/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.java.api.generator import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.BindingGeneratorUtil.encodeAngleBrackets import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher import com.google.common.base.Splitter import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap import com.google.common.collect.Iterables import java.math.BigInteger import java.util.Collection import java.util.List import java.util.Locale import java.util.Map.Entry import java.util.StringTokenizer import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.gaul.modernizer_maven_annotations.SuppressModernizer import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.AnnotationType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.ConcreteType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Constant import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.JavaTypeName import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.MethodSignature import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Restrictions import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.TypeMember import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.YangSourceDefinition.Single import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.YangSourceDefinition.Multiple import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.BindingGeneratorUtil import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.TypeConstants import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.Types import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint8 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint16 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint32 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint64 import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.NotificationDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.RpcDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.YangStmtMapping import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.DeclaredStatement import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.meta.EffectiveStatement import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.stmt.ModuleEffectiveStatement import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.export.DeclaredStatementFormatter @SuppressModernizer abstract class BaseTemplate extends JavaFileTemplate { static final char NEW_LINE = '\n' static final char SPACE = ' ' static val AMP_MATCHER = CharMatcher.is('&') static val WS_MATCHER = CharMatcher.anyOf("\n\t") static val SPACES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(" +") static val NL_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(NEW_LINE) static val TAIL_COMMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("*/", Pattern.LITERAL); static val YANG_FORMATTER = DeclaredStatementFormatter.builder() .addIgnoredStatement(YangStmtMapping.CONTACT) .addIgnoredStatement(YangStmtMapping.DESCRIPTION) .addIgnoredStatement(YangStmtMapping.REFERENCE) .addIgnoredStatement(YangStmtMapping.ORGANIZATION) .build(); protected static val UINT_TYPES = ImmutableMap.of( Types.typeForClass(Uint8), Types.typeForClass(Short), Types.typeForClass(Uint16), Types.typeForClass(Integer), Types.typeForClass(Uint32), Types.typeForClass(Long), Types.typeForClass(Uint64), Types.typeForClass(BigInteger) ); new(GeneratedType type) { super(type) } new(AbstractJavaGeneratedType javaType, GeneratedType type) { super(javaType, type) } final def generate() { val _body = body() ''' package «type.packageName»; «generateImportBlock» «_body» '''.toString } protected abstract def CharSequence body(); // Helper patterns final protected def fieldName(GeneratedProperty property) { "_" + property.name } final protected def propertyNameFromGetter(MethodSignature getter) { var String prefix; if (getter.name.startsWith(BindingMapping.BOOLEAN_GETTER_PREFIX)) { prefix = BindingMapping.BOOLEAN_GETTER_PREFIX } else if (getter.name.startsWith(BindingMapping.GETTER_PREFIX)) { prefix = BindingMapping.GETTER_PREFIX } else if (getter.name.startsWith(BindingMapping.NONNULL_PREFIX)) { prefix = BindingMapping.NONNULL_PREFIX } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getter + " is not a getter") } return getter.name.substring(prefix.length).toFirstLower; } /** * Template method which generates the getter method for field * * @param field * generated property with data about field which is generated as the getter method * @return string with the getter method source code in JAVA format */ protected def getterMethod(GeneratedProperty field) { ''' public «field.returnType.importedName» «field.getterMethodName»() { «val fieldName = field.fieldName» «IF field.returnType.name.endsWith("[]")» return «fieldName» == null ? null : «fieldName».clone(); «ELSE» return «fieldName»; «ENDIF» } ''' } final protected def getterMethodName(GeneratedProperty field) { val prefix = if(field.returnType.equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) "is" else "get" return '''«prefix»«field.name.toFirstUpper»''' } /** * Template method which generates the setter method for field * * @param field * generated property with data about field which is generated as the setter method * @return string with the setter method source code in JAVA format */ final protected def setterMethod(GeneratedProperty field) ''' «val returnType = field.returnType.importedName» public «type.name» set«field.name.toFirstUpper»(«returnType» value) { this.