/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.java.api.generator import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.BindingGeneratorUtil.encodeAngleBrackets import static org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.util.Types.STRING; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap.Builder import java.util.Optional import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.Enumeration import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType /** * Template for generating JAVA enumeration type. */ class EnumTemplate extends BaseTemplate { /** * Enumeration which will be transformed to JAVA source code for enumeration */ val Enumeration enums /** * Constructs instance of this class with concrete enums. * * @param enums enumeration which will be transformed to JAVA source code */ new(AbstractJavaGeneratedType javaType, Enumeration enums) { super(javaType, enums as GeneratedType) this.enums = enums } /** * Constructs instance of this class with concrete enums. * * @param enums enumeration which will be transformed to JAVA source code */ new(Enumeration enums) { super(enums as GeneratedType) this.enums = enums } /** * Generates only JAVA enumeration source code. * * @return string with JAVA enumeration source code */ def generateAsInnerClass() { return body } def writeEnumItem(String name, String mappedName, int value, String description) ''' «asJavadoc(encodeAngleBrackets(description))» «mappedName»(«value», "«name»") ''' /** * Template method which generates enumeration body (declaration + enumeration items). * * @return string with the enumeration body */ override body() ''' «wrapToDocumentation(formatDataForJavaDoc(enums))» public enum «enums.name» implements «org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Enumeration.importedName» { «writeEnumeration(enums)» private static final «JU_MAP.importedName»<«STRING.importedName», «enums.name»> NAME_MAP; private static final «JU_MAP.importedName»<«Integer.importedName», «enums.name»> VALUE_MAP; static { final «Builder.importedName»<«STRING.importedName», «enums.name»> nb = «ImmutableMap.importedName».builder(); final «Builder.importedName»<«Integer.importedName», «enums.name»> vb = «ImmutableMap.importedName».builder(); for («enums.name» enumItem : «enums.name».values()) { vb.put(enumItem.value, enumItem); nb.put(enumItem.name, enumItem); } NAME_MAP = nb.build(); VALUE_MAP = vb.build(); } private final «STRING.importedName» name; private final int value; private «enums.name»(int value, «STRING.importedName» name) { this.value = value; this.name = name; } @«OVERRIDE.importedName» public «STRING.importedName» getName() { return name; } @«OVERRIDE.importedName» public int getIntValue() { return value; } /** * Return the enumeration member whose {@link #getName()} matches specified value. * * @param name YANG assigned name * @return corresponding «enums.name» item, if present * @throws NullPointerException if name is null */ public static «Optional.importedName»<«enums.name»> forName(«STRING.importedName» name) { return «Optional.importedName».ofNullable(NAME_MAP.get(«JU_OBJECTS.importedName».requireNonNull(name))); } /** * Return the enumeration member whose {@link #getIntValue()} matches specified value. * * @param intValue integer value * @return corresponding «enums.name» item, or null if no such item exists */ public static «enums.name» forValue(int intValue) { return VALUE_MAP.get(intValue); } } ''' def writeEnumeration(Enumeration enumeration) ''' «FOR v : enumeration.values SEPARATOR ",\n" AFTER ";"» «writeEnumItem(v.name, v.mappedName, v.value, v.description.orElse(null))»« ENDFOR» ''' }