/* * Copyright © 2015, 2017 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager; import static org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.oam.BgpConstants.HISTORY_LIMIT; import static org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.oam.BgpConstants.HISTORY_THRESHOLD; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.ReadFailedException; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.TransactionCommitFailedException; import org.opendaylight.genius.datastoreutils.AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase; import org.opendaylight.genius.datastoreutils.SingleTransactionDataBroker; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NwConstants; import org.opendaylight.genius.utils.clustering.EntityOwnershipUtils; import org.opendaylight.infrautils.metrics.MetricProvider; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.binding.api.Entity; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.binding.api.EntityOwnershipCandidateRegistration; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.binding.api.EntityOwnershipListenerRegistration; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.binding.api.EntityOwnershipService; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.common.api.CandidateAlreadyRegisteredException; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.eos.common.api.EntityOwnershipChangeState; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.api.IBgpManager; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.commands.ClearBgpCli; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.oam.BgpAlarms; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.oam.BgpConstants; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.oam.BgpCounters; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpRouter; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpRouterException; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpSyncHandle; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.Routes; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.Update; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.af_afi; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.af_safi; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.protocol_type; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.qbgpConstants; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.server.BgpThriftService; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.api.RouteOrigin; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.api.intervpnlink.IVpnLinkService; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.utils.mdsal.utils.TransactionHistory; import org.opendaylight.ovsdb.utils.mdsal.utils.TransactionType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebfd.rev190219.BfdConfig; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebfd.rev190219.BfdConfigBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.AddressFamily; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.Bgp; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.BgpControlPlaneType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.EbgpService; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.EncapType; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.InitiateEorInput; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.InitiateEorOutput; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.InitiateEorOutputBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.TcpMd5SignaturePasswordType; //import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.*; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.AsId; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.AsIdBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.ConfigServer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.ConfigServerBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.DcgwTepList; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.GracefulRestart; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.GracefulRestartBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.Logging; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.LoggingBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.MultipathContainer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.NeighborsContainer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.NetworksContainer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.VrfMaxpathContainer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.VrfsContainer; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.dcgw.tep.list.DcgwTep; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.dcgw.tep.list.DcgwTepBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.dcgw.tep.list.DcgwTepKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.multipathcontainer.Multipath; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.multipathcontainer.MultipathBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.multipathcontainer.MultipathKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.Neighbors; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.NeighborsBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.NeighborsKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.AddressFamilies; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.AddressFamiliesBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.AddressFamiliesKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.EbgpMultihop; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.EbgpMultihopBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.UpdateSource; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighborscontainer.neighbors.UpdateSourceBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.networkscontainer.Networks; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.networkscontainer.NetworksBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.networkscontainer.NetworksKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfmaxpathcontainer.VrfMaxpath; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfmaxpathcontainer.VrfMaxpathBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfmaxpathcontainer.VrfMaxpathKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfscontainer.Vrfs; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfscontainer.VrfsBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfscontainer.VrfsKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfscontainer.vrfs.AddressFamiliesVrf; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.vrfscontainer.vrfs.AddressFamiliesVrfBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.tcp.security.option.grouping.TcpSecurityOption; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.tcp.security.option.grouping.tcp.security.option.TcpMd5SignatureOption; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.tcp.security.option.grouping.tcp.security.option.TcpMd5SignatureOptionBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddressBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.Ipv4Address; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.FibEntries; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.fibentries.VrfTables; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.macvrfentries.MacVrfEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.vpn.instance.op.data.VpnInstanceOpDataEntry; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcError; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcResult; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcResultBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint32; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Singleton public class BgpConfigurationManager implements EbgpService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BgpConfigurationManager.class); // to have stale FIB map (RD, Prefix) // number of seconds wait for route sync-up between ODL and BGP private static final int BGP_RESTART_ROUTE_SYNC_SEC = 600; private static final String UPDATE_PORT = "bgp.thrift.service.port"; private static final String CONFIG_HOST = "vpnservice.bgpspeaker.host.name"; private static final String CONFIG_PORT = "vpnservice.bgpspeaker.thrift.port"; private static final String DEF_UPORT = "6644"; private static final String DEF_CHOST = ""; // Invalid Host IP private static final String DEF_CPORT = "7644"; private static final String DEF_BGP_SDNC_MIP = ""; //vpnservice.bgp.thrift.bgp.mip is the MIP present with ODL. Here we open 6644 port private static final String BGP_SDNC_MIP = "vpnservice.bgp.thrift.bgp.mip"; private static final String BGP_GR_RESTART_TIMER_PROPERTY = "vpnservice.bgp.gr.timer"; private static final String BGP_KA_TIMER_PROPERTY = "vpnservice.bgp.ka.timer"; private static final String BGP_HOLD_TIMER_PROPERTY = "vpnservice.bgp.hold.timer"; private static final String BGP_EOR_DELAY_PROPERTY = "vpnservice.bgp.eordelay"; private static final int DEF_BGP_KA_TIME = 60; private static final int DEF_BGP_HOLD_TIME = 180; private static final int DEF_BGP_GR_TIME = 4000; private static final int RESTART_DEFAULT_GR = 90; private static final int DS_RETRY_COUNT = 100; //100 retries, each after WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY_MILLIS seconds private static final long WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY_MILLIS = 1000L; //one second sleep after every retry private static final String BGP_ENTITY_TYPE_FOR_OWNERSHIP = "bgp"; private static final String BGP_EOR_DELAY = "vpnservice.bgp.eordelay"; private static final String DEF_BGP_EOR_DELAY = "1800"; private static final String BGP_ENTITY_NAME = "bgp"; private static final String ADD_WARN = "Config store updated; undo with Delete if needed."; private static final String DEL_WARN = "Config store updated; undo with Add if needed."; private static final String UPD_WARN = "Update operation not supported; Config store updated;" + " restore with another Update if needed."; private static long bgp_as_num = 0; private int bgpKaTime = 0; private int bgpHoldTime = 0; private int bgpGrRestartTime = 0; private static final Class[] REACTORS = { ConfigServerReactor.class, AsIdReactor.class, GracefulRestartReactor.class, LoggingReactor.class, NeighborsReactor.class, UpdateSourceReactor.class, EbgpMultihopReactor.class, AddressFamiliesReactor.class, NetworksReactor.class, VrfsReactor.class, BgpReactor.class, MultipathReactor.class, VrfMaxpathReactor.class, BfdConfigReactor.class }; private IBgpManager bgpManager; private final DataBroker dataBroker; private final FibDSWriter fibDSWriter; private final IVpnLinkService vpnLinkService; private final BundleContext bundleContext; private final BgpUtil bgpUtil; private volatile Bgp config; private final BgpRouter bgpRouter; private final BgpSyncHandle bgpSyncHandle = new BgpSyncHandle(); private volatile BgpThriftService bgpThriftService = null; private final int delayEorSeconds; private final CountDownLatch initer = new CountDownLatch(1); private final String hostStartup; private final String portStartup; private final AtomicReference bgpCountersReference = new AtomicReference<>(); private ScheduledFuture bgpCountersTask; private final AtomicReference bgpAlarmsReference = new AtomicReference<>(); private ScheduledFuture bgpAlarmsTask; private Future lastReplayJobFt; private ScheduledFuture routeCleanupFuture; private long staleStartTime; private long staleEndTime; private long cfgReplayStartTime; private long cfgReplayEndTime; private long staleCleanupTime; private int totalStaledCount; private int totalCleared; private int totalExternalRoutes; private int totalExternalMacRoutes; private final ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("bgp-config-%d").setDaemon(true).build()); /** * this map store the new address families to send to quagga. When it is sended you must clear it. * The keys String are rd (route distinguisher). * */ private final ConcurrentHashMap> mapNewAdFamily = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // map> private final Map> staledFibEntriesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // map>> private final Map>> rt2TepMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final List listeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final EntityOwnershipUtils entityOwnershipUtils; private final EntityOwnershipCandidateRegistration candidateRegistration; private final EntityOwnershipListenerRegistration entityListenerRegistration; private final MetricProvider metricProvider; private final TransactionHistory bgpUpdatesHistory; private volatile AtomicBoolean eorSupressedDuetoUpgradeFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Inject public BgpConfigurationManager(final DataBroker dataBroker, final EntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService, final FibDSWriter fibDSWriter, final IVpnLinkService vpnLinkSrvce, final BundleContext bundleContext, final BgpUtil bgpUtil, final MetricProvider metricProvider) { this.dataBroker = dataBroker; this.fibDSWriter = fibDSWriter; this.vpnLinkService = vpnLinkSrvce; this.bundleContext = bundleContext; this.bgpUtil = bgpUtil; this.metricProvider = metricProvider; hostStartup = getProperty(CONFIG_HOST, DEF_CHOST); portStartup = getProperty(CONFIG_PORT, DEF_CPORT); bgpKaTime = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(BGP_KA_TIMER_PROPERTY, Integer.toString(DEF_BGP_KA_TIME))); bgpHoldTime = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(BGP_HOLD_TIMER_PROPERTY, Integer.toString(DEF_BGP_HOLD_TIME))); bgpGrRestartTime = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(BGP_GR_RESTART_TIMER_PROPERTY, Integer.toString(DEF_BGP_GR_TIME))); LOG.info("ConfigServer at {}:{}", hostStartup, portStartup); VtyshCli.setHostAddr(hostStartup); ClearBgpCli.setHostAddr(hostStartup); bgpUpdatesHistory = new TransactionHistory(HISTORY_LIMIT, HISTORY_THRESHOLD); bgpRouter = BgpRouter.newInstance(this::getConfig, this::isBGPEntityOwner, bgpUpdatesHistory); delayEorSeconds = Integer.parseInt(getProperty(BGP_EOR_DELAY, DEF_BGP_EOR_DELAY)); entityOwnershipUtils = new EntityOwnershipUtils(entityOwnershipService); candidateRegistration = registerEntityCandidate(entityOwnershipService); entityListenerRegistration = registerEntityListener(entityOwnershipService); LOG.info("BGP Configuration manager initialized"); initer.countDown(); GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE.execute(() -> { ServiceTracker tracker = null; try { tracker = new ServiceTracker<>(bundleContext, IBgpManager.class, null); tracker.open(); bgpManager = (IBgpManager) tracker.waitForService(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)); Preconditions.checkState(bgpManager != null, "IBgpManager service not found"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error retrieving IBgpManager service", e); } finally { if (tracker != null) { tracker.close(); } } String updatePort = getProperty(UPDATE_PORT, DEF_UPORT); if (InetAddresses.isInetAddress(getBgpSdncMipIp())) { InetSocketAddress bgpThriftServerSocketAddr = new InetSocketAddress(getBgpSdncMipIp(), Integer.parseInt(updatePort)); bgpThriftService = new BgpThriftService(bgpThriftServerSocketAddr, bgpManager, this); if (isBGPEntityOwner()) { //I am EoS owner of BGP, opening bgp thrift UPDATE-SERVER port. LOG.info("BGP Configuration manager initialized: UPDATE-SERVER started"); bgpThriftService.start(); } LOG.info("UPDATE server started :ip:port={}:{}", getBgpSdncMipIp(), updatePort); } else { LOG.error("Failed to init UPDATE server invalid ip:port={}:{}", getBgpSdncMipIp(), updatePort); } }); registerCallbacks(); LOG.info("BgpConfigurationManager initialized. IBgpManager={}", bgpManager); } public String getBgpSdncMipIp() { return getProperty(BGP_SDNC_MIP, DEF_BGP_SDNC_MIP); } public long getStaleCleanupTime() { return staleCleanupTime; } public void setStaleCleanupTime(long staleCleanupTime) { this.staleCleanupTime = staleCleanupTime; } public long getCfgReplayEndTime() { return cfgReplayEndTime; } public void setCfgReplayEndTime(long cfgReplayEndTime) { this.cfgReplayEndTime = cfgReplayEndTime; } public TransactionHistory getBgpUpdatesHistory() { return bgpUpdatesHistory; } public long getCfgReplayStartTime() { return cfgReplayStartTime; } public void setCfgReplayStartTime(long cfgReplayStartTime) { this.cfgReplayStartTime = cfgReplayStartTime; } public long getStaleEndTime() { return staleEndTime; } public void setStaleEndTime(long staleEndTime) { this.staleEndTime = staleEndTime; } public long getStaleStartTime() { return staleStartTime; } public void setStaleStartTime(long staleStartTime) { this.staleStartTime = staleStartTime; } private Object createListener(Class cls) { try { Constructor ctor = cls.getConstructor(BgpConfigurationManager.class); return ctor.newInstance(this); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException e) { LOG.error("Failed to create listener object", e); return null; } } private void registerCallbacks() { for (Class reactor : REACTORS) { Object obj = createListener(reactor); if (obj != null) { AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase dcl = (AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase) obj; dcl.registerListener(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, dataBroker); listeners.add(dcl); } } } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") @PreDestroy public void close() { executor.shutdown(); if (bgpThriftService != null) { bgpThriftService.stop(); bgpThriftService = null; } if (isBgpConnected()) { //disconnect the CONFIG SERVER port (which was )opened during I was Owner bgpRouter.disconnect(); } if (candidateRegistration != null) { candidateRegistration.close(); } entityListenerRegistration.close(); listeners.forEach(l -> { try { l.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error closing {}", l ,e); } }); LOG.info("{} close", getClass().getSimpleName()); } private String getProperty(String var, String def) { String property = bundleContext.getProperty(var); return property == null ? def : property; } private EntityOwnershipCandidateRegistration registerEntityCandidate( final EntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService) { try { return entityOwnershipService.registerCandidate( new Entity(BGP_ENTITY_TYPE_FOR_OWNERSHIP, BGP_ENTITY_NAME)); } catch (CandidateAlreadyRegisteredException e) { LOG.error("failed to register bgp entity", e); return null; } } private EntityOwnershipListenerRegistration registerEntityListener( final EntityOwnershipService entityOwnershipService) { return entityOwnershipService.registerListener(BGP_ENTITY_TYPE_FOR_OWNERSHIP, ownershipChange -> { LOG.info("entity owner change event fired: {}", ownershipChange); if (ownershipChange.getState() == EntityOwnershipChangeState.LOCAL_OWNERSHIP_GRANTED) { LOG.info("This PL is the Owner"); if (bgpThriftService != null) { //opening UPDATE-SERVER port. bgpThriftService.start(); } else { LOG.error("I am the owner of BGP entity, but bgpThriftService is not initialized yet"); } bgpRestarted(); } else { LOG.info("Not owner: hasOwner: {}, isOwner: {}", ownershipChange.getState().hasOwner(), ownershipChange.getState().isOwner()); if (bgpThriftService != null && bgpThriftService.isBgpThriftServiceStarted()) { //close the bgp Thrift Update-SERVER port opened on non-Entity Owner bgpThriftService.stop(); } if (isBgpConnected()) { //disconnect the CONFIG SERVER port (which was )opened during I was Owner bgpRouter.disconnect(); } } }); } public boolean isBGPEntityOwner() { if (entityOwnershipUtils == null) { LOG.error("entityOwnershipUtils is NULL when listener callbacks fired"); return false; } return entityOwnershipUtils.isEntityOwner(new Entity(BGP_ENTITY_TYPE_FOR_OWNERSHIP, BGP_ENTITY_NAME), 0, 1); } public Bgp get() { config = getConfig(); return config; } public class ConfigServerReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "config-server "; public ConfigServerReactor() { super(ConfigServer.class, ConfigServerReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer val) { LOG.trace("received bgp connect config host {}", val.getHost().getValue()); if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } try { initer.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignored } LOG.debug("issueing bgp router connect to host {}", val.getHost().getValue()); bgpRouter.configServerUpdated(); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { boolean res = bgpRouter.connect(val.getHost().getValue(), val.getPort().intValue()); if (!res) { LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + "Add failed; " + ADD_WARN); } } VtyshCli.setHostAddr(val.getHost().getValue()); ClearBgpCli.setHostAddr(val.getHost().getValue()); } @Override protected ConfigServerReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return ConfigServerReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(ConfigServer.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer val) { LOG.trace("received bgp disconnect"); if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } bgpRouter.configServerUpdated(); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { if (bgp_as_num != 0) { try { bgpRouter.stopBgp(bgp_as_num); stopBgpCountersTask(); stopBgpAlarmsTask(); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } else { LOG.debug("bgp as-id is null while removing config-server"); } bgpRouter.disconnect(); } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer oldval, ConfigServer newval) { LOG.trace("received bgp Connection update"); if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + UPD_WARN); } } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD", justification = "https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/811") private BgpRouter getClient(String yangObj) { if (bgpRouter == null || !bgpRouter.isBgpConnected()) { LOG.warn("{}: configuration received when BGP is inactive", yangObj); return null; } return bgpRouter; } public class AsIdReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "as-id "; public AsIdReactor() { super(AsId.class, AsIdReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId val) { LOG.error("received bgp add asid {}", val); if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add router config asNum {}", val.getLocalAs()); bgp_as_num = val.getLocalAs().longValue(); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for asNum {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, val.getLocalAs(), BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } bgpRestarted(); startBgpCountersTask(); startBgpAlarmsTask(); } } @Override protected AsIdReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return AsIdReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(AsId.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId val) { LOG.error("received delete router config asNum {}", val.getLocalAs()); if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { long asNum = val.getLocalAs().toJava(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); bgp_as_num = 0; if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for asNum {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, asNum, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { br.stopBgp(asNum); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } stopBgpCountersTask(); stopBgpAlarmsTask(); Bgp conf = getConfig(); if (conf == null) { LOG.error("Config Null while removing the as-id"); return; } LOG.debug("Removing external routes from FIB"); deleteExternalFibRoutes(); List nbrs = conf.getNeighborsContainer().getNeighbors(); if (nbrs != null && nbrs.size() > 0) { LOG.error("Tring to remove the as-id when neighbor config is already present"); for (Neighbors nbr : nbrs) { LOG.debug("Removing Neighbor {} from Data store", nbr.getAddress().getValue()); delNeighbor(nbr.getAddress().getValue()); } } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId oldval, AsId newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + UPD_WARN); } } public class GracefulRestartReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "graceful-restart "; public GracefulRestartReactor() { super(GracefulRestart.class, GracefulRestartReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { int stalePathTime = val.getStalepathTime().intValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to add stale-path time {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, stalePathTime, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.addGracefulRestart(stalePathTime); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected GracefulRestartReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return GracefulRestartReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(GracefulRestart.