/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.java.api.generator import static extension org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.BindingTypes.DATA_OBJECT import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping.AUGMENTABLE_AUGMENTATION_NAME import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping.AUGMENTATION_FIELD import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping.DATA_CONTAINER_IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_NAME import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet import com.google.common.collect.Sets import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Collection import java.util.HashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.AnnotationType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.JavaTypeName import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.MethodSignature; import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.ParameterizedType import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.TypeConstants import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.ri.Types import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.spec.naming.BindingMapping /** * Template for generating JAVA builder classes. */ class BuilderTemplate extends AbstractBuilderTemplate { val BuilderImplTemplate implTemplate /** * Constructs new instance of this class. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if genType equals null */ new(GeneratedType genType, GeneratedType targetType, Type keyType) { super(genType, targetType, keyType) implTemplate = new BuilderImplTemplate(this, type.enclosedTypes.get(0)) } override isLocalInnerClass(JavaTypeName name) { // Builders do not have inner types return false; } /** * Template method which generates JAVA class body for builder class and for IMPL class. * * @return string with JAVA source code */ override body() ''' «wrapToDocumentation(formatDataForJavaDoc(targetType))» «targetType.annotations.generateDeprecatedAnnotation» «generatedAnnotation» public class «type.name» { «generateFields(false)» «constantsDeclarations()» «IF augmentType !== null» «generateAugmentField()» «ENDIF» «generateConstructorsFromIfcs()» public «generateCopyConstructor(targetType, type.enclosedTypes.get(0))» «generateMethodFieldsFrom()» «generateGetters(false)» «IF augmentType !== null» «generateAugmentation()» «ENDIF» «generateSetters» /** * A new {@link «targetType.name»} instance. * * @return A new {@link «targetType.name»} instance. */ public «targetType.name» build() { return new «type.enclosedTypes.get(0).importedName»(this); } «implTemplate.body» } ''' override generateDeprecatedAnnotation(AnnotationType ann) { val forRemoval = ann.getParameter("forRemoval") if (forRemoval !== null) { return "@" + DEPRECATED.importedName + "(forRemoval = " + forRemoval.value + ")" } return "@" + SUPPRESS_WARNINGS.importedName + "(\"deprecation\")" } /** * Generate default constructor and constructor for every implemented interface from uses statements. */ def private generateConstructorsFromIfcs() ''' public «type.name»() { } «IF (!(targetType instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «FOR impl : targetType.implements SEPARATOR "\n"» «generateConstructorFromIfc(impl)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' /** * Generate constructor with argument of given type. */ def private Object generateConstructorFromIfc(Type impl) ''' «IF (impl instanceof GeneratedType)» «IF impl.hasNonDefaultMethods» public «type.name»(«impl.importedName» arg) { «printConstructorPropertySetter(impl)» } «ENDIF» «FOR implTypeImplement : impl.implements» «generateConstructorFromIfc(implTypeImplement)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private Object printConstructorPropertySetter(Type implementedIfc) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.nonDefaultMethods» «IF BindingMapping.isGetterMethodName(getter.name)» «val propertyName = getter.propertyNameFromGetter» «printPropertySetter(getter, '''arg.«getter.name»()''', propertyName)»; «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «FOR impl : ifc.implements» «printConstructorPropertySetter(impl, getSpecifiedGetters(ifc))» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private Object printConstructorPropertySetter(Type implementedIfc, Set alreadySetProperties) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.nonDefaultMethods» «IF BindingMapping.isGetterMethodName(getter.name) && getterByName(alreadySetProperties, getter.name).isEmpty» «val propertyName = getter.propertyNameFromGetter» «printPropertySetter(getter, '''arg.«getter.name»()''', propertyName)»; «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «FOR descendant : ifc.implements» «printConstructorPropertySetter(descendant, Sets.union(alreadySetProperties, getSpecifiedGetters(ifc)))» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def static Set getSpecifiedGetters(GeneratedType type) { val ImmutableSet.Builder setBuilder = new ImmutableSet.Builder for (MethodSignature method : type.getMethodDefinitions()) { if (method.hasOverrideAnnotation) { setBuilder.add(method) } } return setBuilder.build() } /** * Generate 'fieldsFrom' method to set builder properties based on type of given argument. */ def private generateMethodFieldsFrom() ''' «IF (!(targetType instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «IF targetType.hasImplementsFromUses» «val List done = targetType.getBaseIfcs» «generateMethodFieldsFromComment(targetType)» public void fieldsFrom(«DATA_OBJECT.importedName» arg) { boolean isValidArg = false; «FOR impl : targetType.getAllIfcs» «generateIfCheck(impl, done)» «ENDFOR» «CODEHELPERS.importedName».validValue(isValidArg, arg, "«targetType.getAllIfcs.toListOfNames»"); } «ENDIF» «ENDIF» ''' def private generateMethodFieldsFromComment(GeneratedType type) ''' /** * Set fields from given grouping argument. Valid argument is instance of one of following types: *
    «FOR impl : type.getAllIfcs» *
  • «impl.importedName»
  • «ENDFOR» *