«field.fieldName» = value; return this; } ''' /** * Template method which generates method parameters with their types from parameters. * * @param parameters * group of generated property instances which are transformed to the method parameters * @return string with the list of the method parameters with their types in JAVA format */ def final protected asArgumentsDeclaration(Iterable parameters) '''«IF !parameters.empty»«FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»«parameter. returnType.importedName» «parameter.fieldName»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»''' /** * Template method which generates method parameters with their types from parameters, annotating them * with {@link NonNull}. * * @param parameters group of generated property instances which are transformed to the method parameters * @return string with the list of the method parameters with their types in JAVA format */ def final protected asNonNullArgumentsDeclaration(Iterable parameters) '''«IF !parameters.empty» «FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»«parameter.returnType.importedNonNull» «parameter .fieldName»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»''' /** * Template method which generates sequence of the names of the class attributes from parameters. * * @param parameters * group of generated property instances which are transformed to the sequence of parameter names * @return string with the list of the parameter names of the parameters */ def final protected asArguments(Collection parameters) '''«IF !parameters.empty»«FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»«parameter. fieldName»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»''' /** * Template method which generates JAVA comments. * * @param comment string with the comment for whole JAVA class * @return string with comment in JAVA format */ def protected CharSequence asJavadoc(String comment) { if (comment === null) { return '' } return ''' «wrapToDocumentation(formatToParagraph(comment.trim))» ''' } def static String wrapToDocumentation(String text) { if (text.empty) return "" val StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("/**\n") for (String t : NL_SPLITTER.split(text)) { sb.append(" *") if (!t.isEmpty()) { sb.append(SPACE).append(t) } sb.append(NEW_LINE) } sb.append(" */") return sb.toString } def protected String formatDataForJavaDoc(GeneratedType type) { val sb = new StringBuilder() val comment = type.comment if (comment !== null) { sb.append(comment.javadoc) } appendSnippet(sb, type) return ''' «IF sb.length != 0» «sb.toString» «ENDIF» '''.toString } def static encodeJavadocSymbols(String description) { if (description.nullOrEmpty) { return description; } return TAIL_COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher(AMP_MATCHER.replaceFrom(description, "&")).replaceAll("*/") } def protected String formatDataForJavaDoc(GeneratedType type, String additionalComment) { val comment = type.comment if (comment === null) { return ''' «additionalComment» ''' } val sb = new StringBuilder().append(comment.javadoc) appendSnippet(sb, type) sb.append(NEW_LINE) .append(NEW_LINE) .append(NEW_LINE) .append(additionalComment) return ''' «sb.toString» ''' } def private static void appendSnippet(StringBuilder sb, GeneratedType type) { val optDef = type.yangSourceDefinition if (optDef.present) { val def = optDef.get sb.append(NEW_LINE) if (def instanceof Single) { val node = def.node sb.append("

\n") .append("This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ") .append(def.module.argument).append("\n") .append("

                appendYangSnippet(sb, def.module, (node as EffectiveStatement).declared)
") if (node instanceof SchemaNode) { sb.append("The schema path to identify an instance is\n") .append("") .append(formatSchemaPath(def.module.argument, node.path.pathFromRoot)) .append("\n") if (hasBuilderClass(node)) { val builderName = type.name + "Builder"; sb.append("\n

To create instances of this class use {@link ").append(builderName) .append("}.\n") .append("@see ").append(builderName).append('\n') if (node instanceof ListSchemaNode) { val keyDef = node.keyDefinition if (keyDef !== null && !keyDef.empty) { sb.append("@see ").append(type.name).append("Key") } sb.append('\n'); } } } } else if (def instanceof Multiple) { sb.append("

                for (SchemaNode node : def.nodes) {
                    appendYangSnippet(sb, def.module, (node as EffectiveStatement).declared)
\n") } } } def private static void appendYangSnippet(StringBuilder sb, ModuleEffectiveStatement module, DeclaredStatement stmt) { for (String str : YANG_FORMATTER.toYangTextSnippet(module, stmt)) { sb.append(BindingGeneratorUtil.replaceAllIllegalChars(encodeAngleBrackets(encodeJavadocSymbols(str)))) } } def private static boolean hasBuilderClass(SchemaNode schemaNode) { return schemaNode instanceof ContainerSchemaNode || schemaNode instanceof ListSchemaNode || schemaNode instanceof RpcDefinition || schemaNode instanceof NotificationDefinition; } def private static String formatSchemaPath(String moduleName, Iterable schemaPath) { val sb = new StringBuilder().append(moduleName); var currentElement = Iterables.getFirst(schemaPath, null); for (QName pathElement : schemaPath) { sb.append('/') if (!currentElement.namespace.equals(pathElement.namespace)) { currentElement = pathElement sb.append(pathElement) } else { sb.append(pathElement.getLocalName()) } } return sb.toString(); } def protected static