*** Settings *** Documentation Bulkomatic Keyword library contains keywords for performing bulkomatic operations ... with a single bulkomatic API we can trigger bulk flows in config datastore which eventually populates switches and operational datastore ... So far this library is only to be used by MD-SAL clustering and OpenFlowplugin clustering test as it is very specific for these tests Resource Utils.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${ADD_BULK_CONFIG_NODES_API} /restconf/operations/sal-bulk-flow:flow-test ${GET_BULK_CONFIG_NODES_API} /restconf/operations/sal-bulk-flow:read-flow-test ${jolokia_write_op_status} /jolokia/read/org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.bulk.o.matic:type=FlowCounter/WriteOpStatus ${jolokia_read_op_status} /jolokia/read/org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.bulk.o.matic:type=FlowCounter/ReadOpStatus ${jolokia_flow_count_status} /jolokia/read/org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.bulk.o.matic:type=FlowCounter/FlowCount *** Keywords *** Operation Status Check [Arguments] ${op_status_uri} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Checks to see if read or write operation is successfull in controller node. ${data}= ClusterManagement.Get From Member ${op_status_uri} ${controller_index} ${json}= To Json ${data} ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${json} value ${value}= Convert to String ${value} ${two}= Convert to String 2 Should Start With ${value} ${two} Wait Until Write Finishes [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${timeout} [Documentation] Wait Until Write operation status is OK in member ${controller_index}. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s BulkomaticKeywords.Operation Status Check ${jolokia_write_op_status} ${controller_index} Wait Until Read Finishes [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${timeout} [Documentation] Wait Until Read operation status is OK in member ${controller_index}. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s BulkomaticKeywords.Operation Status Check ${jolokia_read_op_status} ${controller_index} Add Bulk Flow [Arguments] ${json_body_add} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Add Bulk Flow in member ${controller_index} according to \${json_body_add}. ${resp} ClusterManagement.Post As Json To Member ${ADD_BULK_CONFIG_NODES_API} ${json_body_add} ${controller_index} Delete Bulk Flow [Arguments] ${json_body_del} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Delete Bulk Flow in member ${controller_index} according to \${json_body_del}. ${resp} ClusterManagement.Post As Json To Member ${ADD_BULK_CONFIG_NODES_API} ${json_body_del} ${controller_index} Get Bulk Flow [Arguments] ${json_body_get} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Get Bulk Flow in member ${controller_index} according to \${json_body_get}. ${resp} ClusterManagement.Post As Json To Member ${GET_BULK_CONFIG_NODES_API} ${json_body_get} ${controller_index} Get Bulk Flow Count [Arguments] ${controller_index} [Documentation] Get Flow count in member ${controller_index}. New Flow Count is available after Get Bulk Flow operation. ${data}= ClusterManagement.Get From Member ${jolokia_flow_count_status} ${controller_index} [Return] ${data} Verify Flow Count [Arguments] ${flow_count} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Verify Flow Count in member ${controller_index} matches ${flow_count}. ${data}= Get Bulk Flow Count ${controller_index} ${json}= To Json ${data} ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${json} value Should Be Equal As Strings ${value} ${flow_count} Add Bulk Flow In Node [Arguments] ${json_body_add} ${controller_index} ${timeout} [Documentation] Add Bulk Flow in member ${controller_index} and wait until operation is completed. Add Bulk Flow ${json_body_add} ${controller_index} Wait Until Write Finishes ${controller_index} ${timeout} Delete Bulk Flow In Node [Arguments] ${json_body_del} ${controller_index} ${timeout} [Documentation] Delete Bulk Flow in member ${controller_index} and wait until operation is completed. Delete Bulk Flow ${json_body_del} ${controller_index} Wait Until Write Finishes ${controller_index} ${timeout} Get Bulk Flow And Verify Count In Cluster [Arguments] ${json_body_get} ${timeout} ${flow_count} ${controller_index_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Get Bulk Flow and Verify Flow Count in ${controller_index_list} matches ${flow_count}. ${index_list} = ClusterManagement__Given_Or_Internal_Index_List given_list=${controller_index_list} : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} \ Get Bulk Flow ${json_body_get} ${index} : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} \ Wait Until Read Finishes ${index} ${timeout} : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} \ Verify Flow Count ${flow_count} ${index} Set DPN And Flow Count In Json Add [Arguments] ${json_config} ${dpn_count} ${flows_count} [Documentation] Set new DPN count and flows count per DPN in the Bulkomatic Add json file. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/${json_config} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "1" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "${dpn_count}" ${str} Replace String Using Regexp ${body} ${get_string} ${put_string} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "1000" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "${flows_count}" ${json_body_add} Replace String Using Regexp ${str} ${get_string} ${put_string} Log ${json_body_add} [Return] ${json_body_add} Set DPN And Flow Count In Json Get [Arguments] ${json_config} ${dpn_count} ${flows_count} [Documentation] Set new DPN count and flows count per DPN in the Bulkomatic Get json file. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/${json_config} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "1" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "${dpn_count}" ${str} Replace String Using Regexp ${body} ${get_string} ${put_string} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "1000" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "${flows_count}" ${json_body_get} Replace String Using Regexp ${str} ${get_string} ${put_string} Log ${json_body_get} [Return] ${json_body_get} Set DPN And Flow Count In Json Del [Arguments] ${json_config} ${dpn_count} ${flows_count} [Documentation] Set new DPN count and flows count per DPN in the Bulkomatic Del json file. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/${json_config} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "1" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:dpn-count" : "${dpn_count}" ${str} Replace String Using Regexp ${body} ${get_string} ${put_string} ${get_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "1000" ${put_string}= Set Variable "sal-bulk-flow:flows-per-dpn" : "${flows_count}" ${json_body_del} Replace String Using Regexp ${str} ${get_string} ${put_string} Log ${json_body_del} [Return] ${json_body_del}