/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.java.api.generator import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSortedSet import com.google.common.collect.Range import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Collection import java.util.Collections import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.ReferencedTypeImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.Types import org.opendaylight.yangtools.binding.generator.util.generated.type.builder.GeneratedTOBuilderImpl import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.ConcreteType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedProperty import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedTransferObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.GeneratedType import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.MethodSignature import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Type import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Augmentable import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.Identifiable /** * Template for generating JAVA builder classes. */ class BuilderTemplate extends BaseTemplate { /** * Constant with the name of the concrete method. */ val static GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME = "getAugmentation" /** * Constant with the suffix for builder classes. */ val static BUILDER = 'Builder' /** * Constant with suffix for the classes which are generated from the builder classes. */ val static IMPL = 'Impl' /** * Generated property is set if among methods is found one with the name GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME */ var GeneratedProperty augmentField /** * Set of class attributes (fields) which are derived from the getter methods names */ val Set properties private static val METHOD_COMPARATOR = new AlphabeticallyTypeMemberComparator(); /** * Constructs new instance of this class. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if genType equals null */ new(GeneratedType genType) { super(genType) this.properties = propertiesFromMethods(createMethods) } /** * Returns set of method signature instances which contains all the methods of the genType * and all the methods of the implemented interfaces. * * @returns set of method signature instances */ def private Set createMethods() { val Set methods = new LinkedHashSet(); methods.addAll(type.methodDefinitions) collectImplementedMethods(methods, type.implements) val Set sortedMethods = ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(METHOD_COMPARATOR).addAll(methods).build() return sortedMethods } /** * Adds to the methods set all the methods of the implementedIfcs * and recursively their implemented interfaces. * * @param methods set of method signatures * @param implementedIfcs list of implemented interfaces */ def private void collectImplementedMethods(Set methods, List implementedIfcs) { if (implementedIfcs == null || implementedIfcs.empty) { return } for (implementedIfc : implementedIfcs) { if ((implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))) { val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType methods.addAll(ifc.methodDefinitions) collectImplementedMethods(methods, ifc.implements) } else if (implementedIfc.fullyQualifiedName == Augmentable.name) { for (m : Augmentable.methods) { if (m.name == GET_AUGMENTATION_METHOD_NAME) { val fullyQualifiedName = m.returnType.name val pkg = fullyQualifiedName.package val name = fullyQualifiedName.name val tmpGenTO = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl(pkg, name) val refType = new ReferencedTypeImpl(pkg, name) val generic = new ReferencedTypeImpl(type.packageName, type.name) val parametrizedReturnType = Types.parameterizedTypeFor(refType, generic) tmpGenTO.addMethod(m.name).setReturnType(parametrizedReturnType) augmentField = tmpGenTO.toInstance.methodDefinitions.first.propertyFromGetter } } } } } /** * Returns the first element of the list elements. * * @param list of elements */ def private first(List elements) { elements.get(0) } /** * Returns the name of the package from fullyQualifiedName. * * @param fullyQualifiedName string with fully qualified type name (package + type) * @return string with the package name */ def private String getPackage(String fullyQualifiedName) { val lastDotIndex = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf(Constants.DOT) return if (lastDotIndex == -1) "" else fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, lastDotIndex) } /** * Returns the name of tye type from fullyQualifiedName * * @param fullyQualifiedName