*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library SSHLibrary Library String Resource DataModels.robot Resource Genius.robot Resource OVSDB.robot Resource SSHKeywords.robot Resource Utils.robot Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot Resource ../variables/Variables.robot Resource VpnOperations.robot Variables ../variables/coe/Modules.py Variables ../variables/netvirt/Modules.py Resource ToolsSystem.robot *** Variables *** ${BUSY_BOX} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/busy-box.yaml ${CNI_BINARY_FILE} /opt/cni/bin/odlovs-cni ${CONFIG_FILE} /etc/cni/net.d/odlovs-cni.conf ${CONFIG_FILE_TEMPLATE} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/odlovs-cni.conf.j2 ${HOST_INVENTORY} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/hosts.yaml ${K8s_MASTER_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_1_IP} ${HOSTS_FILE_TEMPLATE} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/minions_template.yaml ${NODE_READY_STATUS} \\sReady # The check using this variable should not mess up with NotReady ${PLAYBOOK_FILE} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/coe_play.yaml ${POD_RUNNING_STATUS} \\sRunning ${VARIABLES_PATH} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe ${WATCHER_COE} ${CURDIR}/../variables/coe/coe.yaml @{COE_DIAG_SERVICES} OPENFLOW IFM ITM DATASTORE ELAN OVSDB *** Keywords *** Coe Suite Setup [Documentation] COE project requires start suite to be executed only for the first test suite.This keyword find the current suite,compares it with the stored first suite value and executes Coe.Start suite only if the cuurent suite is equal to the first suite. ToolsSystem.Get Tools System Nodes Data Coe.Set Connection ids and Bridge Coe.Derive Coe Data Models ${current suite} ${suite names updated} Extract current suite name ${first_suite} = Set Variable ${suite names updated[0]} ${status} = BuiltIn.Evaluate '${first_suite}' == '${current suite}' Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'True' Coe.Start Suite Start Suite [Documentation] Suite setup keyword. Coe.Configuration Playbook Coe.Verify Config Files Coe.Verify Watcher Is Running BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40s 2s Coe.Check Node Status Is Ready Coe.Label Nodes BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 2 ClusterManagement.Check Status Of Services Is OPERATIONAL @{COE_DIAG_SERVICES} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 85 2 Genius.Verify Tunnel Status As Up Set Connection ids and Bridge [Documentation] Sets the connection ids for all the nodes and get the bridge from configuration file . : FOR ${conn_id} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS} \ SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id} \ SSHKeywords.Flexible_SSH_Login ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${file} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${CONFIG_FILE_TEMPLATE} ${ovs bridge output} ${bridge} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${file} "ovsBridge": "(\\w.*)" BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${bridge} Configuration Playbook [Documentation] Ansible playbook which does all basic configuration for kubernetes nodes. ${playbook minions} ${playbook hosts} ${host file} Modifying templates in playbook ${playbook} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${PLAYBOOK_FILE} ${playbook} = String.Replace String ${playbook} coe-hosts ${playbook hosts} ${playbook} = String.Replace String ${playbook} coe-minions ${playbook minions} OperatingSystem.Create File ${PLAYBOOK_FILE} ${playbook} OperatingSystem.Create File ${USER_HOME}/hosts.yaml ${host file} ${watcher} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${WATCHER_COE} ${watcher} = String.Replace String ${watcher} odlip ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${watcher} = String.Replace String ${watcher} port ${RESTCONFPORT} OperatingSystem.Create File ${WATCHER_COE} ${watcher} SSHKeywords.Copy_File_To_Remote_System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} ${WATCHER_COE} ${USER_HOME} OperatingSystem.Copy File ${PLAYBOOK_FILE} ${USER_HOME} ${branch_ref_spec} = BuiltIn.Catenate SEPARATOR= refs/heads/ ${GERRIT_BRANCH} ${gerrit_ref_spec} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${GERRIT_PROJECT}' != 'coe' ${branch_ref_spec} ${GERRIT_REFSPEC} Run Coe Playbook ${gerrit_ref_spec} Run Coe Playbook [Arguments] ${gerrit_ref_spec} ${play_output} = OperatingSystem.Run ansible-playbook -v ${USER_HOME}/coe_play.yaml -i ${USER_HOME}/hosts.yaml --extra-vars '{"gerrit_branch":"FETCH_HEAD","gerrit_refspec":"${gerrit_ref_spec}"}' BuiltIn.Log ${play_output} Modifying templates in playbook ${inventory} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${HOST_INVENTORY} ${template} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${HOSTS_FILE_TEMPLATE} ${template} = String.Replace String ${template} minion_ip ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS[0]} @{minions} Create List coe-minion ${hosts} Set Variable coe-master: : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_TOOLS_SYSTEM} \ Append To List ${minions} coe-minion${i} \ ${hosts} = Catenate ${hosts} coe-minion${i}: ${hosts} = Replace String Using Regexp ${hosts} :$ ${EMPTY} ${hosts} = Remove Space on String ${hosts} ${minion hosts} = Replace String Using Regexp ${hosts} ^[\\w-]+: ${EMPTY} : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_TOOLS_SYSTEM} \ ${j} = Evaluate ${i}+1 \ ${template} = String.Replace String ${template} ${minions[${i}-1]} ${minions[${i}]} \ ${template} = String.Replace String ${template} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS[${i}-1]} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS[${i}]} \ ${template} = String.Replace String ${template}${i}${j} \ ${template} = String.Replace String ${template} 10.11.