module opendaylight-of-migration-test-model { namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:of-migration-test-model"; prefix of-migration-test; import opendaylight-mdsal-binding-test {prefix test;} import yang-ext {prefix ext;} import opendaylight-mdsal-augment-test {prefix aug;} import opendaylight-test-routed-rpc {prefix routed;} description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions used for test cases that used to depend on flow model."; revision 2015-02-10 { } typedef bit-flags { type bits { bit FLAG_ONE; bit FLAG_TWO; bit FLAG_THREE; bit FLAG_FOUR; bit FLAG_FIVE; } } typedef custom-enum { type enumeration { enum type1; enum type2; enum type3; } } grouping enum-grouping { leaf attr-enum { type custom-enum; } } grouping aug-grouping { container cont1 { leaf attr-str { type string; } } container cont2 { list contlist1 { key "attr-str"; leaf attr-str { type string; } uses enum-grouping; } } leaf attr-str1 { type string; } leaf attr-str2 { type string; } leaf attr-str3 { type string; } leaf attr-str4 { type string; } list list1 { key "attr-str"; leaf attr-str { type string; } list list1-1 { key "attr-int"; leaf attr-int { type int32; } leaf attr-str { type string; } leaf flags { type bit-flags; } } list list1-2 { key "attr-int"; leaf attr-int { type int32; } leaf attr-str { type string; } } } } augment "/test:top/test:top-level-list" { ext:augment-identifier tll-complex-augment; uses aug-grouping; } augment "/test:top/test:top-level-list/list1/list1-1" { ext:augment-identifier list11-simple-augment; leaf attr-str2 { type string; } container cont { leaf attr-int { type int32; } } } augment "/test:top/test:top-level-list/test:nested-list/" { ext:augment-identifier nested-list-simple-augment; leaf type { type string; } } }