string with fully qualified type name (package + type) * @return string with the name of the type */ def private String getName(String fullyQualifiedName) { val lastDotIndex = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf(Constants.DOT) return if (lastDotIndex == -1) fullyQualifiedName else fullyQualifiedName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1) } /** * Creates set of generated property instances from getter methods. * * @param set of method signature instances which should be transformed to list of properties * @return set of generated property instances which represents the getter methods */ def private propertiesFromMethods(Collection methods) { if (methods == null || methods.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet } val Set result = new LinkedHashSet for (m : methods) { val createdField = m.propertyFromGetter if (createdField != null) { result.add(createdField) } } return result } /** * Creates generated property instance from the getter method name and return type. * * @param method method signature from which is the method name and return type obtained * @return generated property instance for the getter method * @throws IllegalArgumentException
  • if the method equals null
  • *
  • if the name of the method equals null
  • *
  • if the name of the method is empty
  • *
  • if the return type of the method equals null
  • *
*/ def private GeneratedProperty propertyFromGetter(MethodSignature method) { if (method == null || method.name == null || method.name.empty || method.returnType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method, method name, method return type reference cannot be NULL or empty!") } var prefix = "get"; if(Types.BOOLEAN.equals(method.returnType)) { prefix = "is"; } if (method.name.startsWith(prefix)) { val fieldName = method.getName().substring(prefix.length()).toFirstLower val tmpGenTO = new GeneratedTOBuilderImpl("foo", "foo") tmpGenTO.addProperty(fieldName).setReturnType(method.returnType) return tmpGenTO.toInstance.properties.first } } /** * Template method which generates JAVA class body for builder class and for IMPL class. * * @return string with JAVA source code */ override body() ''' «wrapToDocumentation(formatDataForJavaDoc(type))» public class «type.name»«BUILDER» { «generateFields(false)» «generateAugmentField(false)» «generateConstructorsFromIfcs(type)» «generateCopyConstructor(false)» «generateMethodFieldsFrom(type)» «generateGetters(false)» «generateSetters» public «type.name» build() { return new «type.name»«IMPL»(this); } private static final class «type.name»«IMPL» implements «type.name» { «implementedInterfaceGetter» «generateFields(true)» «generateAugmentField(true)» «generateCopyConstructor(true)» «generateGetters(true)» «generateHashCode()» «generateEquals()» «generateToString(properties)» } } ''' /** * Generate default constructor and constructor for every implemented interface from uses statements. */ def private generateConstructorsFromIfcs(Type type) ''' public «type.name»«BUILDER»() { } «IF (type instanceof GeneratedType && !(type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = type as GeneratedType» «FOR impl : ifc.implements» «generateConstructorFromIfc(impl)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' /** * Generate constructor with argument of given type. */ def private Object generateConstructorFromIfc(Type impl) ''' «IF (impl instanceof GeneratedType)» «val implType = impl as GeneratedType» «IF !(implType.methodDefinitions.empty)» public «type.name»«BUILDER»(«implType.fullyQualifiedName» arg) { «printConstructorPropertySetter(implType)» } «ENDIF» «FOR implTypeImplement : implType.implements» «generateConstructorFromIfc(implTypeImplement)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private Object printConstructorPropertySetter(Type implementedIfc) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.methodDefinitions» this._«getter.propertyNameFromGetter» = arg.«getter.name»(); «ENDFOR» «FOR impl : ifc.implements» «printConstructorPropertySetter(impl)» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' /** * Generate 'fieldsFrom' method to set builder properties based on type of given argument. */ def private generateMethodFieldsFrom(Type type) ''' «IF (type instanceof GeneratedType && !(type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = type as GeneratedType» «IF ifc.hasImplementsFromUses» «val List done = ifc.getBaseIfcs» «generateMethodFieldsFromComment(ifc)» public void fieldsFrom(«DataObject.importedName» arg) { boolean isValidArg = false; «FOR impl : ifc.getAllIfcs» «generateIfCheck(impl, done)» «ENDFOR» if (!isValidArg) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "expected one of: «ifc.getAllIfcs.toListOfNames» \n" + "but was: " + arg ); } } «ENDIF» «ENDIF» ''' def private generateMethodFieldsFromComment(GeneratedType type) ''' /** *Set fields from given grouping argument. Valid argument is instance of one of following types: *
