/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.impl import com.google.common.base.Joiner import java.io.File import java.security.ProtectionDomain import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry import java.util.Collection import java.util.Collections import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet import java.util.Iterator import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Map.Entry import java.util.Set import java.util.TreeSet import javassist.CannotCompileException import javassist.ClassPool import javassist.CtClass import javassist.CtField import javassist.CtMethod import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.BindingGeneratorUtil import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.ReferencedTypeImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.CodeGenerationException import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.SourceCodeGenerator import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.SourceCodeGeneratorFactory import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.XtendHelper import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Enumeration import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.ParameterizedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.type.builder.GeneratedTypeBuilder import org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.ClassLoaderUtils import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentation import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingCodec import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingDeserializer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.BindingMapping import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationSchema import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.NotificationDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaNode import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.BitsTypeDefinition.Bit import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.EmptyTypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.type.UnionTypeDefinition import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.EnumerationType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.ExtendedType import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.* import static javassist.Modifier.* import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.impl.CodecMapping.* import static extension org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.generator.util.YangSchemaUtils.* class TransformerGenerator extends AbstractTransformerGenerator { private static val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransformerGenerator) public static val STRING = Types.typeForClass(String); public static val BOOLEAN = Types.typeForClass(Boolean); public static val INTEGER = Types.typeForClass(Integer); public static val INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER = Types.typeForClass(InstanceIdentifier); //public static val DECIMAL = Types.typeForClass(Decimal); public static val LONG = Types.typeForClass(Long); public static val CLASS_TYPE = Types.typeForClass(Class); @Property var File classFileCapturePath; val CtClass BINDING_CODEC val CtClass ctQName val SourceCodeGeneratorFactory sourceCodeGeneratorFactory = new SourceCodeGeneratorFactory(); public new(TypeResolver typeResolver, ClassPool pool) { super(typeResolver, pool) BINDING_CODEC = BindingCodec.asCtClass; ctQName = QName.asCtClass } override transformerForImpl(Class inputType) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = getSchemaNode(ref) createMapping(inputType, node, null) val typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find typedefinition for %s", inputType.name); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } def Class, Object>> transformerFor(Class inputType, DataSchemaNode node) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | createMapping(inputType, node, null) val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) var typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) if (typeSpecBuilder == null) { typeSpecBuilder = getTypeBuilder(node.path); } checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find TypeDefinition for %s, $s", inputType.name, node); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } override augmentationTransformerForImpl(Class inputType) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = getAugmentation(ref) val typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); //mappingForNodes(node.childNodes, typeSpec.allProperties, bindingId) val newret = generateAugmentationTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); listener.onClassProcessed(inputType); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } override caseCodecForImpl(Class inputType, ChoiceCaseNode node) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | createMapping(inputType, node, null) val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateCaseCodec(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class>; ] } override keyTransformerForIdentifiableImpl(Class parentType) { return runOnClassLoader(parentType.classLoader) [ | val inputName = parentType.name + "Key"; val inputType = loadClass(inputName); val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(parentType) val node = getSchemaNode(ref) as ListSchemaNode val typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.identifierDefinition; val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def void createMapping(Class inputType, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier parentId) { var ClassLoader cl = inputType.classLoader if (cl === null) { cl = Thread.currentThread.contextClassLoader } ClassLoaderUtils.withClassLoader(cl, [ | if (!(node instanceof DataNodeContainer)) { return null } var InstanceIdentifier bindingId = getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path) if (bindingId != null) { return null } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) var typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) if (typeSpecBuilder == null) { typeSpecBuilder = getTypeBuilder(node.path); } checkState(typeSpecBuilder !