*** Settings *** Documentation Utils for Restconf operations for GBP Library RequestsLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library String Library json Variables ../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../Utils.robot *** Variables *** ${ENDPOINT_UNREG_PATH} ${GBP_UNREGEP_API} ${ENDPOINTS_OPER_PATH} /restconf/operational/endpoint:endpoints *** Keywords *** Unregister Endpoints [Documentation] Unregister Endpoints Endpoints from ODL ${result} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${ENDPOINTS_OPER_PATH} ${json_result} = json.loads ${result.text} Pass Execution If ${json_result['endpoints']}=={} No Endpoints available ${L2_ENDPOINTS} = Set Variable ${json_result['endpoints']['endpoint']} ${L3_ENDPOINTS} = Set Variable ${json_result['endpoints']['endpoint-l3']} Log ${L2_ENDPOINTS} Unregister L2Endpoints ${L2_ENDPOINTS} Log ${L3_ENDPOINTS} Unregister L3Endpoints ${L3_ENDPOINTS} ${result} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${ENDPOINTS_OPER_PATH} ${json_result} = json.loads ${result.text} Should Be Empty ${json_result['endpoints']} Unregister L2Endpoints [Arguments] ${l2_eps} [Documentation] Unregister Endpoints L2Endpoints from ODL FOR ${endpoint} IN @{l2_eps} ${l2_data} = Create L2 Endpoint JSON Data ${endpoint} Post Elements To URI ${ENDPOINT_UNREG_PATH} ${l2_data} ${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} END Unregister L3Endpoints [Arguments] ${l3_eps} [Documentation] Unregister Endpoints L3Endpoints from ODL FOR ${endpoint} IN @{l3_eps} ${l3_data} = Create L3 Endpoint JSON Data ${endpoint} Post Elements To URI ${ENDPOINT_UNREG_PATH} ${l3_data} ${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} END Create L2 Endpoint JSON Data [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Generate the JSON data required for unregistering L2 Endpoints ${data} Set Variable {"input": {"l2": [{"mac-address": "${endpoint['mac-address']}", "l2-context": "${endpoint['l2-context']}"}]}} [Return] ${data} Create L3 Endpoint JSON Data [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Generate the JSON data required for unregistering L3 Endpoints ${data} Set Variable {"input": {"l3": [{"l3-context": "${endpoint['l3-context']}", "ip-address": "${endpoint['ip-address']}"}]}} [Return] ${data} Get Endpoint Path [Arguments] ${l2-context} ${mac_address} [Documentation] Returns path for a registered endpoint based on key in arguments ${mac_address} Convert To Uppercase ${mac_address} [Return] restconf/operational/endpoint:endpoints/endpoint/${l2-context}/${mac_address} Get EndpointL3 Path [Arguments] ${l3-context} ${ip_address} [Documentation] Returns path for a registered endpoint-l3 based on key in arguments [Return] restconf/operational/endpoint:endpoints/endpoint-l3/${l3-context}/${ip_address} Get Tenant Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} [Documentation] Returns path for a tenant based on key in arguments [Return] ${TENANTS_CONF_PATH}/policy:tenant/${tenant_id} Get Policy Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} [Documentation] Returns policy path for a particular tenant ${tenant_path} Get Tenant Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${tenant_path}/policy Get Contract Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${contract_id} [Documentation] Returns path for a contract based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${policy_path} Get Policy Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${policy_path}/contract/${contract_id} Get Endpoint Group Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${endpoint_group_id} [Documentation] Returns path for an EPG based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${policy_path} Get Policy Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${policy_path}/endpoint-group/${endpoint_group_id} Get Classifier Instance Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${classif_instance_id} [Documentation] Returns path for a classifier-instance based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${policy_path} Get Policy Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${policy_path}/subject-feature-instances/classifier-instance/${classif_instance_id} Get Forwarding Context Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} [Documentation] Returns forwarding path for a particular tenant ${tenant_path} Get Tenant Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${tenant_path}/forwarding-context Get L3 