*** Settings *** Documentation Robot keyword library (Resource) for handling the BGP speaker CLI tools ... ... Copyright (c) 2015,2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. ... ... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, ... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ... ... This library contains keywords to handle command line tools in BGP Application ... for handling shell connections. ... ... TODO: RemoteBash.robot contains logic which could be reused here. Library SSHLibrary timeout=10s Library RequestsLibrary Variables ${CURDIR}/../variables/Variables.py Resource ${CURDIR}/RemoteBash.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/NexusKeywords.robot *** Keywords *** Start_Console_Tool [Arguments] ${command} ${tool_opt} [Documentation] Start the tool ${command} ${tool_opt} ${start_cmd} BuiltIn.Set_Variable ${command} ${tool_opt} BuiltIn.Log ${start_cmd} ${output}= SSHLibrary.Write ${start_cmd} BuiltIn.Log ${output} Start_Java_Tool_And_Verify_Connection [Arguments] ${command} ${until_phrase} ${start_cmd} NexusKeywords.Compose_Full_Java_Command ${command} BuiltIn.Log ${start_cmd} SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=30s SSHLibrary.Write ${start_cmd} ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${until_phrase} BuiltIn.Log ${output} Wait_Until_Console_Tool_Finish [Arguments] ${timeout} [Documentation] Wait ${timeout} for the tool exit. BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s SSHLibrary.Read Until Prompt Stop_Console_Tool [Documentation] Stop the tool if still running. RemoteBash.Write_Bare_Ctrl_C ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read delay=1s BuiltIn.Log ${output} Stop_Console_Tool_And_Wait_Until_Prompt [Documentation] Stops the tool by sending ctrl+c ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read BuiltIn.Log ${output} RemoteBash.Write_Bare_Ctrl_C ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt BuiltIn.Log ${output} Read_And_Fail_If_Prompt_Is_Seen [Documentation] Try to read SSH to see prompt, but expect to see no prompt within SSHLibrary's timeout. ${passed}= BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return_Status BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Expect_Error No match found for '${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT}' in *. Read_Text_Before_Prompt BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If ${passed} BGPSpeaker.Dump_BGP_Speaker_Logs Builtin.Fail The prompt was seen but it was not expected yet Read_Text_Before_Prompt [Documentation] Log text gathered by SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt. ... This needs to be a separate keyword just because how Read_And_Fail_If_Prompt_Is_Seen is implemented. ${text}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt BuiltIn.Log ${text} Store_File_To_Workspace [Arguments] ${source_file_name} ${target_file_name} [Documentation] Store the ${source_file_name} to the workspace as ${target_file_name}. ${output_log}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command cat ${source_file_name} BuiltIn.Log ${output_log} Create File ${target_file_name} ${output_log} Check_File_For_Word_Count [Arguments] ${file_name} ${word} ${expected_count} [Documentation] Count ${word} in ${file_name}. Expect ${expected_count} occurence(s) ${output_log}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command grep -o '${word}' ${file_name} | wc -l BuiltIn.Log ${output_log} BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${output_log} ${expected_count} Count_Key_Value_Pairs [Arguments] ${file_name} ${keyword} ${value}='' [Documentation] Check file for ${keyword} or ${keyword} ${value} pair and returns number of occurences ${output_log}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command grep '${keyword}' ${file_name} | grep -c ${value} ${count}= Convert To Integer ${output_log} [Return] ${count} Check_File_For_Occurence [Arguments] ${file_name} ${keyword} ${value}='' [Documentation] Check file for ${keyword} or ${keyword} ${value} pair and returns number of occurences ${output_log}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command grep '${keyword}' ${file_name} | grep -c ${value} ${count}= Convert To Integer ${output_log} [Return] ${count}