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received delete GracefulRestart config val {}", val.getStalepathTime().intValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to delete stale-path time; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { br.delGracefulRestart(); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart oldval, GracefulRestart newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received update GracefulRestart config val {}", newval.getStalepathTime().intValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { int stalePathTime = newval.getStalepathTime().intValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to update stale-path time to {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, stalePathTime, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.addGracefulRestart(stalePathTime); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} update received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } } public class LoggingReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "logging "; public LoggingReactor() { super(Logging.class, LoggingReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to add logging for qbgp; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.setLogging(val.getFile(), val.getLevel()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected LoggingReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return LoggingReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(Logging.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove Logging config val {}", val.getLevel()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to remove logging for qbgp; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { br.setLogging(BgpConstants.BGP_DEF_LOG_FILE, BgpConstants.BGP_DEF_LOG_LEVEL); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging oldval, Logging newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.error("{} Unable to update logging for qbgp; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.setLogging(newval.getFile(), newval.getLevel()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} newval received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } } public class NeighborsReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "neighbors "; public NeighborsReactor() { super(Neighbors.class, NeighborsReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add Neighbors config val {}", val.getAddress().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getAddress().getValue(); long as = val.getRemoteAs().toJava(); final String md5Secret = extractMd5Secret(val); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for peer {} as {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, as, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { //itmProvider.buildTunnelsToDCGW(new IpAddress(peerIp.toCharArray())); br.addNeighbor(peerIp, as, md5Secret); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected NeighborsReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return NeighborsReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class).child(Neighbors.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove Neighbors config val {}", val.getAddress().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getAddress().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { //itmProvider.deleteTunnelsToDCGW(new IpAddress(val.getAddress().getValue().toCharArray())); br.delNeighbor(peerIp); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } final BgpAlarms bgpAlarms = getBgpAlarms(); if (bgpAlarms != null) { bgpAlarms.clearBgpNbrDownAlarm(peerIp); } if (bgpUtil.isBfdEnabled()) { final BgpCounters bgpCounters = getBgpCounters(); if (bgpCounters != null) { bgpCounters.clearBfdNbrCounters(peerIp); } } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors oldval, Neighbors newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } //purposefully nothing to do. } } public class EbgpMultihopReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "ebgp-multihop "; public EbgpMultihopReactor() { super(EbgpMultihop.class, EbgpMultihopReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add EbgpMultihop config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.addEbgpMultihop(peerIp, val.getNhops().intValue()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected EbgpMultihopReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return EbgpMultihopReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class).child(Neighbors.class) .child(EbgpMultihop.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove EbgpMultihop config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { br.delEbgpMultihop(peerIp); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop oldval, EbgpMultihop newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + UPD_WARN); } } public class UpdateSourceReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "update-source "; public UpdateSourceReactor() { super(UpdateSource.class, UpdateSourceReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add UpdateSource config val {}", val.getSourceIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.addUpdateSource(peerIp, val.getSourceIp().getValue()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected UpdateSourceReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return UpdateSourceReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class).child(Neighbors.class) .child(UpdateSource.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove UpdateSource config val {}", val.getSourceIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { br.delUpdateSource(peerIp); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource oldval, UpdateSource newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + UPD_WARN); } } public class AddressFamiliesReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "address-families "; public AddressFamiliesReactor() { super(AddressFamilies.class, AddressFamiliesReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add AddressFamilies config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(val.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(val.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.addAddressFamily(peerIp, afi, safi); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected AddressFamiliesReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return AddressFamiliesReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class).child(Neighbors.class) .child(AddressFamilies.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove AddressFamilies config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for peer {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, peerIp, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(val.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(val.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.delAddressFamily(peerIp, afi, safi); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies oldval, AddressFamilies newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + UPD_WARN); } } public class NetworksReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "networks "; public NetworksReactor() { super(Networks.class, NetworksReactor.class); } @Override public NetworksReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return NetworksReactor.this; } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Networks val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add Networks config val {}", val.getPrefixLen()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String rd = val.getRd(); String pfxlen = val.getPrefixLen(); String nh = val.getNexthop().getValue(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for rd {} prefix {} nexthop {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, rd, pfxlen, nh, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } Long label = val.getLabel().toJava(); int lbl = label == null ? qbgpConstants.LBL_NO_LABEL : label.intValue(); int l3vni = val.getL3vni() == null ? qbgpConstants.LBL_NO_LABEL : val.getL3vni().intValue(); int l2vni = val.getL2vni() == null ? qbgpConstants.LBL_NO_LABEL : val.getL2vni().intValue(); BgpControlPlaneType protocolType = val.getBgpControlPlaneType(); int ethernetTag = val.getEthtag().intValue(); String esi = val.getEsi(); String macaddress = val.getMacaddress(); EncapType encapType = val.getEncapType(); String routerMac = val.getRoutermac(); try { br.addPrefix(rd, pfxlen, nh, lbl, l3vni, l2vni, BgpUtil.convertToThriftProtocolType(protocolType), ethernetTag, esi, macaddress, BgpUtil.convertToThriftEncapType(encapType), routerMac); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(NetworksContainer.class).child(Networks.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Networks val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove Networks config val {}", val.getPrefixLen()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String rd = val.getRd(); String pfxlen = val.getPrefixLen(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for rd {} prefix {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, rd, pfxlen, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } Long label = val.getLabel().toJava(); int lbl = label == null ? 0 : label.intValue(); if (rd == null && lbl > 0) { //LU prefix is being deleted. rd = Integer.toString(lbl); } try { br.delPrefix(rd, pfxlen); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } /**get the value AFI from a prefix as "x.x.x.x/x". * * @param pfxlen the prefix to get an afi * @return the afi value as you are need */ public int testValueAFI(String pfxlen) { int afiNew = af_afi.AFI_IP.getValue(); try { String ipOnly = pfxlen.substring(0, pfxlen.lastIndexOf("/")); java.net.Inet6Address.getByName(ipOnly); afiNew = af_afi.AFI_IPV6.getValue(); } catch (java.net.UnknownHostException e) { //ce n'est pas de l'ipv6 } return afiNew; } @Override protected void update(final InstanceIdentifier iid, final Networks oldval, final Networks newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } if (oldval.equals(newval)) { //Update: OLD and New values are same, no need to trigger remove/add. LOG.debug("received Updated for the same OLD and New values. RD: {}, Prefix: {}, Label: {}, NH: {}", oldval.getRd(), oldval.getPrefixLen(), oldval.getLabel(), oldval.getNexthop()); return; } LOG.debug("update networks old val RD: {}, Prefix: {}, Label: {}, NH: {} " + "new val RD: {}, Prefix: {}, Label: {}, NH: {}", oldval.getRd(), oldval.getPrefixLen(), oldval.getLabel(), oldval.getNexthop(), newval.getRd(), newval.getPrefixLen(), newval.getLabel(), newval.getNexthop()); remove(iid, oldval); add(iid, newval); } } static Timer timer = new Timer(); public class VrfsReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "vrfs "; public VrfsReactor() { super(Vrfs.class, VrfsReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs vrfs) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received add Vrfs config value {}", vrfs.getRd()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String rd = vrfs.getRd(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for rd {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, rd, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { List vrfAddrFamilyList = vrfs.getAddressFamiliesVrf(); for (AddressFamiliesVrf vrfAddrFamily : vrfAddrFamilyList) { /*add to br the new vrfs arguments*/ br.addVrf(BgpUtil.getLayerType(vrfAddrFamily), rd, vrfs.getImportRts(), vrfs.getExportRts(), vrfAddrFamily.getAfi().toJava(), vrfAddrFamily.getSafi().toJava()); } /*add to br the vrfs contained in mapNewAdFamily*/ List vrfAddrFamilyListFromMap = mapNewAdFamily.get(rd); if (vrfAddrFamilyListFromMap == null) { return; } for (AddressFamiliesVrf adf : vrfAddrFamilyListFromMap) { if (vrfAddrFamilyList.contains(adf)) { mapNewAdFamily.remove(rd); } else if (adf != null) { br.addVrf(BgpUtil.getLayerType(adf), rd, vrfs.getImportRts(), vrfs.getExportRts(), adf.getAfi().toJava(), adf.getSafi().toJava()); // remove AddressFamiliesVrf which was already added to BGP vrfAddrFamilyListFromMap.remove(adf); if (vrfAddrFamilyListFromMap.isEmpty()) { // remove Vrf entry from temp mapNewAdFamily if all its AddressFamiliesVrf was // added to BGP mapNewAdFamily.remove(rd); } } } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} get {}, Add received exception", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected VrfsReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return VrfsReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(VrfsContainer.class).child(Vrfs.