== null, "Could not find type definition for %s, $s", inputType.name, node); val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); var InstanceIdentifier parent if (parentId == null) { bindingId = InstanceIdentifier.create(inputType as Class) parent = bindingId putPathToBindingIdentifier(node.path, bindingId) } else { parent = putPathToBindingIdentifier(node.path, parentId, inputType) } val Map properties = typeSpec.allProperties if (node instanceof DataNodeContainer) { mappingForNodes((node as DataNodeContainer).childNodes, properties, parent) } else if (node instanceof ChoiceNode) { mappingForNodes((node as ChoiceNode).cases, properties, parent) } return null; ]) } private def void mappingForNodes(Collection childNodes, Map properties, InstanceIdentifier parent) { for (DataSchemaNode child : childNodes) { val signature = properties.getFor(child) if (signature != null) { val Type childType = signature.value var Class childTypeClass = null; if (child instanceof ListSchemaNode && childType instanceof ParameterizedType) { childTypeClass = loadClass((childType as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments.get(0)) } else { childTypeClass = loadClass(childType) } createMapping(childTypeClass, child, parent) } } } def getIdentifierDefinition(GeneratedTypeBuilder builder) { val inst = builder.toInstance val keyMethod = inst.methodDefinitions.findFirst[name == "getKey"] return keyMethod.returnType as GeneratedTransferObject } override keyTransformerForIdentifierImpl(Class inputType) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | val ret = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (ret !== null) { return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ref = Types.typeForClass(inputType) val node = getSchemaNode(ref) as ListSchemaNode val typeSpecBuilder = getDefinition(ref) val typeSpec = typeSpecBuilder.toInstance(); val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, typeSpec, node); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def Class keyTransformerFor(Class inputType, GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode schema) { return runOnClassLoader(inputType.classLoader) [ | val transformer = getGeneratedClass(inputType) if (transformer != null) { return transformer; } val newret = generateKeyTransformerFor(inputType, type, schema); return newret as Class, Object>>; ] } private def Class getGeneratedClass(Class cls) { try { return loadClass(cls.codecClassName) } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } private def Class keyTransformer(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName + "Key"); keyTransformerFor(cls, type, node); } private def serializer(Type type, DataSchemaNode node) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); transformerFor(cls, node); } private def Class valueSerializer(GeneratedTransferObject type, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); val transformer = cls.generatedClass; if (transformer !== null) { return transformer; } var baseType = typeDefinition; while (baseType.baseType != null) { baseType = baseType.baseType; } val finalType = baseType; return runOnClassLoader(cls.classLoader) [ | val valueTransformer = generateValueTransformer(cls, type, finalType); return valueTransformer; ] } private def Class valueSerializer(Enumeration type, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { val cls = loadClass(type.resolvedName); val transformer = cls.generatedClass; if (transformer !== null) { return transformer; } return runOnClassLoader(cls.classLoader) [ | val valueTransformer = generateValueTransformer(cls, type, typeDefinition); return valueTransformer; ] } private def generateKeyTransformerFor(Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, ListSchemaNode node) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val properties = typeSpec.allProperties; val ctCls = createClass(inputType.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticQNameField(node.QName, sourceGenerator); implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { «QName.name» _resultName; if($1 != null) { _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); } else { _resultName = QNAME; } java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «inputType.resolvedName» value = («inputType.name») $2; «FOR key : node.keyDefinition» «val propertyName = key.getterName» «val keyDef = node.getDataChildByName(key)» «val property = properties.get(propertyName)» «serializeProperty(keyDef, property, propertyName)»; «ENDFOR» return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' setBodyChecked(body, sourceGenerator) ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if($2 == null){ return null; } «QName.name» _localQName = $1; java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR key : node.keyDefinition» «val propertyName = key.getterName» «val keyDef = node.getDataChildByName(key)» «val property = properties.get(propertyName)» «deserializeProperty(keyDef, property, propertyName)»; «ENDFOR» «inputType.resolvedName» _value = new «inputType.name»(«node.keyDefinition. keyConstructorList»); return _value; } ''' setBodyChecked(body, sourceGenerator) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localQName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); «inputType.name» _keyValue = («inputType.name») _input.getValue(); return toDomStatic(_localQName,_keyValue); } ''' setBodyChecked(body, sourceGenerator) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { «QName.name» _qname = QNAME; if($1 instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { _qname = («QName.name») ((java.util.Map.Entry) $1).getKey(); } return fromDomStatic(_qname,$1); } ''' setBodyChecked(body, sourceGenerator) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, ?