/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.impl import javassist.ClassPool import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.JavassistUtils import javassist.CtClass import java.util.Map import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import javassist.CtField import static javassist.Modifier.* import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.impl.CodecMapping.* import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTypeBuilder import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.ParameterizedType import java.util.HashMap import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.BindingGeneratorUtil import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode import java.util.List import java.util.TreeSet import com.google.common.base.Joiner import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Enumeration import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.ClassLoaderUtils.*; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingDeserializer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingCodec import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.CodeGenerationException import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode import java.security.ProtectionDomain import java.io.File import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import java.util.Map.Entry import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation import java.util.Iterator import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationSchema import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import static extension org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.YangSchemaUtils.*; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.ReferencedTypeImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.ExtendedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.EnumerationType import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.* import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaPath import javassist.CtMethod import javassist.CannotCompileException import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock import java.util.concurrent.Callable import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.ClassLoaderUtils import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.UnionTypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition import java.util.HashSet import java.util.Collections import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition.Bit import java.util.Set import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.XtendHelper import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.NotificationDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingMapping import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.EmptyTypeDefinition import java.util.Collection class TransformerGenerator { private static val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransformerGenerator) public static val STRING = Types.typeForClass(String); public static val BOOLEAN = Types.typeForClass(Boolean); public static val INTEGER = Types.typeForClass(Integer); public static val INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER = Types.typeForClass(InstanceIdentifier) //public static val DECIMAL = Types.typeForClass(Decimal); public static val LONG = Types.typeForClass(Long); val extension JavassistUtils utils; CtClass BINDING_CODEC CtClass ctQName @Property var File classFileCapturePath; @Property var Map typeDefinitions = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Property var Map typeToDefinition = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Property var Map pathToType = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Property var Map typeToSchemaNode = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Property var Map typeToAugmentation = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Property var LazyGeneratedCodecRegistry listener; @Property var extension GeneratedClassLoadingStrategy classLoadingStrategy public static val CLASS_TYPE = Types.typeForClass(Class); public new(ClassPool pool) { utils = JavassistUtils.forClassPool(pool) BINDING_CODEC = BindingCodec.asCtClass; ctQName = QName.asCtClass this.classLoadingStrategy = GeneratedClassLoadingStrategy.getTCCLClassLoadingStrategy(); } def Class, Object>> transformerFor(Class inputType) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = typeToSchemaNode.get(ref) createMapping(inputType, node, null) val typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find typedefinition for %s", inputType.name); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } def Class, Object>> transformerFor(Class inputType, DataSchemaNode node) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | createMapping(inputType, node, null) val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) var typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) if (typeSpecBuilder == null) { typeSpecBuilder = pathToType.get(node.path); } checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find TypeDefinition for %s, $s", inputType.name, node); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } def Class, Object>> augmentationTransformerFor(Class inputType) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = typeToAugmentation.get(ref) val typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); //mappingForNodes(node.childNodes, typeSpec.allProperties, bindingId) val newret = generateAugmentationTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } def Class> caseCodecFor(Class inputType, ChoiceCaseNode node) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | createMapping(inputType, node, null) val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateCaseCodec(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class>; ] } def Class, Object>> keyTransformerForIdentifiable(Class parentType) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(parentType.classLoader, lock) [ | val inputName = parentType.name + "Key"; val inputType = loadClass(inputName); val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(parentType) val node = typeToSchemaNode.get(ref) as ListSchemaNode val typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.identifierDefinition; val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def void createMapping(Class inputType, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier parentId) { var ClassLoader cl = inputType.classLoader if (cl === null) { cl = Thread.currentThread.contextClassLoader } withClassLoader(cl, [ | if (!