module odl-test-identifiers { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:mdsal:binding2:test:identifiers"; prefix "oti"; description "Testing allowed identifier names. see"; revision "2016-03-31" { description "Initial revision, for ODL Boron."; } container items { list item { description "Each identifier starts with an uppercase or lowercase ASCII letter or an underscore character, followed by zero or more ASCII letters, digits, underscore characters, hyphens, and dots."; key "foo Foo FOO fOO foo0 foo_ foo- foo. _foo" leaf foo { type string; } leaf Foo { type string; } leaf FOO { type string; } leaf fOO { type string; } leaf foo0 { type string; } leaf foo_ { type string; } leaf foo- { type string; } leaf foo. { type string; } leaf _foo { type string; } } } }