Context Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${l3_ctx_id} [Documentation] Returns l3-context path based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${fwd_ctx_path} Get Forwarding Context Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${fwd_ctx_path}/l3-context/${l3_ctx_id} Get L2 Bridge Domain Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${l2_br_domain_id} [Documentation] Returns l2-bridge-domain path based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${fwd_ctx_path} Get Forwarding Context Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${fwd_ctx_path}/l2-bridge-domain/${l2_br_domain_id} Get L2 Flood Domain Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${l2_flood_domain_id} [Documentation] Returns l2-flood-domain path based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${fwd_ctx_path} Get Forwarding Context Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${fwd_ctx_path}/l2-flood-domain/${l2_flood_domain_id} Get Subnet Path [Arguments] ${tenant_id} ${subnet_id} [Documentation] Returns path for a subnet based on key and tenant-id in arguments ${fwd_ctx_path} Get Forwarding Context Path ${tenant_id} [Return] ${fwd_ctx_path}/subnet/${subnet_id} Get Prefix Constraint of Single Rule Contract [Arguments] ${contract} [Documentation] Returns first prefix-constraint from a single rule contract ${contract_json} To Json ${contract} ${eic} Set Variable ${contract_json['contract'][0]['clause'][0]['consumer-matchers']['endpoint-identification-constraints']} [Return] ${eic['l3-endpoint-identification-constraints']['prefix-constraint'][0]} Get Action of Single Rule Contract [Arguments] ${contract} [Documentation] Returns first action-ref from a single rule contract ${contract_json} To Json ${contract} [Return] ${contract_json['contract'][0]['subject'][0]['rule'][0]['action-ref'][0]} Get Ip Prefix of Subnet [Arguments] ${subnet} [Documentation] Returns ip-prefix from a given subnet ${subnet_json} To Json ${subnet} [Return] ${subnet_json['subnet'][0]['ip-prefix']} Get Action Instance Name of Single Rule Contract [Arguments] ${contract} [Documentation] Returns action-instance name from a single rule contract ${contract_json} To Json ${contract} [Return] ${contract_json['contract'][0]['subject'][0]['rule'][0]['classifier-ref'][0]['instance-name']} Get Groups of Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Returns endpoint-groups from a given endpoint ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint'][0]['endpoint-groups']} Get Groups of Endpoint-L3 [Arguments] ${endpoint-l3} [Documentation] Returns endpoint-groups from a given endpoint-l3 ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint-l3} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint-l3'][0]['endpoint-groups']} Get L3-Addresses of Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Returns l3-addresses from a given endpoint ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint'][0]['l3-address']} Get Tenant of Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Returns tenant-id from a given endpoint ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint'][0]['tenant']} Get Tenant of Endpoint-L3 [Arguments] ${endpoint-l3} [Documentation] Returns tenant-id from a given endpoint-l3 ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint-l3} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint-l3'][0]['tenant']} Get Network Containment of Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Returns network-containment from a given endpoint ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint'][0]['network-containment']} Get Network Containment of Endpoint-L3 [Arguments] ${endpoint-l3} [Documentation] Returns network-containment from a given endpoint-l3 ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint-l3} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint-l3'][0]['network-containment']} Get Mac Address of Endpoint [Arguments] ${endpoint} [Documentation] Returns mac-address from a given endpoint ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint'][0]['mac-address']} Get Mac Address of Endpoint-L3 [Arguments] ${endpoint-l3} [Documentation] Returns mac-address from a given endpoint-l3 ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint-l3} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint-l3'][0]['mac-address']} Get L2 Context of Endpoint-L3 [Arguments] ${endpoint-l3} [Documentation] Returns l2-context from a given endpoint-l3 ${endpoint_json} To Json ${endpoint-l3} [Return] ${endpoint_json['endpoint-l3'][0]['l2-context']}