/* * Copyright (c) 2021 PANTHEON.tech, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.generator.impl.reactor; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verify; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.generator.BindingGeneratorUtil; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.generator.impl.reactor.TypeReference.ResolvedLeafref; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.AccessModifier; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.ConcreteType; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Enumeration; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.JavaTypeName; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Restrictions; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Type; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedPropertyBuilder; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTOBuilder; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTypeBuilderBase; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.type.builder.MethodSignatureBuilder; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.BaseYangTypes; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.BindingTypes; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.TypeConstants; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.Types; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.generated.type.builder.AbstractEnumerationBuilder; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.generated.type.builder.GeneratedPropertyBuilderImpl; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.runtime.api.RuntimeType; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Immutable; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.RegexPatterns; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.TypeObject; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.YangConstants; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.EffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.BaseEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.LengthEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.PathEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.PatternEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.PatternExpression; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.RangeEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.TypeEffectiveStatement; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.ValueRange; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition.Bit; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.EnumTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.ModifierKind; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.PatternConstraint; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.StringTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.TypeDefinitions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Common base class for {@link TypedefGenerator} and {@link AbstractTypeAwareGenerator}. This encompasses three * different statements with two different semantics: * * *

* To throw a bit of confusion into the mix, there are three exceptions to those rules: *

* *

* At the end of the day, the mechanic translation rules are giving way to correctly mapping the semantics -- which in * both of the exception cases boil down to tracking type indirection. Intermediate constructs involved in tracking * type indirection in YANG constructs is therefore explicitly excluded from the generated Java code, but the Binding * Specification still takes them into account when determining types as outlined above. */ abstract class AbstractTypeObjectGenerator, R extends RuntimeType> extends AbstractDependentGenerator { private static final class UnionDependencies implements Immutable { private final Map, TypeReference> identityTypes = new HashMap<>(); private final Map, TypeReference> leafTypes = new HashMap<>(); private final Map baseTypes = new HashMap<>(); UnionDependencies(final TypeEffectiveStatement type, final GeneratorContext context) { resolveUnionDependencies(context, type); } private void resolveUnionDependencies(final GeneratorContext context, final TypeEffectiveStatement union) { for (EffectiveStatement stmt : union.effectiveSubstatements()) { if (stmt instanceof TypeEffectiveStatement) { final TypeEffectiveStatement type = (TypeEffectiveStatement) stmt; final QName typeName = type.argument(); if (TypeDefinitions.IDENTITYREF.equals(typeName)) { if (!identityTypes.containsKey(stmt)) { identityTypes.put(stmt, TypeReference.identityRef( type.streamEffectiveSubstatements(BaseEffectiveStatement.class) .map(BaseEffectiveStatement::argument) .map(context::resolveIdentity) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()))); } } else if (TypeDefinitions.LEAFREF.equals(typeName)) { if (!leafTypes.containsKey(stmt)) { leafTypes.put(stmt, TypeReference.leafRef(context.resolveLeafref( type.findFirstEffectiveSubstatementArgument(PathEffectiveStatement.class) .orElseThrow()))); } } else if (TypeDefinitions.UNION.equals(typeName)) { resolveUnionDependencies(context, type); } else if (!isBuiltinName(typeName) && !baseTypes.containsKey(typeName)) { baseTypes.put(typeName, context.resolveTypedef(typeName)); } } } } } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractTypeObjectGenerator.class); static final ImmutableMap SIMPLE_TYPES = ImmutableMap.builder() .put(TypeDefinitions.BINARY, BaseYangTypes.BINARY_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.BOOLEAN, BaseYangTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.DECIMAL64, BaseYangTypes.DECIMAL64_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.EMPTY, BaseYangTypes.EMPTY_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER, BaseYangTypes.INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER) .put(TypeDefinitions.INT8, BaseYangTypes.INT8_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.INT16, BaseYangTypes.INT16_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.INT32, BaseYangTypes.INT32_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.INT64, BaseYangTypes.INT64_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.STRING, BaseYangTypes.STRING_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.UINT8, BaseYangTypes.UINT8_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.UINT16, BaseYangTypes.UINT16_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.UINT32, BaseYangTypes.UINT32_TYPE) .put(TypeDefinitions.UINT64, BaseYangTypes.UINT64_TYPE) .build(); private final TypeEffectiveStatement type; // FIXME: these fields should be better-controlled with explicit sequencing guards. It it currently stands, we are // expending two (or more) additional fields to express downstream linking. If we had the concept of // resolution step (an enum), we could just get by with a simple queue of Step/Callback pairs, which would // trigger as needed. See how we manage baseGen/inferred fields. /** * The generator corresponding to our YANG base type. It produces the superclass of our encapsulated type. If it is * {@code null}, this generator is the root of the hierarchy. */ private TypedefGenerator baseGen; private TypeReference refType; private List auxiliaryGeneratedTypes = List.of(); private UnionDependencies unionDependencies; private List> inferred = List.of(); /** * The type of single-element return type of the getter method associated with this generator. This is retained for * run-time type purposes. It may be uninitialized, in which case this object must have a generated type. */ private Type methodReturnTypeElement; AbstractTypeObjectGenerator(final S statement, final AbstractCompositeGenerator parent) { super(statement, parent); type = statement().findFirstEffectiveSubstatement(TypeEffectiveStatement.class).orElseThrow(); } @Override public final List auxiliaryGeneratedTypes() { return auxiliaryGeneratedTypes; } @Override final void linkDependencies(final GeneratorContext context) { verify(inferred != null, "Duplicate linking of %s", this); final QName typeName = type.argument(); if (isBuiltinName(typeName)) { verify(inferred.isEmpty(), "Unexpected non-empty downstreams in %s", this); inferred = null; return; } final AbstractExplicitGenerator prev = previous(); if (prev != null) { verify(prev instanceof AbstractTypeObjectGenerator, "Unexpected previous %s", prev); ((AbstractTypeObjectGenerator) prev).linkInferred(this); } else { linkBaseGen(context.resolveTypedef(typeName)); } } private void linkInferred(final AbstractTypeObjectGenerator downstream) { if (inferred == null) { downstream.linkBaseGen(verifyNotNull(baseGen, "Mismatch on linking between %s and %s", this, downstream)); return; } if (inferred.isEmpty()) { inferred = new ArrayList<>(2); } inferred.add(downstream); } private void linkBaseGen(final TypedefGenerator upstreamBaseGen) { verify(baseGen == null, "Attempted to replace base %s with %s in %s", baseGen, upstreamBaseGen, this); final List> downstreams = verifyNotNull(inferred, "Duplicated linking of %s", this); baseGen = verifyNotNull(upstreamBaseGen); baseGen.addDerivedGenerator(this); inferred = null; for (AbstractTypeObjectGenerator downstream : downstreams) { downstream.linkBaseGen(upstreamBaseGen); } } void bindTypeDefinition(final GeneratorContext context) { if (baseGen != null) { // We have registered with baseGen, it will push the type to us return; } final QName arg = type.argument(); if (TypeDefinitions.IDENTITYREF.equals(arg)) { refType = TypeReference.identityRef(type.streamEffectiveSubstatements(BaseEffectiveStatement.class) .map(BaseEffectiveStatement::argument) .map(context::resolveIdentity) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList())); } else if (TypeDefinitions.LEAFREF.equals(arg)) { final AbstractTypeObjectGenerator targetGenerator = context.resolveLeafref( type.findFirstEffectiveSubstatementArgument(PathEffectiveStatement.class).orElseThrow()); checkArgument(targetGenerator != this, "Effective model contains self-referencing leaf %s", statement().argument()); refType = TypeReference.leafRef(targetGenerator); } else if (TypeDefinitions.UNION.equals(arg)) { unionDependencies = new UnionDependencies(type, context); LOG.trace("Resolved union {} to dependencies {}", type, unionDependencies); } LOG.trace("Resolved base {} to generator {}", type, refType); bindDerivedGenerators(refType); } final void bindTypeDefinition(final @Nullable TypeReference reference) { refType = reference; LOG.trace("Resolved derived {} to generator {}", type, refType); } private static boolean isBuiltinName(final QName typeName) { return YangConstants.RFC6020_YANG_MODULE.equals(typeName.getModule()); } abstract void bindDerivedGenerators(@Nullable TypeReference reference); @Override final ClassPlacement classPlacement() { if (refType != null) { // Reference types never create a new type return ClassPlacement.NONE; } if (isDerivedEnumeration()) { // Types derived from an enumeration never create a new type, as that would have to be a subclass of an enum // and since enums are final, that can never happen. return ClassPlacement.NONE; } return classPlacementImpl(); } @NonNull ClassPlacement classPlacementImpl() { // TODO: make this a lot more accurate by comparing the effective delta between the base type and the effective // restricted type. We should not be generating a type for constructs like: // // leaf foo { // type uint8 { range 0..255; } // } // // or // // typedef foo { // type uint8 { range 0..100; } // } // // leaf foo { // type foo { range 0..100; } // } // // Which is relatively easy to do for integral types, but is way more problematic for 'pattern' // restrictions. Nevertheless we can define the mapping in a way which can be implemented with relative // ease. return baseGen != null || SIMPLE_TYPES.containsKey(type.argument()) || isAddedByUses() || isAugmenting() ? ClassPlacement.NONE : ClassPlacement.MEMBER; } @Override final GeneratedType getGeneratedType(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { // For derived enumerations defer to base type return isDerivedEnumeration() ? baseGen.getGeneratedType(builderFactory) : super.getGeneratedType(builderFactory); } final boolean isEnumeration() { return baseGen != null ? baseGen.isEnumeration() : TypeDefinitions.ENUMERATION.equals(type.argument()); } final boolean isDerivedEnumeration() { return baseGen != null && baseGen.isEnumeration(); } @Override Type methodReturnType(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { return methodReturnElementType(builderFactory); } @Override final Type runtimeJavaType() { if (methodReturnTypeElement != null) { return methodReturnTypeElement; } final var genType = generatedType(); if (genType.isPresent()) { return genType.orElseThrow(); } final var prev = verifyNotNull(previous(), "No previous generator for %s", this); return prev.runtimeJavaType(); } final @NonNull Type methodReturnElementType(final @NonNull TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { var local = methodReturnTypeElement; if (local == null) { methodReturnTypeElement = local = createMethodReturnElementType(builderFactory); } return local; } private @NonNull Type createMethodReturnElementType(final @NonNull TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { final GeneratedType generatedType = tryGeneratedType(builderFactory); if (generatedType != null) { // We have