*** Settings *** Documentation Cluster OpenFlow library. So far this library is only to be used by OpenFlow cluster test as it is very specific for this test. Library RequestsLibrary Resource ClusterKeywords.robot Resource MininetKeywords.robot Resource Utils.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${config_table_0} ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:1/table/0 ${operational_table_0} ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}/node/openflow:1/table/0 ${operational_port_1} ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}/node/openflow:1/node-connector/openflow:1:1 *** Keywords *** Check OpenFlow Shards Status [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Check Status for all shards in OpenFlow application. ${inv_conf_leader} ${inv_conf_followers_list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Get Cluster Shard Status ${controller_index_list} ... config inventory ${inv_oper_leader} ${inv_oper_followers_list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Get Cluster Shard Status ${controller_index_list} ... operational inventory ${topo_oper_leader} ${topo_oper_followers_list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Get Cluster Shard Status ${controller_index_list} ... operational topology Log config inventory Leader is ${inv_conf_leader} and followers are ${inv_conf_followers_list} Log operational inventory Leader is ${inv_oper_leader} and followers are ${inv_oper_followers_list} Log operational topology Leader is ${topo_oper_leader} and followers are ${topo_oper_followers_list} Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate. ${owner} ${candidates_list} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Get Cluster Entity Owner Status ${controller_index_list} ... openflow openflow:1 [Return] ${owner} ${candidates_list} Check OpenFlow Network Operational Information For One Device [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Check device openflow:1 is in operational inventory and topology in all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ... Inventory should show 1x node_id per device 1x node_id per connector. Topology should show 2x node_id per device + 3x node_id per connector. ${dictionary} Create Dictionary openflow:1=4 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API} ${dictionary} Create Dictionary openflow:1=11 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API} Check No OpenFlow Network Operational Information [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Check device is not in operational inventory or topology in all cluster instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${dictionary} Create Dictionary openflow=0 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API} ${dictionary} Create Dictionary openflow=0 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API} Add Sample Flow And Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Add sample flow in ${controller_index} and verify it gets applied in all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/sample_flow_1.json ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary Put And Check At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} ${config_table_0}/flow/1 ${body} ${HEADERS} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_table_0} Modify Sample Flow And Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Modify sample flow in ${controller_index} and verify it gets applied in all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/sample_flow_2.json ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary Put And Check At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} ${config_table_0}/flow/1 ${body} ${HEADERS} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_table_0} Delete Sample Flow And Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Delete sample flow in Owner and verify it gets removed from all instances. ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary Delete And Check At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} ${config_table_0}/flow/1 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_table_0} Send RPC Add Sample Flow And Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Add sample flow in ${controller_index} and verify it gets applied from all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/add_flow_rpc.json ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request controller${controller_index} /restconf/operations/sal-flow:add-flow ${body} ${HEADERS} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_table_0} Send RPC Delete Sample Flow And Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Delete sample flow in ${controller_index} and verify it gets removed from all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/openflowplugin/delete_flow_rpc.json ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request controller${controller_index} /restconf/operations/sal-flow:remove-flow ${body} ${HEADERS} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_table_0} Take OpenFlow Device Link Down and Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Take a link down and verify port status in all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary "link-down":true=1 ${ouput}= Send Mininet Command ${mininet_conn_id} link s1 h1 down Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_port_1} Take OpenFlow Device Link Up and Verify [Arguments] ${controller_index_list} [Documentation] Take the link up and verify port status in all instances in ${controller_index_list}. ${dictionary}= Create Dictionary "link-down":true=0 ${ouput}= Send Mininet Command ${mininet_conn_id} link s1 h1 up Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${operational_port_1}