(node instanceof DataNodeContainer)) { return null } var InstanceIdentifier bindingId = listener.getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path) if (bindingId != null) { return null } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) var typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) if (typeSpecBuilder == null) { typeSpecBuilder = pathToType.get(node.path); } checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find typedefinition for %s, $s", inputType.name, node); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); var InstanceIdentifier parent if (parentId == null) { bindingId = InstanceIdentifier.create(inputType as Class) parent = bindingId listener.putPathToBindingIdentifier(node.path, bindingId) } else { parent = listener.putPathToBindingIdentifier(node.path, parentId, inputType) } val Map properties = typeSpec.allProperties if (node instanceof DataNodeContainer) { mappingForNodes((node as DataNodeContainer).childNodes, properties, parent) } else if (node instanceof ChoiceNode) { mappingForNodes((node as ChoiceNode).cases, properties, parent) } return null; ]) } private def void mappingForNodes(Collection childNodes, Map properties, InstanceIdentifier parent) { for (DataSchemaNode child : childNodes) { val signature = properties.getFor(child) if (signature != null) { val Type childType = signature.value var Class childTypeClass = null; if (child instanceof ListSchemaNode && childType instanceof ParameterizedType) { childTypeClass = loadClass((childType as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments.get(0)) } else { childTypeClass = loadClass(childType) } createMapping(childTypeClass, child, parent) } } } def getIdentifierDefinition(GeneratedTypeBuilder builder) { val inst = builder.toInstance val keyMethod = inst.methodDefinitions.findFirst[name == "getKey"] return keyMethod.returnType as GeneratedTransferObject } def Class, Object>> keyTransformerForIdentifier(Class inputType) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = typeToSchemaNode.get(ref) as ListSchemaNode val typeSpecBuilder = typeToDefinition.get(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def Class keyTransformerFor(Class inputType, GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode schema) { return withClassLoaderAndLock(inputType.classLoader, lock) [ | val transformer = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (transformer != null) { return transformer; } val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, type, schema); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def Class getGeneratedClass(Class cls) { try { return loadClass(cls.codecClassName) } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } private def Class keyTransformer(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName + "Key"); keyTransformerFor(cls, type, node); } private def serializer(Type type, DataSchemaNode node) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); transformerFor(cls, node); } private def Class valueSerializer(GeneratedTransferObject type, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); val transformer = cls.generatedClass; if (transformer !== null) { return transformer; } var baseType = typeDefinition; while (baseType.baseType != null) { baseType = baseType.baseType; } val finalType = baseType; return withClassLoaderAndLock(cls.classLoader, lock) [ | val valueTransformer = generateValueTransformer(cls, type, finalType); return valueTransformer; ] } private def Class valueSerializer(Enumeration type, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); val transformer = cls.generatedClass; if (transformer !== null) { return transformer; } return withClassLoaderAndLock(cls.classLoader, lock) [ | val valueTransformer = generateValueTransformer(cls, type); return valueTransformer; ] } private def generateKeyTransformerFor(Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, ListSchemaNode node) { try { //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val properties = typeSpec.allProperties; val ctCls = createClass(inputType.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticQNameField(node.QName); implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { «QName.name» _resultName; if($1 != null) { _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); } else { _resultName = QNAME; } java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «inputType.resolvedName» value = («inputType.name») $2; «FOR key : node.keyDefinition» «val propertyName = key.getterName» «val keyDef = node.getDataChildByName(key)» «val property = properties.get(propertyName)» «serializeProperty(keyDef, property, propertyName)»; «ENDFOR» return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { if($2 == null){ return null; } «QName.name» _localQName = $1; java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR key : node.keyDefinition» «val propertyName = key.getterName» «val keyDef = node.getDataChildByName(key)» «val property = properties.get(propertyName)» «deserializeProperty(keyDef, property, propertyName)»; «ENDFOR» «inputType.resolvedName» _value = new «inputType.name»(«node.keyDefinition. keyConstructorList»); return _value; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localQName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); «inputType.name» _keyValue = («inputType.name») _input.getValue(); return toDomStatic(_localQName,_keyValue); } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { «QName.name» _qname = QNAME; if($1 instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { _qname = («QName.name») ((java.util.Map.Entry) $1).getKey(); } return fromDomStatic(_qname,$1); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, ?>>; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def Class> generateCaseCodec(Class inputType, GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node) { try { //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}, TCCL is: {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader,Thread.currentThread.contextClassLoader) val ctCls = createClass(type.