/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.BindingTypes; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.ReferencedTypeImpl; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.generated.type.builder.GeneratedTOBuilderImpl; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.generated.type.builder.GeneratedTypeBuilderImpl; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.api.BindingGenerator; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.spi.TypeProvider; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.AccessModifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.EnumBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTOBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTypeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.MethodSignatureBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.yang.types.GroupingDefinitionDependencySort; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.yang.types.TypeProviderImpl; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.RpcService; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.RpcResult; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationSchema; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.GroupingDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.IdentitySchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Module; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.RpcDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaPath; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.UnknownSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.EnumTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.UnionTypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.DataNodeIterator; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.ExtendedType; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.SchemaContextUtil; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.UnionType; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.*; import static extension org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types.*; import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.BindingGeneratorUtil.*; import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.BindingTypes.*; import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.SchemaContextUtil.*; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.util.ModuleDependencySort public class BindingGeneratorImpl implements BindingGenerator { /** * Outter key represents the package name. Outter value represents map of * all builders in the same package. Inner key represents the schema node * name (in JAVA class/interface name format). Inner value represents * instance of builder for schema node specified in key part. */ private Map> genTypeBuilders; /** * Provide methods for converting YANG types to JAVA types. */ private var TypeProvider typeProvider; /** * Holds reference to schema context to resolve data of augmented elemnt * when creating augmentation builder */ private var SchemaContext schemaContext; /** * Each grouping which is converted from schema node to generated type is * added to this map with its Schema path as key to make it easier to get * reference to it. In schema nodes in uses attribute there is * only Schema Path but when building list of implemented interfaces for * Schema node the object of type Type is required. So in this * case is used this map. */ private val allGroupings = new HashMap(); private val yangToJavaMapping = new HashMap(); /** * Constant with the concrete name of namespace. */ private val static String YANG_EXT_NAMESPACE = "urn:opendaylight:yang:extension:yang-ext"; /** * Constant with the concrete name of identifier. */ private val static String AUGMENT_IDENTIFIER_NAME = "augment-identifier"; /** * Resolves generated types from context schema nodes of all * modules. * * Generated types are created for modules, groupings, types, containers, * lists, choices, augments, rpcs, notification, identities. * * @param context * schema context which contains data about all schema nodes * saved in modules * @return list of types (usually GeneratedType * GeneratedTransferObjectwhich are generated from * context data. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if param context is null * @throws IllegalStateException * if context contain no modules */ override generateTypes(SchemaContext context) { checkArgument(context !== null, "Schema Context reference cannot be NULL."); checkState(context.modules !== null, "Schema Context does not contain defined modules."); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); schemaContext = context; typeProvider = new TypeProviderImpl(context); val Set modules = context.modules; return generateTypes(context, modules); } /** * Resolves generated types from context schema nodes only for * modules specified in modules * * Generated types are created for modules, groupings, types, containers, * lists, choices, augments, rpcs, notification, identities. * * @param context * schema context which contains data about all schema nodes * saved in modules * @param modules * set of modules for which schema nodes should be generated * types * @return list of types (usually GeneratedType or * GeneratedTransferObject) which: *
  • are generated from context schema nodes and
  • *
  • are also part of some of the module in modules * set
  • . *
* @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if param context is null or
  • *
  • if param modules is null
  • *
* @throws IllegalStateException * if context contain no modules */ override generateTypes(SchemaContext context, Set modules) { checkArgument(context !== null, "Schema Context reference cannot be NULL."); checkState(context.modules !== null, "Schema Context does not contain defined modules."); checkArgument(modules !== null, "Set of Modules cannot be NULL."); val List filteredGenTypes = new ArrayList(); schemaContext = context; typeProvider = new TypeProviderImpl(context); val contextModules = ModuleDependencySort.sort(context.modules); genTypeBuilders = new HashMap(); for (contextModule : contextModules) { val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); generatedTypes.addAll(allTypeDefinitionsToGenTypes(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allGroupingsToGenTypes(contextModule)); if (false == contextModule.childNodes.isEmpty()) { generatedTypes.add(moduleToDataType(contextModule)); } generatedTypes.addAll(allContainersToGenTypes(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allListsToGenTypes(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allChoicesToGenTypes(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allRPCMethodsToGenType(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allNotificationsToGenType(contextModule)); generatedTypes.addAll(allIdentitiesToGenTypes(contextModule, context)); if (modules.contains(contextModule)) { filteredGenTypes.addAll(generatedTypes); } } for (contextModule : contextModules) { val generatedTypes = (allAugmentsToGenTypes(contextModule)); if (modules.contains(contextModule)) { filteredGenTypes.addAll(generatedTypes); } } return filteredGenTypes; } /** * Converts all extended type definitions of module to the list of * Type objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained set of type definitions * @return list of Type which are generated from extended * definition types (object of type ExtendedType) * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if module equals null
  • *
  • if name of module equals null
  • *
  • if type definitions of module equal null
  • *
* */ private def List allTypeDefinitionsToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); val Set> typeDefinitions = module.typeDefinitions; checkState(typeDefinitions !== null, '''Type Definitions for module «module.name» cannot be NULL.'''); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); for (TypeDefinition typedef : typeDefinitions) { if (typedef !== null) { val type = (typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).generatedTypeForExtendedDefinitionType(typedef, typedef); if ((type !== null) && !generatedTypes.contains(type)) { generatedTypes.add(type); } } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts all containers of the module to the list of * Type objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained DataNodeIterator to iterate over * all containers * @return list of Type which are generated from containers * (objects of type ContainerSchemaNode) * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of child nodes equals null
  • *
