*** Settings *** Documentation This suite is a common keywords file for genius project. Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library re Library RequestsLibrary Library SSHLibrary Library string Resource ClusterManagement.robot Resource DataModels.robot Resource KarafKeywords.robot Resource OVSDB.robot Resource Utils.robot Resource VpnOperations.robot Resource ../variables/Variables.robot Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot *** Variables *** @{itm_created} TZA ${genius_config_dir} ${CURDIR}/../variables/genius ${Bridge-1} BR1 ${Bridge-2} BR2 ${DEFAULT_MONITORING_INTERVAL} Tunnel Monitoring Interval (for VXLAN tunnels): 1000 @{GENIUS_DIAG_SERVICES} OPENFLOW IFM ITM DATASTORE OVSDB ${vlan} 0 ${gateway-ip} *** Keywords *** Genius Suite Setup [Documentation] Create Rest Session to http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} Start Suite Create Session session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} timeout=5 Genius Suite Teardown [Documentation] Delete all sessions Delete All Sessions Stop Suite Start Suite [Documentation] Initial setup for Genius test suites Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Oxygen Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60 2 ClusterManagement.Check Status of Services @{GENIUS_DIAG_SERVICES} Log Start the tests ${conn_id_1}= Open Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=30s Set Global Variable ${conn_id_1} KarafKeywords.Setup_Karaf_Keywords ${karaf_debug_enabled} BuiltIn.Get_Variable_Value ${KARAF_DEBUG} ${False} BuiltIn.run_keyword_if ${karaf_debug_enabled} KarafKeywords.Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background log:set DEBUG org.opendaylight.genius BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error KarafKeywords.Log_Test_Suite_Start_To_Controller_Karaf Login With Public Key ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY} any Log ${conn_id_1} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl add-br BR1 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge BR1 protocols=OpenFlow13 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller BR1 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:6633 Execute Command sudo ifconfig BR1 up Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl add-port BR1 tap8ed70586-6c -- set Interface tap8ed70586-6c type=tap Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:6640 ${output_1} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show Log ${output_1} ${check} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 10 check establishment ${conn_id_1} 6633 log ${check} ${check_2} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 10 check establishment ${conn_id_1} 6640 log ${check_2} Log >>>>>Switch 2 configuration <<<<< ${conn_id_2}= Open Connection ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} prompt=${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT} timeout=30s Set Global Variable ${conn_id_2} Login With Public Key ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY} any Log ${conn_id_2} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl add-br BR2 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge BR2 protocols=OpenFlow13 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller BR2 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:6633 Execute Command sudo ifconfig BR2 up Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:6640 ${output_2} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show Log ${output_2} Stop Suite Log Stop the tests Switch Connection ${conn_id_1} Log ${conn_id_1} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-br BR1 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-manager Write exit close connection Switch Connection ${conn_id_2} Log ${conn_id_2} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-br BR2 Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl del-manager Write exit close connection check establishment [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${port} Switch Connection ${conn_id} ${check_establishment} Execute Command netstat -anp | grep ${port} Should contain ${check_establishment} ESTABLISHED [Return] ${check_establishment} Create Vteps [Arguments] ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${vlan} ${gateway-ip} [Documentation] This keyword creates VTEPs between ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} and ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/Itm_creation_no_vlan.json ${substr} Should Match Regexp ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} [0-9]\{1,3}\.[0-9]\{1,3}\.