    «FOR impl : type.getAllIfcs» *
  • «impl.fullyQualifiedName»
  • «ENDFOR» *
* * @param arg grouping object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given argument is none of valid types */ ''' /** * Method is used to find out if given type implements any interface from uses. */ def boolean hasImplementsFromUses(GeneratedType type) { var i = 0 for (impl : type.getAllIfcs) { if ((impl instanceof GeneratedType) && !((impl as GeneratedType).methodDefinitions.empty)) { i = i + 1 } } return i > 0 } def private generateIfCheck(Type impl, List done) ''' «IF (impl instanceof GeneratedType) && !((impl as GeneratedType).methodDefinitions.empty)» «val implType = impl as GeneratedType» if (arg instanceof «implType.fullyQualifiedName») { «printPropertySetter(implType)» isValidArg = true; } «ENDIF» ''' def private printPropertySetter(Type implementedIfc) ''' «IF (implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedType && !(implementedIfc instanceof GeneratedTransferObject))» «val ifc = implementedIfc as GeneratedType» «FOR getter : ifc.methodDefinitions» this._«getter.propertyNameFromGetter» = ((«implementedIfc.fullyQualifiedName»)arg).«getter.name»(); «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' private def List getBaseIfcs(GeneratedType type) { val List baseIfcs = new ArrayList(); for (ifc : type.implements) { if (ifc instanceof GeneratedType && !(ifc as GeneratedType).methodDefinitions.empty) { baseIfcs.add(ifc) } } return baseIfcs } private def Set getAllIfcs(Type type) { val Set baseIfcs = new HashSet() if (type instanceof GeneratedType && !(type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject)) { val ifc = type as GeneratedType for (impl : ifc.implements) { if (impl instanceof GeneratedType && !(impl as GeneratedType).methodDefinitions.empty) { baseIfcs.add(impl) } baseIfcs.addAll(impl.getAllIfcs) } } return baseIfcs } private def List toListOfNames(Collection types) { val List names = new ArrayList for (type : types) { names.add(type.fullyQualifiedName) } return names } /** * Template method which generates class attributes. * * @param boolean value which specify whether field is|isn't final * @return string with class attributes and their types */ def private generateFields(boolean _final) ''' «IF properties !== null» «FOR f : properties» private«IF _final» final«ENDIF» «f.returnType.importedName» «f.fieldName»; «val restrictions = f.returnType.restrictions» «IF !_final && restrictions != null» «IF !(restrictions.lengthConstraints.empty)» private static «List.importedName»<«Range.importedName»<«f.returnType.importedNumber»>> «f.fieldName»_length; «ENDIF» «IF !(restrictions.rangeConstraints.empty)» private static «List.importedName»<«Range.importedName»<«f.returnType.importedNumber»>> «f.fieldName»_range; «ENDIF» «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ''' def private generateAugmentField(boolean isPrivate) ''' «IF augmentField != null» «IF isPrivate»private «ENDIF»«Map.importedName»<«Class.importedName», «augmentField.returnType.importedName»> «augmentField.name» = new «HashMap.importedName»<>(); «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates setter methods * * @return string with the setter methods */ def private generateSetters() ''' «FOR field : properties SEPARATOR '\n'» «val length = field.fieldName + "_length"» «val range = field.fieldName + "_range"» public «type.name»«BUILDER» set«field.name.toFirstUpper»(«field.returnType.importedName» value) { «generateRestrictions(field, "value", length, range)» this.«field.fieldName» = value; return this; } «generateLengthMethod(length, field.returnType, type.name+BUILDER, length)» «generateRangeMethod(range, field.returnType.restrictions, field.returnType, type.name+BUILDER, range)» «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» public «type.name»«BUILDER» add«augmentField.name.toFirstUpper»(«Class.importedName» augmentationType, «augmentField.returnType.importedName» augmentation) { this.