* */ private def List allContainersToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); if (module.childNodes === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reference to Set of Child Nodes in module " + module.name + " cannot be NULL."); } val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); val it = new DataNodeIterator(module); val List schemaContainers = it.allContainers(); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); for (container : schemaContainers) { if (!container.isAddedByUses()) { generatedTypes.add(containerToGenType(basePackageName, container)); } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts all lists of the module to the list of Type * objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained DataNodeIterator to iterate over * all lists * @return list of Type which are generated from lists (objects * of type ListSchemaNode) * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of child nodes equals null
  • *
* */ private def List allListsToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); if (module.childNodes === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reference to Set of Child Nodes in module " + module.name + " cannot be NULL."); } val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); val it = new DataNodeIterator(module); val List schemaLists = it.allLists(); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); if (schemaLists !== null) { for (list : schemaLists) { if (!list.isAddedByUses()) { generatedTypes.addAll(listToGenType(basePackageName, list)); } } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts all choices of the module to the list of * Type objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained DataNodeIterator to iterate over * all choices * @return list of Type which are generated from choices * (objects of type ChoiceNode) * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • * *
* */ private def List allChoicesToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); val it = new DataNodeIterator(module); val choiceNodes = it.allChoices(); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); for (choice : choiceNodes) { if ((choice !== null) && !choice.isAddedByUses()) { generatedTypes.addAll(choiceToGeneratedType(basePackageName, choice)); } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts all augmentation of the module to the list * Type objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained list of all augmentation objects * to iterate over them * @return list of Type which are generated from augments * (objects of type AugmentationSchema) * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of child nodes equals null
  • *
* */ private def List allAugmentsToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); if (module.childNodes === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reference to Set of Augmentation Definitions in module " + module.name + " cannot be NULL."); } val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val List augmentations = resolveAugmentations(module); for (augment : augmentations) { generatedTypes.addAll(augmentationToGenTypes(basePackageName, augment)); } return generatedTypes; } /** * Returns list of AugmentationSchema objects. The objects are * sorted according to the length of their target path from the shortest to * the longest. * * @param module * module from which is obtained list of all augmentation objects * @return list of sorted AugmentationSchema objects obtained * from module * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of augmentation equals null
  • *
* */ private def List resolveAugmentations(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkState(module.augmentations !== null, "Augmentations Set cannot be NULL."); val Set augmentations = module.augmentations; val List sortedAugmentations = new ArrayList(augmentations); Collections.sort(sortedAugmentations, [ augSchema1, augSchema2 | if (augSchema1.targetPath.path.size() > augSchema2.targetPath.path.size()) { return 1; } else if (augSchema1.targetPath.path.size() < augSchema2.targetPath.path.size()) { return -1; } return 0; ]); return sortedAugmentations; } /** * Converts whole module to GeneratedType object. * Firstly is created the module builder object from which is vally * obtained reference to GeneratedType object. * * @param module * module from which are obtained the module name, child nodes, * uses and is derived package name * @return GeneratedType which is internal representation of * the module * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the module equals null * */ private def GeneratedType moduleToDataType(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); val moduleDataTypeBuilder = moduleTypeBuilder(module, "Data"); addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(module, moduleDataTypeBuilder); moduleDataTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(DATA_ROOT); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); if (moduleDataTypeBuilder !== null) { val Set dataNodes = module.childNodes; resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, moduleDataTypeBuilder, dataNodes); } return moduleDataTypeBuilder.toInstance(); } /** * Converts all rpcs inputs and outputs substatements of the module * to the list of Type objects. In addition are to containers * and lists which belong to input or output also part of returning list. * * @param module * module from which is obtained set of all rpc objects to * iterate over them * @return list of Type which are generated from rpcs inputs, * outputs + container and lists which are part of inputs or outputs * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of child nodes equals null
  • *
* */ private def List allRPCMethodsToGenType(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); if (module.childNodes === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reference to Set of RPC Method Definitions in module " + module.name + " cannot be NULL."); } val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val Set rpcDefinitions = module.rpcs; if (rpcDefinitions.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } val List genRPCTypes = new ArrayList(); val interfaceBuilder = moduleTypeBuilder(module, "Service"); interfaceBuilder.addImplementsType(Types.typeForClass(RpcService)); for (rpc : rpcDefinitions) { if (rpc !== null) { val rpcName = parseToClassName(rpc.QName.localName); val rpcMethodName = parseToValidParamName(rpcName); val method = interfaceBuilder.addMethod(rpcMethodName); val rpcInOut = new ArrayList(); val input = rpc.input; val output = rpc.output; if (input !== null) { rpcInOut.add(new DataNodeIterator(input)); val inType = addRawInterfaceDefinition(basePackageName, input, rpcName); addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(input, inType); inType.addImplementsType(DATA_OBJECT); inType.addImplementsType(augmentable(inType)); resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, inType, input.childNodes); val inTypeInstance = inType.toInstance(); genRPCTypes.add(inTypeInstance); method.addParameter(inTypeInstance, "input"); } var Type outTypeInstance = VOID; if (output !== null) { rpcInOut.add(new DataNodeIterator(output)); val outType = addRawInterfaceDefinition(basePackageName, output, rpcName); addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(output, outType); outType.addImplementsType(DATA_OBJECT); outType.addImplementsType(augmentable(outType)); resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, outType, output.childNodes); outTypeInstance = outType.toInstance(); genRPCTypes.add(outTypeInstance); } val rpcRes = Types.parameterizedTypeFor(Types.typeForClass(RpcResult), outTypeInstance); method.setReturnType(Types.parameterizedTypeFor(FUTURE, rpcRes)); for (iter : rpcInOut) { val List nContainers = iter.allContainers(); if ((nContainers !== null) && !nContainers.isEmpty()) { for (container : nContainers) { if (!container.isAddedByUses()) { genRPCTypes.add(containerToGenType(basePackageName, container)); } } } val List nLists = iter.allLists(); if ((nLists !== null) && !nLists.isEmpty()) { for (list : nLists) { if (!list.isAddedByUses()) { genRPCTypes.addAll(listToGenType(basePackageName, list)); } } } } } } genRPCTypes.add(interfaceBuilder.toInstance()); return genRPCTypes; } /** * Converts all notifications of the module to the list of * Type objects. In addition are to this list added containers * and lists which are part of this notification. * * @param module * module from which is obtained set of all notification objects * to iterate over them * @return list of Type which are generated from notification * (object of type NotificationDefinition * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if the module equals null
