""" Utility library for retrieving entity related data from ODL. """ from logging import info from requests import post from sys import argv def get_entities(restconf_url): resp = post( url=restconf_url + """/operations/odl-entity-owners:get-entities""", headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "csit agent", }, auth=("admin", "admin"), ) info( "Response %s ", resp, ) return resp.json() def get_entity(restconf_url, type, name): """Calls the get-entity rpc on the controller and returns the result in a dictionary that contains the parsed response in two keys: "candidates" and "owner" """ data = """ { "odl-entity-owners:input" : { "type": "%s", "name": "%s" } } """ % ( type, name, ) info("Data %s", data) resp = post( url=restconf_url + """/operations/odl-entity-owners:get-entity""", headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "csit agent", }, data=data, auth=("admin", "admin"), ) info( "Entity json %s", resp.json(), ) result = { "candidates": resp.json()["odl-entity-owners:output"]["candidate-nodes"], "owner": resp.json()["odl-entity-owners:output"]["owner-node"], } return result def get_entity_owner(restconf_url, type, name): data = """ { "odl-entity-owners:input" : { "type": "%s", "name": "%s" } } """ % ( type, name, ) info("Data %s", data) resp = post( url=restconf_url + """/operations/odl-entity-owners:get-entity-owner""", headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "User-Agent": "csit agent", }, data=data, auth=("admin", "admin"), ) info( "Response %s ", resp, ) return resp.json()["odl-entity-owners:output"]["owner-node"] def main(args): if args[0] == "get-entities": json = get_entities( restconf_url="", ) print(json) elif args[0] == "get-entity": json = get_entity( restconf_url="", type=args[1], name=args[2], ) print(json) elif args[0] == "get-entity-owner": json = get_entity_owner( restconf_url="", type=args[1], name=args[2], ) print(json) else: raise Exception("Unhandled argument %s" % args[0]) if __name__ == "__main__": # i.e. main does not depend on name of the binary main(argv[1:])