*** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Resource ClusterManagement.robot Resource ../variables/daexim/DaeximVariables.robot Resource ../variables/Variables.robot Resource Utils.robot *** Keywords *** Verify Export Files [Arguments] ${host_index} [Documentation] Verify if the backedup files are present in the controller ${host_index} Builtin.Convert To Integer ${host_index} ${cfg} ClusterManagement.Run Bash Command On Member ls -lart ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim/${EXP_DATA_FILE} ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${cfg} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${cfg} .*${EXP_DATA_FILE} ${mdl} ClusterManagement.Run Bash Command On Member ls -lart ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim/${MODELS_FILE} ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${mdl} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${mdl} .*${MODELS_FILE} ${opr} ClusterManagement.Run Bash Command On Member ls -lart ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim/${EXP_OPER_FILE} ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${opr} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${opr} .*${EXP_OPER_FILE} Cleanup The Export Files [Arguments] ${host_index} [Documentation] Verify if the export directory exists and delete the files if needed ${host_index} Builtin.Convert To Integer ${host_index} Builtin.Run Keyword And Ignore Error ClusterManagement.Delete_And_Check_Member_List_Or_All ${TOPOLOGY_URL} ${host_index} ${output1} ClusterManagement.Run Bash Command On Member sudo rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim;clear ${host_index} ${output} ClusterManagement.Run Bash Command On Member ls -lart ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER} ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${output} Builtin.Should Not Match Regexp ${output} daexim Verify Export Status [Arguments] ${status} ${controller_index} [Documentation] Verify export status is as expected ${response_json} ClusterManagement.Post_As_Json_To_Member ${STATUS_EXPORT_URL} ${EMPTY} ${controller_index} Builtin.Log ${response_json} ${response_json} Builtin.Convert To String ${response_json} Verify Export Status Message ${status} ${response_json} Verify Scheduled Export Timestamp [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${time} [Documentation] Verify export timestamp is as expected ${response_json} ClusterManagement.Post_As_Json_To_Member ${STATUS_EXPORT_URL} ${EMPTY} ${controller_index} Builtin.Log ${response_json} ${response_json} Builtin.Convert To String ${response_json} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${response_json} .*"run-at": "${time}" Verify Export Status Message [Arguments] ${status} ${output} [Documentation] Verify export restconf response message is as expected Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${output} "status": "${status}" Builtin.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "initial" or "${status}" == "scheduled" Verify Json Files Not Present ${output} ... ELSE Verify Json Files Present ${output} Verify Json Files Present [Arguments] ${output} ${config_json}=${EXP_DATA_FILE} ${models_json}=${MODELS_FILE} ${operational_json}=${EXP_OPER_FILE} [Documentation] Verify if the json files are generated after a export/export Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${output} .*${config_json} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${output} .*${models_json} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${output} .*${operational_json} Builtin.Log Found all Json Files Verify Json Files Not Present [Arguments] ${output} ${config_json}=${EXP_DATA_FILE} ${models_json}=${MODELS_FILE} ${operational_json}=${EXP_OPER_FILE} [Documentation] Verify if the json files are not present under the daexim folder Builtin.Should Not Match Regexp ${output} .*${config_json} Builtin.Should Not Match Regexp ${output} .*${models_json} Builtin.Should Not Match Regexp ${output} .*${operational_json} Builtin.Log Did not Find all Json Files Schedule Export [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${TIME}=500 ${exclude}=${FALSE} ${MODULE}=${EMPTY} ${STORE}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Schedule Export job ${file} Builtin.Set Variable If ${exclude} ${EXPORT_EXCLUDE_FILE} ${EXPORT_FILE} ${JSON1} OperatingSystem.Get File ${file} ${JSON2} Builtin.Replace Variables ${JSON1} Cleanup The Export Files ${controller_index} ${response_json} ClusterManagement.Post_As_Json_To_Member ${SCHEDULE_EXPORT_URL} ${JSON2} ${controller_index} Builtin.Log ${response_json} Schedule Exclude Export [Arguments] ${controller_index} ${store} ${module} [Documentation] Schedules a export with exclude option. Returns the file that has the excluded export. ${controller_index} Builtin.Convert To Integer ${controller_index} ${host} ClusterManagement.Resolve IP Address For Member ${controller_index} Schedule Export ${controller_index} 500 ${TRUE} ${module} ${store} Builtin.