generated a type here, so return it. This covers 'bits', 'enumeration' and 'union'. return generatedType; } if (refType != null) { // This is a reference type of some kind. Defer to its judgement as to what the return type is. return refType.methodReturnType(builderFactory); } final AbstractExplicitGenerator prev = previous(); if (prev != null) { // We have been added through augment/uses, defer to the original definition return prev.methodReturnType(builderFactory); } final Type baseType; if (baseGen == null) { final QName qname = type.argument(); baseType = verifyNotNull(SIMPLE_TYPES.get(qname), "Cannot resolve type %s in %s", qname, this); } else { // We are derived from a base generator. Defer to its type for return. baseType = baseGen.getGeneratedType(builderFactory); } return restrictType(baseType, computeRestrictions(), builderFactory); } private static @NonNull Type restrictType(final @NonNull Type baseType, final Restrictions restrictions, final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { if (restrictions == null || restrictions.isEmpty()) { // No additional restrictions, return base type return baseType; } if (!(baseType instanceof GeneratedTransferObject)) { // This is a simple Java type, just wrap it with new restrictions return Types.restrictedType(baseType, restrictions); } // Base type is a GTO, we need to re-adjust it with new restrictions final GeneratedTransferObject gto = (GeneratedTransferObject) baseType; final GeneratedTOBuilder builder = builderFactory.newGeneratedTOBuilder(gto.getIdentifier()); final GeneratedTransferObject parent = gto.getSuperType(); if (parent != null) { builder.setExtendsType(parent); } builder.setRestrictions(restrictions); for (GeneratedProperty gp : gto.getProperties()) { builder.addProperty(gp.getName()) .setValue(gp.getValue()) .setReadOnly(gp.isReadOnly()) .setAccessModifier(gp.getAccessModifier()) .setReturnType(gp.getReturnType()) .setFinal(gp.isFinal()) .setStatic(gp.isStatic()); } return builder.build(); } @Override final void addAsGetterMethodOverride(final GeneratedTypeBuilderBase builder, final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { if (!(refType instanceof ResolvedLeafref)) { // We are not dealing with a leafref or have nothing to add return; } final AbstractTypeObjectGenerator prev = (AbstractTypeObjectGenerator) verifyNotNull(previous(), "Missing previous link in %s", this); if (prev.refType instanceof ResolvedLeafref) { // We should be already inheriting the correct type return; } // Note: this may we wrapped for leaf-list, hence we need to deal with that final Type myType = methodReturnType(builderFactory); LOG.trace("Override of {} to {}", this, myType); final MethodSignatureBuilder getter = constructGetter(builder, myType); getter.addAnnotation(OVERRIDE_ANNOTATION); annotateDeprecatedIfNecessary(getter); } final @Nullable Restrictions computeRestrictions() { final List length = type.findFirstEffectiveSubstatementArgument(LengthEffectiveStatement.class) .orElse(List.of()); final List range = type.findFirstEffectiveSubstatementArgument(RangeEffectiveStatement.class) .orElse(List.of()); final List patterns = type.streamEffectiveSubstatements(PatternEffectiveStatement.class) .map(PatternEffectiveStatement::argument) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()); if (length.isEmpty() && range.isEmpty() && patterns.isEmpty()) { return null; } return BindingGeneratorUtil.getRestrictions(extractTypeDefinition()); } @Override final GeneratedType createTypeImpl(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory) { if (baseGen != null) { final GeneratedType baseType = baseGen.getGeneratedType(builderFactory); verify(baseType instanceof GeneratedTransferObject, "Unexpected base type %s", baseType); return createDerivedType(builderFactory, (GeneratedTransferObject) baseType); } // FIXME: why do we need this boolean? final boolean isTypedef = this instanceof TypedefGenerator; final QName arg = type.argument(); if (TypeDefinitions.BITS.equals(arg)) { return createBits(builderFactory, typeName(), currentModule(), extractTypeDefinition(), isTypedef); } else if (TypeDefinitions.ENUMERATION.equals(arg)) { return createEnumeration(builderFactory, typeName(), currentModule(), (EnumTypeDefinition) extractTypeDefinition()); } else if (TypeDefinitions.UNION.equals(arg)) { final List tmp = new ArrayList<>(1); final GeneratedTransferObject ret = createUnion(tmp, builderFactory, statement(), unionDependencies, typeName(), currentModule(), type, isTypedef, extractTypeDefinition()); auxiliaryGeneratedTypes = List.copyOf(tmp); return ret; } else { return createSimple(builderFactory, typeName(), currentModule(), verifyNotNull(SIMPLE_TYPES.get(arg), "Unhandled type %s", arg), extractTypeDefinition()); } } private static @NonNull GeneratedTransferObject createBits(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory, final JavaTypeName typeName, final ModuleGenerator module, final TypeDefinition typedef, final boolean isTypedef) { final GeneratedTOBuilder builder = builderFactory.newGeneratedTOBuilder(typeName); builder.setTypedef(isTypedef); builder.addImplementsType(BindingTypes.TYPE_OBJECT); builder.setBaseType(typedef); for (Bit bit : ((BitsTypeDefinition) typedef).getBits()) { final String name = bit.getName(); GeneratedPropertyBuilder genPropertyBuilder = builder.addProperty(BindingMapping.getPropertyName(name)); genPropertyBuilder.setReadOnly(true); genPropertyBuilder.setReturnType(BaseYangTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE); builder.addEqualsIdentity(genPropertyBuilder); builder.addHashIdentity(genPropertyBuilder); builder.addToStringProperty(genPropertyBuilder); } // builder.setSchemaPath(typedef.getPath()); builder.setModuleName(module.statement().argument().getLocalName()); builderFactory.addCodegenInformation(typedef, builder); annotateDeprecatedIfNecessary(typedef, builder); makeSerializable(builder); return builder.build(); } private static @NonNull Enumeration createEnumeration(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory, final JavaTypeName typeName, final ModuleGenerator module, final EnumTypeDefinition typedef) { // TODO units for typedef enum final AbstractEnumerationBuilder builder = builderFactory.newEnumerationBuilder(typeName); typedef.getDescription().map(BindingGeneratorUtil::encodeAngleBrackets) .ifPresent(builder::setDescription); typedef.getReference().ifPresent(builder::setReference); builder.setModuleName(module.statement().argument().getLocalName()); builder.updateEnumPairsFromEnumTypeDef(typedef); return builder.toInstance(); } private static @NonNull GeneratedType createSimple(final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory, final JavaTypeName typeName, final ModuleGenerator module, final Type javaType, final TypeDefinition typedef) { final String moduleName = module.statement().argument().getLocalName(); final GeneratedTOBuilder builder = builderFactory.newGeneratedTOBuilder(typeName); builder.setTypedef(true); builder.addImplementsType(BindingTypes.scalarTypeObject(javaType)); final GeneratedPropertyBuilder genPropBuilder = builder.addProperty(TypeConstants.VALUE_PROP); genPropBuilder.setReturnType(javaType); builder.addEqualsIdentity(genPropBuilder); builder.addHashIdentity(genPropBuilder); builder.addToStringProperty(genPropBuilder); builder.setRestrictions(BindingGeneratorUtil.getRestrictions(typedef)); // builder.setSchemaPath(typedef.getPath()); builder.setModuleName(moduleName); builderFactory.addCodegenInformation(typedef, builder); annotateDeprecatedIfNecessary(typedef, builder); if (javaType instanceof ConcreteType // FIXME: This looks very suspicious: we should by checking for Types.STRING && "String".equals(javaType.getName()) && typedef.getBaseType() != null) { addStringRegExAsConstant(builder, resolveRegExpressions(typedef)); } addUnits(builder, typedef); makeSerializable(builder); return builder.build(); } private static @NonNull GeneratedTransferObject createUnion(final List auxiliaryGeneratedTypes, final TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory, final EffectiveStatement definingStatement, final UnionDependencies dependencies, final JavaTypeName typeName, final ModuleGenerator module, final TypeEffectiveStatement type, final boolean isTypedef, final TypeDefinition typedef) { final GeneratedUnionBuilder builder = builderFactory.newGeneratedUnionBuilder(typeName); builder.addImplementsType(BindingTypes.TYPE_OBJECT); builder.setIsUnion(true); // builder.setSchemaPath(typedef.getPath()); builder.setModuleName(module.statement().argument().getLocalName()); builderFactory.addCodegenInformation(definingStatement, builder); annotateDeprecatedIfNecessary(definingStatement, builder); // Pattern string is the key, XSD regex is the value. The reason for this choice is that the pattern carries // also negation information and hence guarantees