/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.util.concurrent; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; /** * Tests various ThreadPoolExecutor implementations. * * @author Thomas Pantelis */ public class ThreadPoolExecutorTest { private ExecutorService executor; @After public void tearDown() { if( executor != null ) { executor.shutdownNow(); } } @Test public void testFastThreadPoolExecution() throws Exception { testThreadPoolExecution( SpecialExecutors.newBoundedFastThreadPool( 50, 100000, "TestPool" ), 100000, "TestPool", 0 ); } @Test(expected=RejectedExecutionException.class) public void testFastThreadPoolRejectingTask() throws Exception { executor = SpecialExecutors.newBoundedFastThreadPool( 1, 1, "TestPool" ); for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { executor.execute( new Task( null, null, null, null, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ) ); } } @Test public void testBlockingFastThreadPoolExecution() throws Exception { // With a queue capacity of 1, it should block at some point. testThreadPoolExecution( SpecialExecutors.newBlockingBoundedFastThreadPool( 2, 1, "TestPool" ), 1000, null, 10 ); } @Test public void testCachedThreadPoolExecution() throws Exception { testThreadPoolExecution( SpecialExecutors.newBoundedCachedThreadPool( 10, 100000, "TestPool" ), 100000, "TestPool", 0 ); } @Test(expected=RejectedExecutionException.class) public void testCachedThreadRejectingTask() throws Exception { ExecutorService executor = SpecialExecutors.newBoundedCachedThreadPool( 1, 1, "TestPool" ); for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { executor.execute( new Task( null, null, null, null, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) ) ); } } @Test public void testBlockingCachedThreadPoolExecution() throws Exception { testThreadPoolExecution( SpecialExecutors.newBlockingBoundedCachedThreadPool( 2, 1, "TestPool" ), 1000, null, 10 ); } void testThreadPoolExecution( final ExecutorService executor, final int numTasksToRun, final String expThreadPrefix, final long taskDelay ) throws Exception { this.executor = executor; System.out.println( "\nTesting " + executor.getClass().getSimpleName() + " with " + numTasksToRun + " tasks." ); final CountDownLatch tasksRunLatch = new CountDownLatch( numTasksToRun ); final ConcurrentMap taskCountPerThread = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final AtomicReference threadError = new AtomicReference<>(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.start(); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for( int i = 0; i < numTasksToRun; i++ ) { // if(i%100 == 0) { // Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly( 20, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS ); // } executor.execute( new Task( tasksRunLatch, taskCountPerThread, threadError, expThreadPrefix, taskDelay ) ); } } }.start(); boolean done = tasksRunLatch.await( 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); stopWatch.stop(); if( !done ) { fail( (numTasksToRun - tasksRunLatch.getCount()) + " tasks out of " + numTasksToRun + " executed" ); } if( threadError.get() != null ) { throw threadError.get(); } System.out.println( taskCountPerThread.size() + " threads used:" ); for( Map.Entry e : taskCountPerThread.entrySet() ) { System.out.println( " " + e.getKey().getName() + " - " + e.getValue() + " tasks" ); } System.out.println( "\n" + executor ); System.out.println( "\nElapsed time: " + stopWatch ); System.out.println(); } static class Task implements Runnable { final CountDownLatch tasksRunLatch; final CountDownLatch blockLatch; final ConcurrentMap taskCountPerThread; final AtomicReference threadError; final String expThreadPrefix; final long delay; Task( CountDownLatch tasksRunLatch, ConcurrentMap taskCountPerThread, AtomicReference threadError, String expThreadPrefix, long delay ) { this.tasksRunLatch = tasksRunLatch; this.taskCountPerThread = taskCountPerThread; this.threadError = threadError; this.expThreadPrefix = expThreadPrefix; this.delay = delay; blockLatch = null; } Task( CountDownLatch tasksRunLatch, CountDownLatch blockLatch ) { this.tasksRunLatch = tasksRunLatch; this.blockLatch = blockLatch; this.taskCountPerThread = null; this.threadError = null; this.expThreadPrefix = null; this.delay = 0; } @Override public void run() { try { try { if( delay > 0 ) { TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.sleep( delay ); } else if( blockLatch != null ) { blockLatch.await(); } } catch( InterruptedException e ) {} if( expThreadPrefix != null ) { assertEquals( "Thread name starts with " + expThreadPrefix, true, Thread.currentThread().getName().startsWith( expThreadPrefix ) ); } if( taskCountPerThread != null ) { AtomicLong count = taskCountPerThread.get( Thread.currentThread() ); if( count == null ) { count = new AtomicLong( 0 ); AtomicLong prev = taskCountPerThread.putIfAbsent( Thread.currentThread(), count ); if( prev != null ) { count = prev; } } count.incrementAndGet(); } } catch( AssertionError e ) { if( threadError != null ) { threadError.set( e ); } } finally { if( tasksRunLatch != null ) { tasksRunLatch.countDown(); } } } } }