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove Vrfs config val {}", val.getRd()); synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { String rd = val.getRd(); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process remove for rd {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, rd, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, DEL_WARN); return; } try { List adf = mapNewAdFamily.get(rd); adf = adf != null ? adf : new ArrayList<>(); for (AddressFamiliesVrf s : val.getAddressFamiliesVrf()) { br.delVrf(rd, s.getAfi().toJava(), s.getSafi().toJava()); adf.remove(s);// remove in the map the vrf in waiting for advertise quagga } if (adf.isEmpty()) { mapNewAdFamily.remove(rd); } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Delete received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, DEL_WARN, e); } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs oldval, Vrfs newval) { if (oldval != null && newval != null) { LOG.debug("received update Vrfs config val {}, VRFS: Update getting triggered for VRFS rd {}", newval.getRd(), oldval.getRd()); } else { LOG.debug("received update Vrfs config val {}, from old vrf {}", newval, oldval); } if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } List adFamilyVrfToDel = new ArrayList<>(); List adFamilyVrfToAdd = new ArrayList<>(); List oldlistAdFamilies = new ArrayList<>(); List newlistAdFamilies = new ArrayList<>(); if (oldval != null) { oldlistAdFamilies = oldval.getAddressFamiliesVrf() == null ? new ArrayList<>() : oldval.getAddressFamiliesVrf(); } if (newval != null) { newlistAdFamilies = newval.getAddressFamiliesVrf() == null ? new ArrayList<>() : newval.getAddressFamiliesVrf(); } /*find old AddressFamily to remove from new configuration*/ for (AddressFamiliesVrf adVrf : oldlistAdFamilies) { if (!newlistAdFamilies.contains(adVrf)) { adFamilyVrfToDel.add(adVrf); } } /*find new AddressFamily to add to unexisting configuration*/ for (AddressFamiliesVrf adVrf : newlistAdFamilies) { if (!oldlistAdFamilies.contains(adVrf)) { adFamilyVrfToAdd.add(adVrf); } } String rd = newval != null ? newval.getRd() : null; if (rd != null) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process add for rd {}; {} {}", YANG_OBJ, rd, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } for (AddressFamiliesVrf adfvrf : adFamilyVrfToAdd) { try { LOG.debug("call addVRf rd {} afi {} safi {}", rd, adfvrf.getAfi(), adfvrf.getSafi()); br.addVrf(BgpUtil.getLayerType(adfvrf), rd, newval.getImportRts(), newval.getExportRts(),adfvrf.getAfi().toJava(), adfvrf.getSafi().toJava()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} Add received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } for (AddressFamiliesVrf adfToDel : adFamilyVrfToDel) { try { LOG.debug("call delVRf rd {} afi {} safi {}", rd, adfToDel.getAfi(), adfToDel.getSafi()); br.delVrf(rd, adfToDel.getAfi().toJava(), adfToDel.getSafi().toJava()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} delVrf received exception; {}", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } } } } public class BgpReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "Bgp "; public BgpReactor() { super(Bgp.class, BgpReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp val) { LOG.debug("received add Bgp config"); try { initer.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignored } synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { config = val; if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } } } @Override protected BgpReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return BgpReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received remove Bgp config"); config = null; } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp oldval, Bgp newval) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } config = newval; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MultipathReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "multipath "; public MultipathReactor() { super(Multipath.class, MultipathReactor.class); } @Override protected MultipathReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return MultipathReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(MultipathContainer.class).child(Multipath.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Multipath val) { executor.execute(new MultipathStatusChange(val)); } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Multipath oldval, Multipath newval) { executor.execute(new MultipathStatusChange(newval)); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier key, Multipath dataObjectModification) { executor.execute(new MultipathStatusChange(dataObjectModification)); } class MultipathStatusChange implements Runnable { Multipath multipath; MultipathStatusChange(Multipath multipath) { this.multipath = multipath; } @Override public void run() { if (isBGPEntityOwner()) { synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br != null) { af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(multipath.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(multipath.getSafi().intValue()); try { if (multipath.isMultipathEnabled()) { br.enableMultipath(afi, safi); } else { br.disableMultipath(afi, safi); } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} received exception", YANG_OBJ, e); } } } } } } @Override public void close() { super.close(); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class VrfMaxpathReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "vrfMaxpath "; public VrfMaxpathReactor() { super(VrfMaxpath.class, VrfMaxpathReactor.class); } @Override protected VrfMaxpathReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return VrfMaxpathReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class).child(VrfMaxpathContainer.class).child(VrfMaxpath.class); } class VrfMaxPathConfigurator implements Runnable { VrfMaxpath vrfMaxpathVal; VrfMaxPathConfigurator(VrfMaxpath vrfMaxPathVal) { this.vrfMaxpathVal = vrfMaxPathVal; } @Override public void run() { if (isBGPEntityOwner()) { synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br != null) { try { br.multipaths(vrfMaxpathVal.getRd(), vrfMaxpathVal.getMaxpaths().toJava()); LOG.debug("Maxpath for vrf {} is {}", vrfMaxpathVal.getRd(), vrfMaxpathVal.getMaxpaths()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} received exception", YANG_OBJ, e); } } } } } } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, VrfMaxpath vrfMaxPathVal) { if (isBGPEntityOwner()) { synchronized (BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br != null) { try { br.multipaths(vrfMaxPathVal.getRd(), BgpConstants.BGP_DEFAULT_MULTIPATH); LOG.debug("Del Maxpath for vrf: {} ", vrfMaxPathVal.getRd()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error(YANG_OBJ + " del received exception:", e); } } } } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, VrfMaxpath oldval, VrfMaxpath newval) { if (!Objects.equals(oldval.getMaxpaths(), newval.getMaxpaths())) { executor.execute(new VrfMaxPathConfigurator(newval)); } } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier, VrfMaxpath vrfMaxpathVal) { executor.execute(new VrfMaxPathConfigurator(vrfMaxpathVal)); } @Override public void close() { super.close(); } } public class BfdConfigReactor extends AsyncDataTreeChangeListenerBase implements ClusteredDataTreeChangeListener { private static final String YANG_OBJ = "BfdConfig "; public BfdConfigReactor() { super(BfdConfig.class, BfdConfigReactor.class); } @Override protected void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, BfdConfig val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); LOG.debug("received bfd config: bfd enabled {} min-rx {} min-tx {} detect-mul {} mhop {}", val.isBfdEnabled(), val.getMinRx(), val.getMinTx(), val.getDetectMult(), val.isMultihop()); if (br == null) { LOG.debug(YANG_OBJ + "{} Unable to process add {}", BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } if (val.isBfdEnabled() == false) { LOG.debug("BFD not enabled. Ignoring the config add"); return; } int minRx = val.getMinRx().intValue(); int minTx = val.getMinTx().intValue(); int detectMult = val.getDetectMult().intValue(); boolean multiHop = val.isMultihop(); try { br.addBfd(detectMult, minRx, minTx,multiHop); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} get {}, Add received exception;", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } @Override protected BfdConfigReactor getDataTreeChangeListener() { return BfdConfigReactor.this; } @Override protected InstanceIdentifier getWildCardPath() { return InstanceIdentifier.create(BfdConfig.class); } @Override protected void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, BfdConfig val) { if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { return; } LOG.debug("received bfd config removal"); BgpRouter br = getClient(YANG_OBJ); if (br == null) { LOG.debug("{} Unable to process del {} {}", YANG_OBJ, BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_NOT_INITED, ADD_WARN); return; } try { br.delBfd(); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("{} get {}, Del received exception;", YANG_OBJ, ADD_WARN, e); } } @Override protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, BfdConfig oldval, BfdConfig newval) { LOG.debug("received bfd config: updated oldval bfd enabled {}" + "min-rx {} min-tx {} detect-mul {} mhop {}", oldval.isBfdEnabled(), oldval.getMinRx(), oldval.getMinTx(), oldval.getDetectMult(), oldval.isMultihop()); LOG.debug("received bfd config: updated newval bfd enabled {}" + "min-rx {} min-tx {} detect-mul {} mhop {}", newval.isBfdEnabled(), newval.getMinRx(), newval.getMinTx(), newval.getDetectMult(), newval.isMultihop()); if (oldval.isBfdEnabled()) { LOG.debug("deleting bfd config on an update"); remove(iid, oldval); } LOG.debug("adding bfd config on an update"); add(iid, newval); } } public boolean isIpAvailable(String odlip) { try { if (odlip != null) { if ("".equals(odlip)) { return true; } Enumeration networkInterfaceEnumeration = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (networkInterfaceEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface networkInterface = networkInterfaceEnumeration.nextElement(); Enumeration inetAddressEnumeration = networkInterface.getInetAddresses(); while (inetAddressEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress inetAddress = inetAddressEnumeration.nextElement(); if (odlip.equals(inetAddress.getHostAddress())) { return true; } } } } } catch (SocketException e) { // Ignored? } return false; } public long getStalePathtime(int defValue, AsId asId) { long spt = 0; try { spt = getConfig().getGracefulRestart().getStalepathTime().toJava(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { try { spt = asId.getStalepathTime().toJava(); LOG.trace("BGP config/Stale-path time is not set using graceful"); } catch (NullPointerException ignore) { LOG.trace("BGP AS id is not set using graceful"); spt = defValue; } } if (spt == 0) { LOG.trace("BGP config/Stale-path time is not set using graceful/start-bgp"); spt = defValue; } return spt; } public static boolean isValidConfigBgpHostPort(String bgpHost, int bgpPort) { if (!bgpHost.equals(DEF_CHOST)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public synchronized void bgpRestarted() { /* * If there a thread which in the process of stale cleanup, cancel it * and start a new thread (to avoid processing same again). */ if (previousReplayJobInProgress()) { cancelPreviousReplayJob(); } Runnable