package org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.yang.types; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; public class NodeWrappedTypeTest { @Test public void test() { NodeWrappedType nwt1 = new NodeWrappedType("obj1"); NodeWrappedType nwt2 = new NodeWrappedType("obj2"); NodeWrappedType nwt3 = new NodeWrappedType("obj1"); String str = "obj3"; assertTrue("Node nwt1 should equal to itself.", nwt1.equals(nwt1)); assertFalse("It can't be possible to compare nwt with string.", nwt1.equals(str)); assertFalse("nwt1 shouldn't equal to nwt2.", nwt1.equals(nwt2)); assertTrue("Node nwt1 should equal to nwt3.", nwt1.equals(nwt3)); assertEquals("toString method is returning incorrect value.", "NodeWrappedType{wrappedType=obj1}", nwt1.toString()); } }