>>; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def Class> generateCaseCodec(Class inputType, GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}, TCCL is: {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader,Thread.currentThread.contextClassLoader) val ctCls = createClass(type.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticQNameField(node.QName, sourceGenerator); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «transformDataContainerBody(type, type.allProperties, node)» return ($r) _childNodes; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator) ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC setBodyChecked( deserializeBody(type, node, getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path)), sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ val body = ''' { //System.out.println("«type.name»#deserialize: " +$1); java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; return fromDomStatic((«QName.name»)_input.getKey(),_input.getValue(),$2); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class> sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, SchemaNode node) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticQNameField(node.QName, sourceGenerator); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC setBodyChecked( serializeBodyFacade(typeSpec, node), sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC setBodyChecked( deserializeBody(typeSpec, node, getBindingIdentifierByPath(node.path)), sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ val body = ''' { «QName.name» _qname = QNAME; if($1 instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { _qname = («QName.name») ((java.util.Map.Entry) $1).getKey(); } return fromDomStatic(_qname,$1,$2); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class, Object>> sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def Class, Object>> generateAugmentationTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType type, AugmentationSchema node) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val properties = type.allProperties val ctCls = createClass(type.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); staticQNameField(node.augmentationQName, sourceGenerator); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, AUGMENTATION_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("Qname " + $1); ////System.out.println("Value " + $2); «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create(QNAME,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «var signature = properties.getFor(child)» ////System.out.println("«signature.key»" + value.«signature.key»()); «serializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» «ENDFOR» return ($r) _childNodes; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { java.util.Map.Entry _input = (java.util.Map.Entry) $1; «QName.name» _localName = QNAME; if(_input.getKey() != null) { _localName = («QName.name») _input.getKey(); } return toDomStatic(_localName,_input.getValue()); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = QNAME; if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «deserializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» _builder.«signature.key.toSetter»(«signature.key»); «ENDFOR» if(_is_empty) { return null; } return _builder.build(); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomStatic(QNAME,$1,$2); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) as Class, Object>> sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) listener?.onDataContainerCodecCreated(inputType, ret); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateTransformerFor( Class inputType, GeneratedType typeSpec, ChoiceNode node) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); //staticQNameField(inputType); staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, DISPATCH_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) //staticField(it,QNAME_TO_CASE_MAP,BindingCodec) implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(List, "toDomStatic", #[QName, Object]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if($2 == null) { return null; } if («DISPATCH_CODEC» == null) { throw new «IllegalStateException.name»("Implementation of codec was not initialized."); } java.util.Map.Entry _input = new «SimpleEntry.name»($1,$2); Object _ret = «DISPATCH_CODEC».serialize(_input); ////System.out.println("«typeSpec.name»#toDomStatic: " + _ret); return («List.name») _ret; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { throw new «UnsupportedOperationException.name»("Direct invocation not supported."); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomStatic", #[QName, Map, InstanceIdentifier]) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if («DISPATCH_CODEC» == null) { throw new «IllegalStateException.name»("Implementation of codec was not initialized."); } return «DISPATCH_CODEC».deserialize($2,$3); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", #[Object, InstanceIdentifier]) [ val body = ''' { throw new «UnsupportedOperationException.name»("Direct invocation not supported."); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val rawRet = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) val ret = rawRet as Class, Object>>; listener?.onChoiceCodecCreated(inputType, ret, node); LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (Exception e) { processException(inputType, e); return null; } } private def keyConstructorList(List qnames) { val names = new TreeSet() for (name : qnames) { val fieldName = name.getterName; names.add(fieldName); } return Joiner.on(",").join(names); } private def serializeBodyFacade(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node) { val ret = serializeBody(type, node); return ret; } private def String deserializeBody(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { val ret = deserializeBodyImpl(type, node, bindingId); return ret; } private def deserializeKey(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { if (node.keyDefinition != null && !node.keyDefinition.empty) { return ''' «type.resolvedName»Key getKey = («type.resolvedName»Key) «keyTransformer(type, node).canonicalName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_compositeNode); _builder.setKey(getKey); '''; } } private def String deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); «deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(type, node, bindingId)» «type.deserializeAugmentations» return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) ''' { «QName.name» _localQName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); if($2 == null) { return null; } java.util.Map _compositeNode = (java.util.Map) $2; //System.out.println(_localQName + " " + _compositeNode); «type.builderName» _builder = new «type.builderName»(); «deserializeKey(type, node)» «deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(type, node, bindingId)» «type.deserializeAugmentations» return _builder.build(); } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ContainerSchemaNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, NotificationDefinition node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def dispatch String deserializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { return deserializeBodyWithAugmentations(type, node, bindingId); } private def deserializeDataNodeContainerBody(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { deserializeNodeContainerBodyImpl(type, type.allProperties, node, bindingId); } private def deserializeNodeContainerBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, HashMap properties, DataNodeContainer node, InstanceIdentifier bindingId) { val ret = ''' boolean _is_empty = true; «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «IF signature !== null» «deserializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» _builder.«signature.key.toSetter»(«signature.key»); «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' return ret; } def deserializeAugmentations(GeneratedType type) ''' «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«type.resolvedName».class).build(); java.util.Map _augmentation = (java.util.Map) «AUGMENTATION_CODEC».deserialize(_compositeNode,$3); if(_augmentation != null) { «Iterator.name» _entries = _augmentation.entrySet().iterator(); while(_entries.hasNext()) { java.util.Map.Entry _entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) _entries.next(); ////System.out.println("Aug. key:" + _entry.getKey()); Class _type = (Class) _entry.getKey(); «Augmentation.resolvedName» _value = («Augmentation.name») _entry.getValue(); if(_value != null) { _builder.addAugmentation(_type,_value); } } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName» = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName. localName»")); ////System.out.println("«propertyName»#deCode"+_dom_«propertyName»); java.util.List «propertyName» = new java.util.ArrayList(); if(_dom_«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List _serialized = new java.util.ArrayList(); java.util.Iterator _iterator = _dom_«propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); _is_empty = false; ////System.out.println(" item" + _listItem); «val param = type.actualTypeArguments.get(0)» «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«param.resolvedName».class).build(); Object _value = «type.actualTypeArguments.get(0).serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_listItem,iid); ////System.out.println(" value" + _value); «propertyName».add(_value); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ////System.out.println(" list" + «propertyName»); ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(LeafListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName» = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName. localName»")); java.util.List «propertyName» = new java.util.ArrayList(); if(_dom_«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List _serialized = new java.util.ArrayList(); java.util.Iterator _iterator = _dom_«propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { _is_empty = false; Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); if(_listItem instanceof java.util.Map.Entry) { Object _innerValue = ((java.util.Map.Entry) _listItem).getValue(); Object _value = «deserializeValue(type.actualTypeArguments.get(0), "_innerValue", schema.type)»; «propertyName».add(_value); } _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(LeafSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName»_list = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName.localName»")); «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; if(_dom_«propertyName»_list != null && _dom_«propertyName»_list.size() > 0) { _is_empty = false; java.util.Map.Entry _dom_«propertyName» = (java.util.Map.Entry) _dom_«propertyName»_list.get(0); Object _inner_value = _dom_«propertyName».getValue(); «propertyName» = «deserializeValue(type, "_inner_value", schema.type)»; } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ContainerSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' java.util.List _dom_«propertyName»_list = _compositeNode.get(«QName.name».create(_localQName,"«schema.QName.localName»")); «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; if(_dom_«propertyName»_list != null && _dom_«propertyName»_list.size() > 0) { _is_empty = false; java.util.Map _dom_«propertyName» = (java.util.Map) _dom_«propertyName»_list.get(0); «InstanceIdentifier.resolvedName» iid = $3.builder().child(«type.resolvedName».class).build(); «propertyName» = «type.serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_dom_«propertyName»,iid); } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(ChoiceNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = «type.serializer(schema).resolvedName».fromDomStatic(_localQName,_compositeNode,$3); if(«propertyName» != null) { _is_empty = false; } ''' private def dispatch String deserializeValue(GeneratedTransferObject type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) ''' («type.resolvedName») «type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».fromDomValue(«domParameter») ''' private def dispatch String deserializeValue(Enumeration type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) ''' («type.resolvedName») «type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».fromDomValue(«domParameter») ''' private def dispatch String deserializeValue(Type type, String domParameter, TypeDefinition typeDef) { if (INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER.equals(type)) { return '''(«InstanceIdentifier.name») «INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC».deserialize(«domParameter»)''' } else if (CLASS_TYPE.equals(type)) { return '''(«Class.name») «IDENTITYREF_CODEC».deserialize(«domParameter»)''' } else if (typeDef!