«augmentField.name».put(augmentationType, augmentation); return this; } «ENDIF» ''' def generateRestrictions(GeneratedProperty field, String paramName, String lengthGetter, String rangeGetter) ''' «val Type type = field.returnType» «IF type instanceof ConcreteType» «createRestrictions(type, paramName, type.name.contains("["), lengthGetter, rangeGetter)» «ELSEIF type instanceof GeneratedTransferObject» «createRestrictions(type, paramName, isArrayType(type as GeneratedTransferObject), lengthGetter, rangeGetter)» «ENDIF» ''' def private createRestrictions(Type type, String paramName, boolean isArray, String lengthGetter, String rangeGetter) ''' «val restrictions = type.getRestrictions» «IF restrictions !== null» «val boolean isNestedType = !(type instanceof ConcreteType)» «IF !restrictions.lengthConstraints.empty» «generateLengthRestriction(type, paramName, lengthGetter, isNestedType, isArray)» «ENDIF» «IF !restrictions.rangeConstraints.empty» «generateRangeRestriction(type, paramName, rangeGetter, isNestedType)» «ENDIF» «ENDIF» ''' def private generateLengthRestriction(Type type, String paramName, String getterName, boolean isNestedType, boolean isArray) ''' «val restrictions = type.getRestrictions» if («paramName» != null) { «val clazz = restrictions.lengthConstraints.iterator.next.min.class» «printLengthConstraint(type, clazz, paramName, isNestedType, isArray)» boolean isValidLength = false; for («Range.importedName»<«clazz.importedNumber»> r : «getterName»()) { if (r.contains(_constraint)) { isValidLength = true; } } if (!isValidLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid length: %s, expected: %s.", «paramName», «getterName»)); } } ''' def private generateRangeRestriction(Type type, String paramName, String getterName, boolean isNestedType) ''' if («paramName» != null) { «printRangeConstraint(type, paramName, isNestedType)» boolean isValidRange = false; for («Range.importedName»<«type.importedNumber»> r : «getterName»()) { if (r.contains(_constraint)) { isValidRange = true; } } if (!isValidRange) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid range: %s, expected: %s.", «paramName», «getterName»)); } } ''' def private CharSequence generateCopyConstructor(boolean impl) ''' «IF impl»private«ELSE»public«ENDIF» «type.name»«IF impl»«IMPL»«ELSE»«BUILDER»«ENDIF»(«type.name»«IF impl»«BUILDER»«ENDIF» base) { «val allProps = new ArrayList(properties)» «val isList = implementsIfc(type, Types.parameterizedTypeFor(Types.typeForClass(Identifiable), type))» «val keyType = type.getKey» «IF isList && keyType != null» «val keyProps = new ArrayList((keyType as GeneratedTransferObject).properties)» «Collections.sort(keyProps, [ p1, p2 | return p1.name.compareTo(p2.name) ]) » «FOR field : keyProps» «removeProperty(allProps, field.name)» «ENDFOR» «removeProperty(allProps, "key")» if (base.getKey() == null) { this._key = new «keyType.importedName»( «FOR keyProp : keyProps SEPARATOR ", "» base.«keyProp.getterMethodName»() «ENDFOR» ); «FOR field : keyProps» this.«field.fieldName» = base.«field.getterMethodName»(); «ENDFOR» } else { this._key = base.getKey(); «FOR field : keyProps» this.«field.fieldName» = _key.«field.getterMethodName»(); «ENDFOR» } «ENDIF» «FOR field : allProps» this.«field.fieldName» = base.«field.getterMethodName»(); «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» «IF !impl»if (base instanceof «type.name»«IMPL») {«ENDIF» «IF !impl»«type.name»«IMPL» _impl = («type.name»«IMPL») base;«ENDIF» «val prop = if (impl) "base" else "_impl"» «IF impl» switch («prop».«augmentField.name».size()) { case 0: this.«augmentField.name» = «Collections.importedName».emptyMap(); break; case 1: final «Map.importedName».Entry<«Class.importedName», «augmentField.returnType.importedName»> e = «prop».«augmentField.name».entrySet().iterator().next(); this.«augmentField.name» = «Collections.importedName».<«Class.importedName», «augmentField.returnType.importedName»>singletonMap(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); break; default : this.«augmentField.name» = new «HashMap.importedName»<>(«prop».«augmentField.name»); } «ELSE» this.«augmentField.name» = new «HashMap.importedName»<>(«prop».