uniqueness. final Map expressions = new HashMap<>(); // Linear list of properties generated from subtypes. We need this information for runtime types, as it allows // direct mapping of type to corresponding property -- without having to resort to re-resolving the leafrefs // again. final List typeProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (EffectiveStatement stmt : type.effectiveSubstatements()) { if (stmt instanceof TypeEffectiveStatement) { final TypeEffectiveStatement subType = (TypeEffectiveStatement) stmt; final QName subName = subType.argument(); final String localName = subName.getLocalName(); String propSource = localName; final Type generatedType; if (TypeDefinitions.UNION.equals(subName)) { final JavaTypeName subUnionName = typeName.createEnclosed( provideAvailableNameForGenTOBuilder(typeName.simpleName())); final GeneratedTransferObject subUnion = createUnion(auxiliaryGeneratedTypes, builderFactory, definingStatement, dependencies, subUnionName, module, subType, isTypedef, subType.getTypeDefinition()); builder.addEnclosingTransferObject(subUnion); propSource = subUnionName.simpleName(); generatedType = subUnion; } else if (TypeDefinitions.ENUMERATION.equals(subName)) { final Enumeration subEnumeration = createEnumeration(builderFactory, typeName.createEnclosed(BindingMapping.getClassName(localName), "$"), module, (EnumTypeDefinition) subType.getTypeDefinition()); builder.addEnumeration(subEnumeration); generatedType = subEnumeration; } else if (TypeDefinitions.BITS.equals(subName)) { final GeneratedTransferObject subBits = createBits(builderFactory, typeName.createEnclosed(BindingMapping.getClassName(localName), "$"), module, subType.getTypeDefinition(), isTypedef); builder.addEnclosingTransferObject(subBits); generatedType = subBits; } else if (TypeDefinitions.IDENTITYREF.equals(subName)) { generatedType = verifyNotNull(dependencies.identityTypes.get(stmt), "Cannot resolve identityref %s in %s", stmt, definingStatement) .methodReturnType(builderFactory); } else if (TypeDefinitions.LEAFREF.equals(subName)) { generatedType = verifyNotNull(dependencies.leafTypes.get(stmt), "Cannot resolve leafref %s in %s", stmt, definingStatement) .methodReturnType(builderFactory); } else { Type baseType = SIMPLE_TYPES.get(subName); if (baseType == null) { // This has to be a reference to a typedef, let's lookup it up and pick up its type final AbstractTypeObjectGenerator baseGen = verifyNotNull( dependencies.baseTypes.get(subName), "Cannot resolve base type %s in %s", subName, definingStatement); baseType = baseGen.methodReturnType(builderFactory); // FIXME: This is legacy behaviour for leafrefs: if (baseGen.refType instanceof TypeReference.Leafref) { // if there already is a compatible property, do not generate a new one final Type search = baseType; final String matching = builder.getProperties().stream() .filter(prop -> search == ((GeneratedPropertyBuilderImpl) prop).getReturnType()) .findFirst() .map(GeneratedPropertyBuilder::getName) .orElse(null); if (matching != null) { typeProperties.add(matching); continue; } // ... otherwise generate this weird property name propSource = BindingMapping.getUnionLeafrefMemberName(builder.getName(), baseType.getName()); } } expressions.putAll(resolveRegExpressions(subType.getTypeDefinition())); generatedType = restrictType(baseType, BindingGeneratorUtil.getRestrictions(type.getTypeDefinition()), builderFactory); } final String propName = BindingMapping.getPropertyName(propSource); typeProperties.add(propName); if (builder.containsProperty(propName)) { /* * FIXME: this is not okay, as we are ignoring multiple base types. For example in the case of: * * type union { * type string { * length 1..5; * } * type string { * length 8..10; * } * } * * We are ending up losing the information about 8..10 being an alternative. This is also the case * for leafrefs -- we are performing property compression as well (see above). While it is alluring * to merge these into 'length 1..5|8..10', that may not be generally feasible. * * We should resort to a counter of conflicting names, i.e. the second string would be mapped to * 'string1' or similar. */ continue; } final GeneratedPropertyBuilder propBuilder = builder .addProperty(propName) .setReturnType(generatedType); builder.addEqualsIdentity(propBuilder); builder.addHashIdentity(propBuilder); builder.addToStringProperty(propBuilder); } } // Record property names if needed