=null && typeDef instanceof EmptyTypeDefinition) { if(domParameter == null) { return ''' Boolean.FALSE ''' } else { return ''' Boolean.TRUE ''' } } return '''(«type.resolvedName») «domParameter»''' } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, TypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); val returnType = typeSpec.valueReturnType; if (returnType == null) { val ctCls = createDummyImplementation(inputType, typeSpec, sourceGenerator); val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) return ret as Class, Object>>; } val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = typeSpec.asCtClass; val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _encapsulatedValue = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:Enc: "+_encapsulatedValue); «returnType.resolvedName» _value = _encapsulatedValue.getValue(); ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:DeEnc: "+_value); Object _domValue = «serializeValue(returnType, "_value", null)»; return _domValue; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «returnType.resolvedName» _simpleValue = «deserializeValue(returnType, "$1", null)»; «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = new «typeSpec.resolvedName»(_simpleValue); return _value; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, UnionTypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ val properties = typeSpec.allProperties; val getterToTypeDefinition = XtendHelper.getTypes(typeDef).toMap[type|type.QName.getterName]; //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = inputType.asCtClass; val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «FOR property : properties.entrySet» «IF property.key != "getValue"» «property.value.resolvedName» «property.key» = («property.value.resolvedName») _value.«property. key»(); if(«property.key» != null) { return «serializeValue(property.value, property.key, getterToTypeDefinition.get(property.key))»; } «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } if($1 instanceof String) { String _simpleValue = (String) $1; return new «typeSpec.resolvedName»(_simpleValue.toCharArray()); } return null; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } private def dispatch Class, Object>> generateValueTransformer( Class inputType, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, BitsTypeDefinition typeDef) { try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); if (inputType.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val ctSpec = typeSpec.asCtClass; val body = ''' { ////System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _encapsulatedValue = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «HashSet.resolvedName» _value = new «HashSet.resolvedName»(); //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:Enc: "+_encapsulatedValue); «FOR bit : typeDef.bits» «val getter = bit.getterName()» if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(_encapsulatedValue.«getter»())) { _value.add("«bit.name»"); } «ENDFOR» «Set.resolvedName» _domValue = «Collections.resolvedName».unmodifiableSet(_value); //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#toDomValue:DeEnc: "+_domValue); return _domValue; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val sortedBits = typeDef.bits.sort[o1, o2|o1.propertyName.compareTo(o2.propertyName)] val body = ''' { //System.out.println("«inputType.simpleName»#fromDomValue: "+$1); if($1 == null) { return null; } «Set.resolvedName» _domValue = («Set.resolvedName») $1; «FOR bit : sortedBits» Boolean «bit.propertyName» = Boolean.valueOf(_domValue.contains("«bit.name»")); «ENDFOR» return new «inputType.resolvedName»(«FOR bit : sortedBits SEPARATOR ","»«bit.propertyName»«ENDFOR»); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret as Class, Object>>; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } def String getPropertyName(Bit bit) { '''_«BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToValidParamName(bit.name)»''' } def String getterName(Bit bit) { val paramName = BindingGeneratorUtil.parseToValidParamName(bit.name); return '''is«paramName.toFirstUpper»'''; } def boolean isYangBindingAvailable(Class class1) { try { val bindingCodecClass = class1.classLoader.loadClass(BINDING_CODEC.name); return bindingCodecClass !== null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private def createDummyImplementation(Class object, GeneratedTransferObject typeSpec, SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator ) { LOG.trace("Generating Dummy DOM Codec for {} with {}", object, object.classLoader) return createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ if (object.isYangBindingAvailable) { implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) staticField(it, INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) staticField(it, IDENTITYREF_CODEC, BindingCodec, sourceGenerator) implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) } //implementsType(BindingDeserializer.asCtClass) method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if($1 == null) { return null; } return $1.toString(); }''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = '''return null;''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] } private def Type getValueReturnType(GeneratedTransferObject object) { for (prop : object.properties) { if (prop.name == "value") { return prop.returnType; } } if (object.superType != null) { return getValueReturnType(object.superType); } return null; } private def dispatch Class generateValueTransformer(Class inputType, Enumeration typeSpec, TypeDefinition type) { var EnumerationType enumSchemaType if (type instanceof EnumerationType) { enumSchemaType = type as EnumerationType } else { val typeRef = new ReferencedTypeImpl(typeSpec.packageName, typeSpec.name); val schema = getSchemaNode(typeRef) as ExtendedType; enumSchemaType = schema.baseType as EnumerationType; } val enumSchema = enumSchemaType; try { val SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator = sourceCodeGeneratorFactory.getInstance( null ); //log.info("Generating DOM Codec for {} with {}", inputType, inputType.classLoader) val ctCls = createClass(typeSpec.codecClassName) [ //staticField(Map,"AUGMENTATION_SERIALIZERS"); //implementsType(BINDING_CODEC) method(Object, "toDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if($1 == null) { return null; } «typeSpec.resolvedName» _value = («typeSpec.resolvedName») $1; «FOR en : enumSchema.values» if(«typeSpec.resolvedName».«BindingMapping.getClassName(en.name)».equals(_value)) { return "«en.name»"; } «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "serialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return toDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "fromDomValue", Object) [ modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC val body = ''' { if($1 == null) { return null; } String _value = (String) $1; «FOR en : enumSchema.values» if("«en.name»".equals(_value)) { return «typeSpec.resolvedName».«BindingMapping.getClassName(en.name)»; } «ENDFOR» return null; } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] method(Object, "deserialize", Object) [ val body = ''' { return fromDomValue($1); } ''' setBodyChecked( body, sourceGenerator ) ] ] val ret = ctCls.toClassImpl(inputType.classLoader, inputType.protectionDomain) sourceGenerator.outputGeneratedSource( ctCls ) LOG.debug("DOM Codec for {} was generated {}", inputType, ret) return ret; } catch (CodeGenerationException e) { throw new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType, e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType); exception.addSuppressed(e); throw exception; } } def Class toClassImpl(CtClass newClass, ClassLoader loader, ProtectionDomain domain) { val cls = newClass.toClass(loader, domain); if (classFileCapturePath !== null) { newClass.writeFile(classFileCapturePath.absolutePath); } listener?.onCodecCreated(cls); return cls; } def debugWriteClass(CtClass class1) { val path = class1.name.replace(".", "/") + ".class" val captureFile = new File(classFileCapturePath, path); captureFile.createNewFile } /** * Default catch all * **/ private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = null; ''' private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedTypeBuilder type, String propertyName) { _deserializeProperty(container, type.toInstance, propertyName) } static def toSetter(String it) { if (startsWith("is")) { return "set" + substring(2); } else if (startsWith("get")) { return "set" + substring(3); } return "set" + it; } /* private def dispatch CharSequence deserializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container,GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «type.serializer».toDomStatic(QNAME,«propertyName»); _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' */ private def getBuilderName(GeneratedType type) '''«type.resolvedName»Builder''' private def staticQNameField(CtClass it, QName node, SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator) { val field = new CtField(ctQName, "QNAME", it); field.modifiers = PUBLIC + FINAL + STATIC; val code = '''«QName.asCtClass.name».create("«node.namespace»","«node.formattedRevision»","«node.localName»")''' addField(field, code ) sourceGenerator.appendField( field, code ); } private def String serializeBodyImpl(GeneratedType type, DataNodeContainer nodeContainer) ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; «transformDataContainerBody(type, type.allProperties, nodeContainer)» «serializeAugmentations» return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ListSchemaNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, NotificationDefinition node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ContainerSchemaNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, ChoiceCaseNode node) { return serializeBodyImpl(type, node); } private def dispatch String serializeBody(GeneratedType type, SchemaNode node) ''' { «QName.name» _resultName = «QName.name».create($1,QNAME.getLocalName()); java.util.List _childNodes = new java.util.ArrayList(); «type.resolvedName» value = («type.resolvedName») $2; return ($r) java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_resultName,_childNodes); } ''' private def transformDataContainerBody(Type type, Map properties, DataNodeContainer node) { val ret = ''' «FOR child : node.childNodes» «val signature = properties.getFor(child)» «IF signature !== null» ////System.out.println("«type.name»#«signature.key»" + value.«signature.key»()); «serializeProperty(child, signature.value, signature.key)» «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» ''' return ret; } private static def serializeAugmentations() ''' java.util.List _augmentations = (java.util.List) «AUGMENTATION_CODEC».serialize(value); if(_augmentations != null) { _childNodes.addAll(_augmentations); } ''' private static def Entry getFor(Map map, DataSchemaNode node) { var sig = map.get(node.getterName); if (sig != null) { return new SimpleEntry(node.getterName, sig); } sig = map.get(node.booleanGetterName); if (sig != null) { return new SimpleEntry(node.booleanGetterName, map.get(node.booleanGetterName)); } return null; } private static def String getBooleanGetterName(DataSchemaNode node) { return "is" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.QName.localName).toFirstUpper; } private static def String getGetterName(DataSchemaNode node) { return "get" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.QName.localName).toFirstUpper; } private static def String getGetterName(QName node) { return "get" + BindingMapping.getPropertyName(node.localName).toFirstUpper; } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(ListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); ////System.out.println("«propertyName»:" + «propertyName»); if(«propertyName» != null) { java.util.Iterator _iterator = «propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); Object _domValue = «type.actualTypeArguments.get(0).serializer(schema).