/* * Copyright (c) 2019 PANTHEON.tech, s.r.o. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.codec.binfmt; import static com.google.common.base.Verify.verifyNotNull; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.stream.NormalizedNodeStreamWriter.UNKNOWN_SIZE; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Either; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.xml.UntrustedXML; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Decimal64; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Empty; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QNameModule; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint16; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint32; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint64; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.Uint8; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifierWithPredicates; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeWithValue; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.PathArgument; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.stream.NormalizedNodeStreamWriter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Abstract base class for NormalizedNodeDataInput based on {@link MagnesiumNode}, {@link MagnesiumPathArgument} and * {@link MagnesiumValue}. */ abstract class AbstractMagnesiumDataInput extends AbstractNormalizedNodeDataInput { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMagnesiumDataInput.class); // Known singleton objects private static final @NonNull Byte INT8_0 = 0; private static final @NonNull Short INT16_0 = 0; private static final @NonNull Integer INT32_0 = 0; private static final @NonNull Long INT64_0 = 0L; private static final byte @NonNull[] BINARY_0 = new byte[0]; private static final @NonNull LegacyAugmentationIdentifier EMPTY_AID = new LegacyAugmentationIdentifier(ImmutableSet.of()); private final List codedAugments = new ArrayList<>(); private final List codedNodeIdentifiers = new ArrayList<>(); private final List codedModules = new ArrayList<>(); private final List codedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); AbstractMagnesiumDataInput(final DataInput input) { super(input); } @Override public final void streamNormalizedNode(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer) throws IOException { streamNormalizedNode(requireNonNull(writer), null, input.readByte()); } private void streamNormalizedNode(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final Object parent, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { switch (nodeHeader & MagnesiumNode.TYPE_MASK) { case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LEAF: streamLeaf(writer, parent, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_CONTAINER: streamContainer(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LIST: streamList(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_MAP: streamMap(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_MAP_ORDERED: streamMapOrdered(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LEAFSET: streamLeafset(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LEAFSET_ORDERED: streamLeafsetOrdered(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_CHOICE: streamChoice(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_AUGMENTATION: streamAugmentation(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_ANYXML: streamAnyxml(writer, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LIST_ENTRY: streamListEntry(writer, parent, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_LEAFSET_ENTRY: streamLeafsetEntry(writer, parent, nodeHeader); break; case MagnesiumNode.NODE_MAP_ENTRY: streamMapEntry(writer, parent, nodeHeader); break; default: throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected node header " + nodeHeader); } } private void streamAnyxml(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming anyxml node {}", identifier); final DOMSource value = readDOMSource(); if (writer.startAnyxmlNode(identifier, DOMSource.class)) { writer.domSourceValue(value); writer.endNode(); } } private void streamAugmentation(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final var augIdentifier = decodeAugmentationIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming augmentation node {}", augIdentifier); for (byte nodeType = input.readByte(); nodeType != MagnesiumNode.NODE_END; nodeType = input.readByte()) { streamNormalizedNode(writer, augIdentifier, nodeType); } } private void streamChoice(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming choice node {}", identifier); writer.startChoiceNode(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamContainer(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming container node {}", identifier); writer.startContainerNode(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamLeaf(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final Object parent, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming leaf node {}", identifier); writer.startLeafNode(identifier); final Object value; if ((nodeHeader & MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_ONE) == MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_ONE) { if (!