builder.setTypePropertyNames(typeProperties); addStringRegExAsConstant(builder, expressions); addUnits(builder, typedef); makeSerializable(builder); final GeneratedTransferObject ret = builder.build(); // Define a corresponding union builder. Typedefs are always anchored at a Java package root, // so we are placing the builder alongside the union. final GeneratedTOBuilder unionBuilder = builderFactory.newGeneratedTOBuilder(unionBuilderName(typeName)); unionBuilder.setIsUnionBuilder(true); unionBuilder.addMethod("getDefaultInstance") .setAccessModifier(AccessModifier.PUBLIC) .setStatic(true) .setReturnType(ret) .addParameter(Types.STRING, "defaultValue"); auxiliaryGeneratedTypes.add(unionBuilder.build()); return ret; } // FIXME: this can be a source of conflicts as we are not guarding against nesting private static @NonNull JavaTypeName unionBuilderName(final JavaTypeName unionName) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : unionName.localNameComponents()) { sb.append(part); } return JavaTypeName.create(unionName.packageName(), sb.append(BindingMapping.BUILDER_SUFFIX).toString()); } // FIXME: we should not rely on TypeDefinition abstract @NonNull TypeDefinition extractTypeDefinition(); abstract @NonNull GeneratedTransferObject createDerivedType(@NonNull TypeBuilderFactory builderFactory, @NonNull GeneratedTransferObject baseType); /** * Adds to the {@code genTOBuilder} the constant which contains regular expressions from the {@code expressions}. * * @param genTOBuilder generated TO builder to which are {@code regular expressions} added * @param expressions list of string which represent regular expressions */ static void addStringRegExAsConstant(final GeneratedTOBuilder genTOBuilder, final Map expressions) { if (!expressions.isEmpty()) { genTOBuilder.addConstant(Types.listTypeFor(BaseYangTypes.STRING_TYPE), TypeConstants.PATTERN_CONSTANT_NAME, ImmutableMap.copyOf(expressions)); } } /** * Converts the pattern constraints from {@code typedef} to the list of the strings which represents these * constraints. * * @param typedef extended type in which are the pattern constraints sought * @return list of strings which represents the constraint patterns * @throws IllegalArgumentException if typedef equals null */ static Map resolveRegExpressions(final TypeDefinition typedef) { return typedef instanceof StringTypeDefinition // TODO: run diff against base ? ? resolveRegExpressions(((StringTypeDefinition) typedef).getPatternConstraints()) : ImmutableMap.of(); } /** * Converts the pattern constraints to the list of the strings which represents these constraints. * * @param patternConstraints list of pattern constraints * @return list of strings which represents the constraint patterns */ private static Map resolveRegExpressions(final List patternConstraints) { if (patternConstraints.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } final Map regExps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(patternConstraints.size()); for (PatternConstraint patternConstraint : patternConstraints) { String regEx = patternConstraint.getJavaPatternString(); // The pattern can be inverted final Optional optModifier = patternConstraint.getModifier(); if (optModifier.isPresent()) { regEx = applyModifier(optModifier.get(), regEx); } regExps.put(regEx, patternConstraint.getRegularExpressionString()); } return regExps; } /** * Returns string which contains the same value as name but integer suffix is incremented by one. If * name contains no number suffix, a new suffix initialized at 1 is added. A suffix is actually * composed of a '$' marker, which is safe, as no YANG identifier can contain '$', and a unsigned decimal integer. * * @param name string with name of augmented node * @return string with the number suffix incremented by one (or 1 is added) */ private static String provideAvailableNameForGenTOBuilder(final String name) { final int dollar = name.indexOf('$'); if (dollar == -1) { return name + "$1"; } final int newSuffix = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(name.substring(dollar + 1)) + 1; verify(newSuffix > 0, "Suffix counter overflow"); return name.substring(0, dollar + 1) + newSuffix; } private static String applyModifier(final ModifierKind modifier, final String pattern) { switch (modifier) { case INVERT_MATCH: return RegexPatterns.negatePatternString(pattern); default: LOG.warn("Ignoring unhandled modifier {}", modifier); return pattern; } } }