  • *
  • if the name of module equals null
  • *
  • if the set of child nodes equals null
  • *
* */ private def List allNotificationsToGenType(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(module.name !== null, "Module name cannot be NULL."); if (module.childNodes === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Reference to Set of Notification Definitions in module " + module.name + " cannot be NULL."); } val notifications = module.notifications; if(notifications.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); val listenerInterface = moduleTypeBuilder(module, "Listener"); listenerInterface.addImplementsType(BindingTypes.NOTIFICATION_LISTENER); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); for (notification : notifications) { if (notification !== null) { val iter = new DataNodeIterator(notification); // Containers for (node : iter.allContainers()) { if (!node.isAddedByUses()) { generatedTypes.add(containerToGenType(basePackageName, node)); } } // Lists for (node : iter.allLists()) { if (!node.isAddedByUses()) { generatedTypes.addAll(listToGenType(basePackageName, node)); } } val notificationInterface = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(basePackageName, notification); notificationInterface.addImplementsType(NOTIFICATION); // Notification object resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, notificationInterface, notification.childNodes); listenerInterface.addMethod("on" + notificationInterface.name) // .setAccessModifier(AccessModifier.PUBLIC).addParameter(notificationInterface, "notification"). setReturnType(Types.VOID); generatedTypes.add(notificationInterface.toInstance()); } } generatedTypes.add(listenerInterface.toInstance()); return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts all identities of the module to the list of * Type objects. * * @param module * module from which is obtained set of all identity objects to * iterate over them * @param context * schema context only used as input parameter for method * {@link identityToGenType} * @return list of Type which are generated from identities * (object of type IdentitySchemaNode * */ private def List allIdentitiesToGenTypes(Module module, SchemaContext context) { val List genTypes = new ArrayList(); val Set schemaIdentities = module.identities; val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); if (schemaIdentities !== null && !schemaIdentities.isEmpty()) { for (identity : schemaIdentities) { genTypes.add(identityToGenType(basePackageName, identity, context)); } } return genTypes; } /** * Converts the identity object to GeneratedType. Firstly it is * created transport object builder. If identity contains base identity then * reference to base identity is added to superior identity as its extend. * If identity doesn't contain base identity then only reference to abstract * class {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.BaseIdentity * BaseIdentity} is added * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param identity * IdentitySchemaNode which contains data about identity * @param context * SchemaContext which is used to get package and name * information about base of identity * * @return GeneratedType which is generated from identity (object of type * IdentitySchemaNode * */ private def GeneratedType identityToGenType(String basePackageName, IdentitySchemaNode identity, SchemaContext context) { if (identity === null) { return null; } val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, identity.path); val genTypeName = parseToClassName(identity.QName.localName); val newType = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl(packageName, genTypeName); val baseIdentity = identity.baseIdentity; if (baseIdentity !== null) { val baseIdentityParentModule = SchemaContextUtil.findParentModule(context, baseIdentity); val returnTypePkgName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(baseIdentityParentModule); val returnTypeName = parseToClassName(baseIdentity.QName.localName); val gto = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl(returnTypePkgName, returnTypeName).toInstance(); newType.setExtendsType(gto); } else { newType.setExtendsType(Types.baseIdentityTO); } newType.setAbstract(true); return newType.toInstance(); } /** * Converts all groupings of the module to the list of * Type objects. Firstly are groupings sorted according mutual * dependencies. At least dependend (indepedent) groupings are in the list * saved at first positions. For every grouping the record is added to map * {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#allGroupings allGroupings} * * @param module * module from which is obtained set of all grouping objects to * iterate over them * @return list of Type which are generated from groupings * (object of type GroupingDefinition) * */ private def List allGroupingsToGenTypes(Module module) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module parameter can not be null"); val List genTypes = new ArrayList(); val basePackageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val Set groupings = module.groupings; val List groupingsSortedByDependencies = new GroupingDefinitionDependencySort().sort( groupings); for (grouping : groupingsSortedByDependencies) { val genType = groupingToGenType(basePackageName, grouping); genTypes.add(genType); val schemaPath = grouping.path; allGroupings.put(schemaPath, genType); } return genTypes; } /** * Converts individual grouping to GeneratedType. Firstly generated type * builder is created and every child node of grouping is resolved to the * method. * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param grouping * GroupingDefinition which contains data about grouping * @return GeneratedType which is generated from grouping (object of type * GroupingDefinition) */ private def GeneratedType groupingToGenType(String basePackageName, GroupingDefinition grouping) { if (grouping === null) { return null; } val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, grouping.path); val Set schemaNodes = grouping.childNodes; val typeBuilder = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, grouping); resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, typeBuilder, schemaNodes); return typeBuilder.toInstance(); } /** * Tries to find EnumTypeDefinition in typeDefinition. If base * type of typeDefinition is of the type ExtendedType then this * method is recursivelly called with this base type. * * @param typeDefinition * TypeDefinition in which should be EnumTypeDefinition found as * base type * @return EnumTypeDefinition if it is found inside * typeDefinition or null in other case */ private def EnumTypeDefinition enumTypeDefFromExtendedType(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { if (typeDefinition !== null) { if (typeDefinition.baseType instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) { return typeDefinition.baseType as EnumTypeDefinition; } else if (typeDefinition.baseType instanceof ExtendedType) { return enumTypeDefFromExtendedType(typeDefinition.baseType); } } return null; } /** * Adds enumeration builder created from enumTypeDef to * typeBuilder. * * Each enumTypeDef item is added to builder with its name and * value. * * @param enumTypeDef * EnumTypeDefinition contains enum data * @param enumName * string contains name which will be assigned to enumeration * builder * @param typeBuilder * GeneratedTypeBuilder to which will be enum builder assigned * @return enumeration builder which contais data from * enumTypeDef */ private def EnumBuilder resolveInnerEnumFromTypeDefinition(EnumTypeDefinition enumTypeDef, String enumName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder) { if ((enumTypeDef !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null) && (enumTypeDef.QName !== null) && (enumTypeDef.QName.localName !== null)) { val enumerationName = parseToClassName(enumName); val enumBuilder = typeBuilder.addEnumeration(enumerationName); enumBuilder.updateEnumPairsFromEnumTypeDef(enumTypeDef); return enumBuilder; } return null; } /** * Generates type builder for module. * * @param module * Module which is source of package name for generated type * builder * @param postfix * string which is added to the module class name representation * as suffix * @return instance of GeneratedTypeBuilder which represents * module. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if module equals null */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder moduleTypeBuilder(Module module, String postfix) { checkArgument(module !== null, "Module reference cannot be NULL."); val packageName = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(module); val moduleName = parseToClassName(module.name) + postfix; return new GeneratedTypeBuilderImpl(packageName, moduleName); } /** * Converts augSchema to list of Type which * contains generated type for augmentation. In addition there are also * generated types for all containers, list and choices which are child of * augSchema node or a generated types for cases are added if * augmented node is choice. * * @param augmentPackageName * string with the name of the package to which the augmentation * belongs * @param augSchema * AugmentationSchema which is contains data about agumentation * (target path, childs...) * @return list of Type objects which contains generated type * for augmentation and for container, list and choice child nodes * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if augmentPackageName equals null