(parent instanceof NodeIdentifierWithPredicates nip)) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid predicate leaf " + identifier + " in parent " + parent); } value = nip.getValue(identifier.getNodeType()); if (value == null) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Failed to find predicate leaf " + identifier + " in parent " + parent); } } else { value = readLeafValue(); } writer.scalarValue(value); writer.endNode(); } private void streamLeafset(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming leaf set node {}", identifier); writer.startLeafSet(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamLeafsetOrdered(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming ordered leaf set node {}", identifier); writer.startOrderedLeafSet(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamLeafsetEntry(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final Object parent, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier nodeId = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader, parent); final Object value = readLeafValue(); final NodeWithValue leafIdentifier = new NodeWithValue<>(nodeId.getNodeType(), value); LOG.trace("Streaming leaf set entry node {}", leafIdentifier); writer.startLeafSetEntryNode(leafIdentifier); writer.scalarValue(value); writer.endNode(); } private void streamList(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); writer.startUnkeyedList(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamListEntry(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final Object parent, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader, parent); LOG.trace("Streaming unkeyed list item node {}", identifier); writer.startUnkeyedListItem(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamMap(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming map node {}", identifier); writer.startMapNode(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamMapOrdered(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier identifier = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader); LOG.trace("Streaming ordered map node {}", identifier); writer.startOrderedMapNode(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void streamMapEntry(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final Object parent, final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final NodeIdentifier nodeId = decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader, parent); final int size = switch (mask(nodeHeader, MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_MASK)) { case MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_ZERO -> 0; case MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_ONE -> 1; case MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_1B -> input.readUnsignedByte(); case MagnesiumNode.PREDICATE_4B -> input.readInt(); default -> // ISE on purpose: this should never ever happen throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to decode NodeIdentifierWithPredicates size from header " + nodeHeader); }; final NodeIdentifierWithPredicates identifier = readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(nodeId.getNodeType(), size); LOG.trace("Streaming map entry node {}", identifier); writer.startMapEntryNode(identifier, UNKNOWN_SIZE); commonStreamContainer(writer, identifier); } private void commonStreamContainer(final NormalizedNodeStreamWriter writer, final PathArgument parent) throws IOException { for (byte nodeType = input.readByte(); nodeType != MagnesiumNode.NODE_END; nodeType = input.readByte()) { streamNormalizedNode(writer, parent, nodeType); } writer.endNode(); } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifier() throws IOException { final QNameModule module = decodeQNameModule(); final String localName = readRefString(); final NodeIdentifier nodeId; try { nodeId = QNameFactory.getNodeIdentifier(module, localName); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Illegal QName module=" + module + " localName=" + localName, e); } codedNodeIdentifiers.add(nodeId); return nodeId; } private NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifier(final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { return decodeNodeIdentifier(nodeHeader, null); } private NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifier(final byte nodeHeader, final Object parent) throws IOException { final int index; switch (nodeHeader & MagnesiumNode.ADDR_MASK) { case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_DEFINE: return readNodeIdentifier(); case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_LOOKUP_1B: index = input.readUnsignedByte(); break; case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_LOOKUP_4B: index = input.readInt(); break; case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_PARENT: if (parent instanceof NodeIdentifier nid) { return nid; } throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid node identifier reference to parent " + parent); default: throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected node identifier addressing in header " + nodeHeader); } try { return codedNodeIdentifiers.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid QName reference " + index, e); } } private LegacyAugmentationIdentifier decodeAugmentationIdentifier(final byte nodeHeader) throws IOException { final int index; switch (nodeHeader & MagnesiumNode.ADDR_MASK) { case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_DEFINE: return readAugmentationIdentifier(); case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_LOOKUP_1B: index = input.readUnsignedByte(); break; case MagnesiumNode.ADDR_LOOKUP_4B: index = input.readInt(); break; default: throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException( "Unexpected augmentation identifier addressing in header " + nodeHeader); } try { return codedAugments.