*** Settings *** Documentation General Utils library. This library has broad scope, it can be used by any robot system tests. Library SSHLibrary Library String Library DateTime Library Process Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Library ./UtilLibrary.py Resource KarafKeywords.robot Resource OpenStackOperations.robot Resource SSHKeywords.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${default_devstack_prompt_timeout} 10s ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} \ # set to empty, but provide for others to override if desired ${blacklist_file} /tmp/blacklist.txt @{stable/newton_exclusion_regexes} ${EMPTY} @{stable/ocata_exclusion_regexes} ${EMPTY} @{stable/pike_exclusion_regexes} ${EMPTY} @{master_exclusion_regexes} ${EMPTY} ${tempest_dir} /opt/stack/tempest ${tempest_config_file} ${tempest_dir}/etc/tempest.conf ${external_physical_network} physnet1 ${external_net_name} external-net ${external_subnet_name} external-subnet # Parameter values below are based on releng/builder - changing them requires updates in releng/builder as well ${external_gateway} ${external_subnet_allocation_pool} start=,end= ${external_subnet} ${default_timeout} 420s *** Keywords *** Run Tempest Tests [Arguments] ${tempest_regex} ${timeout}=${default_timeout} ${debug}=False Run Keyword If "${debug}"=="False" Run Tempest Tests Without Debug ${tempest_regex} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If "${debug}"=="True" Run Tempest Tests With Debug ${tempest_regex} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If "${debug}"!="True" and "${debug}"!="False" Fail debug argument must be True or False Run Tempest Tests Without Debug [Arguments] ${tempest_regex} ${tempest_directory}=${tempest_dir} ${timeout}=${default_timeout} [Documentation] Using ostestr will allow us to (by default) run tests in paralllel. ... Because of the parallel fashion, we must ensure there is no pause on teardown so that flag in tempest.conf is ... explicitly set to False. Return From Keyword If "skip_if_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}" in @{TEST_TAGS} Return From Keyword If "skip_if_${SECURITY_GROUP_MODE}" in @{TEST_TAGS} ${tempest_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} Write Commands Until Prompt source ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH}/openrc admin admin Write Commands Until Prompt cd ${tempest_directory} SSHLibrary.Read Tempest Conf Modify Pause On Test Teardown False SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=${timeout} # There are tons of deprecation error messages when we use ostestr in our CSIT environment (openstack via devstack) # The robot log files are very large and one culprit is all these deprecation warnings. If we redirect stderr to # /dev/null we should be able to ignore them. We will miss any other errors, however. ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt ostestr --regex ${tempest_regex} 2>/dev/null timeout=${timeout} Log ${output} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Should Contain ${output} Failed: 0 Run Tempest Tests With Debug [Arguments] ${tempest_regex} ${tempest_directory}=${tempest_dir} ${timeout}=${default_timeout} [Documentation] After setting pause_teardown=True in tempest.conf, use the python -m testtools.run module to execute ... a single tempest test case. We need to run only one tempest test case at a time as there will ... be potentional for an unkown number of debug pdb() prompts to catch and continue if we are running multiple ... test cases with a single command. Essentially, this keyword only handles one breakpoint at a single teardown. Return From Keyword If "skip_if_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}" in @{TEST_TAGS} Return From Keyword If "skip_if_${SECURITY_GROUP_MODE}" in @{TEST_TAGS} ${tempest_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} Write Commands Until Prompt source ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH}/openrc admin admin Write Commands Until Prompt cd ${tempest_directory} SSHLibrary.Read Tempest Conf Modify Pause On Test Teardown True SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Write python -m testtools.run ${tempest_regex} ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read Until Regexp ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}|pdb.set_trace() Log ${output} Show Debugs Get Test Teardown Debugs SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${tempest_conn_id} SSHLibrary.Write continue ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read Until Regexp ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}|pdb.set_trace() Log ${output} SSHLibrary.Write continue ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read Until Prompt Log ${output} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Should Contain ${output} OK Should Not Contain ${output} FAILED Log In To Tempest Executor And Setup Test Environment [Documentation] Initialize SetupUtils, open SSH connection to a devstack system and source the openstack ... credentials needed to run the tempest tests. The (sometimes empty) tempest