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticQNameField(node.QName); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «transformDataContainerBody(type, type.allProperties, node)» return ($r) _childNodes; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = deserializeBody(type, node, listener.getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path)) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ bodyChecked = ''' { //System.out.println("«type.name»#deserialize: " +$1); java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; return fromDomStatic((«QName.name»)_input.getKey(),_input.getValue(),$2); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class> listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, SchemaNode node) { try { //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticQNameField(node.QName); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = serializeBodyFacade(typeSpec, node) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = deserializeBody(typeSpec, node, listener.getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path)) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ bodyChecked = ''' { «QName.name» _qname = QNAME; if($1 instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { _qname = («QName.name») ((java.util.Map.Entry) $1).getKey(); } return fromDomStatic(_qname,$1,$2); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class, Object>> listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def Class, Object>> generateAugmentationTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType type, AugmentationSchema node) { try { //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val properties = type.allProperties val ctCls = createClass(type.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticQNameField(node.augmentationQName); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("Qname " + $1); ////System.out.println("Value " + $2); «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create(QNAME,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «var signature = properties.getFor(child)» ////System.out.println("«signature.key»" + value.«signature.key»()); «serializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» «ENDFOR» return ($r) _childNodes; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = QNAME; if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «deserializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» _builder.«signature.key.toSetter»(«signature.key»); «ENDFOR» if(_is_empty) { return null; } return _builder.build(); } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ bodyChecked = ''' return fromDomStatic(QNAME,$1,$2); ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class, Object>> listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, ChoiceNode node) { try { //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); //staticQNameField(inputType); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, CLASS_TO_CASE_MAP, Map) staticField(it, COMPOSITE_TO_CASE, Map) //staticField(it,QNAME_TO_CASE_MAP,BindingCodec) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(List, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { if($2 == null) { return null; } «DataObject.name» _baValue = («DataObject.name») $2; Class _baClass = _baValue.getImplementedInterface(); «BINDING_CODEC.name» _codec = «CLASS_TO_CASE_MAP».get(_baClass); if(_codec == null) { return null; } java.util.Map.Entry _input = new «SimpleEntry.name»($1,_baValue); Object _ret = _codec.serialize(_input); ////System.out.println("«typeSpec.name»#toDomStatic: " + _ret); return («List.name») _ret; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' throw new «UnsupportedOperationException.name»("Direct invocation not supported."); ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Map, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { «BINDING_CODEC.name» _codec = («BINDING_CODEC.name») «COMPOSITE_TO_CASE».get($2); if(_codec != null) { return _codec.deserialize(new «SimpleEntry.name»($1,$2),$3); } return null; } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ bodyChecked = ''' throw new «UnsupportedOperationException.name»("Direct invocation not supported."); ''' ] ] val rawRet = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) val ret = rawRet as Class, Object>>; listener?.onChoiceCodecCreated(inputType, ret, node); log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def keyConstructorList(List qnames) { val names = new TreeSet() for (name : qnames) { val fieldName = name.getterName; names.add(fieldName); } return Joiner.on(",").join(names); } private def serializeBodyFacade(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node) { val ret = serializeBody(type, node); return ret; } private def String deserializeBody(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { val ret = deserializeBodyImpl(type, node, bindingId); return ret; } private def deserializeKey(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { if (node.keyDefinition != null && !node.keyDefinition.empty) { return ''' «type.resolvedName»Key getKey = («type.resolvedName»Key) «keyTransformer(type, node).canonicalName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_compositeNode); _builder.setKey(getKey); '''; } } private def String deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); «deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(type, node, bindingId)» «type.deserializeAugmentations» return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); «deserializeKey(type, node)» «deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(type, node, bindingId)» «type.deserializeAugmentations» return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ContainerSchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, NotificationDefinition node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { deserializeNodeContainerBodyImpl(type, type.allProperties, node, bindingId); } private def deserializeNodeContainerBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, HashMap properties, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { val ret = ''' boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «IF signature !== null» «deserializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» _builder.