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,_listItem); _childNodes.add(_domValue); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(LeafSchemaNode schema, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { «QName.name» _qname = «QName.name».create(_resultName,"«schema.QName.localName»"); Object _propValue = «serializeValue(type, propertyName, schema.type)»; if(_propValue != null) { Object _domValue = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_qname,_propValue); _childNodes.add(_domValue); } } ''' private def dispatch serializeValue(GeneratedTransferObject type, String parameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''«type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».toDomValue(«parameter»)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Enumeration type, String parameter, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''«type.valueSerializer(typeDefinition).resolvedName».toDomValue(«parameter»)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type type, String parameter, EmptyTypeDefinition typeDefinition) { '''(«parameter».booleanValue() ? "" : null)''' } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { serializeValue(signature,property) } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property, Void typeDefinition) { serializeValue(signature,property) } private def dispatch serializeValue(Type signature, String property) { if (INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER == signature) { return '''«INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER_CODEC».serialize(«property»)''' } else if (CLASS_TYPE.equals(signature)) { return '''(«QName.resolvedName») «IDENTITYREF_CODEC».serialize(«property»)''' } if ("char[]" == signature.name) { return '''new String(«property»)'''; } return '''«property»'''; } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(LeafListSchemaNode schema, ParameterizedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { «QName.name» _qname = «QName.name».create(_resultName,"«schema.QName.localName»"); java.util.Iterator _iterator = «propertyName».iterator(); boolean _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); while(_hasNext) { Object _listItem = _iterator.next(); Object _propValue = «serializeValue(type.actualTypeArguments.get(0), "_listItem", schema.type)»; Object _domValue = java.util.Collections.singletonMap(_qname,_propValue); _childNodes.add(_domValue); _hasNext = _iterator.hasNext(); } } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(ChoiceNode container, GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { java.util.List domValue = «type.serializer(container).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,«propertyName»); _childNodes.addAll(domValue); } ''' /** * Default catch all * **/ private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, Type type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «propertyName»; _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedTypeBuilder type, String propertyName) { serializeProperty(container, type.toInstance, propertyName) } private def dispatch CharSequence serializeProperty(DataSchemaNode container, GeneratedType type, String propertyName) ''' «type.resolvedName» «propertyName» = value.«propertyName»(); if(«propertyName» != null) { Object domValue = «type.serializer(container).resolvedName».toDomStatic(_resultName,«propertyName»); _childNodes.add(domValue); } ''' private def codecClassName(GeneratedType typeSpec) { return '''«typeSpec.resolvedName»$Broker$Codec$DOM''' } private def codecClassName(Class typeSpec) { return '''«typeSpec.name»$Broker$Codec$DOM''' } private def HashMap getAllProperties(GeneratedType type) { val ret = new HashMap(); type.collectAllProperties(ret); return ret; } private def dispatch void collectAllProperties(GeneratedType type, Map set) { for (definition : type.methodDefinitions) { set.put(definition.name, definition.returnType); } for (property : type.properties) { set.put(property.getterName, property.returnType); } for (parent : type.implements) { parent.collectAllProperties(set); } } def String getGetterName(GeneratedProperty property) { return "get" + property.name.toFirstUpper } private def dispatch void collectAllProperties(Type type, Map set) { // NOOP for generic type. } def String getResolvedName(Type type) { return type.asCtClass.name; } def String getResolvedName(Class type) { return type.asCtClass.name; } def CtClass asCtClass(Type type) { val cls = loadClass(type.fullyQualifiedName) return cls.asCtClass; } private def dispatch processException(Class inputType, CodeGenerationException e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}. One of it's prerequisites was not generated.", inputType); throw e; } private def dispatch processException(Class inputType, Exception e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile DOM Codec for {}", inputType, e); val exception = new CodeGenerationException("Cannot compile Transformator for " + inputType, e); throw exception; } private def setBodyChecked(CtMethod method, String body, SourceCodeGenerator sourceGenerator ) { try { method.setBody(body); sourceGenerator.appendMethod( method, body ); } catch (CannotCompileException e) { LOG.error("Cannot compile method: {}#{} {}, Reason: {} Body: {}", method.declaringClass, method.name, method.signature, e.message, body) throw e; } } } @Data class PropertyPair { String getterName; Type type; @Property Type returnType; @Property SchemaNode schemaNode; }