/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Path; /** * A chain of transactions. Transactions in a chain need to be committed in * sequence and each transaction should see the effects of previous committed transactions * as they occurred. A chain makes no guarantees of atomicity across the chained transactions - * the transactions are committed as soon as possible in the order that they were submitted. * This behaviour is different from the default AsyncDataBroker, where a * transaction is always created from the current global state, not taking into * account any transactions previously committed by the calling thread. Due to * the asynchronous nature of transaction submission this can lead to surprising * results. If a thread executes the following sequence sufficiently quickly: * *

 * AsyncWriteTransaction t1 = broker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();
 * t1.put(id, data);
 * t1.submit();
 * AsyncReadTransaction t2 = broker.newReadOnlyTransaction();
 * Optional<?> maybeData = t2.read(id).get();
* it may happen, that it sees maybeData.isPresent() == false, simply because * t1 has not completed the processes of being applied and t2 is actually * allocated from the previous state. This is obviously bad for users who create * incremental state in the datastore and actually read what they write in * subsequent transactions. * Using a TransactionChain instead of a broker solves this particular problem, * and leads to expected behavior: t2 will always see the data written in t1 * present. */ public interface TransactionChain

, D> extends AutoCloseable, AsyncDataTransactionFactory { /** * Create a new read only transaction which will continue the chain. * *

* The previous write transaction has to be either SUBMITTED * ({@link AsyncWriteTransaction#submit submit} was invoked) or CANCELLED * ({@link #close close} was invoked). * *

* The returned read-only transaction presents an isolated view of the data if the previous * write transaction was successful - in other words, this read-only transaction will see the * state changes made by the previous write transaction in the chain. However, state which * was introduced by other transactions outside this transaction chain after creation of * the previous transaction is not visible. * * @return New transaction in the chain. * @throws IllegalStateException * if the previous transaction was not SUBMITTED or CANCELLED. * @throws TransactionChainClosedException * if the chain has been closed. */ @Override AsyncReadTransaction newReadOnlyTransaction(); /** * Create a new write-only transaction which will continue the chain. * *

* The previous write transaction has to be either SUBMITTED * ({@link AsyncWriteTransaction#submit submit} was invoked) or CANCELLED * ({@link #close close} was invoked) * *

* The returned write-only transaction presents an isolated view of the data if the previous * write transaction was successful - in other words, this write-only transaction will see the * state changes made by the previous write transaction in the chain. However, state which * was introduced by other transactions outside this transaction chain after creation of * the previous transaction is not visible * *

* Committing this write-only transaction using {@link AsyncWriteTransaction#submit submit} * will submit the state changes in this transaction to be visible to any subsequent * transaction in this chain and also to any transaction outside this chain. * * @return New transaction in the chain. * @throws IllegalStateException * if the previous transaction was not SUBMITTED or CANCELLED. * @throws TransactionChainClosedException * if the chain has been closed. */ @Override AsyncWriteTransaction newWriteOnlyTransaction(); @Override void close(); }