  • *
  • if augSchema equals null
  • *
  • if target path of augSchema equals null
  • *
*/ private def List augmentationToGenTypes(String augmentPackageName, AugmentationSchema augSchema) { checkArgument(augmentPackageName !== null, "Package Name cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(augSchema !== null, "Augmentation Schema cannot be NULL."); checkState(augSchema.targetPath !== null, "Augmentation Schema does not contain Target Path (Target Path is NULL)."); val List genTypes = new ArrayList(); // EVERY augmented interface will extends Augmentation interface // and DataObject interface!!! val targetPath = augSchema.targetPath; val targetSchemaNode = findDataSchemaNode(schemaContext, targetPath); if (targetSchemaNode !== null) { var targetType = yangToJavaMapping.get(targetSchemaNode.path); if (targetType == null) { // FIXME: augmentation should be added as last, all types should already be generated // and have assigned Java Types, val targetModule = findParentModule(schemaContext, targetSchemaNode); val targetBasePackage = moduleNamespaceToPackageName(targetModule); val typePackage = packageNameForGeneratedType(targetBasePackage, targetSchemaNode.getPath()); val targetSchemaNodeName = targetSchemaNode.getQName().getLocalName(); val typeName = parseToClassName(targetSchemaNodeName); targetType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(typePackage, typeName); } val augChildNodes = augSchema.childNodes; if (!(targetSchemaNode instanceof ChoiceNode)) { val augTypeBuilder = addRawAugmentGenTypeDefinition(augmentPackageName, targetType, augSchema); val augType = augTypeBuilder.toInstance(); genTypes.add(augType); } else { val choiceTarget = targetSchemaNode as ChoiceNode; val choiceCaseNodes = choiceTarget.cases; genTypes.addAll( generateTypesFromAugmentedChoiceCases(augmentPackageName, targetType, choiceCaseNodes)); } genTypes.addAll(augmentationBodyToGenTypes(augmentPackageName, augChildNodes)); } return genTypes; } /** * Returns a generated type builder for an augmentation. * * The name of the type builder is equal to the name of augmented node with * serial number as suffix. * * @param augmentPackageName * string with contains the package name to which the augment * belongs * @param targetPackageName * string with the package name to which the augmented node * belongs * @param targetSchemaNodeName * string with the name of the augmented node * @param augSchema * augmentation schema which contains data about the child nodes * and uses of augment * @return generated type builder for augment */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder addRawAugmentGenTypeDefinition(String augmentPackageName, Type targetTypeRef, AugmentationSchema augSchema) { var Map augmentBuilders = genTypeBuilders.get(augmentPackageName); if (augmentBuilders === null) { augmentBuilders = new HashMap(); genTypeBuilders.put(augmentPackageName, augmentBuilders); } val augIdentifier = getAugmentIdentifier(augSchema.unknownSchemaNodes); val augTypeName = if (augIdentifier !== null) { parseToClassName(augIdentifier) } else { augGenTypeName(augmentBuilders, targetTypeRef.name); } val Set augChildNodes = augSchema.childNodes; val augTypeBuilder = new GeneratedTypeBuilderImpl(augmentPackageName, augTypeName); augTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(DATA_OBJECT); augTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(Types.augmentationTypeFor(targetTypeRef)); addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(augSchema, augTypeBuilder); augSchemaNodeToMethods(augmentPackageName, augTypeBuilder, augChildNodes); augmentBuilders.put(augTypeName, augTypeBuilder); return augTypeBuilder; } /** * * @param unknownSchemaNodes * @return */ private def String getAugmentIdentifier(List unknownSchemaNodes) { for (unknownSchemaNode : unknownSchemaNodes) { val nodeType = unknownSchemaNode.nodeType; if (AUGMENT_IDENTIFIER_NAME.equals(nodeType.localName) && YANG_EXT_NAMESPACE.equals(nodeType.namespace.toString())) { return unknownSchemaNode.nodeParameter; } } return null; } /** * Convert a container, list and choice subnodes (and recursivelly their * subnodes) of augment to generated types * * @param augBasePackageName * string with the augment package name * @param augChildNodes * set of data schema nodes which represents child nodes of the * augment * * @return list of Type which represents container, list and * choice subnodes of augment */ private def List augmentationBodyToGenTypes(String augBasePackageName, Set augChildNodes) { val List genTypes = new ArrayList(); val List augSchemaIts = new ArrayList(); for (childNode : augChildNodes) { if (childNode instanceof DataNodeContainer) { augSchemaIts.add(new DataNodeIterator(childNode as DataNodeContainer)); if (childNode instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { genTypes.add(containerToGenType(augBasePackageName, childNode as ContainerSchemaNode)); } else if (childNode instanceof ListSchemaNode) { genTypes.addAll(listToGenType(augBasePackageName, childNode as ListSchemaNode)); } } else if (childNode instanceof ChoiceNode) { val choice = childNode as ChoiceNode; for (caseNode : choice.cases) { augSchemaIts.add(new DataNodeIterator(caseNode)); } genTypes.addAll(choiceToGeneratedType(augBasePackageName, childNode as ChoiceNode)); } } for (it : augSchemaIts) { val List augContainers = it.allContainers(); val List augLists = it.allLists(); val List augChoices = it.allChoices(); if (augContainers !== null) { for (container : augContainers) { genTypes.add(containerToGenType(augBasePackageName, container)); } } if (augLists !== null) { for (list : augLists) { genTypes.addAll(listToGenType(augBasePackageName, list)); } } if (augChoices !== null) { for (choice : augChoices) { genTypes.addAll(choiceToGeneratedType(augBasePackageName, choice)); } } } return genTypes; } /** * Returns first unique name for the augment generated type builder. The * generated type builder name for augment consists from name of augmented * node and serial number of its augmentation. * * @param builders * map of builders which were created in the package to which the * augmentation belongs * @param genTypeName * string with name of augmented node * @return string with unique name for augmentation builder */ private def String augGenTypeName(Map builders, String genTypeName) { var index = 1; while ((builders !== null) && builders.containsKey(genTypeName + index)) { index = index + 1; } return genTypeName + index; } /** * Converts containerNode to generated type. Firstly the * generated type builder is created. The subnodes of * containerNode are added as methods and the instance of * GeneratedType is returned. * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param containerNode * container schema node with the data about childs nodes and * schema paths * @return generated type for containerNode */ private def GeneratedType containerToGenType(String basePackageName, ContainerSchemaNode containerNode) { if (containerNode === null) { return null; } val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, containerNode.path); val schemaNodes = containerNode.childNodes; val typeBuilder = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, containerNode); resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, typeBuilder, schemaNodes); return typeBuilder.toInstance(); } /** * Adds the methods to typeBuilder which represent subnodes of * node for which typeBuilder was created. * * The subnodes aren't mapped to the methods if they are part of grouping or * augment (in this case are already part of them). * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder which represents any node. The subnodes * of this node are added to the typeBuilder as * methods. The subnode can be of type leaf, leaf-list, list, * container, choice. * @param schemaNodes * set of data schema nodes which are the children of the node * for which typeBuilder was created * @return generated type builder which is the same builder as input * parameter. The getter methods (representing child nodes) could be * added to it. */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder resolveDataSchemaNodes(String basePackageName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, Set schemaNodes) { if ((schemaNodes !