«signature.key.toSetter»(«signature.key»); «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' return ret; } def deserializeAugmentations(GeneratedType type) ''' «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«type.resolvedName».class).build(); java.util.Map _augmentation = (java.util.Map) «AUGMENTATION_CODEC».deserialize(_compositeNode,$3); if(_augmentation != null) { «Iterator.name» _entries = _augmentation.entrySet().iterator(); while(_entries.hasNext()) { java.util.Map.Entry _entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) _entries.next(); ////System.out.println("Aug. key:" + _entry.getKey()); Class _type = (Class) _entry.getKey(); «Augmentation.resolvedName» _value = («Augmentation.name») _entry.getValue(); if(_value != null) { _builder.addAugmentation(_type,_value); } } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName» = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName. localName»")); ////System.out.println("«propertyName»#deCode"+_dom_«propertyName»); java.util.List «propertyName» = new java.util.ArrayList(); if(_dom_«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List _serialized = new java.util.ArrayList(); java.util.Iterator _iterator = _dom_«propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); _is_empty = false; ////System.out.println(" item" + _listItem); «val param = type.actualTypeArguments.get(0)» «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«param.resolvedName».class).build(); Object _value = «type.actualTypeArguments.get(0).serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_listItem,iid); ////System.out.println(" value" + _value); «propertyName».add(_value); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ////System.out.println(" list" + «propertyName»); ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(LeafListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName» = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName. localName»")); java.util.List «propertyName» = new java.util.ArrayList(); if(_dom_«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List _serialized = new java.util.ArrayList(); java.util.Iterator _iterator = _dom_«propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { _is_empty = false; Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); if(_listItem instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { Object _innerValue = ((java.util.Map.Entry) _listItem).getValue(); Object _value = «deserializeValue(type.actualTypeArguments.get(0), "_innerValue", schema.type)»; «propertyName».add(_value); } _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(LeafSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName»_list = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName.localName»")); «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; if(_dom_«propertyName»_list != null && _dom_«propertyName»_list.size() > 0) { _is_empty = false; java.util.Map.Entry _dom_«propertyName» = (java.util.Map.Entry) _dom_«propertyName»_list.get(0); Object _inner_value = _dom_«propertyName».getValue(); «propertyName» = «deserializeValue(type, "_inner_value", schema.type)»; } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ContainerSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName»_list = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName.localName»")); «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; if(_dom_«propertyName»_list != null && _dom_«propertyName»_list.size() > 0) { _is_empty = false; java.util.Map _dom_«propertyName» = (java.util.Map) _dom_«propertyName»_list.get(0); «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«type.resolvedName».class).build(); «propertyName» = «type.serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_dom_«propertyName»,iid); } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ChoiceNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = «type.serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_compositeNode,$3); if(«propertyName» != null) { _is_empty = false; } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeValue(GeneratedTransferObject type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) ''' («type.resolvedName») «type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».fromDomValue(«domParameter») ''' private def dispatch String deserializeValue(Enumeration type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) ''' («type.resolvedName») «type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».fromDomValue(«domParameter») ''' private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, TypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val returnType = typeSpec.valueReturnType; if (returnType == null) { val ctCls = createDummyImplementation(inputType, typeSpec); val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = typeSpec.asCtClass; bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _encapsulatedValue = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:Enc: "+_encapsulatedValue); «returnType.resolvedName» _value = _encapsulatedValue.getValue(); ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:DeEnc: "+_value); Object _domValue = «serializeValue(returnType, "_value", null)»; return _domValue; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «returnType.resolvedName» _simpleValue = «deserializeValue(returnType, "$1", null)»; «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = new «typeSpec.resolvedName»(_simpleValue); return _value; } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = '''{ return fromDomValue($1); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, UnionTypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ val properties = typeSpec.allProperties; val getterToTypeDefinition = XtendHelper.getTypes(typeDef).toMap[type|type.QName.getterName]; //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = inputType.asCtClass; bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «FOR property : properties.entrySet» «IF property.key != "getValue"» «property.value.resolvedName» «property.key» = («property.value.resolvedName») _value.«property. key»(); if(«property.key» != null) { return «serializeValue(property.value, property.key, getterToTypeDefinition.get(property.key))»; } «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } if($1 instanceof String) { String _simpleValue = (String) $1; return new «typeSpec.resolvedName»(_simpleValue.toCharArray()); } return null; } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = '''{ return fromDomValue($1); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, BitsTypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = typeSpec.asCtClass; bodyChecked = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _encapsulatedValue = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «HashSet.resolvedName» _value = new «HashSet.resolvedName»(); //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:Enc: "+_encapsulatedValue); «FOR bit : typeDef.bits» «val getter = bit.getterName()» if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(_encapsulatedValue.