package import org.opendaylight.yangtools.sal.binding.model.api.Enumeration /** * Template for generating JAVA enumeration type. */ class EnumTemplate { /** * Enumeration which will be transformed to JAVA source code for enumeration */ val Enumeration enums /** * Constructs instance of this class with concrete enums. * * @param enumeration which will be transformed to JAVA source code */ new(Enumeration enums) { this.enums = enums } /** * Generates JAVA source code for the enumeration with the package name. * * @return JAVA source code for enumeration and for the package name */ def String generate() { val body = generateBody val pkg = generatePkg return pkg.toString + body.toString } /** * Generates only JAVA enumeration source code. * * @return string with JAVA enumeration source code */ def generateAsInnerClass() { return generateBody } /** * Template method which generates enumeration body (declaration + enumeration items). * * @return string with the enumeration body */ def private generateBody() ''' public enum «» { «FOR v : enums.values SEPARATOR ",\n"» «" "»«»(«v.value»)« ENDFOR»; int value; private «»(int value) { this.value = value; } } ''' /** * Template method which generates the package name line. * * @return string with the package name line */ def private generatePkg() ''' package «enums.packageName»; ''' }