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { for (schemaNode : schemaNodes) { if (!schemaNode.isAugmenting() && !schemaNode.isAddedByUses()) { addSchemaNodeToBuilderAsMethod(basePackageName, schemaNode, typeBuilder); } } } return typeBuilder; } /** * Adds the methods to typeBuilder what represents subnodes of * node for which typeBuilder was created. * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder which represents any node. The subnodes * of this node are added to the typeBuilder as * methods. The subnode can be of type leaf, leaf-list, list, * container, choice. * @param schemaNodes * set of data schema nodes which are the children of the node * for which typeBuilder was created * @return generated type builder which is the same object as the input * parameter typeBuilder. The getter method could be * added to it. */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder augSchemaNodeToMethods(String basePackageName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, Set schemaNodes) { if ((schemaNodes !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { for (schemaNode : schemaNodes) { if (schemaNode.isAugmenting()) { addSchemaNodeToBuilderAsMethod(basePackageName, schemaNode, typeBuilder); } } } return typeBuilder; } /** * Adds to typeBuilder a method which is derived from * schemaNode. * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param schemaNode * data schema node which is added to typeBuilder as * a method * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is schemaNode * added as a method. */ private def void addSchemaNodeToBuilderAsMethod(String basePackageName, DataSchemaNode node, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder) { if (node !== null && typeBuilder !== null) { switch (node) { case node instanceof LeafSchemaNode: resolveLeafSchemaNodeAsMethod(typeBuilder, node as LeafSchemaNode) case node instanceof LeafListSchemaNode: resolveLeafListSchemaNode(typeBuilder, node as LeafListSchemaNode) case node instanceof ContainerSchemaNode: resolveContainerSchemaNode(basePackageName, typeBuilder, node as ContainerSchemaNode) case node instanceof ListSchemaNode: resolveListSchemaNode(basePackageName, typeBuilder, node as ListSchemaNode) case node instanceof ChoiceNode: resolveChoiceSchemaNode(basePackageName, typeBuilder, node as ChoiceNode) } } } /** * Creates a getter method for a choice node. * * Firstly generated type builder for choice is created or found in * {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#allGroupings allGroupings}. The package name * in the builder is created as concatenation of module package name and * names of all parent nodes. In the end the getter method for choice is * added to typeBuilder and return type is set to choice * builder. * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is choiceNode * added as getter method * @param choiceNode * choice node which is mapped as a getter method * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if basePackageName equals null
  • *
  • if typeBuilder equals null
  • *
  • if choiceNode equals null
  • *
* */ private def void resolveChoiceSchemaNode(String basePackageName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, ChoiceNode choiceNode) { checkArgument(basePackageName !== null, "Base Package Name cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(typeBuilder !== null, "Generated Type Builder cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(choiceNode !== null, "Choice Schema Node cannot be NULL."); val choiceName = choiceNode.QName.localName; if (choiceName !== null && !choiceNode.isAddedByUses()) { val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, choiceNode.path); val choiceType = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, choiceNode); constructGetter(typeBuilder, choiceName, choiceNode.description, choiceType); } } /** * Converts choiceNode to the list of generated types for * choice and its cases. * * The package names for choice and for its cases are created as * concatenation of the module package (basePackageName) and * names of all parents node. * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param choiceNode * choice node which is mapped to generated type. Also child * nodes - cases are mapped to generated types. * @return list of generated types which contains generated type for choice * and generated types for all cases which aren't added do choice * through uses. * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if basePackageName equals null
  • *
  • if choiceNode equals null
  • *
* */ private def List choiceToGeneratedType(String basePackageName, ChoiceNode choiceNode) { checkArgument(basePackageName !== null, "Base Package Name cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(choiceNode !== null, "Choice Schema Node cannot be NULL."); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, choiceNode.path); val choiceTypeBuilder = addRawInterfaceDefinition(packageName, choiceNode); //choiceTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(DATA_OBJECT); val choiceType = choiceTypeBuilder.toInstance(); generatedTypes.add(choiceType); val Set caseNodes = choiceNode.cases; if ((caseNodes !== null) && !caseNodes.isEmpty()) { generatedTypes.addAll(generateTypesFromChoiceCases(basePackageName, choiceType, caseNodes)); } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts caseNodes set to list of corresponding generated * types. * * For every case which isn't added through augment or uses is * created generated type builder. The package names for the builder is * created as concatenation of the module package ( * basePackageName) and names of all parents nodes of the * concrete case. There is also relation "implements type" * between every case builder and choice type * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param refChoiceType * type which represents superior case * @param caseNodes * set of choice case nodes which are mapped to generated types * @return list of generated types for caseNodes. * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if basePackageName equals null
  • *
  • if refChoiceType equals null
  • *
  • if caseNodes equals null
  • *
* * */ private def List generateTypesFromChoiceCases(String basePackageName, Type refChoiceType, Set caseNodes) { checkArgument(basePackageName !== null, "Base Package Name cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(refChoiceType !== null, "Referenced Choice Type cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(caseNodes !== null, "Set of Choice Case Nodes cannot be NULL."); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); for (caseNode : caseNodes) { if (caseNode !== null && !caseNode.isAddedByUses() && !caseNode.isAugmenting()) { val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, caseNode.path); val caseTypeBuilder = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, caseNode); caseTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(refChoiceType); val Set childNodes = caseNode.childNodes; if (childNodes !== null) { resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, caseTypeBuilder, childNodes); } generatedTypes.add(caseTypeBuilder.toInstance()); } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Generates list of generated types for all the cases of a choice which are * added to the choice through the augment. * * * @param basePackageName * string contains name of package to which augment belongs. If * an augmented choice is from an other package (pcg1) than an * augmenting choice (pcg2) then case's of the augmenting choice * will belong to pcg2. * @param refChoiceType * Type which represents the choice to which case belongs. Every * case has to contain its choice in extend part. * @param caseNodes * set of choice case nodes for which is checked if are/aren't * added to choice through augmentation * @return list of generated types which represents augmented cases of * choice refChoiceType * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if basePackageName equals null