String formatDataForJavaDoc(TypeMember type, String additionalComment) { val StringBuilder typeDescriptionBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (!type.comment.nullOrEmpty) { typeDescriptionBuilder.append(formatToParagraph(type.comment)) typeDescriptionBuilder.append(NEW_LINE) typeDescriptionBuilder.append(NEW_LINE) typeDescriptionBuilder.append(NEW_LINE) } typeDescriptionBuilder.append(additionalComment) var typeDescription = wrapToDocumentation(typeDescriptionBuilder.toString) return ''' «typeDescription» '''.toString } def asCode(String text) { return "" + text + "" } def asLink(String text) { val StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() var tempText = text var char lastChar = SPACE var boolean badEnding = false if (text.endsWith('.') || text.endsWith(':') || text.endsWith(',')) { tempText = text.substring(0, text.length - 1) lastChar = text.charAt(text.length - 1) badEnding = true } sb.append("") sb.append(tempText) sb.append("") if(badEnding) sb.append(lastChar) return sb.toString } protected static def formatToParagraph(String text) { if(text === null || text.isEmpty) return text var formattedText = text val StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var boolean isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar = false; formattedText = encodeJavadocSymbols(formattedText) formattedText = WS_MATCHER.replaceFrom(formattedText, SPACE) formattedText = SPACES_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText).replaceAll(" ") val StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(formattedText, " ", true); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens) { val nextElement = tokenizer.nextToken if (lineBuilder.length != 0 && lineBuilder.length + nextElement.length > 80) { if (lineBuilder.charAt(lineBuilder.length - 1) == SPACE) { lineBuilder.setLength(lineBuilder.length - 1) } if (lineBuilder.length != 0 && lineBuilder.charAt(0) == SPACE) { lineBuilder.deleteCharAt(0) } sb.append(lineBuilder).append(NEW_LINE) lineBuilder.setLength(0) if (nextElement == " ") { isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar = !isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar; } } if (isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar) { isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar = !isFirstElementOnNewLineEmptyChar } else { lineBuilder.append(nextElement) } } return sb.append(lineBuilder).append(NEW_LINE).toString } /** * Template method which generates method parameters with their types from parameters. * * @param parameters * list of parameter instances which are transformed to the method parameters * @return string with the list of the method parameters with their types in JAVA format */ def protected generateParameters(List parameters) '''« IF !parameters.empty»« FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»« parameter.type.importedName» «parameter.name»« ENDFOR»« ENDIF »''' def protected emitConstant(Constant c) ''' «IF BindingMapping.QNAME_STATIC_FIELD_NAME.equals(c.name)» «val entry = c.value as Entry» public static final «c.type.importedNonNull» «c.name» = «entry.key.importedName».«BindingMapping.MODULE_INFO_QNAMEOF_METHOD_NAME»("«entry.value»"); «ELSE» public static final «c.type.importedName» «c.name» = «c.value»; «ENDIF» ''' def protected generateCheckers(GeneratedProperty field, Restrictions restrictions, Type actualType) ''' «IF restrictions.rangeConstraint.present» «AbstractRangeGenerator.forType(actualType).generateRangeChecker(field.name.toFirstUpper, restrictions.rangeConstraint.get, this)» «ENDIF» «IF restrictions.lengthConstraint.present» «LengthGenerator.generateLengthChecker(field.fieldName, actualType, restrictions.lengthConstraint.get, this)» «ENDIF» ''' def protected checkArgument(GeneratedProperty property, Restrictions restrictions, Type actualType, String value) ''' «IF restrictions.getRangeConstraint.isPresent» «IF actualType instanceof ConcreteType» «AbstractRangeGenerator.forType(actualType).generateRangeCheckerCall(property.getName.toFirstUpper, value)» «ELSE» «AbstractRangeGenerator.forType(actualType).generateRangeCheckerCall(property.getName.toFirstUpper, value + ".getValue()")» «ENDIF» «ENDIF» «val fieldName = property.fieldName» «IF restrictions.getLengthConstraint.isPresent» «IF actualType instanceof ConcreteType» «LengthGenerator.generateLengthCheckerCall(fieldName, value)» «ELSE» «LengthGenerator.generateLengthCheckerCall(fieldName, value + ".getValue()")» «ENDIF» «ENDIF» «val fieldUpperCase = fieldName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)» «FOR currentConstant : type.getConstantDefinitions» «IF currentConstant.getName.startsWith(TypeConstants.PATTERN_CONSTANT_NAME) && fieldUpperCase.equals(currentConstant.getName.substring(TypeConstants.PATTERN_CONSTANT_NAME.length))» «CODEHELPERS.importedName».checkPattern(value, «Constants.MEMBER_PATTERN_LIST»«fieldName», «Constants.MEMBER_REGEX_LIST»«fieldName»); «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' def protected hashCodeResult(Collection properties) ''' final int prime = 31; int result = 1; «FOR property : properties» result = prime * result + «property.importedUtilClass».hashCode(«property.fieldName»); «ENDFOR» ''' def protected final generateAnnotation(AnnotationType annotation) ''' @«annotation.importedName» «IF annotation.parameters !== null && !annotation.parameters.empty» ( «FOR param : annotation.parameters SEPARATOR ","» «param.name»=«param.value» «ENDFOR» ) «ENDIF» ''' }