«getter»())) { _value.add("«bit.name»"); } «ENDFOR» «Set.resolvedName» _domValue = «Collections.resolvedName».unmodifiableSet(_value); //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:DeEnc: "+_domValue); return _domValue; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val sortedBits = typeDef.bits.sort[o1, o2|o1.propertyName.compareTo(o2.propertyName)] bodyChecked = ''' { //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «Set.resolvedName» _domValue = («Set.resolvedName») $1; «FOR bit : sortedBits» Boolean «bit.propertyName» = Boolean.valueOf(_domValue.contains("«bit.name»")); «ENDFOR» return new «inputType.resolvedName»(«FOR bit : sortedBits SEPARATOR ","»«bit.propertyName»«ENDFOR»); } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = '''{ return fromDomValue($1); } ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } def String getPropertyName(Bit bit) { '''_«BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToValidParamName(bit.name)»''' } def String getterName(Bit bit) { val paramName = BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToValidParamName(bit.name); return '''is«paramName.toFirstUpper»'''; } def boolean isYangBindingAvailable(Class class1) { try { val bindingCodecClass = class1.classLoader.loadClass(BINDING_CODEC.name); return bindingCodecClass !== null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private def createDummyImplementation(Class object, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec) { log.trace("Generating Dummy DOM Codec for {} with {}", object, object.classLoader) return createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ if (object.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } //implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = '''{ if($1 == null) { return null; } return $1.toString(); }''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = '''return null;''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = '''{ return fromDomValue($1); } ''' ] ] } private def Type getValueReturnType(GeneratedTransferObject object) { for (prop : object.properties) { if (prop.name == "value") { return prop.returnType; } } if (object.superType != null) { return getValueReturnType(object.superType); } return null; } private def Class generateValueTransformer(Class inputType, Enumeration typeSpec) { try { val typeRef = new ReferencedTypeImpl(typeSpec.packageName, typeSpec.name); val schema = typeToSchemaNode.get(typeRef) as ExtendedType; val enumSchema = schema.baseType as EnumerationType; //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); //implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = '''{ if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «FOR en : enumSchema.values» if(«typeSpec.resolvedName».«BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToClassName(en.name)».equals(_value)) { return "«en.name»"; } «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' return toDomValue($1); ''' ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC bodyChecked = ''' { if($1 == null) { return null; } String _value = (String) $1; «FOR en : enumSchema.values» if("«en.name»".equals(_value)) { return «typeSpec.resolvedName».«BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToClassName(en.name)»; } «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ bodyChecked = ''' return fromDomValue($1); ''' ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) log.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (CodeGenerationException e) { throw new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType, e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } def Class toClassImpl(CtClass newClass, ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain domain) { val cls = newClass.toClass(loader, domain); if (classFileCapturePath !== null) { newClass.writeFile(classFileCapturePath.absolutePath); } listener?.onCodecCreated(cls); return cls; } def debugWriteClass(CtClass class1) { val path = class1.name.replace(".", "/") + ".class" val captureFile = new File(classFileCapturePath, path); captureFile.createNewFile } private def dispatch String deserializeValue(Type type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDef) { if (INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER.equals(type)) { return '''(«InstanceIdentifier.name») «INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC».deserialize(«domParameter»)''' } else if (CLASS_TYPE.equals(type)) { return '''(«Class.name») «IDENTITYREF_CODEC».deserialize(«domParameter»)''' } else if (typeDef!=null && typeDef instanceof EmptyTypeDefinition) { if(domParameter == null) { return ''' Boolean.FALSE ''' } else { return ''' Boolean.TRUE ''' } } return '''(«type.resolvedName») «domParameter»''' } /** * Default catch all * **/ private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedTypeBuilder type, String propertyName) { _deserializeProperty(container, type.toInstance, propertyName) } public static def toSetter(String it) { if (startsWith("is")) { return "set" + substring(2); } else if (startsWith("get")) { return "set" + substring(3); } return "set" + it; } /* private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container,GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «type.serializer».toDomStatic(QNAME,«propertyName»); _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' */ private def getBuilderName(GeneratedType type) '''«type.resolvedName»Builder''' private def staticQNameField(CtClass it, QName node) { val field = new CtField(ctQName, "QNAME", it); field.modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC; addField(field, '''«QName.asCtClass.name».create("«node.namespace»","«node.formattedRevision»","«node.localName»")''') } private def String serializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer nodeContainer) ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «transformDataContainerBody(type, type.allProperties, nodeContainer)» «serializeAugmentations» return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, NotificationDefinition node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ContainerSchemaNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node) ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' private def transformDataContainerBody(Type type, Map properties, DataNodeContainer node) { val ret = ''' «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «IF signature !== null» ////System.out.println("«type.name»#«signature.key»" + value.