task = () -> { try { LOG.info("running bgp replay task "); if (get() == null) { String host = getConfigHost(); int port = getConfigPort(); LOG.info("connecting to bgp host {} ", host); bgpRouter.connect(host, port); LOG.info("no config to push in bgp replay task "); return; } setStaleStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); LOG.info("started creating stale fibDSWriter map "); createStaleFibMap(); setStaleEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); LOG.info("took {} msecs for stale fibDSWriter map creation ", getStaleEndTime() - getStaleStartTime()); LOG.info("started bgp config replay "); setCfgReplayStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); boolean replaySucceded = replay(); setCfgReplayEndTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); LOG.info("took {} msecs for bgp replay ", getCfgReplayEndTime() - getCfgReplayStartTime()); if (replaySucceded) { long routeSyncTime = getStalePathtime(BGP_RESTART_ROUTE_SYNC_SEC, config.getAsId()); setStaleCleanupTime(routeSyncTime); LOG.error("starting the stale cleanup timer: {} seconds", routeSyncTime); routeCleanupFuture = executor.schedule(new RouteCleanup(), routeSyncTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else { LOG.error("skipping stale cleanup, may be due to exception while replay"); staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); } } catch (InterruptedException | TimeoutException | ExecutionException eCancel) { LOG.error("Stale Cleanup Task Cancelled", eCancel); } }; lastReplayJobFt = executor.submit(task); } private boolean previousReplayJobInProgress() { return ((lastReplayJobFt != null && !lastReplayJobFt.isDone()) || (routeCleanupFuture != null && !routeCleanupFuture.isDone())); } private void cancelPreviousReplayJob() { try { LOG.error("cancelling already running bgp replay task"); if (lastReplayJobFt != null) { lastReplayJobFt.cancel(true); lastReplayJobFt = null; staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); } if (routeCleanupFuture != null) { routeCleanupFuture.cancel(true); routeCleanupFuture = null; staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); } Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Failed to cancel previous replay job ", e); } } private void doRouteSync() { LOG.error("Starting BGP route sync"); try { bgpRouter.initRibSync(bgpSyncHandle); } catch (BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Route sync aborted, exception when initializing", e); return; } while (bgpSyncHandle.getState() != BgpSyncHandle.DONE) { for (af_afi afi : af_afi.values()) { Routes routes = null; try { routes = bgpRouter.doRibSync(bgpSyncHandle, afi); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Route sync aborted, exception when syncing", e); return; } Iterator updates = routes.getUpdatesIterator(); while (updates.hasNext()) { Update update = updates.next(); String rd = update.getRd(); String nexthop = update.getNexthop(); // TODO: decide correct label here int label = update.getL3label(); int l2label = update.getL2label(); String prefix = update.getPrefix(); int plen = update.getPrefixlen(); // TODO: protocol type will not be available in "update" // use "rd" to query vrf table and obtain the protocol_type. // Currently using PROTOCOL_EVPN as default. onUpdatePushRoute( protocol_type.PROTOCOL_L3VPN, rd, prefix, plen, nexthop, update.getMacaddress(), Uint32.valueOf(label), Uint32.valueOf(l2label), update.getRoutermac(), afi); } } } try { LOG.error("Ending BGP route-sync"); bgpRouter.endRibSync(bgpSyncHandle); } catch (BgpRouterException e) { // Ignored? } } public void addTepToElanDS(String rd, String tepIp, String mac, Uint32 l2vni) { boolean needUpdate = addToRt2TepMap(rd, tepIp, mac, l2vni); if (needUpdate) { LOG.info("Adding tepIp {} with RD {} to ELan DS", tepIp, rd); bgpUtil.addTepToElanInstance(rd, tepIp); } else { LOG.debug("Skipping the Elan update for RT2 from tep {} rd {}", tepIp, rd); } } public void deleteTepfromElanDS(String rd, String tepIp, String mac) { boolean needUpdate = deleteFromRt2TepMap(rd, tepIp, mac); if (needUpdate) { LOG.info("Deleting tepIp {} with RD {} to ELan DS", tepIp, rd); bgpUtil.deleteTepFromElanInstance(rd, tepIp); } else { LOG.debug("Skipping the Elan update for RT2 withdraw from tep {} rd {}", tepIp, rd); } } /* onUpdatePushRoute * Get Stale fibDSWriter map, and compare current route/fibDSWriter entry. * - Entry compare shall include NextHop, Label. * - If entry matches: delete from STALE Map. NO Change to FIB Config DS. * - If entry not found, add to FIB Config DS. * - If entry found, but either Label/NextHop doesn't match. * - Update FIB Config DS with modified values. * - delete from Stale Map. */ public void onUpdatePushRoute(protocol_type protocolType, String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nextHop, String macaddress, Uint32 label, Uint32 l2label, String routermac, af_afi afi) { PrefixUpdateEvent prefixUpdateEvent = new PrefixUpdateEvent(protocolType,rd,prefix,plen,nextHop, macaddress,label,l2label,routermac,afi); bgpUpdatesHistory.addToHistory(TransactionType.ADD, prefixUpdateEvent); boolean addroute = false; boolean macupdate = false; Uint32 l3vni = Uint32.ZERO; VrfEntry.EncapType encapType = VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre; if (protocolType.equals(protocol_type.PROTOCOL_EVPN)) { encapType = VrfEntry.EncapType.Vxlan; VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnInstanceOpDataEntry = bgpUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(rd); if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry != null) { if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getType() == VpnInstanceOpDataEntry.Type.L2) { LOG.info("Got RT2 route for RD {} l3label {} l2label {} from tep {} with mac {} remote RD {}", vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getVpnInstanceName(), label, l2label, nextHop, macaddress, rd); addTepToElanDS(rd, nextHop, macaddress, l2label); macupdate = true; } else { l3vni = vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getL3vni(); } } else { LOG.error("No corresponding vpn instance found for rd {}. Aborting.", rd); return; } } if (!staledFibEntriesMap.isEmpty()) { // restart Scenario, as MAP is not empty. Map map = staledFibEntriesMap.get(rd); if (map != null) { String prefixNextHop = appendNextHopToPrefix(prefix + "/" + plen, nextHop); Uint32 labelInStaleMap = map.get(prefixNextHop); if (null == labelInStaleMap) { // New Entry, which happened to be added during restart. addroute = true; } else { map.remove(prefixNextHop); if (isRouteModified(label, labelInStaleMap)) { LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nextHop, label); // Existing entry, where in Label got modified during restart addroute = true; } } } else { LOG.debug("rd {} map is null while processing prefix {} ", rd, prefix); addroute = true; } } else { LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nextHop, label); addroute = true; } if (macupdate) { LOG.info("ADD: Adding Mac Fib entry rd {} mac{} nexthop {} l2vni {}", rd, macaddress, nextHop, l2label); fibDSWriter.addMacEntryToDS(rd, macaddress, prefix, Collections.singletonList(nextHop), encapType, l2label, routermac, RouteOrigin.BGP); LOG.info("ADD: Added Mac Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {}", rd, macaddress, nextHop, l2label); } else if (addroute) { LOG.info("ADD: Adding Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {} afi {}", rd, prefix, nextHop, label, afi); // TODO: modify addFibEntryToDS signature List nextHopList = Collections.singletonList(nextHop); fibDSWriter.addFibEntryToDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nextHopList, encapType, label, l3vni, routermac, RouteOrigin.BGP); LOG.info("ADD: Added Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} label {}", rd, prefix, nextHop, label); String vpnName = bgpUtil.getVpnNameFromRd(rd); if (vpnName != null) { vpnLinkService.leakRouteIfNeeded(vpnName, prefix, nextHopList, label, RouteOrigin.BGP, NwConstants.ADD_FLOW); } } } public void onUpdateWithdrawRoute(protocol_type protocolType, String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nextHop, String macaddress) { PrefixWithdrawEvent prefixWithdrawEvent = new PrefixWithdrawEvent(protocolType,rd,prefix,plen, nextHop,macaddress); bgpUpdatesHistory.addToHistory(TransactionType.ADD, prefixWithdrawEvent); boolean macupdate = false; if (protocolType.equals(protocol_type.PROTOCOL_EVPN)) { VpnInstanceOpDataEntry vpnInstanceOpDataEntry = bgpUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(rd); if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry != null) { Uint32 vni = vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getL3vni(); if (vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getType() == VpnInstanceOpDataEntry.Type.L2) { LOG.debug("Got RT2 withdraw for RD {} {} from tep {} with mac {} remote RD {}", vpnInstanceOpDataEntry.getVpnInstanceName(), vni, nextHop, macaddress, rd); deleteTepfromElanDS(rd, nextHop, macaddress); LOG.debug("For rd {}. skipping fib update", rd); macupdate = true; } } else { LOG.error("No corresponding vpn instance found for rd {}. Aborting.", rd); return; } } if (macupdate) { LOG.info("Removing Mac Fib entry rd {} mac{} nexthop {} ", rd, macaddress, nextHop); fibDSWriter.removeMacEntryFromDS(rd, macaddress); LOG.info("Removed Mac Fib entry rd {} prefix {} nexthop {} ", rd, macaddress, nextHop); } else { LOG.info("REMOVE: Removing Fib entry rd {} prefix {}", rd, prefix); fibDSWriter.removeOrUpdateFibEntryFromDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nextHop); LOG.info("REMOVE: Removed Fib entry rd {} prefix {}", rd, prefix); } } //TODO: below function is for testing purpose with cli public void onUpdateWithdrawRoute(String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nexthop) { LOG.debug("Route del ** {} ** {}/{} ", rd, prefix, plen); fibDSWriter.removeOrUpdateFibEntryFromDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nexthop); String vpnName = bgpUtil.getVpnNameFromRd(rd); if (vpnName != null) { vpnLinkService.leakRouteIfNeeded(vpnName, prefix, null /*nextHopList*/, Uint32.ZERO /*INVALID_LABEL*/, RouteOrigin.BGP, NwConstants.DEL_FLOW); } } public void peerDown(String ipAddress, long asNumber) { PeerDownEvent peerDownEvent = new PeerDownEvent(ipAddress,asNumber); bgpUpdatesHistory.addToHistory(TransactionType.ADD, peerDownEvent); List tepIpList = bgpUtil.getDcgwTepConfig(ipAddress); if (tepIpList == null) { LOG.error("No Tep IP configured for DCGW {} on a peerDown", ipAddress); return; } tepIpList.forEach(tepIp -> { bgpUtil.removeOrUpdateLBGroups(tepIp, NwConstants.MOD_FLOW); }); } public void peerUp(String ipAddress, long asNumber) { PeerUpEvent peerUpEvent = new PeerUpEvent(ipAddress,asNumber); bgpUpdatesHistory.addToHistory(TransactionType.ADD, peerUpEvent); List tepIpList = bgpUtil.getDcgwTepConfig(ipAddress); if (tepIpList == null) { LOG.error("No Tep IP configured for DCGW {} on a peerUp", ipAddress); return; } tepIpList.forEach(tepIp -> { bgpUtil.removeOrUpdateLBGroups(tepIp, NwConstants.MOD_FLOW); }); } private static boolean isRouteModified(Uint32 label, Uint32 labelInStaleMap) { return labelInStaleMap != null && !labelInStaleMap.equals(label); } static class ReplayNbr { Neighbors nbr; boolean shouldRetry = false; public Neighbors getNbr() { return nbr; } public boolean isShouldRetry() { return shouldRetry; } public void setShouldRetry(boolean retryNbr) { this.shouldRetry = retryNbr; } ReplayNbr(Neighbors nbr, boolean shouldRetry) { this.nbr = nbr; this.shouldRetry = shouldRetry; } } private static boolean replayNbrConfig(List neighbors, BgpRouter br) { if (neighbors == null || neighbors.