  • *
  • if refChoiceType equals null
  • *
  • if caseNodes equals null
  • *
*/ private def List generateTypesFromAugmentedChoiceCases(String basePackageName, Type refChoiceType, Set caseNodes) { checkArgument(basePackageName !== null, "Base Package Name cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(refChoiceType !== null, "Referenced Choice Type cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(caseNodes !== null, "Set of Choice Case Nodes cannot be NULL."); val List generatedTypes = new ArrayList(); for (caseNode : caseNodes) { if (caseNode !== null && caseNode.isAugmenting()) { val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, caseNode.path); val caseTypeBuilder = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, caseNode); caseTypeBuilder.addImplementsType(refChoiceType); val Set childNodes = caseNode.childNodes; if (childNodes !== null) { resolveDataSchemaNodes(basePackageName, caseTypeBuilder, childNodes); } generatedTypes.add(caseTypeBuilder.toInstance()); } } return generatedTypes; } /** * Converts leaf to the getter method which is added to * typeBuilder. * * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is added getter method as * leaf mapping * @param leaf * leaf schema node which is mapped as getter method which is * added to typeBuilder * @return boolean value *
  • false - if leaf or typeBuilder are * null
  • *
  • true - in other cases
  • *
*/ private def boolean resolveLeafSchemaNodeAsMethod(GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, LeafSchemaNode leaf) { if ((leaf !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { val leafName = leaf.QName.localName; var String leafDesc = leaf.description; if (leafDesc === null) { leafDesc = ""; } val parentModule = findParentModule(schemaContext, leaf); if (leafName !== null && !leaf.isAddedByUses()) { val TypeDefinition typeDef = leaf.type; var Type returnType = null; if (typeDef instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) { returnType = typeProvider.javaTypeForSchemaDefinitionType(typeDef, leaf); val enumTypeDef = enumTypeDefFromExtendedType(typeDef); val enumBuilder = resolveInnerEnumFromTypeDefinition(enumTypeDef, leafName, typeBuilder); if (enumBuilder !== null) { returnType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(enumBuilder.packageName, enumBuilder.name); } (typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).putReferencedType(leaf.path, returnType); } else if (typeDef instanceof UnionType) { val genTOBuilder = addTOToTypeBuilder(typeDef, typeBuilder, leafName, leaf, parentModule); if (genTOBuilder !== null) { returnType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(genTOBuilder.packageName, genTOBuilder.name); } } else if (typeDef instanceof BitsTypeDefinition) { val genTOBuilder = addTOToTypeBuilder(typeDef, typeBuilder, leafName, leaf, parentModule); if (genTOBuilder !== null) { returnType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(genTOBuilder.packageName, genTOBuilder.name); } } else { returnType = typeProvider.javaTypeForSchemaDefinitionType(typeDef, leaf); } if (returnType !== null) { constructGetter(typeBuilder, leafName, leafDesc, returnType); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Converts leaf schema node to property of generated TO * builder. * * @param toBuilder * generated TO builder to which is leaf added as * property * @param leaf * leaf schema node which is added to toBuilder as * property * @param isReadOnly * boolean value which says if leaf property is|isn't read only * @return boolean value *
  • false - if leaf, toBuilder or leaf * name equals null or if leaf is added by uses.
  • *
  • true - other cases
  • *
*/ private def boolean resolveLeafSchemaNodeAsProperty(GeneratedTOBuilder toBuilder, LeafSchemaNode leaf, boolean isReadOnly) { if ((leaf !== null) && (toBuilder !== null)) { val leafName = leaf.QName.localName; var String leafDesc = leaf.description; if (leafDesc === null) { leafDesc = ""; } if (leafName !== null && !leaf.isAddedByUses()) { val TypeDefinition typeDef = leaf.type; // TODO: properly resolve enum types val returnType = typeProvider.javaTypeForSchemaDefinitionType(typeDef, leaf); if (returnType !== null) { val propBuilder = toBuilder.addProperty(parseToClassName(leafName)); propBuilder.setReadOnly(isReadOnly); propBuilder.setReturnType(returnType); propBuilder.setComment(leafDesc); toBuilder.addEqualsIdentity(propBuilder); toBuilder.addHashIdentity(propBuilder); toBuilder.addToStringProperty(propBuilder); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Converts node leaf list schema node to getter method of * typeBuilder. * * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is node added as * getter method * @param node * leaf list schema node which is added to * typeBuilder as getter method * @return boolean value *
  • true - if node, typeBuilder, * nodeName equal null or node is added by uses
  • *
  • false - other cases
  • *
*/ private def boolean resolveLeafListSchemaNode(GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, LeafListSchemaNode node) { if ((node !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { val nodeName = node.QName.localName; var String nodeDesc = node.description; if (nodeDesc === null) { nodeDesc = ""; } if (nodeName !== null && !node.isAddedByUses()) { val TypeDefinition type = node.type; val listType = Types.listTypeFor(typeProvider.javaTypeForSchemaDefinitionType(type, node)); constructGetter(typeBuilder, nodeName, nodeDesc, listType); return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates a getter method for a container node. * * Firstly generated type builder for container is created or found in * {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#allGroupings allGroupings}. The package name * in the builder is created as concatenation of module package name and * names of all parent nodes. In the end the getter method for container is * added to typeBuilder and return type is set to container * type builder. * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is containerNode * added as getter method * @param containerNode * container schema node which is mapped as getter method to * typeBuilder * @return boolean value *
  • false - if containerNode, * typeBuilder, container node name equal null or * containerNode is added by uses
  • *
  • true - other cases
  • *
*/ private def boolean resolveContainerSchemaNode(String basePackageName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, ContainerSchemaNode containerNode) { if ((containerNode !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { val nodeName = containerNode.QName.localName; if (nodeName !== null && !containerNode.isAddedByUses()) { val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, containerNode.path); val rawGenType = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, containerNode); constructGetter(typeBuilder, nodeName, containerNode.description, rawGenType); return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates a getter method for a list node. * * Firstly generated type builder for list is created or found in * {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#allGroupings allGroupings}. The package name * in the builder is created as concatenation of module package name and * names of all parent nodes. In the end the getter method for list is added * to typeBuilder and return type is set to list type builder. * * @param basePackageName * string with the module package name * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is added as * getter method * @param listNode * list schema node which is mapped as getter method to * typeBuilder * @return boolean value *
  • false - if listNode, typeBuilder, * list node name equal null or listNode is added by * uses
  • *
  • true - other cases
  • *
*/ private def boolean resolveListSchemaNode(String basePackageName, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, ListSchemaNode listNode) { if ((listNode !== null) && (typeBuilder !== null)) { val listName = listNode.QName.localName; if (listName !== null && !listNode.isAddedByUses()) { val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, listNode.path); val rawGenType = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, listNode); constructGetter(typeBuilder, listName, listNode.description, Types.listTypeFor(rawGenType)); return true; } } return false; } /** * Instantiates generated type builder with packageName and * schemaNode. * * The new builder always implements * {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject DataObject}.
