package import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import java.util.Map import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types import import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.MethodSignature import import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.ConcreteType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Restrictions import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import java.util.Collection abstract class BaseTemplate { protected val GeneratedType type; protected val Map importMap; static val paragraphSplitter = Splitter.on("\n\n").omitEmptyStrings(); new(GeneratedType _type) { if (_type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Generated type reference cannot be NULL!") } this.type = _type; this.importMap = GeneratorUtil.createImports(type) } def packageDefinition() '''package «type.packageName»;''' protected def getFullyQualifiedName() { return type.fullyQualifiedName } final public def generate() { val _body = body() ''' «packageDefinition» «imports» «_body» '''.toString } protected def imports() ''' «IF !importMap.empty» «FOR entry : importMap.entrySet» «IF entry.value != fullyQualifiedName» import «entry.value».«entry.key»; «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' protected abstract def CharSequence body(); // Helper patterns final protected def fieldName(GeneratedProperty property) '''_«»''' final protected def propertyNameFromGetter(MethodSignature getter) { var int prefix; if ("is")) { prefix = 2 } else if ("get")) { prefix = 3 } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a getter") } return; } /** * Template method which generates the getter method for field * * @param field * generated property with data about field which is generated as the getter method * @return string with the getter method source code in JAVA format */ final protected def getterMethod(GeneratedProperty field) { ''' public «field.returnType.importedName» «field.getterMethodName»() { return «field.fieldName»; } ''' } final protected def getterMethodName(GeneratedProperty field) { val prefix = if(field.returnType.equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) "is" else "get" return '''«prefix»«»''' } /** * Template method which generates the setter method for field * * @param field * generated property with data about field which is generated as the setter method * @return string with the setter method source code in JAVA format */ final protected def setterMethod(GeneratedProperty field) ''' «val returnType = field.returnType.importedName» public «» set«»(«returnType» value) { this.«field.fieldName» = value; return this; } ''' final protected def importedName(Type intype) { GeneratorUtil.putTypeIntoImports(type, intype, importMap); GeneratorUtil.getExplicitType(type, intype, importMap) } final protected def importedName(Class cls) { importedName(Types.typeForClass(cls)) } /** * Template method which generates method parameters with their types from parameters. * * @param parameters * group of generated property instances which are transformed to the method parameters * @return string with the list of the method parameters with their types in JAVA format */ def final protected asArgumentsDeclaration(Iterable parameters) '''«IF !parameters.empty»«FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»«parameter. returnType.importedName» «parameter.fieldName»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»''' /** * Template method which generates sequence of the names of the class attributes from parameters. * * @param parameters * group of generated property instances which are transformed to the sequence of parameter names * @return string with the list of the parameter names of the parameters */ def final protected asArguments(Iterable parameters) '''«IF !parameters.empty»«FOR parameter : parameters SEPARATOR ", "»«parameter. fieldName»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»''' /** * Template method which generates JAVA comments. * * @param comment string with the comment for whole JAVA class * @return string with comment in JAVA format */ def protected CharSequence asJavadoc(String comment) { if(comment == null) return ''; val paragraphs = paragraphSplitter.split(comment) return ''' /** «FOR p : paragraphs SEPARATOR "

"» «p» «ENDFOR» **/ ''' } def generateRestrictions(Type type, String paramName, Type returnType) ''' «val boolean isArray ="[")» «processRestrictions(type, paramName, returnType, isArray)» ''' def generateRestrictions(GeneratedProperty field, String paramName) ''' «val Type type = field.returnType» «IF type instanceof ConcreteType» «processRestrictions(type, paramName, field.returnType,"["))» «ELSEIF type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject» «processRestrictions(type, paramName, field.returnType, isArrayType(type as GeneratedTransferObject))» «ENDIF» ''' private def processRestrictions(Type type, String paramName, Type returnType, boolean isArray) ''' «val restrictions = type.getRestrictions» «IF restrictions !== null» «IF !restrictions.lengthConstraints.empty» «generateLengthRestriction(type, restrictions, paramName, isArray, !(returnType instanceof ConcreteType))» «ENDIF» «IF !restrictions.rangeConstraints.empty && ("java.lang".equals(returnType.packageName) || "java.math".equals(returnType.packageName))» «generateRangeRestriction(type, returnType, restrictions, paramName, !(returnType instanceof ConcreteType))» «ENDIF» «ENDIF» ''' def generateLengthRestriction(Type type, Restrictions restrictions, String paramName, boolean isArray, boolean isNestedType) ''' if («paramName» != null) { boolean isValidLength = false; «List.importedName»<«Range.importedName»<«Integer.importedName»>> lengthConstraints = new «ArrayList. importedName»<>(); «FOR r : restrictions.lengthConstraints» lengthConstraints.add(«Range.importedName».closed(«r.min», «r.max»)); «ENDFOR» for («Range.importedName»<«Integer.importedName»> r : lengthConstraints) { «IF isArray» «IF isNestedType» if (r.contains(«paramName».getValue().length)) { «ELSE» if (r.contains(«paramName».length)) { «ENDIF» «ELSE» «IF isNestedType» if (r.contains(«paramName».getValue().length())) { «ELSE» if (r.contains(«paramName».length())) { «ENDIF» «ENDIF» isValidLength = true; } } if (!isValidLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal length"); } } ''' def generateRangeRestriction(Type type, Type returnType, Restrictions restrictions, String paramName, boolean isNestedType) ''' «val javaType = Class.forName(returnType.fullyQualifiedName)» if («paramName» != null) { boolean isValidRange = false; «List.importedName»<«Range.importedName»<«javaType.importedName»>> rangeConstraints = new «ArrayList. importedName»<>(); «FOR r : restrictions.rangeConstraints» rangeConstraints.add(«Range.importedName».closed(new «javaType.importedName»(«r.min.toQuote»), new «javaType. importedName»(«r.max.toQuote»))); «ENDFOR» for («Range.importedName»<«javaType.importedName»> r : rangeConstraints) { «IF isNestedType» if (r.contains(«paramName».getValue())) { «ELSE» if (r.contains(«paramName»)) { «ENDIF» isValidRange = true; } } if (!isValidRange) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal length"); } } ''' def GeneratedProperty getPropByName(GeneratedType gt, String name) { for (GeneratedProperty prop : { if ( { return prop; } } return null; } def GeneratedProperty getPropByName(Collection props, String name) { for (GeneratedProperty prop : props) { if ( { return prop; } } return null; } def getRestrictions(Type type) { var Restrictions restrictions = null if (type instanceof ConcreteType) { restrictions = (type as ConcreteType).restrictions } else if (type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject) { restrictions = (type as GeneratedTransferObject).restrictions } return restrictions } def boolean isArrayType(GeneratedTransferObject type) { var isArray = false val GeneratedTransferObject superType = type.findSuperType val GeneratedProperty value = superType.getPropByName("value") if (value != null &&"[")) { isArray = true } return isArray } def GeneratedTransferObject findSuperType(GeneratedTransferObject gto) { var GeneratedTransferObject base = gto var GeneratedTransferObject superType = base.superType while (superType !== null) { base = superType superType = base.superType } return base; } def String toQuote(Object obj) { return "\"" + obj.toString + "\""; } }