«signature.key»()); «serializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' return ret; } private def serializeAugmentations() ''' java.util.List _augmentations = (java.util.List) «AUGMENTATION_CODEC».serialize(value); if(_augmentations != null) { _childNodes.addAll(_augmentations); } ''' def Entry getFor(Map map, DataSchemaNode node) { var sig = map.get(node.getterName); if (sig != null) { return new SimpleEntry(node.getterName, sig); } sig = map.get(node.booleanGetterName); if (sig != null) { return new SimpleEntry(node.booleanGetterName, map.get(node.booleanGetterName)); } return null; } private static def String getBooleanGetterName(DataSchemaNode node) { return "is" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.QName.localName).toFirstUpper; } private static def String getGetterName(DataSchemaNode node) { return "get" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.QName.localName).toFirstUpper; } private static def String getGetterName(QName node) { return "get" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.localName).toFirstUpper; } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(ListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); ////System.out.println("«propertyName»:" + «propertyName»); if(«propertyName» != null) { java.util.Iterator _iterator = «propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); Object _domValue = «type.actualTypeArguments.get(0).serializer(schema).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,_listItem); _childNodes.add(_domValue); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(LeafSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { «QName.name» _qname = «QName.name».create(_resultName,"«schema.QName.localName»"); Object _propValue = «serializeValue(type, propertyName, schema.type)»; if(_propValue != null) { Object _domValue = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_qname,_propValue); _childNodes.add(_domValue); } } ''' private def dispatch serializeValue(GeneratedTransferObject type, String parameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''«type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».toDomValue(«parameter»)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Enumeration type, String parameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''«type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».toDomValue(«parameter»)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type type, String parameter, EmptyTypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''(«parameter».booleanValue() ? "" : null)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { serializeValue(signature,property) } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property, Void typeDefinition) { serializeValue(signature,property) } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property) { if (INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER == signature) { return '''«INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC».serialize(«property»)''' } else if (CLASS_TYPE.equals(signature)) { return '''(«QName.resolvedName») «IDENTITYREF_CODEC».serialize(«property»)''' } if ("char[]" == signature.name) { return '''new String(«property»)'''; } return '''«property»'''; } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(LeafListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { «QName.name» _qname = «QName.name».create(_resultName,"«schema.QName.localName»"); java.util.Iterator _iterator = «propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); Object _propValue = «serializeValue(type.actualTypeArguments.get(0), "_listItem", schema.type)»; Object _domValue = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_qname,_propValue); _childNodes.add(_domValue); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(ChoiceNode container, GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List domValue = «type.serializer(container).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,«propertyName»); _childNodes.addAll(domValue); } ''' /** * Default catch all * **/ private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «propertyName»; _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedTypeBuilder type, String propertyName) { serializeProperty(container, type.toInstance, propertyName) } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «type.serializer(container).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,«propertyName»); _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' private def codecClassName(GeneratedType typeSpec) { return '''«typeSpec.resolvedName»$Broker$Codec$DOM''' } private def codecClassName(Class typeSpec) { return '''«typeSpec.name»$Broker$Codec$DOM''' } private def HashMap getAllProperties(GeneratedType type) { val ret = new HashMap(); type.collectAllProperties(ret); return ret; } private def dispatch void collectAllProperties(GeneratedType type, Map set) { for (definition : type.methodDefinitions) { set.put(definition.name, definition.returnType); } for (property : type.properties) { set.put(property.getterName, property.returnType); } for (parent : type.implements) { parent.collectAllProperties(set); } } def String getGetterName(GeneratedProperty property) { return "get" + property.name.toFirstUpper } private def dispatch void collectAllProperties(Type type, Map set) { // NOOP for generic type. } def String getResolvedName(Type type) { return type.asCtClass.name; } def String getResolvedName(Class type) { return type.asCtClass.name; } def CtClass asCtClass(Type type) { val cls = loadClass(type.fullyQualifiedName) return cls.asCtClass; } private def dispatch processException(Class inputType, CodeGenerationException e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}. One of it's prerequisites was not generated.", inputType); throw e; } private def dispatch processException(Class inputType, Exception e) { log.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType, e); throw exception; } private def setBodyChecked(CtMethod method, String body) { try { method.setBody(body); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { log.error("Cannot compile method: {}#{} {}, Reason: {} Body: {}", method.declaringClass, method.name, method.signature, e.message, body) throw e; } } private def V withClassLoaderAndLock(ClassLoader cls, Lock lock, Callable function) throws Exception { appendClassLoaderIfMissing(cls); ClassLoaderUtils.withClassLoaderAndLock(cls, lock, function); } } @Data class PropertyPair { String getterName; Type type; @Property Type returnType; @Property SchemaNode schemaNode; }