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Replaying nbr configuration, received NULL list "); return true; } List replayNbrList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Neighbors nbr : neighbors) { if (nbr != null) { replayNbrList.add(new ReplayNbr(nbr, true)); } } final int numberOfNbrRetries = 3; RetryOnException nbrRetry = new RetryOnException(numberOfNbrRetries); do { for (ReplayNbr replayNbr : replayNbrList) { if (!replayNbr.isShouldRetry()) { continue; } boolean replayDone = false; LOG.debug("Replaying addNbr {}", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue()); replayDone = false; try { final String md5password = extractMd5Secret(replayNbr.getNbr()); br.addNeighbor(replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), replayNbr.getNbr().getRemoteAs().longValue(), md5password); replayDone = true; } catch (TApplicationException tae) { LOG.debug("Replaying addNbr {}, tapplicationexception: ", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), tae); if (tae.getType() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_PEER_EXISTS) { LOG.debug("Replaying addNbr Neighbor already present"); replayDone = true; } else { LOG.error("Replaying addNbr {}, exception: ", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), tae); } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException eNbr) { LOG.debug("Replaying addNbr {}, exception: ", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), eNbr); } LOG.debug("Replay addNbr {} successful", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue()); //Update Source handling UpdateSource us = replayNbr.getNbr().getUpdateSource(); if (us != null) { LOG.debug("Replaying updatesource {} to peer {}", us.getSourceIp().getValue(), us.getPeerIp().getValue()); try { br.addUpdateSource(us.getPeerIp().getValue(), us.getSourceIp().getValue()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException eUs) { LOG.debug("Replaying UpdateSource for Nbr {}, exception:", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), eUs); } LOG.debug("Replay updatesource {} successful", us.getSourceIp().getValue()); } //Ebgp Multihope EbgpMultihop en = replayNbr.getNbr().getEbgpMultihop(); if (en != null) { try { br.addEbgpMultihop(en.getPeerIp().getValue(), en.getNhops().intValue()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException eEbgpMhop) { LOG.debug("Replaying EbgpMultihop for Nbr {}, exception: ", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), eEbgpMhop); } } //afs List afs = replayNbr.getNbr().getAddressFamilies(); if (afs != null) { for (AddressFamilies af : afs) { af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(af.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(af.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.addAddressFamily(af.getPeerIp().getValue(), afi, safi); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException eAFs) { LOG.debug("Replaying AddressFamily for Nbr {}, exception:", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue(), eAFs); } } } //replay is success --> no need to replay this nbr in next iteration. replayNbr.setShouldRetry(replayDone ? false : true); } } while (nbrRetry.decrementAndRetry()); boolean replaySuccess = true; for (ReplayNbr replayNbr : replayNbrList) { replaySuccess = replaySuccess && !replayNbr.isShouldRetry(); if (replaySuccess == false) { LOG.error("replayNbrConfig: will be cancelling stale cleanup, cfg nbr: {} Failed:", replayNbr.getNbr().getAddress().getValue()); } } return replaySuccess; } public String getConfigHost() { if (config == null) { return hostStartup; } ConfigServer ts = config.getConfigServer(); return ts == null ? hostStartup : ts.getHost().getValue(); } public int getConfigPort() { if (config == null) { return Integer.parseInt(portStartup); } ConfigServer ts = config.getConfigServer(); return ts == null ? Integer.parseInt(portStartup) : ts.getPort().intValue(); } public Bgp getConfig() { AtomicInteger bgpDSretryCount = new AtomicInteger(DS_RETRY_COUNT); while (0 != bgpDSretryCount.decrementAndGet()) { try { return SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class)).orNull(); } catch (ReadFailedException e) { //Config DS may not be up, so sleep for 1 second and retry LOG.debug("failed to get bgp config, may be DS is yet in consistent state(?)", e); try { Thread.sleep(WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException timerEx) { LOG.debug("WAIT_TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY_MILLIS, Timer got interrupted while waiting for" + "config DS availability", timerEx); } } } LOG.error("failed to get bgp config"); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public synchronized boolean replay() throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException { boolean replaySucceded = true; boolean doRouteSync = false; String host = getConfigHost(); int port = getConfigPort(); LOG.error("connecting to bgp host {} ", host); boolean res = bgpRouter.connect(host, port); if (!res) { LOG.error("Cannot connect to BGP config server at {} {}", host, port); return replaySucceded; } config = getConfig(); if (config == null) { LOG.error("bgp config is empty nothing to push to bgp"); return replaySucceded; } BgpRouter br = bgpRouter; AsId asId = config.getAsId(); if (asId == null) { LOG.error("bgp as-id is null"); return replaySucceded; } long asNum = asId.getLocalAs().toJava(); IpAddress routerId = asId.getRouterId(); String rid = routerId == null ? "" : routerId.stringValue(); int stalepathTime = (int) getStalePathtime(bgpGrRestartTime, config.getAsId()); boolean announceFbit = true; boolean replayDone = false; final int numberOfStartBgpRetries = 3; RetryOnException startBgpRetry = new RetryOnException(numberOfStartBgpRetries); do { try { LOG.debug("Replaying BGPConfig "); br.startBgp(asNum, rid, bgpKaTime, bgpHoldTime, stalepathTime, announceFbit); LOG.debug("Replay BGPConfig successful"); replayDone = true; break; } catch (BgpRouterException bre) { if (bre.getErrorCode() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_ACTIVE) { LOG.debug("Starting the routesync for exception", bre); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); if (!startBgpRetry.shouldRetry()) { doRouteSync = true; replayDone = true; } } else { LOG.error("Replay: startBgp() received exception error {} : ", bre.getErrorCode(), bre); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); } } catch (TApplicationException tae) { if (tae.getType() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_ACTIVE) { LOG.debug("Starting the routesync for exception", tae); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); if (!startBgpRetry.shouldRetry()) { doRouteSync = true; replayDone = true; } } else if (tae.getType() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_COMMON_FAILURE) { LOG.debug("Starting the routesync for AS-ID started exception", tae); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); if (!startBgpRetry.shouldRetry()) { doRouteSync = true; replayDone = true; } } else { LOG.error("Replay: startBgp() received exception type {}: ", tae.getType(), tae); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); } } catch (Exception e) { //not unusual. We may have restarted & BGP is already on LOG.error("Replay:startBgp() received exception: ", e); startBgpRetry.errorOccured(); } } while (startBgpRetry.shouldRetry()); replaySucceded = replayDone; startBgpCountersTask(); startBgpAlarmsTask(); /* * commenting this due to a bug with QBGP. Will uncomment once QBGP fix is done. * This wont have any functional impacts */ //try { // br.delayEOR(delayEorSeconds); //} catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { // LOG.error("Replay: delayEOR() number of seconds to wait for EOR from ODL:", e); //} BfdConfig bfdConfig = bgpUtil.getBfdConfig(); if (bfdConfig != null) { if (bfdConfig.isBfdEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Replaying bfd config min-rx {} min-tx {} detect-mul {} mhop {}", bfdConfig.getMinRx(), bfdConfig.getMinTx(), bfdConfig.getDetectMult(), bfdConfig.isMultihop()); try { br.addBfd(bfdConfig.getDetectMult().intValue(), bfdConfig.getMinRx().intValue(), bfdConfig.getMinTx().intValue(), bfdConfig.isMultihop()); } catch (TApplicationException tae) { if (tae.getType() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_PEER_EXISTS) { LOG.debug("Replay:addBfd() received exception", tae); } else { LOG.error("Replay:addBfd() received exception", tae); } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Replay:addBfd() received exception", e); } } } List neighbors = config.getNeighborsContainer().getNeighbors(); if (neighbors != null) { LOG.error("configuring existing Neighbors present for replay total neighbors {}", neighbors.size()); boolean neighborConfigReplayResult = replayNbrConfig(neighbors, br); if (neighborConfigReplayResult == false) { replaySucceded = false; } } else { LOG.error("no Neighbors present for replay config "); } Logging logging = config.getLogging(); if (logging != null) { try { br.setLogging(logging.getFile(), logging.getLevel()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Replay:setLogging() received exception", e); } } GracefulRestart gracefulRestart = config.getGracefulRestart(); bgpGrRestartTime = ((gracefulRestart != null) ? gracefulRestart.getStalepathTime().intValue() : bgpGrRestartTime); try { br.addGracefulRestart(bgpGrRestartTime); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addGr() received exception: ", e); } List vrfs = config.getVrfsContainer().getVrfs(); if (vrfs == null) { vrfs = new ArrayList<>(); } for (Vrfs vrf : vrfs) { for (AddressFamiliesVrf adf : vrf.getAddressFamiliesVrf()) { try { br.addVrf(BgpUtil.getLayerType(adf), vrf.getRd(), vrf.getImportRts(), vrf.getExportRts(), adf.getAfi().toJava(), adf.getSafi().toJava()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Replay:addVrf() received exception", e); } } } List ln = config.getNetworksContainer().getNetworks(); if (ln != null) { for (Networks net : ln) { String rd = net.getRd(); String pfxlen = net.getPrefixLen(); String nh = net.getNexthop().getValue(); Long label = net.getLabel().toJava(); int lbl = label == null ? 0 : label.intValue(); int l3vni = net.getL3vni() == null ? 0 : net.getL3vni().intValue(); int l2vni = net.getL2vni() == null ? 0 : net.getL2vni().intValue(); if (rd == null && lbl > 0) { //LU prefix is being deleted. rd = Integer.toString(lbl); } BgpControlPlaneType protocolType = net.getBgpControlPlaneType(); int ethernetTag = net.getEthtag().intValue(); String esi = net.getEsi(); String macaddress = net.getMacaddress(); EncapType encapType = net.getEncapType(); String routerMac = net.getRoutermac(); try { br.addPrefix(rd, pfxlen, nh, lbl, l3vni, l2vni, BgpUtil.convertToThriftProtocolType(protocolType), ethernetTag, esi, macaddress, BgpUtil.convertToThriftEncapType(encapType), routerMac); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.error("Replay:addPfx() received exception", e); } } } List multipaths = config.getMultipathContainer().getMultipath(); if (multipaths != null) { for (Multipath multipath : multipaths) { if (multipath != null) { af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(multipath.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(multipath.getSafi().intValue()); try { if (multipath.isMultipathEnabled()) { br.enableMultipath(afi, safi); } else { br.disableMultipath(afi, safi); } } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.info("Replay:multipaths() received exception", e); } } } } List vrfMaxpaths = config.getVrfMaxpathContainer().getVrfMaxpath(); if (vrfMaxpaths != null) { for (VrfMaxpath vrfMaxpath : vrfMaxpaths) { try { br.multipaths(vrfMaxpath.getRd(), vrfMaxpath.getMaxpaths().toJava()); } catch (TException | BgpRouterException e) { LOG.info("Replay:vrfMaxPath() received exception", e); } } } //send End of Rib Marker to Qthriftd. final int numberOfEORRetries = 3; RetryOnException eorRetry = new RetryOnException(numberOfEORRetries); do { try { br.sendEOR(); LOG.debug("Replay sendEOR() successful"); break; } catch (Exception e) { eorRetry.errorOccured(); LOG.error("Replay:sedEOR() received exception:", e); } } while (eorRetry.shouldRetry()); if (doRouteSync) { LOG.debug("starting route sync for Thrift BGP_ERR_COMMON_FAILURE exception " + "happened earlier"); doRouteSync(); } return replaySucceded; } private void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, T dto) { bgpUtil.update(iid, dto); } private void delete(InstanceIdentifier iid) { bgpUtil.delete(iid); } public void startConfig(String bgpHost, int thriftPort) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(ConfigServer.