blacklist file will be created ... and pushed to the tempest executor. Create Blacklist File SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown # source_pwd is expected to exist in the below Create Network, Create Subnet keywords. Might be a bug. ${source_pwd} Set Variable yes Set Suite Variable ${source_pwd} # Tempest tests need an existing external network in order to create routers. Create Network ${external_net_name} --external --default --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network ${PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK} Create Subnet ${external_net_name} ${external_subnet_name} ${external_subnet} --gateway ${external_gateway} --allocation-pool ${external_subnet_allocation_pool} List Networks ${control_node_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} Write Commands Until Prompt source ${DEVSTACK_DEPLOY_PATH}/openrc admin admin Write Commands Until Prompt sudo rm -rf /opt/stack/tempest/.testrepository ${net_id}= Get Net Id ${external_net_name} ${control_node_conn_id} Tempest Conf Add External Network And Floating Network Name ${net_id} Tempest Conf Add External Network And Floating Network Name [Arguments] ${external_network_id} [Documentation] Tempest will be run with a config file - this function will add the ... given external network ID to the configuration file. Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection ${tempest_config_file} set network public_network_id ${external_network_id} Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection ${tempest_config_file} set DEFAULT debug False Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection ${tempest_config_file} set DEFAULT log_level INFO Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection ${tempest_config_file} set network floating_network_name ${external_net_name} Write Commands Until Prompt sudo cat ${tempest_config_file} Write Commands Until Prompt sudo chmod 777 ${tempest_config_file} Tempest Conf Modify Pause On Test Teardown [Arguments] ${pause_flag} [Documentation] Sets the DEFAULT section flag for pausing the test teardown. If True the tempest test case ... being executed will break to a pdb() debug shell when it hits it's teardown() function. Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection ${tempest_config_file} set DEFAULT pause_teardown ${pause_flag} Modify Config In File On Existing SSH Connection [Arguments] ${config_file} ${modifier} ${config_section} ${config_key} ${config_value}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] uses crudini to populate oslo cofg file. # this keyword is only one line so seems like extra overhead, but this may be a good candidate to move # to a library at some point, when/if other suites need to use it, so wanted to make it generic. Write Commands Until Prompt sudo -E crudini --${modifier} ${config_file} ${config_section} ${config_key} ${config_value} Clean Up After Running Tempest [Documentation] Clean up any extra leftovers that were created to allow tempest tests to run. Delete Network ${external_net_name} List Networks Close All Connections Create Blacklist File [Documentation] For each exclusion regex in the required @{${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}_exclusion_regexes} list a new ... line will be created in the required ${blacklist_file} location. This file is pushed to the OS_CONTROL_NODE ... which is assumed to be the tempest executor. OperatingSystem.Create File ${blacklist_file} : FOR ${exclusion} IN @{${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}_exclusion_regexes} \ OperatingSystem.Append To File ${blacklist_file} ${exclusion}\n Log File ${blacklist_file} SSHKeywords.Copy File To Remote System ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} ${blacklist_file} ${blacklist_file} Devstack Suite Setup [Arguments] ${source_pwd}=no ${odl_ip}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} [Documentation] Login to the Openstack Control Node to run tempest suite Create Session session http://${odl_ip}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} ${devstack_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} Set Suite Variable ${devstack_conn_id} Set Suite Variable ${source_pwd} Log ${devstack_conn_id} SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${OS_USER} ${DEVSTACK_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=${default_devstack_prompt_timeout} Write Commands Until Prompt [Arguments] ${cmd} ${timeout}=${default_devstack_prompt_timeout} [Documentation] quick wrapper for Write and Read Until Prompt Keywords to make test cases more readable Log ${cmd} SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Read SSHLibrary.Write ${cmd};echo Command Returns $? ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read Until Prompt [Return] ${output} Write Commands Until Prompt And Log [Arguments] ${cmd} ${timeout}=${default_devstack_prompt_timeout} [Documentation] quick wrapper for Write and Read Until Prompt Keywords to make test cases more readable ${output} = Write Commands Until Prompt ${cmd} ${timeout} Log ${output} [Return] ${output}