* If schemaNode is instance of GroupingDefinition it also * implements {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable * Augmentable}.
* If schemaNode is instance of * {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer * DataNodeContainer} it can also implement nodes which are specified in * uses. * * @param packageName * string with the name of the package to which * schemaNode belongs. * @param schemaNode * schema node for which is created generated type builder * @return generated type builder schemaNode */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(String packageName, SchemaNode schemaNode) { val builder = addRawInterfaceDefinition(packageName, schemaNode, ""); builder.addImplementsType(DATA_OBJECT); if (!(schemaNode instanceof GroupingDefinition)) { builder.addImplementsType(augmentable(builder)); } if (schemaNode instanceof DataNodeContainer) { addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(schemaNode as DataNodeContainer, builder); } return builder; } /** * Wraps the calling of the same overloaded method. * * @param packageName * string with the package name to which returning generated type * builder belongs * @param schemaNode * schema node which provide data about the schema node name * @return generated type builder for schemaNode */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder addRawInterfaceDefinition(String packageName, SchemaNode schemaNode) { return addRawInterfaceDefinition(packageName, schemaNode, ""); } /** * Returns reference to generated type builder for specified * schemaNode with packageName. * * Firstly the generated type builder is searched in * {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#genTypeBuilders genTypeBuilders}. If it isn't * found it is created and added to genTypeBuilders. * * @param packageName * string with the package name to which returning generated type * builder belongs * @param schemaNode * schema node which provide data about the schema node name * @return generated type builder for schemaNode * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if schemaNode equals null
  • *
  • if packageName equals null
  • *
  • if Q name of schema node is null
  • *
  • if schema node name is nul
  • *
* */ private def GeneratedTypeBuilder addRawInterfaceDefinition(String packageName, SchemaNode schemaNode, String prefix) { checkArgument(schemaNode !== null, "Data Schema Node cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(packageName !== null, "Package Name for Generated Type cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(schemaNode.QName !== null, "QName for Data Schema Node cannot be NULL."); val schemaNodeName = schemaNode.QName.localName; checkArgument(schemaNodeName !== null, "Local Name of QName for Data Schema Node cannot be NULL."); var String genTypeName; if (prefix === null) { genTypeName = parseToClassName(schemaNodeName); } else { genTypeName = prefix + parseToClassName(schemaNodeName); } //FIXME: Validation of name conflict val newType = new GeneratedTypeBuilderImpl(packageName, genTypeName); yangToJavaMapping.put(schemaNode.path, newType); if (!genTypeBuilders.containsKey(packageName)) { val Map builders = new HashMap(); builders.put(genTypeName, newType); genTypeBuilders.put(packageName, builders); } else { val Map builders = genTypeBuilders.get(packageName); if (!builders.containsKey(genTypeName)) { builders.put(genTypeName, newType); } } return newType; } /** * Creates the name of the getter method from methodName. * * @param methodName * string with the name of the getter method * @return string with the name of the getter method for * methodName in JAVA method format */ private def String getterMethodName(String methodName, Type returnType) { val method = new StringBuilder(); if (BOOLEAN.equals(returnType)) { method.append("is"); } else { method.append("get"); } method.append(parseToClassName(methodName)); return method.toString(); } /** * Created a method signature builder as part of * interfaceBuilder. * * The method signature builder is created for the getter method of * schemaNodeName. Also comment and * returnType information are added to the builder. * * @param interfaceBuilder * generated type builder for which the getter method should be * created * @param schemaNodeName * string with schema node name. The name will be the part of the * getter method name. * @param comment * string with comment for the getter method * @param returnType * type which represents the return type of the getter method * @return method signature builder which represents the getter method of * interfaceBuilder */ private def MethodSignatureBuilder constructGetter(GeneratedTypeBuilder interfaceBuilder, String schemaNodeName, String comment, Type returnType) { val getMethod = interfaceBuilder.addMethod(getterMethodName(schemaNodeName, returnType)); getMethod.setComment(comment); getMethod.setReturnType(returnType); return getMethod; } private def listToGenType(String basePackageName, ListSchemaNode list) { checkArgument(basePackageName !== null, "Package Name for Generated Type cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(list !== null, "List Schema Node cannot be NULL."); val packageName = packageNameForGeneratedType(basePackageName, list.path); // val typeBuilder = // resolveListTypeBuilder(packageName, list); val typeBuilder = addDefaultInterfaceDefinition(packageName, list); val List listKeys = listKeys(list); val genTOBuilder = resolveListKeyTOBuilder(packageName, list); if (genTOBuilder !== null) { val identifierMarker = IDENTIFIER.parameterizedTypeFor(typeBuilder); val identifiableMarker = IDENTIFIABLE.parameterizedTypeFor(genTOBuilder); genTOBuilder.addImplementsType(identifierMarker); typeBuilder.addImplementsType(identifiableMarker); } val schemaNodes = list.childNodes; for (schemaNode : schemaNodes) { if (!schemaNode.isAugmenting()) { addSchemaNodeToListBuilders(basePackageName, schemaNode, typeBuilder, genTOBuilder, listKeys); } } return typeBuildersToGenTypes(typeBuilder, genTOBuilder); } /** * Adds schemaNode to typeBuilder as getter method * or to genTOBuilder as property. * * @param basePackageName * string contains the module package name * @param schemaNode * data schema node which should be added as getter method to * typeBuilder or as a property to * genTOBuilder if is part of the list key * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder for the list schema node * @param genTOBuilder * generated TO builder for the list keys * @param listKeys * list of string which contains names of the list keys * @throws IllegalArgumentException *