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Ipv4Address ipAddr = new Ipv4Address(bgpHost); ConfigServer dto = new ConfigServerBuilder().setHost(ipAddr) .setPort((long) thriftPort).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void startBgp(long as, String routerId, int spt, boolean fbit) { IpAddress rid = routerId == null ? null : IpAddressBuilder.getDefaultInstance(routerId); Long staleTime = (long) spt; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(AsId.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); AsId dto = new AsIdBuilder().setLocalAs(as) .setRouterId(rid) .setStalepathTime(staleTime) .setAnnounceFbit(fbit).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void startBfd(long detectMult, long minRx, long minTx, boolean multiHop) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(BfdConfig.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); BfdConfig dto = new BfdConfigBuilder() .setBfdEnabled(true) .setMultihop(multiHop) .setMinRx(minRx) .setMinTx(minTx) .setDetectMult(detectMult) .build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addDcgwTep(String dcgwIp, String tepIp) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(DcgwTepList.class) .child(DcgwTep.class, new DcgwTepKey(dcgwIp)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); ArrayList tepList = new ArrayList(); tepList.add(tepIp); DcgwTep dto = new DcgwTepBuilder().setDcGwIp(dcgwIp).setTepIps(tepList) .build(); update(iid, dto); bgpUtil.removeOrUpdateLBGroups(tepIp,NwConstants.MOD_FLOW); } public void addLogging(String fileName, String logLevel) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(Logging.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Logging dto = new LoggingBuilder().setFile(fileName) .setLevel(logLevel).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addGracefulRestart(int staleTime) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(GracefulRestart.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); GracefulRestart dto = new GracefulRestartBuilder() .setStalepathTime((long) staleTime).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addNeighbor( String nbrIp, long remoteAs, @Nullable final TcpMd5SignaturePasswordType md5Secret) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); TcpSecurityOption tcpSecOption = null; if (md5Secret != null) { tcpSecOption = new TcpMd5SignatureOptionBuilder().setTcpMd5SignaturePassword(md5Secret).build(); } // else let tcpSecOption be null Neighbors dto = new NeighborsBuilder().setAddress(nbrAddr) .setRemoteAs(remoteAs).setTcpSecurityOption(tcpSecOption).build(); update(iid, dto); } // public addNeighbor(nbrIp, remoteAs, md5Secret) public void addUpdateSource(String nbrIp, String srcIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); Ipv4Address srcAddr = new Ipv4Address(srcIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(UpdateSource.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); UpdateSource dto = new UpdateSourceBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setSourceIp(srcAddr).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addEbgpMultihop(String nbrIp, int hops) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(EbgpMultihop.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); EbgpMultihop dto = new EbgpMultihopBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setNhops((long) hops).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addAddressFamily(String nbrIp, int afi, int safi) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(AddressFamilies.class, new AddressFamiliesKey((long) afi, (long) safi)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); AddressFamilies dto = new AddressFamiliesBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setAfi((long) afi).setSafi((long) safi).build(); update(iid, dto); } public void addPrefix(String rd, String macAddress, String pfx, List nhList, VrfEntry.EncapType encapType, Uint32 lbl, Uint32 l3vni, Uint32 l2vni, String gatewayMac) { for (String nh : nhList) { Ipv4Address nexthop = nh != null ? new Ipv4Address(nh) : null; Uint32 label = lbl; InstanceIdentifier iid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(NetworksContainer.class) .child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(pfx, rd)).build(); NetworksBuilder networksBuilder = new NetworksBuilder().setRd(rd).setPrefixLen(pfx).setNexthop(nexthop) .setLabel(label).setEthtag(BgpConstants.DEFAULT_ETH_TAG); buildVpnEncapSpecificInfo(networksBuilder, encapType, label, l3vni, l2vni, macAddress, gatewayMac); update(iid, networksBuilder.build()); } } private static void buildVpnEncapSpecificInfo(NetworksBuilder builder, VrfEntry.EncapType encapType, Uint32 label, Uint32 l3vni, Uint32 l2vni, String macAddress, String gatewayMac) { if (encapType.equals(VrfEntry.EncapType.Mplsgre)) { builder.setLabel(label).setBgpControlPlaneType(BgpControlPlaneType.PROTOCOLL3VPN) .setEncapType(EncapType.GRE); } else { builder.setL3vni(l3vni).setL2vni(l2vni).setMacaddress(macAddress).setRoutermac(gatewayMac) .setBgpControlPlaneType(BgpControlPlaneType.PROTOCOLEVPN).setEncapType(EncapType.VXLAN); } } // TODO: add LayerType as arg - supports command public void addVrf(String rd, List irts, List erts, AddressFamily addressFamily) { Vrfs vrf = bgpUtil.getVrfFromRd(rd); List adfList = new ArrayList<>(1); if (vrf != null) { adfList = vrf.getAddressFamiliesVrf(); } AddressFamiliesVrfBuilder adfBuilder = new AddressFamiliesVrfBuilder(); if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.IPV4)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IP.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_MPLS_VPN.getValue()); } else if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.IPV6)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IPV6.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_MPLS_VPN.getValue()); } else if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.L2VPN)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IP.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_EVPN.getValue()); } AddressFamiliesVrf adf = adfBuilder.build(); adfList.add(adf); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(VrfsContainer.class) .child(Vrfs.class, new VrfsKey(rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Vrfs dto = new VrfsBuilder().setRd(rd).setImportRts(irts) .setExportRts(erts).setAddressFamiliesVrf(adfList).build(); List listAdFamilies = mapNewAdFamily.get(rd); if (listAdFamilies != null) { listAdFamilies.add(adf); } else { mapNewAdFamily.put(rd, adfList); } try { SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid, dto); } catch (TransactionCommitFailedException e) { LOG.error("Error adding VRF to datastore", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } // enable multipath by default in all VRFs setMultipaths(rd, BgpConstants.BGP_DEFAULT_MULTIPATH); } public void stopConfig() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(ConfigServer.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void stopBgp() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(AsId.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void stopBfd() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(BfdConfig.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delDcgwTep(String dcgwIp, String tepIp) { if (tepIp == null) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(DcgwTepList.class) .child(DcgwTep.class, new DcgwTepKey(dcgwIp)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } else { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(DcgwTepList.class) .child(DcgwTep.class, new DcgwTepKey(dcgwIp)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); List tepIpList = bgpUtil.getDcgwTepConfig(dcgwIp); if (tepIpList == null) { LOG.error("No Tep IP configured for DCGW {} on deleting the dcgwtep", dcgwIp); return; } List newTepIpList = new ArrayList(); tepIpList.forEach(tep -> { if (!tep.equals(tepIp)) { newTepIpList.add(tep); } }); DcgwTep dto = new DcgwTepBuilder().setDcGwIp(dcgwIp).setTepIps(newTepIpList) .build(); try { SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid, dto); } catch (TransactionCommitFailedException e) { LOG.error("delDcgwTep: Error deleting DCGW Tep", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } public void delLogging() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(Logging.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delGracefulRestart() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(GracefulRestart.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delNeighbor(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delUpdateSource(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(UpdateSource.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delEbgpMultihop(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(EbgpMultihop.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delAddressFamily(String nbrIp, int afi, int safi) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NeighborsContainer.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(AddressFamilies.class, new AddressFamiliesKey((long) afi, (long) safi)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public void delPrefix(String rd, String pfx) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(NetworksContainer.class) .child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(pfx, rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public boolean delVrf(String rd, AddressFamily addressFamily) { if (addressFamily == null) { LOG.error("delVrf: vrf {}, addressFamily invalid", rd); return false; } delMultipaths(rd); AddressFamiliesVrfBuilder adfBuilder = new AddressFamiliesVrfBuilder(); if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.IPV4)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IP.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_MPLS_VPN.getValue()); } else if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.IPV6)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IPV6.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_MPLS_VPN.getValue()); } else if (addressFamily.equals(AddressFamily.L2VPN)) { adfBuilder.setAfi((long) af_afi.AFI_IP.getValue()); adfBuilder.setSafi((long) af_safi.SAFI_EVPN.getValue()); } LOG.debug("delVrf: Received Delete VRF : rd:{}, address family: {} {}", rd, adfBuilder.getAfi(), adfBuilder.getSafi()); Vrfs vrfOriginal = bgpUtil.getVrfFromRd(rd); if (vrfOriginal == null) { LOG.error("delVrf: no vrf with existing rd {}. step aborted", rd); return false; } InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(VrfsContainer.class) .child(Vrfs.class, new VrfsKey(rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") InstanceIdentifier iid6 = iid.builder(Bgp.class).build() .child(MultipathContainer.class) .child(Multipath.class, new MultipathKey(adfBuilder.getAfi(), adfBuilder.getSafi())).create(Bgp.class); InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib3 = iid6.child(VrfsContainer.class).child(Vrfs.class, new VrfsKey(rd)).builder(); InstanceIdentifier iidFinal = iib3.build(); //** update or delete the vrfs with the rest of AddressFamilies already present in the last list AddressFamiliesVrf adfToDel = adfBuilder.build(); List adfListOriginal = new ArrayList<>(vrfOriginal.nonnullAddressFamiliesVrf()); List adfListToRemoveFromOriginal = new ArrayList<>(); adfListOriginal.forEach(adf -> { if (adf.equals(adfToDel)) { adfListToRemoveFromOriginal.add(adfToDel); return; } }); for (AddressFamiliesVrf adfToRemove : adfListToRemoveFromOriginal) { adfListOriginal.remove(adfToRemove); try { SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid, vrfOriginal); } catch (TransactionCommitFailedException e) { LOG.error("delVrf: Error updating VRF to datastore", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (adfListOriginal.