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec Verify Export Status complete ${controller_index} Verify Export Files ${controller_index} Copy Export Directory To Test VM ${host} ${export_file} Builtin.Set Variable If '${store}' == 'operational' ${EXP_OPER_FILE} ${EXP_DATA_FILE} ${file_path} OperatingSystem.Join Path ${EXP_DIR}${host} ${export_file} [Return] ${file_path} Cancel Export [Arguments] ${controller_index} [Documentation] Cancel the export job ${response_json} ClusterManagement.Post_As_Json_To_Member ${CANCEL_EXPORT_URL} ${EMPTY} ${controller_index} Builtin.Log ${response_json} Return ConnnectionID [Arguments] ${system}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${prompt}=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} ${prompt_timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} [Documentation] Returns the connection of any host. Defaults to controller ${conn_id} SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${system} prompt=${prompt} timeout=${prompt_timeout} Utils.Flexible SSH Login ${user} ${password} [Return] ${conn_id} Cleanup Directory [Arguments] ${dir} [Documentation] Cleans up the given directory if it exists OperatingSystem.Empty Directory ${dir} OperatingSystem.Remove Directory ${dir} Copy Export Directory To Test VM [Arguments] ${host} [Documentation] This keyword copies the daexim folder genereated in the controller to robot vm. This is done to editing if needed on the json files ${new_dir} Builtin.Set Variable ${EXP_DIR}${host} ${directory_exist} Builtin.Run Keyword And Return Status OperatingSystem.Directory Should Exist ${new_dir} Builtin.Run Keyword If ${directory_exist} Cleanup Directory ${new_dir} ${connections} Return ConnnectionID ${host} SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connections} SSHLibrary.Directory Should Exist ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim SSHLibrary.Get Directory ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/daexim ${new_dir} SSHLibrary.Close Connection ${output} OperatingSystem.List Files In Directory ${new_dir} Builtin.Log ${output} ${fl} OperatingSystem.Get File ${new_dir}/${EXP_DATA_FILE} Builtin.Log ${fl} Copy Config Data To Controller [Arguments] ${host_index} [Documentation] This keyword copies the daexim folder under variables folder to the Controller ${host_index} Builtin.Convert To Integer ${host_index} ${host} ClusterManagement.Resolve IP Address For Member ${host_index} ${connections} Return ConnnectionID ${host} SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connections} SSHLibrary.Put Directory ${CURDIR}/${DAEXIM_DATA_DIRECTORY} ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/ mode=664 SSHLibrary.Close Connection Mount Netconf Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} ${host_index} [Documentation] Mount a netconf endpoint ${ENDPOINT} Builtin.Set Variable ${endpoint} ${JSON1} OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/${NETCONF_PAYLOAD_JSON} ${JSON2} Builtin.Replace Variables ${JSON1} Builtin.Log ${JSON2} ${resp} ClusterManagement.Put_As_Json_To_Member ${NETCONF_MOUNT_URL}${endpoint} ${JSON2} ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${resp} Fetch Status Information From Netconf Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} ${host_index} [Documentation] This keyword fetches netconf endpoint information ${resp} ClusterManagement.Get_From_Member ${NTCF_TPLG_OPR_URL}${endpoint} ${host_index} ${output1} Builtin.Set Variable ${resp} ${output} RequestsLibrary.To Json ${output1} Builtin.Log ${output} ${status} Collections.Get From Dictionary ${output['node'][0]} netconf-node-topology:connection-status [Return] ${status} ${output} Verify Status Information [Arguments] ${endpoint} ${host_index} ${itr}=50 [Documentation] Verify if a netconf endpoint status is connected by running in a loop : FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${itr} \ ${sts} ${op} Fetch Status Information From Netconf Endpoint ${endpoint} ${host_index} \ Builtin.Log ${i} \ Builtin.Exit For Loop If "${sts}" == "${NTCF_OPR_STATUS}" [Return] ${sts} ${op} Verify Netconf Mount [Arguments] ${endpoint} ${host_index} [Documentation] Verify if a netconf endpoint is mounted ${sts1} ${output} Verify Status Information ${endpoint} ${host_index} ${ep} Collections.Get From Dictionary ${output['node'][0]} node-id ${port} Collections.Get From Dictionary ${output['node'][0]} netconf-node-topology:port ${port} Builtin.Convert To String ${port} Builtin.Should Be Equal ${endpoint} ${ep} Builtin.Should Be Equal ${port} ${NETCONF_PORT} Schedule Import [Arguments] ${host_index} ${result}=true ${reason}=${EMPTY} ${mdlflag}=${MDL_DEF_FLAG} ${strflag}=${STR_DEF_FLAG} [Documentation] Schedule an Import API ${MODELFLAG} Builtin.Set Variable ${mdlflag} ${STOREFLAG} Builtin.Set Variable ${strflag} ${JSON1} OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/${IMPORT_PAYLOAD} ${JSON2} Builtin.Replace Variables ${JSON1} Builtin.Log ${JSON2} ${resp} Builtin.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120 seconds 10 seconds ClusterManagement.Post_As_Json_To_Member ${IMPORT_URL} ${JSON2} ... ${host_index} Builtin.Log ${resp} Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${resp} .*"result": ${result} Builtin.Run Keyword If "${reason}" != "${EMPTY}" Builtin.Should Match Regexp ${response_json} .*"reason":"${reason}