* * @param arg grouping object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given argument is none of valid types or has property with incompatible value */ ''' /** * Method is used to find out if given type implements any interface from uses. */ def boolean hasImplementsFromUses(GeneratedType type) { var i = 0 for (impl : type.getAllIfcs) { if (impl instanceof GeneratedType && (impl as GeneratedType).hasNonDefaultMethods) { i = i + 1 } } return i > 0 } def private generateIfCheck(Type impl, List done) ''' «IF (impl instanceof GeneratedType && (impl as GeneratedType).hasNonDefaultMethods)» «val implType = impl as GeneratedType» if (arg instanceof «implType.importedName») { «printPropertySetter(implType)» isValidArg = true; } «ENDIF» ''' def private printPropertySetter(Type implementedIfc) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.nonDefaultMethods» «IF BindingMapping.isGetterMethodName(getter.name) && !hasOverrideAnnotation(getter)» «printPropertySetter(getter, '''((«ifc.importedName»)arg).«getter.name»()''', getter.propertyNameFromGetter)»; «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private printPropertySetter(MethodSignature getter, String retrieveProperty, String propertyName) { val ownGetter = implTemplate.findGetter(getter.name) val ownGetterType = ownGetter.returnType if (Types.strictTypeEquals(getter.returnType, ownGetterType)) { return "this._" + propertyName + " = " + retrieveProperty } if (ownGetterType instanceof ParameterizedType) { val itemType = ownGetterType.actualTypeArguments.get(0) if (Types.isListType(ownGetterType)) { return ''' this._«propertyName» = «CODEHELPERS.importedName».checkListFieldCast(«itemType.importedName».class, "«propertyName»", «retrieveProperty»)''' } if (Types.isSetType(ownGetterType)) { return ''' this._«propertyName» = «CODEHELPERS.importedName».checkSetFieldCast(«itemType.importedName».class, "«propertyName»", «retrieveProperty»)''' } } return ''' this._«propertyName» = «CODEHELPERS.importedName».checkFieldCast(«ownGetter.returnType.importedName».class, "«propertyName»", «retrieveProperty»)''' } private def List getBaseIfcs(GeneratedType type) { val List baseIfcs = new ArrayList(); for (ifc : type.implements) { if (ifc instanceof GeneratedType && (ifc as GeneratedType).hasNonDefaultMethods) { baseIfcs.add(ifc) } } return baseIfcs } private def Set getAllIfcs(Type type) { val Set baseIfcs = new HashSet() if (type instanceof GeneratedType && !(type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject)) { val ifc = type as GeneratedType for (impl : ifc.implements) { if (impl instanceof GeneratedType && (impl as GeneratedType).hasNonDefaultMethods) { baseIfcs.add(impl) } baseIfcs.addAll(impl.getAllIfcs) } } return baseIfcs } private def List toListOfNames(Collection types) { val List names = new ArrayList for (type : types) { names.add(type.importedName) } return names } def private constantsDeclarations() ''' «FOR c : type.getConstantDefinitions» «IF c.getName.startsWith(TypeConstants.PATTERN_CONSTANT_NAME)» «val cValue = c.value as Map» «val String fieldSuffix = c.getName.substring(TypeConstants.PATTERN_CONSTANT_NAME.length)» «val jurPatternRef = JUR_PATTERN.importedName» «IF cValue.size == 1» «val firstEntry = cValue.entrySet.iterator.next» private static final «jurPatternRef» «Constants.MEMBER_PATTERN_LIST»«fieldSuffix» = «jurPatternRef».compile("«firstEntry.key.escapeJava»"); private static final String «Constants.MEMBER_REGEX_LIST»«fieldSuffix» = "«firstEntry.value.escapeJava»"; «ELSE» private static final «jurPatternRef»[] «Constants.MEMBER_PATTERN_LIST»«fieldSuffix» = «CODEHELPERS.importedName».compilePatterns(«ImmutableList.importedName».of( «FOR v : cValue.keySet SEPARATOR ", "»"«v.escapeJava»"«ENDFOR»)); private static final String[] «Constants.MEMBER_REGEX_LIST»«fieldSuffix» = { « FOR v : cValue.values SEPARATOR ", "»"«v.escapeJava»"«ENDFOR» }; «ENDIF» «ELSE» «emitConstant(c)» «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' def private generateSetter(GeneratedProperty field) { val returnType = field.returnType if (returnType instanceof ParameterizedType) { if (Types.isListType(returnType) || Types.isSetType(returnType)) { val arguments = returnType.actualTypeArguments if (arguments.isEmpty) { return generateListSetter(field, Types.objectType) } return generateListSetter(field, arguments.get(0)) } else if (Types.isMapType(returnType)) { return generateMapSetter(field, returnType.actualTypeArguments.get(1)) } } return generateSimpleSetter(field, returnType) } def private generateListSetter(GeneratedProperty field, Type actualType) ''' «val restrictions = restrictionsForSetter(actualType)» «IF restrictions !== null» «generateCheckers(field, restrictions, actualType)» «ENDIF» public «type.getName» set«field.getName.toFirstUpper»(final «field.returnType.importedName» values) { «IF restrictions !== null» if (values != null) { for («actualType.importedName» value : values) { «checkArgument(field, restrictions, actualType, "value")» } } «ENDIF» this.«field.fieldName» = values; return this; } ''' def private generateMapSetter(GeneratedProperty field, Type actualType) ''' «val restrictions = restrictionsForSetter(actualType)» «IF restrictions !== null» «generateCheckers(field, restrictions, actualType)» «ENDIF» public «type.getName» set«field.name.toFirstUpper»(final «field.returnType.importedName» values) { «IF restrictions !== null» if (values != null) { for («actualType.importedName» value : values.values()) { «checkArgument(field, restrictions, actualType, "value")» } } «ENDIF» this.«field.fieldName» = values; return this; } ''' def private generateSimpleSetter(GeneratedProperty field, Type actualType) ''' «val restrictions = restrictionsForSetter(actualType)» «IF restrictions !== null» «generateCheckers(field, restrictions, actualType)» «ENDIF» «val setterName = "set" + field.getName.toFirstUpper» public «type.getName» «setterName»(final «field.returnType.importedName» value) { «IF restrictions !== null» if (value != null) { «checkArgument(field, restrictions, actualType, "value")» } «ENDIF» this.«field.fieldName» = value; return this; } ''' /** * Template method which generates setter methods * * @return string with the setter methods */ def private generateSetters() ''' «IF keyType !== null» public «type.getName» withKey(final «keyType.importedName» key) { this.key = key; return this; } «ENDIF» «FOR property : properties» «generateSetter(property)» «ENDFOR» «IF augmentType !== null» «val augmentTypeRef = augmentType.importedName» «val jlClassRef = CLASS.importedName» «val hashMapRef = JU_HASHMAP.importedName» /** * Add an augmentation to this builder's product. * * @param augmentation augmentation to be added * @return this builder * @throws NullPointerException if {@code augmentation} is null */ public «type.name» addAugmentation(«augmentTypeRef» augmentation) { «jlClassRef» augmentationType = augmentation.«DATA_CONTAINER_IMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE_NAME»(); if (!(this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD» instanceof «hashMapRef»)) { this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD» = new «hashMapRef»<>(); } this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD».put(augmentationType, augmentation); return this; } /** * Remove an augmentation from this builder's product. If this builder does not track such an augmentation * type, this method does nothing. * * @param augmentationType augmentation type to be removed * @return this builder */ public «type.name» removeAugmentation(«jlClassRef» augmentationType) { if (this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD» instanceof «hashMapRef») { this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD».remove(augmentationType); } return this; } «ENDIF» ''' private def createDescription(GeneratedType targetType) { val target = targetType.importedName return ''' Class that builds {@link «target»} instances. Overall design of the class is that of a fluent interface, where method chaining is used.