«augmentField.name»); «ENDIF» «IF !impl»}«ENDIF» «ENDIF» } ''' private def boolean implementsIfc(GeneratedType type, Type impl) { for (Type ifc : type.implements) { if (ifc.equals(impl)) { return true; } } return false; } private def Type getKey(GeneratedType type) { for (m : type.methodDefinitions) { if ("getKey".equals(m.name)) { return m.returnType; } } return null; } private def void removeProperty(Collection props, String name) { var GeneratedProperty toRemove = null for (p : props) { if (p.name.equals(name)) { toRemove = p; } } if (toRemove != null) { props.remove(toRemove); } } /** * Template method which generate getter methods for IMPL class. * * @return string with getter methods */ def private generateGetters(boolean addOverride) ''' «IF !properties.empty» «FOR field : properties SEPARATOR '\n'» «IF addOverride»@Override«ENDIF» «field.getterMethod» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» «IF augmentField != null» @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") «IF addOverride»@Override«ENDIF» public E get«augmentField.name.toFirstUpper»(«Class.importedName» augmentationType) { if (augmentationType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Augmentation Type reference cannot be NULL!"); } return (E) «augmentField.name».get(augmentationType); } «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates the method hashCode(). * * @return string with the hashCode() method definition in JAVA format */ def protected generateHashCode() ''' «IF !properties.empty || augmentField != null» @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; «FOR property : properties» «IF property.returnType.name.contains("[")» result = prime * result + ((«property.fieldName» == null) ? 0 : «Arrays.importedName».hashCode(«property.fieldName»)); «ELSE» result = prime * result + ((«property.fieldName» == null) ? 0 : «property.fieldName».hashCode()); «ENDIF» «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» result = prime * result + ((«augmentField.name» == null) ? 0 : «augmentField.name».hashCode()); «ENDIF» return result; } «ENDIF» ''' /** * Template method which generates the method equals(). * * @return string with the equals() method definition in JAVA format */ def protected generateEquals() ''' «IF !properties.empty || augmentField != null» @Override public boolean equals(«Object.importedName» obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof «DataObject.importedName»)) { return false; } if (!«type.importedName».class.equals(((«DataObject.importedName»)obj).getImplementedInterface())) { return false; } «type.importedName» other = («type.importedName»)obj; «FOR property : properties» «val fieldName = property.fieldName» if («fieldName» == null) { if (other.«property.getterMethodName»() != null) { return false; } «IF property.returnType.name.contains("[")» } else if(!«Arrays.importedName».equals(«fieldName», other.«property.getterMethodName»())) { «ELSE» } else if(!«fieldName».equals(other.«property.getterMethodName»())) { «ENDIF» return false; } «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» if (getClass() == obj.getClass()) { // Simple case: we are comparing against self «type.name»«IMPL» otherImpl = («type.name»«IMPL») obj; «val fieldName = augmentField.name» if («fieldName» == null) { if (otherImpl.«fieldName» != null) { return false; } } else if(!«fieldName».equals(otherImpl.«fieldName»)) { return false; } } else { // Hard case: compare our augments with presence there... for («Map.importedName».Entry<«Class.importedName», «augmentField.returnType.importedName»> e : «augmentField.name».entrySet()) { if (!e.getValue().equals(other.getAugmentation(e.getKey()))) { return false; } } // .. and give the other one the chance to do the same if (!obj.equals(this)) { return false; } } «ENDIF» return true; } «ENDIF» ''' def override generateToString(Collection properties) ''' «IF !(properties === null)» @Override public «String.importedName» toString() { «StringBuilder.importedName» builder = new «StringBuilder.importedName» ("«type.name» ["); boolean first = true; «FOR property : properties» if («property.fieldName» != null) { if (first) { first = false; } else { builder.append(", "); } builder.append("«property.fieldName»="); «IF property.returnType.name.contains("[")» builder.append(«Arrays.importedName».toString(«property.fieldName»)); «ELSE» builder.append(«property.fieldName»); «ENDIF» } «ENDFOR» «IF augmentField != null» if (first) { first = false; } else { builder.append(", "); } builder.append("«augmentField.name»="); builder.append(«augmentField.name».values()); «ENDIF» return builder.append(']').toString(); } «ENDIF» ''' override protected getFullyQualifiedName() { '''«type.fullyQualifiedName»Builder'''.toString } def implementedInterfaceGetter() ''' public «Class.importedName»<«type.importedName»> getImplementedInterface() { return «type.importedName».class; } ''' private def createDescription(GeneratedType type) { return ''' Class that builds {@link «type.importedName»} instances. @see «type.importedName» ''' } override def protected String formatDataForJavaDoc(GeneratedType type) { val typeDescription = createDescription(type) return ''' «IF !typeDescription.nullOrEmpty» «typeDescription» «ENDIF» '''.toString } }