[0-9]\{1,3}\. ${subnet} Catenate ${substr}0 Log ${subnet} Set Global Variable ${subnet} ${vlan}= Set Variable ${vlan} ${gateway-ip}= Set Variable ${gateway-ip} ${body} Genius.Set Json ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${vlan} ... ${gateway-ip} ${subnet} ${vtep_body} Set Variable ${body} Set Global Variable ${vtep_body} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Post Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/ data=${body} Log ${resp.status_code} should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Set Json [Arguments] ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${vlan} ${gateway-ip} ... ${subnet} [Documentation] Sets Json with the values passed for it. ${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/Itm_creation_no_vlan.json ${body} replace string ${body} ${subnet} ${body} replace string ${body} "dpn-id": 101 "dpn-id": ${Dpn_id_1} ${body} replace string ${body} "dpn-id": 102 "dpn-id": ${Dpn_id_2} ${body} replace string ${body} "ip-address": "" "ip-address": "${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}" ${body} replace string ${body} "ip-address": "" "ip-address": "${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP}" ${body} replace string ${body} "vlan-id": 0 "vlan-id": ${vlan} ${body} replace string ${body} "gateway-ip": "" "gateway-ip": "${gateway-ip}" Log ${body} [Return] ${body} # returns complete json that has been updated Get Dpn Ids [Arguments] ${connection_id} [Documentation] This keyword gets the DPN id of the switch after configuring bridges on it.It returns the captured DPN id. Switch connection ${connection_id} ${cmd} set Variable sudo ovs-vsctl show | grep Bridge | awk -F "\\"" '{print $2}' ${Bridgename1} Execute command ${cmd} log ${Bridgename1} ${output1} Execute command sudo ovs-ofctl show -O Openflow13 ${Bridgename1} | head -1 | awk -F "dpid:" '{ print $2 }' log ${output1} # "echo \$\(\(16\#${output1}\)\) command below converts ovs dpnid (i.e., output1) from hexadecimal to decimal." ${Dpn_id} Execute command echo \$\(\(16\#${output1}\)\) log ${Dpn_id} [Return] ${Dpn_id} BFD Suite Stop [Documentation] Run at end of BFD suite Delete All Vteps Stop Suite Delete All Vteps [Documentation] This will delete vtep. ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/ data=${vtep_body} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Log "Before disconnecting CSS with controller" ${output} = Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 5 Verify All Tunnel Delete on DS Genius Test Setup [Documentation] Genius test case setup BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error KarafKeywords.Log_Testcase_Start_To_Controller_Karaf Genius Test Teardown [Arguments] ${data_models} OVSDB.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${conn_id_1} BR1 OVSDB.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${conn_id_2} BR2 BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error DataModels.Get Model Dump ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${data_models} ITM Direct Tunnels Start Suite [Documentation] start suite for itm scalability ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup ClusterManagement.Stop_Members_From_List_Or_All Run Command On Remote System And Log ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} sed -i -- 's/false/true/g' ${GENIUS_IFM_CONFIG_FLAG} ClusterManagement.Start_Members_From_List_Or_All Genius Suite Setup ITM Direct Tunnels Stop Suite Run Command On Remote System And Log ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} sed -i -- 's/true/false/g' ${GENIUS_IFM_CONFIG_FLAG} Genius Suite Teardown Verify Tunnel Monitoring is on [Documentation] This keyword will get tep:show output and verify tunnel monitoring status ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW} Should Contain ${output} ${TUNNEL_MONITOR_ON} Ovs Verification For 2 Dpn [Arguments] ${connection_id} ${local} ${remote-1} ${tunnel} ${tunnel-type} [Documentation] Checks whether the created Interface is seen on OVS or not. Switch Connection ${connection_id} ${check} Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show Log ${check} Should Contain ${check} local_ip="${local}" remote_ip="${remote-1}" ${tunnel} ${tunnel-type} [Return] ${check} Get ITM [Arguments] ${itm_created[0]} ${subnet} ${vlan} ${Dpn_id_1} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${Dpn_id_2} ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} [Documentation] It returns the created ITM Transport zone with the passed values during the creation is done. Log ${itm_created[0]},${subnet}, ${vlan}, ${Dpn_id_1},${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP}, ${Dpn_id_2}, ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} @{Itm-no-vlan} Create List ${itm_created[0]} ${subnet} ${vlan} ${Dpn_id_1} ${Bridge-1}-eth1 ... ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${Dpn_id_2} ${Bridge-2}-eth1 ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} Check For Elements At URI ${TUNNEL_TRANSPORTZONE}/transport-zone/${itm_created[0]} ${Itm-no-vlan} Check Tunnel Delete On OVS [Arguments] ${connection-id} ${tunnel} [Documentation] Verifies the Tunnel is deleted from OVS. Switch Connection ${connection-id} ${return} = Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show log ${return} Should Not Contain ${return} ${tunnel} [Return] ${return} Check Table0 Entry For 2 Dpn [Arguments] ${connection_id} ${Bridgename} ${port-num1} [Documentation] Checks the Table 0 entry in the OVS when flows are dumped. Switch Connection ${connection_id} Log ${connection_id} ${check} Execute Command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${Bridgename} Log ${check} Should Contain ${check} in_port=${port-num1} [Return] ${check} Check ITM Tunnel State [Arguments] ${tunnel1} ${tunnel2} [Documentation] Verifies the Tunnel is deleted from datastore ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm-state:tunnels_state/ Should Not Contain ${resp.content} ${tunnel1} ${tunnel2} Verify Tunnel Status as UP [Arguments] ${Transport_zone} [Documentation] Verify that the number of tunnels are UP ${No_of_Teps} Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console ${TEP_SHOW} ${Lines_of_TZA} Get Lines Containing String ${No_of_Teps} ${Transport_zone} ${Expected_Node_Count} Get Line Count ${Lines_of_TZA} ${no_of_tunnels} Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} ${lines_of_VXLAN} Get Lines Containing String ${no_of_tunnels} VXLAN Should Contain ${no_of_tunnels} ${STATE_UP} Should Not Contain ${no_of_tunnels} ${STATE_DOWN} Should Not Contain ${no_of_tunnels} ${STATE_UNKNOWN} ${Actual_Tunnel_Count} Get Line Count ${lines_of_VXLAN} ${Expected_Tunnel_Count} Set Variable ${Expected_Node_Count*${Expected_Node_Count - 1}} Should Be Equal As Strings ${Actual_Tunnel_Count} ${Expected_Tunnel_Count} Verify Tunnel Status [Arguments] ${tunnel_names} ${tunnel_status} [Documentation] Verifies if all tunnels in the input, has the expected status(UP/DOWN/UNKNOWN) ${tep_result} = KarafKeywords.Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} : FOR ${tunnel} IN @{tunnel_names} \ ${tep_output} = String.Get Lines Containing String ${tep_result} ${tunnel} \ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${tep_output} ${tunnel_status} Get Tunnels On OVS [Arguments] ${connection_id} [Documentation] Retrieves the list of tunnel ports present on OVS SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connection_id} ${ovs_result} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-vsctl show ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} ${tunnel_names} BuiltIn.Create List ${tunnels} = String.Get Lines Matching Regexp ${ovs_result} Interface "tun.*" True @{tunnels_list} = String.Split To Lines ${tunnels} : FOR ${tun} IN @{tunnels_list} \ ${tun_list} BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp @{tunnels_list} tun.*\\w \ Collections.Append To List ${tunnel_names} ${tun_list} ${items_in_list} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${tunnel_names} [Return] ${Tunnel_Names} Get Tunnel [Arguments] ${src} ${dst} ${type} [Documentation] This keyword returns tunnel interface name between source DPN and destination DPN. ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-state:tunnel-list/internal-tunnel/${src}/${dst}/${type}/ BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${RESP_CODE} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${resp.content} ${src} BuiltIn.Should Contain ${resp.content} ${dst} ${json} = Utils.Json Parse From String ${resp.content} ${tunnel} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "tunnel-interface-names" in "${json}" Get Tunnel Interface Name ${json["internal-tunnel"][0]} tunnel-interface-names [Return] ${tunnel} Get Tunnel Interface Name [Arguments] ${json} ${expected_tunnel_interface_name} [Documentation] This keyword extracts tunnel interface name from json given as input. ${tunnels} = Collections.Get From Dictionary ${json} ${expected_tunnel_interface_name} [Return] ${tunnels[0]} Verify All Tunnel Delete on DS [Documentation] This keyword confirms that tunnels are not present by giving command from karaf console. Verify Tunnel Delete on DS tun Verify Tunnel Delete on DS [Arguments] ${tunnel} [Documentation] This keyword confirms that specified tunnel is not present by giving command from karaf console. ${output} = KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${TEP_SHOW_STATE} BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${output} ${tunnel} SRM Start Suite [Documentation] Start suite for service recovery. Genius Suite Setup ${dpn_Id_1} = Genius.Get Dpn Ids ${conn_id_1} ${dpn_Id_2} = Genius.Get Dpn Ids ${conn_id_2} Genius.Create Vteps ${dpn_Id_1} ${dpn_Id_2} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${vlan} ${gateway-ip} ${tunnel} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 20 Genius.Get Tunnel ${dpn_Id_1} ${dpn_Id_2} ... odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Genius.Verify Tunnel Status as UP TZA Genius Test Teardown ${data_models} SRM Stop Suite [Documentation] Stop suite for service recovery. Delete All Vteps Genius Test Teardown ${data_models} Genius Suite Teardown