In general, this class is supposed to be used like this template:

            «target» create«target»(int fooXyzzy, int barBaz) {
                return new «target»Builder()
                    .setFoo(new FooBuilder().setXyzzy(fooXyzzy).build())
                    .setBar(new BarBuilder().setBaz(barBaz).build())

This pattern is supported by the immutable nature of «target», as instances can be freely passed around without worrying about synchronization issues.

As a side note: method chaining results in:

  • very efficient Java bytecode, as the method invocation result, in this case the Builder reference, is on the stack, so further method invocations just need to fill method arguments for the next method invocation, which is terminated by {@link #build()}, which is then returned from the method
  • better understanding by humans, as the scope of mutable state (the builder) is kept to a minimum and is very localized
  • better optimization opportunities, as the object scope is minimized in terms of invocation (rather than method) stack, making escape analysis a lot easier. Given enough compiler (JIT/AOT) prowess, the cost of th builder object can be completely eliminated
@see «target» ''' } override protected String formatDataForJavaDoc(GeneratedType type) { val typeDescription = createDescription(type) return ''' «IF !typeDescription.nullOrEmpty» «typeDescription» «ENDIF» '''.toString } private def generateAugmentation() ''' @«SUPPRESS_WARNINGS.importedName»({ "unchecked", "checkstyle:methodTypeParameterName"}) public E$$ «AUGMENTABLE_AUGMENTATION_NAME»(«CLASS.importedName» augmentationType) { return (E$$) «AUGMENTATION_FIELD».get(«JU_OBJECTS.importedName».requireNonNull(augmentationType)); } ''' override protected generateCopyKeys(List keyProps) ''' this.key = base.«BindingMapping.IDENTIFIABLE_KEY_NAME»(); «FOR field : keyProps» this.«field.fieldName» = base.«field.getterMethodName»(); «ENDFOR» ''' override protected CharSequence generateCopyNonKeys(Collection props) ''' «FOR field : props» this.«field.fieldName» = base.«field.getterName»(); «ENDFOR» ''' override protected generateCopyAugmentation(Type implType) { val hashMapRef = JU_HASHMAP.importedName val augmentTypeRef = augmentType.importedName return ''' «JU_MAP.importedName»<«CLASS.importedName», «augmentTypeRef»> aug = base.augmentations(); if (!aug.isEmpty()) { this.«AUGMENTATION_FIELD» = new «hashMapRef»<>(aug); } ''' } }