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid augmentation identifier reference " + index, e); } } @Override public final YangInstanceIdentifier readYangInstanceIdentifier() throws IOException { final byte type = input.readByte(); if (type == MagnesiumValue.YIID) { return readYangInstanceIdentifier(input.readInt()); } else if (type >= MagnesiumValue.YIID_0) { // Note 'byte' is range limited, so it is always '&& type <= MagnesiumValue.YIID_31' return readYangInstanceIdentifier(type - MagnesiumValue.YIID_0); } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected YangInstanceIdentifier type " + type); } } private @NonNull YangInstanceIdentifier readYangInstanceIdentifier(final int size) throws IOException { if (size > 0) { final Builder builder = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { builder.add(readPathArgument()); } return YangInstanceIdentifier.create(builder.build()); } else if (size == 0) { return YangInstanceIdentifier.empty(); } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid YangInstanceIdentifier size " + size); } } @Override public final QName readQName() throws IOException { final byte type = input.readByte(); return switch (type) { case MagnesiumValue.QNAME -> decodeQName(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_1B -> decodeQNameRef1(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_2B -> decodeQNameRef2(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_4B -> decodeQNameRef4(); default -> throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected QName type " + type); }; } @Override @Deprecated(since = "11.0.0", forRemoval = true) public final Either readLegacyPathArgument() throws IOException { final byte header = input.readByte(); return switch (header & MagnesiumPathArgument.TYPE_MASK) { case MagnesiumPathArgument.AUGMENTATION_IDENTIFIER -> Either.ofSecond(readAugmentationIdentifier(header)); case MagnesiumPathArgument.NODE_IDENTIFIER -> { verifyPathIdentifierOnly(header); yield Either.ofFirst(readNodeIdentifier(header)); } case MagnesiumPathArgument.NODE_IDENTIFIER_WITH_PREDICATES -> Either.ofFirst(readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(header)); case MagnesiumPathArgument.NODE_WITH_VALUE -> { verifyPathIdentifierOnly(header); yield Either.ofFirst(readNodeWithValue(header)); } case MagnesiumPathArgument.MOUNTPOINT_IDENTIFIER -> { verifyPathIdentifierOnly(header); yield Either.ofSecond(new LegacyMountPointIdentifier(readNodeIdentifier(header).getNodeType())); } default -> throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected PathArgument header " + header); }; } private @NonNull LegacyAugmentationIdentifier readAugmentationIdentifier() throws IOException { final var result = readAugmentationIdentifier(input.readInt()); codedAugments.add(result); return result; } private @NonNull LegacyAugmentationIdentifier readAugmentationIdentifier(final byte header) throws IOException { final byte count = mask(header, MagnesiumPathArgument.AID_COUNT_MASK); return switch (count) { case MagnesiumPathArgument.AID_COUNT_1B -> readAugmentationIdentifier(input.readUnsignedByte()); case MagnesiumPathArgument.AID_COUNT_2B -> readAugmentationIdentifier(input.readUnsignedShort()); case MagnesiumPathArgument.AID_COUNT_4B -> readAugmentationIdentifier(input.readInt()); default -> readAugmentationIdentifier(rshift(count, MagnesiumPathArgument.AID_COUNT_SHIFT)); }; } private @NonNull LegacyAugmentationIdentifier readAugmentationIdentifier(final int size) throws IOException { if (size > 0) { final var qnames = ImmutableSet.builderWithExpectedSize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { qnames.add(readQName()); } return new LegacyAugmentationIdentifier(qnames.build()); } else if (size == 0) { return EMPTY_AID; } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid augmentation identifier size " + size); } } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier readNodeIdentifier() throws IOException { return decodeNodeIdentifier(); } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier readNodeIdentifier(final byte header) throws IOException { return switch (header & MagnesiumPathArgument.QNAME_MASK) { case MagnesiumPathArgument.QNAME_DEF -> decodeNodeIdentifier(); case MagnesiumPathArgument.QNAME_REF_1B -> decodeNodeIdentifierRef1(); case MagnesiumPathArgument.QNAME_REF_2B -> decodeNodeIdentifierRef2(); case MagnesiumPathArgument.QNAME_REF_4B -> decodeNodeIdentifierRef4(); default -> throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid QName coding in " + header); }; } private @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(final byte header) throws IOException { final QName qname = readNodeIdentifier(header).getNodeType(); return switch (mask(header, MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_MASK)) { case MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_1B -> readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(qname, input.readUnsignedByte()); case MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_2B -> readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(qname, input.readUnsignedShort()); case MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_4B -> readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(qname, input.readInt()); default -> readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(qname, rshift(header, MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_SHIFT)); }; } private @NonNull NodeIdentifierWithPredicates readNodeIdentifierWithPredicates(final QName qname, final int size) throws IOException { if (size == 1) { return