  • if schemaNode equals null
  • *
  • if typeBuilder equals null
  • *
*/ private def void addSchemaNodeToListBuilders(String basePackageName, DataSchemaNode schemaNode, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, GeneratedTOBuilder genTOBuilder, List listKeys) { checkArgument(schemaNode !== null, "Data Schema Node cannot be NULL."); checkArgument(typeBuilder !== null, "Generated Type Builder cannot be NULL."); if (schemaNode instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { val leaf = schemaNode as LeafSchemaNode; val leafName = leaf.QName.localName; if (!listKeys.contains(leafName)) { resolveLeafSchemaNodeAsMethod(typeBuilder, leaf); } else { resolveLeafSchemaNodeAsProperty(genTOBuilder, leaf, true); } } else if (schemaNode instanceof LeafListSchemaNode) { resolveLeafListSchemaNode(typeBuilder, schemaNode as LeafListSchemaNode); } else if (schemaNode instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { resolveContainerSchemaNode(basePackageName, typeBuilder, schemaNode as ContainerSchemaNode); } else if (schemaNode instanceof ListSchemaNode) { resolveListSchemaNode(basePackageName, typeBuilder, schemaNode as ListSchemaNode); } } private def typeBuildersToGenTypes(GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, GeneratedTOBuilder genTOBuilder) { val List genTypes = new ArrayList(); checkArgument(typeBuilder !== null, "Generated Type Builder cannot be NULL."); if (genTOBuilder !== null) { val genTO = genTOBuilder.toInstance(); constructGetter(typeBuilder, "key", "Returns Primary Key of Yang List Type", genTO); genTypes.add(genTO); } genTypes.add(typeBuilder.toInstance()); return genTypes; } /** * Selects the names of the list keys from list and returns * them as the list of the strings * * @param list * of string with names of the list keys * @return list of string which represents names of the list keys. If the * list contains no keys then the empty list is * returned. */ private def listKeys(ListSchemaNode list) { val List listKeys = new ArrayList(); if (list.keyDefinition !== null) { val keyDefinitions = list.keyDefinition; for (keyDefinition : keyDefinitions) { listKeys.add(keyDefinition.localName); } } return listKeys; } /** * Generates for the list which contains any list keys special * generated TO builder. * * @param packageName * string with package name to which the list belongs * @param list * list schema node which is source of data about the list name * @return generated TO builder which represents the keys of the * list or null if list is null or list of * key definitions is null or empty. */ private def GeneratedTOBuilder resolveListKeyTOBuilder(String packageName, ListSchemaNode list) { var GeneratedTOBuilder genTOBuilder = null; if ((list.keyDefinition !== null) && (!list.keyDefinition.isEmpty())) { if (list !== null) { val listName = list.QName.localName + "Key"; val String genTOName = parseToClassName(listName); genTOBuilder = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl(packageName, genTOName); } } return genTOBuilder; } /** * Builds generated TO builders for typeDef of type * {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.UnionType UnionType} or * {@link org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition * BitsTypeDefinition} which are also added to typeBuilder as * enclosing transfer object. * * If more then one generated TO builder is created for enclosing then all * of the generated TO builders are added to typeBuilder as * enclosing transfer objects. * * @param typeDef * type definition which can be of type UnionType or * BitsTypeDefinition * @param typeBuilder * generated type builder to which is added generated TO created * from typeDef * @param leafName * string with name for generated TO builder * @return generated TO builder for typeDef */ private def GeneratedTOBuilder addTOToTypeBuilder(TypeDefinition typeDef, GeneratedTypeBuilder typeBuilder, String leafName, LeafSchemaNode leaf, Module parentModule) { val classNameFromLeaf = parseToClassName(leafName); val List genTOBuilders = new ArrayList(); val packageName = typeBuilder.fullyQualifiedName; if (typeDef instanceof UnionTypeDefinition) { genTOBuilders.addAll( (typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl). provideGeneratedTOBuildersForUnionTypeDef(packageName, typeDef, classNameFromLeaf, leaf)); } else if (typeDef instanceof BitsTypeDefinition) { genTOBuilders.add( ((typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl) ). provideGeneratedTOBuilderForBitsTypeDefinition(packageName, typeDef, classNameFromLeaf)); } if (genTOBuilders !== null && !genTOBuilders.isEmpty()) { for (genTOBuilder : genTOBuilders) { typeBuilder.addEnclosingTransferObject(genTOBuilder); } return genTOBuilders.get(0); } return null; } /** * Adds the implemented types to type builder. * * The method passes through the list of uses in * {@code dataNodeContainer}. For every use is obtained coresponding * generated type from {@link BindingGeneratorImpl#allGroupings * allGroupings} which is added as implements type to * builder * * @param dataNodeContainer * element which contains the list of used YANG groupings * @param builder * builder to which are added implemented types according to * dataNodeContainer * @return generated type builder with all implemented types */ private def addImplementedInterfaceFromUses(DataNodeContainer dataNodeContainer, GeneratedTypeBuilder builder) { for (usesNode : dataNodeContainer.uses) { if (usesNode.groupingPath !== null) { val genType = allGroupings.get(usesNode.groupingPath); if (genType === null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Grouping " + usesNode.groupingPath + "is not resolved for " + builder.name); } builder.addImplementsType(genType); } } return builder; } }