package import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.ReferencedTypeImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.generated.type.builder.GeneratedTOBuilderImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.MethodSignature import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types.* import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Collections /** * Template for generating JAVA builder classes. */ class BuilderTemplate extends BaseTemplate { /** * Constant with the name of the concrete method. */ val static GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME = "getAugmentation" /** * Constant with the suffix for builder classes. */ val static BUILDER = 'Builder' /** * Constant with suffix for the classes which are generated from the builder classes. */ val static IMPL = 'Impl' /** * Generated property is set if among methods is found one with the name GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME */ var GeneratedProperty augmentField /** * Set of class attributes (fields) which are derived from the getter methods names */ val Set properties /** * Constructs new instance of this class. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if genType equals null */ new(GeneratedType genType) { super(genType) = propertiesFromMethods(createMethods) } /** * Returns set of method signature instances which contains all the methods of the genType * and all the methods of the implemented interfaces. * * @returns set of method signature instances */ def private Set createMethods() { val Set methods = new LinkedHashSet methods.addAll(type.methodDefinitions) collectImplementedMethods(methods, type.implements) return methods } /** * Adds to the methods set all the methods of the implementedIfcs * and recursivelly their implemented interfaces. * * @param methods set of method signatures * @param implementedIfcs list of implemented interfaces */ def private void collectImplementedMethods(Set methods, List implementedIfcs) { if (implementedIfcs == null || implementedIfcs.empty) { return } for (implementedIfc : implementedIfcs) { if ((implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))) { val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType methods.addAll(ifc.methodDefinitions) collectImplementedMethods(methods, ifc.implements) } else if (implementedIfc.fullyQualifiedName == { for (m : Augmentable.methods) { if ( == GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME) { //addToImports(JAVA_UTIL, HASH_MAP) //addToImports(JAVA_UTIL, MAP) val fullyQualifiedName = val pkg = fullyQualifiedName.package val name = //addToImports(pkg, name) val tmpGenTO = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl(pkg, name) val refType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(pkg, name) val generic = new ReferencedTypeImpl(type.packageName, val parametrizedReturnType = Types.parameterizedTypeFor(refType, generic) tmpGenTO.addMethod( augmentField = tmpGenTO.toInstance.methodDefinitions.first.propertyFromGetter } } } } } /** * Returns the first element of the list elements. * * @param list of elements */ def private first(List elements) { elements.get(0) } /** * Returns the name of the package from fullyQualifiedName. * * @param fullyQualifiedName string with fully qualified type name (package + type) * @return string with the package name */ def private String getPackage(String fullyQualifiedName) { val lastDotIndex = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf(Constants.DOT) return if (lastDotIndex == -1) "" else fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, lastDotIndex) } /** * Returns the name of tye type from fullyQualifiedName * * @param fullyQualifiedName string with fully qualified type name (package + type) * @return string with the name of the type */ def private String getName(String fullyQualifiedName) { val lastDotIndex = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf(Constants.DOT) return if (lastDotIndex == -1) fullyQualifiedName else fullyQualifiedName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1) } /** * Creates set of generated property instances from getter methods. * * @param set of method signature instances which should be transformed to list of properties * @return set of generated property instances which represents the getter methods */ def private propertiesFromMethods(Set methods) { if (methods == null || methods.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet } val Set result = new LinkedHashSet for (m : methods) { val createdField = m.propertyFromGetter if (createdField != null) { result.add(createdField) } } return result } /** * Creates generated property instance from the getter method name and return type. * * @param method method signature from which is the method name and return type obtained * @return generated property instance for the getter method * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  • if the method equals null
  • *
  • if the name of the method equals null
  • *
  • if the name of the method is empty
  • *
  • if the return type of the method equals null
  • *