NodeIdentifierWithPredicates.of(qname, readQName(), readLeafValue()); } else if (size > 1) { final ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builderWithExpectedSize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { builder.put(readQName(), readLeafValue()); } return NodeIdentifierWithPredicates.of(qname, builder.build()); } else if (size == 0) { return NodeIdentifierWithPredicates.of(qname); } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid predicate count " + size); } } private @NonNull NodeWithValue readNodeWithValue(final byte header) throws IOException { final QName qname = readNodeIdentifier(header).getNodeType(); return new NodeWithValue<>(qname, readLeafValue()); } private static void verifyPathIdentifierOnly(final byte header) throws InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException { if (mask(header, MagnesiumPathArgument.SIZE_MASK) != 0) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid path argument header " + header); } } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifierRef1() throws IOException { return lookupNodeIdentifier(input.readUnsignedByte()); } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifierRef2() throws IOException { return lookupNodeIdentifier(input.readUnsignedShort() + 256); } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier decodeNodeIdentifierRef4() throws IOException { return lookupNodeIdentifier(input.readInt()); } private @NonNull QName decodeQName() throws IOException { return decodeNodeIdentifier().getNodeType(); } private @NonNull QName decodeQNameRef1() throws IOException { return lookupQName(input.readUnsignedByte()); } private @NonNull QName decodeQNameRef2() throws IOException { return lookupQName(input.readUnsignedShort() + 256); } private @NonNull QName decodeQNameRef4() throws IOException { return lookupQName(input.readInt()); } private @NonNull QNameModule decodeQNameModule() throws IOException { final byte type = input.readByte(); final int index; switch (type) { case MagnesiumValue.MODREF_1B: index = input.readUnsignedByte(); break; case MagnesiumValue.MODREF_2B: index = input.readUnsignedShort() + 256; break; case MagnesiumValue.MODREF_4B: index = input.readInt(); break; default: return decodeQNameModuleDef(type); } try { return codedModules.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid QNameModule reference " + index, e); } } // QNameModule definition, i.e. two encoded strings private @NonNull QNameModule decodeQNameModuleDef(final byte type) throws IOException { final String namespace = readRefString(type); final byte refType = input.readByte(); final String revision = refType == MagnesiumValue.STRING_EMPTY ? null : readRefString(refType); final QNameModule module; try { module = QNameFactory.createModule(namespace, revision); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Illegal QNameModule ns=" + namespace + " rev=" + revision, e); } codedModules.add(module); return module; } private @NonNull String readRefString() throws IOException { return readRefString(input.readByte()); } private @NonNull String readRefString(final byte type) throws IOException { final String str; switch (type) { case MagnesiumValue.STRING_REF_1B: return lookupString(input.readUnsignedByte()); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_REF_2B: return lookupString(input.readUnsignedShort() + 256); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_REF_4B: return lookupString(input.readInt()); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_EMPTY: return ""; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_2B: str = readString2(); break; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_4B: str = readString4(); break; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_CHARS: str = readCharsString(); break; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_UTF: str = input.readUTF(); break; default: throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected String type " + type); } // TODO: consider interning Strings -- that would help with bits, but otherwise it's probably not worth it codedStrings.add(verifyNotNull(str)); return str; } private @NonNull String readString() throws IOException { final byte type = input.readByte(); return switch (type) { case MagnesiumValue.STRING_EMPTY -> ""; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_UTF -> input.readUTF(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_2B -> readString2(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_4B -> readString4(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_CHARS -> readCharsString(); default -> throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Unexpected String type " + type); }; } private @NonNull String readString2() throws IOException { return readByteString(input.readUnsignedShort()); } private @NonNull String readString4() throws IOException { return readByteString(input.readInt()); } private @NonNull String readByteString(final int size) throws IOException { if (size > 0) { final byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; input.readFully(bytes); return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else if (size == 0) { return ""; } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid String bytes length " + size); } } private @NonNull String readCharsString() throws IOException { final int size = input.readInt(); if (size > 0) { final char[] chars = new char[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { chars[i] = input.readChar(); } return String.valueOf(chars); } else if (size == 0) { return ""; } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid String chars length " + size); } } private @NonNull NodeIdentifier lookupNodeIdentifier(final int index) throws InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException { try { return codedNodeIdentifiers.