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("delVrf: delete iid: {}", iidFinal); delete(iidFinal); return true; } // not all is removed return false; } public void setMultipathStatus(af_afi afi, af_safi safi, boolean enable) { long lafi = afi.getValue(); long lsafi = safi.getValue(); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier .builder(Bgp.class).child(MultipathContainer.class) .child(Multipath.class, new MultipathKey(Long.valueOf(afi.getValue()), Long.valueOf(safi.getValue()))); Multipath dto = new MultipathBuilder().setAfi(lafi).setSafi(lsafi).setMultipathEnabled(enable).build(); update(iib.build(), dto); } public void setMultipaths(String rd, int maxpath) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier .builder(Bgp.class).child(VrfMaxpathContainer.class) .child(VrfMaxpath.class, new VrfMaxpathKey(rd)); VrfMaxpath dto = new VrfMaxpathBuilder().setRd(rd).setMaxpaths(maxpath).build(); update(iib.build(), dto); } public void delMultipaths(String rd) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(VrfMaxpathContainer.class) .child(VrfMaxpath.class, new VrfMaxpathKey(rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } /* * Remove Stale Marked Routes after timer expiry. */ private class RouteCleanup implements Callable { @Override public Integer call() { totalCleared = 0; try { if (staledFibEntriesMap.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("BGP: RouteCleanup timertask tirggered but STALED FIB MAP is EMPTY"); } else { for (String rd : staledFibEntriesMap.keySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return 0; } Map map = staledFibEntriesMap.get(rd); if (map != null) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return 0; } String prefix = extractPrefix(key); String nextHop = extractNextHop(key); totalCleared++; LOG.debug("BGP: RouteCleanup deletePrefix called for : rd:{}, prefix{}, nextHop:{}", rd, prefix, nextHop); fibDSWriter.removeOrUpdateFibEntryFromDS(rd, prefix, nextHop); } } } } } finally { staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); } LOG.error("cleared {} stale routes after bgp restart", totalCleared); return 0; } } /* * BGP restart scenario, ODL-BGP manager was/is running. * On re-sync notification, Get a copy of FIB database. */ public void createStaleFibMap() { totalStaledCount = 0; try { staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); InstanceIdentifier id = InstanceIdentifier.create(FibEntries.class); Optional fibEntries = SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, id); if (fibEntries.isPresent()) { List staleVrfTables = fibEntries.get().getVrfTables(); for (VrfTables vrfTable : staleVrfTables) { Map staleFibEntMap = new HashMap<>(); for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : vrfTable.getVrfEntry()) { if (RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin()) != RouteOrigin.BGP) { //Stale marking and cleanup is only meant for the routes learned through BGP. continue; } if (Thread.interrupted()) { break; } totalStaledCount++; //Create MAP from staleVrfTables. vrfEntry.getRoutePaths() .forEach( routePath -> staleFibEntMap.put( appendNextHopToPrefix(vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), routePath.getNexthopAddress()), routePath.getLabel())); } staledFibEntriesMap.put(vrfTable.getRouteDistinguisher(), staleFibEntMap); } } else { LOG.error("createStaleFibMap:: FIBentries.class is not present"); } } catch (ReadFailedException e) { LOG.error("createStaleFibMap:: error ", e); } LOG.error("created {} staled entries ", totalStaledCount); } /* * BGP config remove scenario, Need to remove all the * external routes from FIB. */ public void deleteExternalFibRoutes() { totalExternalRoutes = 0; totalExternalMacRoutes = 0; try { InstanceIdentifier id = InstanceIdentifier.create(FibEntries.class); Optional fibEntries = SingleTransactionDataBroker.syncReadOptional(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, id); if (fibEntries.isPresent()) { if (fibEntries.get().getVrfTables() == null) { LOG.error("deleteExternalFibRoutes::getVrfTables is null"); return; } List staleVrfTables = fibEntries.get().getVrfTables(); for (VrfTables vrfTable : staleVrfTables) { String rd = vrfTable.getRouteDistinguisher(); if (vrfTable.getVrfEntry() != null) { for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : vrfTable.getVrfEntry()) { if (RouteOrigin.value(vrfEntry.getOrigin()) != RouteOrigin.BGP) { //route cleanup is only meant for the routes learned through BGP. continue; } totalExternalRoutes++; fibDSWriter.removeFibEntryFromDS(rd, vrfEntry.getDestPrefix()); } } else if (vrfTable.getMacVrfEntry() != null) { for (MacVrfEntry macEntry : vrfTable.getMacVrfEntry()) { if (RouteOrigin.value(macEntry.getOrigin()) != RouteOrigin.BGP) { //route cleanup is only meant for the routes learned through BGP. continue; } totalExternalMacRoutes++; fibDSWriter.removeMacEntryFromDS(rd, macEntry.getMac()); } } } } else { LOG.error("deleteExternalFibRoutes:: FIBentries.class is not present"); } } catch (ReadFailedException e) { LOG.error("deleteExternalFibRoutes:: error ", e); } LOG.debug("deleted {} fib entries {} mac entries", totalExternalRoutes, totalExternalMacRoutes); } public boolean addToRt2TepMap(String rd, String tepIp, String mac, Uint32 l2vni) { boolean isFirstMacUpdateFromTep = false; if (rt2TepMap.containsKey(rd)) { if (rt2TepMap.get(rd).containsKey(tepIp)) { LOG.debug("RT2 with mac {} l2vni {} from existing rd {} and tep-ip {}. No Elan DS write required", mac, l2vni, rd, tepIp); rt2TepMap.get(rd).get(tepIp).put(mac, l2vni); } else { LOG.debug("RT2 with mac {} l2vni {} from existing rd {} and new tep-ip {}", mac, l2vni, rd, tepIp); isFirstMacUpdateFromTep = true; Map macList = new HashMap<>(); macList.put(mac, l2vni); rt2TepMap.get(rd).put(tepIp, macList); } } else { LOG.debug("RT2 with mac {} l2vni {} from new rd {} and tep ip {}", mac, l2vni, rd, tepIp); isFirstMacUpdateFromTep = true; Map macList = new HashMap<>(); macList.put(mac, l2vni); Map> tepIpMacMap = new HashMap<>(); tepIpMacMap.put(tepIp, macList); rt2TepMap.put(rd, tepIpMacMap); } return isFirstMacUpdateFromTep; } public boolean deleteFromRt2TepMap(String rd, String tepIp, String mac) { boolean isLastMacUpdateFromTep = false; LOG.debug("RT2 withdraw with rd {} mac {} tep-ip {} ", rd, mac, tepIp); if (rt2TepMap.containsKey(rd)) { if (rt2TepMap.get(rd).containsKey(tepIp)) { if (rt2TepMap.get(rd).get(tepIp).containsKey(mac)) { LOG.debug("RT2 Withdraw : Removing the mac {} from Map", mac); rt2TepMap.get(rd).get(tepIp).remove(mac); if (rt2TepMap.get(rd).get(tepIp).isEmpty()) { isLastMacUpdateFromTep = true; LOG.debug("RT2 Withdraw : Removing the tep-ip {} from Map", tepIp); rt2TepMap.get(rd).remove(tepIp); if (rt2TepMap.get(rd).isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("RT2 Withdraw : Removing the rd {} from Map", rd); rt2TepMap.remove(rd); } } } } } return isLastMacUpdateFromTep; } public Collection getTepIPs(String rd) { final Map> tepIpMap = rt2TepMap.get(rd); return tepIpMap != null ? tepIpMap.keySet() : Collections.emptyList(); } public boolean isBgpConnected() { return (bgpRouter == null) ? false : bgpRouter.isBgpConnected(); } public long getLastConnectedTS() { return (bgpRouter == null) ? 0 : bgpRouter.getLastConnectedTS(); } public long getConnectTS() { return (bgpRouter == null) ? 0 : bgpRouter.getConnectTS(); } public long getStartTS() { return (bgpRouter == null) ? 0 : bgpRouter.getStartTS(); } public TTransport getTransport() { return bgpRouter.getTransport(); } public int getTotalStaledCount() { return totalStaledCount; } public int getTotalCleared() { return totalCleared; } public BgpCounters getBgpCounters() { return bgpCountersReference.get(); } private void startBgpCountersTask() { if (getBgpCounters() == null && bgpCountersReference.compareAndSet(null, new BgpCounters(getBgpSdncMipIp(), metricProvider))) { bgpCountersTask = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(bgpCountersReference.get(), 0, 120 * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); LOG.info("Bgp Counters task scheduled for every two minutes."); bgpManager.setQbgpLog(BgpConstants.BGP_DEF_LOG_FILE, BgpConstants.BGP_DEF_LOG_LEVEL); } } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD", justification = "https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/811") private void stopBgpCountersTask() { final BgpCounters bgpCounters = bgpCountersReference.getAndSet(null); if (bgpCounters != null) { bgpCountersTask.cancel(true); bgpCounters.close(); } } private void startBgpAlarmsTask() { if (getBgpAlarms() == null && bgpAlarmsReference.compareAndSet(null, new BgpAlarms(this))) { bgpAlarmsReference.get().init(); bgpAlarmsTask = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(bgpAlarmsReference.get(), 0, 60 * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); LOG.info("Bgp Alarms task scheduled for every minute."); } else { LOG.trace("Bgp Alarms task already scheduled for every minute."); } } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD", justification = "https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/811") private void stopBgpAlarmsTask() { final BgpAlarms bgpAlarms = bgpAlarmsReference.getAndSet(null); if (bgpAlarms != null) { bgpAlarmsTask.cancel(true); bgpAlarms.close(); } } public BgpAlarms getBgpAlarms() { return bgpAlarmsReference.get(); } public void getPeerStatus(String nbrIp, long nbrAsNum) throws BgpRouterException, TException { bgpRouter.getPeerStatus(nbrIp, nbrAsNum); } private static String appendNextHopToPrefix(String prefix, String nextHop) { return prefix + ":" + nextHop; } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD", justification = "https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/811") private static String extractPrefix(String prefixNextHop) { return prefixNextHop.split(":")[0]; } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD", justification = "https://github.com/spotbugs/spotbugs/issues/811") private static String extractNextHop(String prefixNextHop) { return prefixNextHop.split(":")[1]; } private static String extractMd5Secret(final Neighbors val) { String md5Secret = null; TcpSecurityOption tcpSecOpt = val.getTcpSecurityOption(); if (tcpSecOpt != null) { if (tcpSecOpt instanceof TcpMd5SignatureOption) { md5Secret = ((TcpMd5SignatureOption) tcpSecOpt).getTcpMd5SignaturePassword().getValue(); } else { // unknown TcpSecurityOption LOG.debug("neighbors Ignored unknown tcp-security-option of peer {}", val.getAddress().getValue()); } } return md5Secret; } // private method extractMd5Secret @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") @Override public ListenableFuture> initiateEor(InitiateEorInput input) { boolean returnError = false; String msg = null; String neighborIp = null; if (!isBGPEntityOwner()) { msg = String.format("RPC triggered in Non-EoS Owner"); return Futures.immediateFuture( RpcResultBuilder.failed().withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, msg).build()); } if (input == null) { msg = String.format("BGP invalid input for EoR"); LOG.error("Error : {}", msg); returnError = true; } else { neighborIp = input.getNeighborIp(); } if (eorSupressedDuetoUpgradeFlag.get() == false) { msg = String.format("EoR triggerd by RBU-RPC call before replay" + "of BGP configuration (or) BGP not restarted"); LOG.error("Error : {}", msg); } if ("ALL".compareToIgnoreCase(neighborIp) == 0) { //send EoR for all the neighbor LOG.error("EoR trigger received to ALL neighbors"); final int numberOfEORRetries = 3; RetryOnException eorRetry = new RetryOnException(numberOfEORRetries); do { try { BgpRouter br = bgpRouter; br.sendEOR(); LOG.debug("RPC: sendEOR {} successful", br); break; } catch (Exception e) { eorRetry.errorOccured(); LOG.error("Replay:sedEOR() received exception:", e); } } while (eorRetry.shouldRetry()); eorSupressedDuetoUpgradeFlag.set(false); } else if (InetAddresses.isInetAddress(neighborIp)) { //send EoR for only one neighbor msg = String.format("Inidividual neighbors EoR is not supported"); LOG.warn("Error : {}", msg); returnError = true; } else { //error msg = String.format("RPC: initiateEor: Invalid input "); LOG.warn("Error : {}", msg); returnError = true; } if (returnError) { return Futures.immediateFuture( RpcResultBuilder.failed().withError(RpcError.ErrorType.APPLICATION, msg).build()); } InitiateEorOutput initiateEorOutput = new InitiateEorOutputBuilder().setRetVal(0L).build(); return Futures.immediateFuture(RpcResultBuilder.success() .withResult(initiateEorOutput).build()); } }