${i}.0/24 10.11.${j}.0/24 \ ${template} = String.Replace String ${template} 10.11.${i}.1 10.11.${j}.1 \ Append To File ${HOST_INVENTORY} ${template} ${host file} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${HOST_INVENTORY} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} master_ip ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS[0]} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} odl_ip ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} mport ${OVSDBPORT} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} cport ${ODL_OF_PORT_6653} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} filepath ${CONFIG_FILE_TEMPLATE} ${host file} = String.Replace String ${host file} yamlpath ${USER_HOME}/coe.yaml log ${host file} [Return] ${minion hosts} ${hosts} ${host file} Verify Config Files [Documentation] Checks if the configuration files are present in all nodes : FOR ${nodes} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS} \ Utils.Verify File Exists On Remote System ${nodes} ${CONFIG_FILE} : FOR ${nodes} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS} \ Utils.Verify File Exists On Remote System ${nodes} ${CNI_BINARY_FILE} Verify Watcher Is Running [Documentation] Checks if watcher is running in the background ${watcher status} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} ps -ef | grep watcher BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${watcher status} .* watcher odl Check Node Status Is Ready [Documentation] Checks the status of nodes.This keyword is repeated until the status of all nodes is Ready ${nodes} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get nodes ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} ${node_status} = String.Get Lines Matching Regexp ${nodes} ${NODE_READY_STATUS} partial_match=True ${lines_containing_ready} = String.Get Line Count ${node_status} BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${lines_containing_ready} ${NUM_TOOLS_SYSTEM} Label Nodes [Documentation] Create labels for minions so that random allocation of pods to minions is avoided ${i} = BuiltIn.Set Variable 1 ${get nodes} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get nodes @{get nodes} = String.Split To Lines ${get nodes} 2 : FOR ${status} IN @{get nodes} \ ${minion} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${status} ^\\w+-.*-\\d+ \ Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl label nodes ${minion} disktype=ss${i} \ ${i} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${i}+1 Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get nodes --show-labels Derive Coe Data Models [Documentation] Data models is created by integrating netvirt and coe data models which is given as input to get the model dumps : FOR ${models} IN @{netvirt_data_models} \ Collections.Append To List ${coe_data_models} ${models} Check Pod Status Is Running [Documentation] Checks the status of pods.This keyword is repeated until the status of all pods is Running ${pods} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get pods -o wide ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} @{cluster} = String.Split To Lines ${pods} 1 : FOR ${pod} IN @{cluster} \ BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${pod} ${POD_RUNNING_STATUS} Tear Down [Documentation] Test teardown to get dumpflows,ovsconfig,model dump,node status,pod status and to dump config files \ and delete pods. : FOR ${conn_id} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS} \ OVSDB.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${conn_id} ${bridge} BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error DataModels.Get Model Dump ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${coe_data_models} Coe.DumpConfig File Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get nodes ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get pods -o wide ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} Coe.Delete Pods Delete Pods [Documentation] Waits till the keyword delete status succeeds implying that all pods created have been deleted ${get pods} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get pods -o wide @{get pods} = String.Split To Lines ${get pods} 1 : FOR ${status} IN @{get pods} \ ${pod_name} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${status} ^\\w+-\\w+ \ Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl delete pods ${pod_name} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 3s Coe.Check If Pods Are Terminated Coe.Check For Stale veth Ports Check If Pods Are Terminated [Documentation] Checks if the pods created have been terminated.The keyword is repeated until the pods are deleted ${status} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl get pods -o wide ${DEFAULT_USER} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} ... ${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} return_stdout=False return_stderr=True BuiltIn.Should Contain ${status} No resources Dump Config File [Documentation] Logs the configuration files present in all nodes : FOR ${nodes} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS} \ Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${nodes} cat ${CONFIG_FILE} Stop Suite [Documentation] Suite