) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = START_BGP; bop.asNum = asNum; bop.rtrId = rtrId; LOGGER.debug("Starting BGP Server with as number {} and router ID {} ", asNum, rtrId); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void addNeighbor(String nbrIp, int nbrAsNum) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = ADD_NBR; bop.nbrIp = nbrIp; bop.nbrAsNum = nbrAsNum; LOGGER.debug("Adding BGP Neighbor {} with as number {} ", nbrIp, nbrAsNum); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void delNeighbor(String nbrIp) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = DEL_NBR; bop.nbrIp = nbrIp; LOGGER.debug("Deleting BGP Neighbor {} ", nbrIp); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void addVrf(String rd, List irts, List erts) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = ADD_VRF; bop.rd = rd; bop.irts = irts; bop.erts = erts; LOGGER.debug("Adding BGP VRF rd: {} ", rd); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void delVrf(String rd) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = DEL_VRF; bop.rd = rd; LOGGER.debug("Deleting BGP VRF rd: {} " + rd); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void addPrefix(String rd, String prefix, String nexthop, int label) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = ADD_PFX; bop.rd = rd; bop.pfx = prefix; bop.nh = nexthop; bop.lbl = label; LOGGER.debug("Adding BGP route - rd:{} prefix:{} nexthop:{} label:{} ", rd ,prefix, nexthop, label); dispatch(bop); } public synchronized void delPrefix(String rd, String prefix) throws TException, BgpRouterException { bop.type = DEL_PFX; bop.rd = rd; bop.pfx = prefix; LOGGER.debug("Deleting BGP route - rd:{} prefix:{} ", rd, prefix); dispatch(bop); } public int initRibSync(BgpSyncHandle handle) throws TException, BgpRouterException { if (bgpClient == null) { throw new BgpRouterException(BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED); } if (handle.getState() == BgpSyncHandle.ITERATING) { return BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_IN_ITER; } handle.setState(BgpSyncHandle.INITED); handle.setMore(1); return 0; } public int endRibSync(BgpSyncHandle handle) throws TException, BgpRouterException { if (bgpClient == null) { throw new BgpRouterException(BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED); } int state = handle.getState(); switch (state) { case BgpSyncHandle.INITED: case BgpSyncHandle.ITERATING: handle.setState(BgpSyncHandle.ABORTED); break; case BgpSyncHandle.DONE: break; case BgpSyncHandle.NEVER_DONE: return BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_ITER; default: break; } return 0; } public Routes doRibSync(BgpSyncHandle handle) throws TException, BgpRouterException { if (bgpClient == null) { throw new BgpRouterException(BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED); } int state = handle.getState(); if (state != BgpSyncHandle.INITED && state != BgpSyncHandle.ITERATING) { Routes r = new Routes(); r.setErrcode(BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_ITER); return r; } int op = (state == BgpSyncHandle.INITED) ? GET_RTS_INIT : GET_RTS_NEXT; handle.setState(BgpSyncHandle.ITERATING); int winSize = handle.getMaxCount()*handle.getRouteSize(); Routes outRoutes = bgpClient.getRoutes(op, winSize); if (outRoutes.errcode != 0) { return outRoutes; } handle.setMore(outRoutes.more); if (outRoutes.more == 0) { handle.setState(BgpSyncHandle.DONE); } return outRoutes; } //We would support this only when we support controller restarts public void doRouteSync() throws TException, BgpRouterException { BgpSyncHandle bsh = BgpSyncHandle.getInstance(); try { LOGGER.debug("Starting BGP Route sync.. "); initRibSync(bsh); while (bsh.getState() != bsh.DONE) { Routes r = doRibSync(bsh); if(r.getErrcode() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_INACTIVE) { //BGP server is inactive; log and return LOGGER.error("BGP Server is inactive. Failed BGP Route sync"); return; } Iterator iter = r.getUpdatesIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Update u =; Route route = new Route(u.rd, u.prefix, u.prefixlen, u.nexthop, u.label); //Add to FIB?? /* if(bgpRouteCb != null) { bgpRouteCb.setRoute(route); }*/ } } endRibSync(bsh); LOGGER.debug("Completed BGP Route sync."); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }; }