/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.dom.adapter; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import com.google.common.base.VerifyException; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.FluentFuture; import java.util.HashSet; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.WriteTransaction; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.dom.codec.api.BindingAugmentationCodecTreeNode; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.dom.codec.api.BindingNormalizedNodeSerializer.AugmentationResult; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.dom.codec.api.BindingNormalizedNodeSerializer.NodeResult; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.dom.codec.api.BindingNormalizedNodeSerializer.NormalizedResult; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.CommitInfo; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.dom.api.DOMDataTreeWriteTransaction; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.impl.schema.ImmutableNodes; class BindingDOMWriteTransactionAdapter extends AbstractForwardedTransaction implements WriteTransaction { BindingDOMWriteTransactionAdapter(final AdapterContext adapterContext, final T delegateTx) { super(adapterContext, delegateTx); } @Override public final void put(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final InstanceIdentifier path, final U data) { put(store, toNormalized("put", path, data)); } private void put(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final NormalizedResult normalized) { final var delegate = getDelegate(); final var domPath = normalized.path(); if (normalized instanceof AugmentationResult augment) { // Augmentation: put() child nodes provided with augmentation, delete() those having no data final var putIds = new HashSet(); for (var child : augment.children()) { final var childId = child.name(); delegate.put(store, domPath.node(childId), child); putIds.add(childId); } for (var childId : augment.possibleChildren()) { if (!putIds.contains(childId)) { delegate.delete(store, domPath.node(childId)); } } } else if (normalized instanceof NodeResult node) { delegate.put(store, domPath, node.node()); } else { throw new VerifyException("Unhandled result " + normalized); } } @Deprecated @Override public final void mergeParentStructurePut(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final InstanceIdentifier path, final U data) { final var serializer = adapterContext().currentSerializer(); final var normalized = toNormalized(serializer, "put", path, data); ensureParentsByMerge(serializer, store, normalized.path()); put(store, normalized); } @Override public final void merge(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final InstanceIdentifier path, final D data) { merge(store, toNormalized("merge", path, data)); } private void merge(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final NormalizedResult normalized) { final var delegate = getDelegate(); final var domPath = normalized.path(); if (normalized instanceof AugmentationResult augment) { // Augmentation: merge individual children for (var child : augment.children()) { delegate.merge(store, domPath.node(child.name()), child); } } else if (normalized instanceof NodeResult node) { delegate.merge(store, domPath, node.node()); } else { throw new VerifyException("Unhandled result " + normalized); } } @Deprecated @Override public final void mergeParentStructureMerge(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final InstanceIdentifier path, final U data) { final var serializer = adapterContext().currentSerializer(); final var normalized = toNormalized(serializer, "merge", path, data); ensureParentsByMerge(serializer, store, normalized.path()); merge(store, normalized); } @Override public final void delete(final LogicalDatastoreType store, final InstanceIdentifier path) { checkArgument(!path.isWildcarded(), "Cannot delete wildcarded path %s", path); final var serializer = adapterContext().currentSerializer(); // Lookup the codec and the corresponding path final var codecWithPath = serializer.getSubtreeCodecWithPath(path); final var domPath = codecWithPath.path(); final var delegate = getDelegate(); if (codecWithPath.codec() instanceof BindingAugmentationCodecTreeNode augmentCodec) { // Deletion of an augmentation: issue a delete on all potential children of the augmentation for (var childPath : augmentCodec.childPathArguments()) { delegate.delete(store, domPath.node(childPath)); } } else { delegate.delete(store, domPath); } } @Override public FluentFuture commit() { return getDelegate().commit(); } @Override public final boolean cancel() { return getDelegate().cancel(); } /** * Subclasses of this class are required to implement creation of parent nodes based on behaviour of their * underlying transaction. * * @param store an instance of LogicalDatastoreType * @param domPath an instance of YangInstanceIdentifier */ private void ensureParentsByMerge(final CurrentAdapterSerializer serializer, final LogicalDatastoreType store, final YangInstanceIdentifier domPath) { final var parentPath = domPath.getParent(); if (parentPath != null && !parentPath.isEmpty()) { final var parentNode = ImmutableNodes.fromInstanceId( serializer.getRuntimeContext().getEffectiveModelContext(), parentPath); getDelegate().merge(store, YangInstanceIdentifier.of(parentNode.name()), parentNode); } } private @NonNull NormalizedResult toNormalized(final String operation, final InstanceIdentifier path, final U data) { return toNormalized(adapterContext().currentSerializer(), operation, path, data); } private static @NonNull NormalizedResult toNormalized( final CurrentAdapterSerializer serializer, final String operation, final InstanceIdentifier path, final U data) { checkArgument(!path.isWildcarded(), "Cannot %s data into wildcarded path %s", operation, path); return serializer.toNormalizedNode(path, data); } }