teardown keyword Coe.Collect Watcher Log Coe.Collect Journalctl Log Coe.Stop_Watcher Coe.Kube_reset SSHLibrary.Close All Connections Collect Watcher Log [Documentation] Watcher running in background logs into watcher.out which is copied to ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/archives/watcher.log SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS[0]} SSHLibrary.Get File /tmp/watcher.out ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/archives/watcher.log Collect Journalctl Log [Documentation] Logs of the command journalctl -u kubelet is copied to ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/archives/journal.log Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} sudo journalctl -u kubelet > ${USER_HOME}/journal.txt SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS[0]} SSHLibrary.Get File ${USER_HOME}/journal.txt ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/archives/journalctl.log Stop Watcher [Documentation] Kill the watcher running at the background after completion of tests cases ${watcher status} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} ps -ef | grep watcher ${watcher} ${pid} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${watcher status} \\w+\\s+(\\d+).*watcher odl Utils.Run Command On Remote System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kill -9 ${pid} Kube reset [Documentation] Reset K8s to clear up all stale entries : FOR ${nodes} IN @{TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_IPS} \ ${kube} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${nodes} sudo kubeadm reset \ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${kube} Stopping the kubelet service. Create Pods [Arguments] ${label} ${yaml} ${name} [Documentation] Creates pods using the labels of the nodes and busy box names passed as arguments. ${busybox} = OperatingSystem.Get File ${BUSY_BOX} ${busybox} = String.Replace String ${busybox} string ${label} ${busybox} = String.Replace String ${busybox} busyboxname ${name} OperatingSystem.Create File ${VARIABLES_PATH}/${yaml} ${busybox} SSHKeywords.Move_file_To_Remote_System ${K8s_MASTER_IP} ${VARIABLES_PATH}/${yaml} ${USER_HOME} Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${K8s_MASTER_IP} kubectl create -f ${yaml} Collect Pod Names and Ping [Documentation] This keyword collects the pod names and checks connectivity between each and every pod with respect to one another. SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_ALL_CONN_IDS[0]} ${get pods} = Write Commands Until Expected Prompt kubectl get pods -o wide ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} @{pod ips} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${get pods} \\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ @{pod names} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${get pods} ss\\w+-\\w+ : FOR ${pod_name} IN @{pod names} \ ${logs} = Log Statements ${pod ips} ${pod names} ${pod_name} \ Ping Pods ${pod_name} ${pod ips} ${logs} Log Statements [Arguments] ${pod ips} ${pod names} ${pod_name} @{log statement} = Create List ${i} = Set Variable 0 : FOR ${pod_ip} IN @{pod ips} \ ${ping statement} Set Variable Ping from ${pod_name} to ${pod names[${i}]} (${pod ip}) \ Append To List ${log statement} ${ping statement} \ ${i} = Evaluate ${i}+1 [Return] @{log statement} Ping Pods [Arguments] ${pod_name} ${pod ips} ${logs} ${i} = Set Variable 0 : FOR ${ping info} IN @{logs} \ ${ping} = Write Commands Until Expected Prompt kubectl exec -it ${pod_name} -- ping -c 3 ${pod ips[${i}]} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} \ BuiltIn.log ${ping} \ Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${ping} ${PING_REGEXP} \ ${i} Evaluate ${i}+1 Coe Suite Teardown [Documentation] COE project requires stop suite to be executed only for the last test suite.This keyword find the current suite,compares it with the stored last suite value and executes Coe.Stop suite only if the cuurent suite is equal to the last suite. ${current suite} ${suite names updated} Extract current suite name ${last_suite} = Set Variable ${suite names updated[-1]} ${status} = BuiltIn.Evaluate '${last_suite}' == '${current suite}' Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'True' Coe.Stop Suite Extract current suite name [Documentation] This keyword returns the name of current test suite.Appropriate replacement in text is done to make test suite names in SUITES and SUITE_NAME similar. BuiltIn.Log SUITE_NAME: ${SUITE_NAME} BuiltIn.Log SUITES: ${SUITES} @{suite_names} Get Regexp Matches ${SUITES} coe\\/(\\w+).robot 1 @{suite_names_updated} Create List : FOR ${suite} IN @{suite_names} \ ${suite} Replace String ${suite} _ ${SPACE} \ Append To List ${suite_names_updated} ${suite} ${num_suites} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${suite_names_updated} ${suite line} ${current_suite} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${num_suites} > ${1} Should Match Regexp ${SUITE_NAME} .txt.(\\w.*) ... ELSE BuiltIn.Set Variable @{suite_names_updated}[0] @{suite_names_updated}[0] [Return] ${current_suite} ${suite_names_updated} Check For Stale veth Ports [Documentation] Check on switches(except master) where pods were created and deleted to ensure there are no stale veth ports left behind. : FOR ${minion_index} IN RANGE 2 ${NUM_TOOLS_SYSTEM}+1 \ ${switch output} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_${minion_index}_IP} sudo ovs-vsctl show \ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${switch output} veth