import SettingsLibrary from time import sleep import UtilLibrary import json import sys __author__ = "Basheeruddin Ahmed" __copyright__ = "Copyright(c) 2014, Cisco Systems, Inc." __license__ = "New-style BSD" __email__ = "" def getClusterRoles(shardName, numOfShards=3, numOfTries=3, sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs=3, port=8181, *ips): """Given a shardname (e.g. shard-inventory-config), number of shards and bunch of ips determines what role each ip has in an Akka (Raft based) cluster result would look like {'':'Leader', '':'Follower', '': None} """ dict = {} for ip in ips: i = 1 dict[ip] = None print("numOfShards => ", str(numOfShards)) while i <= numOfShards: shardMemberName = "member-" + str(i) + "-" + shardName j = 1 print('j => ', str(j)) print('numOfTries => ', str(numOfTries)) while int(j) <= int(numOfTries): print("Try number " + str(j)) try: print("getting role of " + ip + " for shardName = " + shardMemberName) url = SettingsLibrary.getJolokiaURL(ip, str(port), str(i), shardName) print(url) resp = UtilLibrary.get(url) print(resp) if resp.status_code != 200: sleep(sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs) continue print(resp.text) data = json.loads(resp.text) if 'value' in data: dataValue = data['value'] print("datavalue RaftState is", dataValue['RaftState']) dict[ip] = dataValue['RaftState'] except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Try" + str(j) + ":An error occurred when finding leader on" + ip + " for shardName:" + shardMemberName) print(e) sleep(sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs) continue finally: j = j + 1 if dict[ip] is not None: break i = i + 1 return dict def isRole(role, shardName, ipAddress, numOfShards=3, numOfRetries=1, sleepFor=3, port=8181): """Given a role (Leader, Follower, Candidate, or IsolatedLeader), shardname (e.g. shard-inventory-config), controller IP address, and number of shards on the controller,this function determines if the controller, has that role for the specified shard. """ ip = getClusterRoles(shardName, numOfShards, numOfRetries, sleepFor, port, ipAddress) print(ip) if ip[ipAddress] == role: return True return False def getLeader(shardName, numOfShards=3, numOfTries=3, sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs=1, port=8181, *ips): """Returns the leader of the shard given a set of IPs Or None""" for i in range(3): # Try 3 times to find a leader dict = getClusterRoles(shardName, numOfShards, numOfTries, sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs, port, *ips) for ip in dict.keys(): if dict[ip] == 'Leader': return ip return None def getFollowers(shardName, numOfShards=3, numOfTries=3, sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs=1, port=8181, *ips): """Returns the follower list of a shard given a set of IPs Or []""" for i in range(6): # Try 6 times to find all followers dict = getClusterRoles(shardName, numOfShards, numOfTries, sleepBetweenRetriesInSecs, port, *ips) result = [] for ip in dict.keys(): if dict[ip] == 'Follower': result.append(ip) print("i=%s result=%s" % (i, result)) if (len(result) == (len(ips) - 1)): break sleep(1) return result def testGetClusterRoles(): dict = getClusterRoles("shard-inventory-config", 3, 1, 1, 8181, "", "", "") print(dict) for ip in dict.keys(): if isRole("Leader", "shard-inventory-config", 3, 1, 1, 8181, ip): print(ip + " is Leader") elif isRole("Follower", "shard-inventory-config", 3, 1, 1, 8181, ip): print(ip + " is follower") else: print(ip + " seems to have value " + str(dict[ip])) def testGetLeader(): leader = getLeader("shard-inventory-config", 3, 1, 1, 8181, "", "", "") print(leader) return leader def testGetFollowers(): followers = getFollowers("shard-inventory-config", 3, 1, 1, 8181, "", "", "") print(followers) return followers # testGetClusterRoles() # testGetLeader() # testGetFollowers()