module odl-test-namespaces { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:mdsal:binding2:test:namespaces"; prefix "otn"; description "Testing for the same identifier in different namespaces. see All module and submodule names share the same global module identifier namespace."; revision "2016-03-31" { description "Initial revision, for ODL Boron."; } extension odl-test-namespaces { description "All extension names defined in a module and its submodules share the same extension identifier namespace."; } feature odl-test-namespaces { description "All feature names defined in a module and its submodules share the same feature identifier namespace."; } identity odl-test-namespaces { description "All identity names defined in a module and its submodules share the same identity identifier namespace."; } typedef odl-test-namespaces { description "All derived type names defined within a parent node or at the top level of the module or its submodules share the same type identifier namespace."; type string; } grouping odl-test-namespaces { description "All grouping names defined within a parent node or at the top level of the module or its submodules share the same grouping identifier namespace."; leaf odl-test-namespaces { description "This namespace is scoped to the parent node or module, unless the parent node is a case node. In that case, the namespace is scoped to the closest ancestor node that is not a case or choice node."; type odl-test-namespaces; } } container odl-test-namespaces { description "All leafs, leaf-lists, lists, containers, choices, rpcs, actions, notifications, anydatas, and anyxmls defined (directly or through a uses statement) within a parent node or at the top level of the module or its submodules share the same identifier namespace."; choice nonconflict-identifier { description "The leaf from grouping would end up scoped under container, so the choice has to have a different identifier."; case odl-test-namespaces { description "All cases within a choice share the same case identifier namespace. This namespace is scoped to the parent choice node."; uses odl-test-namespaces; // See descriptions of leaf and choice. } } } }