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid QName reference " + index, e); } } private @NonNull QName lookupQName(final int index) throws InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException { return lookupNodeIdentifier(index).getNodeType(); } private @NonNull String lookupString(final int index) throws InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException { try { return codedStrings.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid String reference " + index, e); } } private @NonNull DOMSource readDOMSource() throws IOException { final String str = readString(); try { return new DOMSource(UntrustedXML.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(str))) .getDocumentElement()); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new IOException("Error parsing XML: " + str, e); } } private @NonNull Object readLeafValue() throws IOException { final byte type = input.readByte(); switch (type) { case MagnesiumValue.BOOLEAN_FALSE: return Boolean.FALSE; case MagnesiumValue.BOOLEAN_TRUE: return Boolean.TRUE; case MagnesiumValue.EMPTY: return Empty.value(); case MagnesiumValue.INT8: return input.readByte(); case MagnesiumValue.INT8_0: return INT8_0; case MagnesiumValue.INT16: return input.readShort(); case MagnesiumValue.INT16_0: return INT16_0; case MagnesiumValue.INT32: return input.readInt(); case MagnesiumValue.INT32_0: return INT32_0; case MagnesiumValue.INT32_2B: return input.readShort() & 0xFFFF; case MagnesiumValue.INT64: return input.readLong(); case MagnesiumValue.INT64_0: return INT64_0; case MagnesiumValue.INT64_4B: return input.readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL; case MagnesiumValue.UINT8: return Uint8.fromByteBits(input.readByte()); case MagnesiumValue.UINT8_0: return Uint8.ZERO; case MagnesiumValue.UINT16: return Uint16.fromShortBits(input.readShort()); case MagnesiumValue.UINT16_0: return Uint16.ZERO; case MagnesiumValue.UINT32: return Uint32.fromIntBits(input.readInt()); case MagnesiumValue.UINT32_0: return Uint32.ZERO; case MagnesiumValue.UINT32_2B: return Uint32.fromIntBits(input.readShort() & 0xFFFF); case MagnesiumValue.UINT64: return Uint64.fromLongBits(input.readLong()); case MagnesiumValue.UINT64_0: return Uint64.ZERO; case MagnesiumValue.UINT64_4B: return Uint64.fromLongBits(input.readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL); case MagnesiumValue.BIGDECIMAL: // FIXME: use string -> BigDecimal cache return Decimal64.valueOf(input.readUTF()); case MagnesiumValue.BIGINTEGER: return readBigInteger(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_EMPTY: return ""; case MagnesiumValue.STRING_UTF: return input.readUTF(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_2B: return readString2(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_4B: return readString4(); case MagnesiumValue.STRING_CHARS: return readCharsString(); case MagnesiumValue.BINARY_0: return BINARY_0; case MagnesiumValue.BINARY_1B: return readBinary(128 + input.readUnsignedByte()); case MagnesiumValue.BINARY_2B: return readBinary(384 + input.readUnsignedShort()); case MagnesiumValue.BINARY_4B: return readBinary(input.readInt()); case MagnesiumValue.YIID_0: return YangInstanceIdentifier.empty(); case MagnesiumValue.YIID: return readYangInstanceIdentifier(input.readInt()); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME: return decodeQName(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_1B: return decodeQNameRef1(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_2B: return decodeQNameRef2(); case MagnesiumValue.QNAME_REF_4B: return decodeQNameRef4(); case MagnesiumValue.BITS_0: return ImmutableSet.of(); case MagnesiumValue.BITS_1B: return readBits(input.readUnsignedByte() + 29); case MagnesiumValue.BITS_2B: return readBits(input.readUnsignedShort() + 285); case MagnesiumValue.BITS_4B: return readBits(input.readInt()); default: if (type > MagnesiumValue.BINARY_0 && type <= MagnesiumValue.BINARY_127) { return readBinary(type - MagnesiumValue.BINARY_0); } else if (type > MagnesiumValue.BITS_0 && type < MagnesiumValue.BITS_1B) { return readBits(type - MagnesiumValue.BITS_0); } else if (type > MagnesiumValue.YIID_0) { // Note 'byte' is range limited, so it is always '&& type <= MagnesiumValue.YIID_31' return readYangInstanceIdentifier(type - MagnesiumValue.YIID_0); } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid value type " + type); } } } abstract @NonNull BigInteger readBigInteger() throws IOException; private byte @NonNull [] readBinary(final int size) throws IOException { if (size > 0) { final byte[] ret = new byte[size]; input.readFully(ret); return ret; } else if (size == 0) { return BINARY_0; } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid binary length " + size); } } private @NonNull ImmutableSet readBits(final int size) throws IOException { if (size > 0) { final ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { builder.add(readRefString()); } return builder.build(); } else if (size == 0) { return ImmutableSet.of(); } else { throw new InvalidNormalizedNodeStreamException("Invalid bits length " + size); } } private static byte mask(final byte header, final byte mask) { return (byte) (header & mask); } private static int rshift(final byte header, final byte shift) { return (header & 0xFF) >>> shift; } }