*/ def private GeneratedProperty propertyFromGetter(MethodSignature method) { if (method == null || == null || || method.returnType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method, method name, method return type reference cannot be NULL or empty!") } var prefix = "get"; if(BOOLEAN.equals(method.returnType)) { prefix = "is"; } if ( { val fieldName = method.getName().substring(prefix.length()).toFirstLower val tmpGenTO = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl("foo", "foo") tmpGenTO.addProperty(fieldName).setReturnType(method.returnType) return } } /** * Template method which generates JAVA class body for builder class and for IMPL class. * * @return string with JAVA source code */ override body() ''' public class «»«BUILDER» { «generateFields(false)» «generateBuilderConstructor(type)» «generateGetters(false)» «generateSetters» public «» build() { return new «»«IMPL»(this); } private static final class «»«IMPL» implements «» { «implementedInterfaceGetter» «generateFields(true)» «generateConstructor» «generateGetters(true)» «generateHashCode()» «generateEquals()» } } ''' def private generateBuilderConstructor(Type type) ''' public «»«BUILDER»() { } «IF (type instanceof GeneratedType && !(type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = type as GeneratedType» «FOR impl : ifc.implements» «generateSingleBuilderConstructor(impl)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private generateSingleBuilderConstructor(Type impl) ''' «IF (impl instanceof GeneratedType) && !((impl as GeneratedType).methodDefinitions.empty)» «val implType = impl as GeneratedType» public «»«BUILDER»(«implType.fullyQualifiedName» arg) { «printBuilderConstructorProperties(implType)» } «FOR implTypeImplement : implType.implements» «generateSingleBuilderConstructor(implTypeImplement)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private printBuilderConstructorProperties(Type implementedIfc) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.methodDefinitions» this._«getter.propertyNameFromGetter» = arg.«»(); «ENDFOR» «FOR impl : ifc.implements» «printBuilderConstructorProperties(impl)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates class attributes. * * @param boolean value which specify whether field is|isn't final * @return string with class attributes and their types */ def private generateFields(boolean _final) ''' «IF !properties.empty» «FOR f : properties» private «IF _final»final«ENDIF» «f.returnType.importedName» «f.fieldName»; «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» «IF augmentField != null» private «Map.importedName», «augmentField.returnType.importedName»> «» = new «HashMap.importedName»<>(); «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates setter methods * * @return string with the setter methods */ def private generateSetters() ''' «FOR field : properties SEPARATOR '\n'» public «»«BUILDER» set«»(«field.returnType.importedName» value) { this.«field.fieldName» = value; return this; } «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» public «»«BUILDER» add«»(Class augmentationType, «augmentField.returnType.importedName» augmentation) { this.«».put(augmentationType, augmentation); return this; } «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generate constructor for IMPL class. * * @return string with IMPL class constructor */ def private generateConstructor() ''' private «»«IMPL»(«»«BUILDER» builder) { «IF !properties.empty» «FOR field : properties» this.«field.fieldName» = builder.«field.getterMethodName»(); «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» «IF augmentField != null» this.«».putAll(builder.«»); «ENDIF» } ''' /** * Template method which generate getter methods for IMPL class. * * @return string with getter methods */ def private generateGetters(boolean addOverride) ''' «IF !properties.empty» «FOR field : properties SEPARATOR '\n'» «IF addOverride»@Override«ENDIF» «field.getterMethod» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» «IF augmentField != null» @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") «IF addOverride»@Override«ENDIF» public E get«»(Class augmentationType) { if (augmentationType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Augmentation Type reference cannot be NULL!"); } return (E) «».get(augmentationType); } «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates the method hashCode(). * * @return string with the hashCode() method definition in JAVA format */ def protected generateHashCode() ''' «IF !properties.empty || augmentField != null» @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; «FOR property : properties» «IF"[")» result = prime * result + ((«property.fieldName» == null) ? 0 : «Arrays.importedName».hashCode(«property.fieldName»)); «ELSE» result = prime * result + ((«property.fieldName» == null) ? 0 : «property.fieldName».hashCode()); «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» result = prime * result + ((«» == null) ? 0 : «».hashCode()); «ENDIF» return result; } «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates the method equals(). * * @return string with the equals() method definition in JAVA format */ def protected generateEquals() ''' «IF !properties.empty || augmentField != null» @Override public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } «»«IMPL» other = («»«IMPL») obj; «FOR property : properties» «val fieldName = property.fieldName» if («fieldName» == null) { if (other.«fieldName» != null) { return false; } «IF"[")» } else if(!«Arrays.importedName».equals(«fieldName», other.«fieldName»)) { «ELSE» } else if(!«fieldName».equals(other.«fieldName»)) { «ENDIF» return false; } «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» «val fieldName =» if («fieldName» == null) { if (other.«fieldName» != null) { return false; } } else if(!«fieldName».equals(other.«fieldName»)) { return false; } «ENDIF» return true; } «ENDIF» ''' override protected getFullyQualifiedName() { '''«type.fullyQualifiedName»Builder'''.toString } def implementedInterfaceGetter() ''' public «Class.importedName»<«type.importedName»> getImplementedInterface() { return «type.importedName».class; } ''' }