*** Settings *** Documentation Karaf library. General utility keywords for interacting with the karaf environment, such as the ... karaf console, karaf.log, karaf features, and karaf config files. ... ... This library is useful to deal with controller Karaf console for ssh sessions in cluster. ... Running Setup_Karaf_Keywords is necessary. If SetupUtils initialization is called, this gets initialized as well. ... If this gets initialized, ClusterManagement gets initialized as well. Library SSHLibrary Library OperatingSystem Resource ${CURDIR}/ClusterManagement.robot Resource ${CURDIR}/SSHKeywords.robot Variables ${CURDIR}/../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${WORKSPACE} /tmp ${connection_index_dict} &{EMPTY} *** Keywords *** Setup_Karaf_Keywords [Arguments] ${http_timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_HTTP} [Documentation] Initialize ClusterManagement. Open ssh karaf connections to each ODL. ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup http_timeout=${http_timeout} ClusterManagement.Run_Bash_Command_On_List_Or_All iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} -j ACCEPT; iptables-save BuiltIn.Comment First connections to Karaf console may fail, so WUKS is used. TODO: Track as a Bug. : FOR ${index} IN @{ClusterManagement__member_index_list} \ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3s 1s Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_On_Background member_index=${index} Verify_Feature_Is_Installed [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will Succeed if the given ${feature_name} is found in the output of "feature:list -i" ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console feature:list -i | grep ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${output} ${feature_name} [Return] ${output} Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console [Arguments] ${cmd} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=10 ${loglevel}=INFO [Documentation] Will execute the given ${cmd} by ssh'ing to the karaf console running on ${controller} ... Note that this keyword will open&close new SSH connection, without switching back to previously current session. SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${controller} port=${karaf_port} prompt=${KARAF_PROMPT_LOGIN} timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Login ${KARAF_USER} ${KARAF_PASSWORD} loglevel=${loglevel} SSHLibrary.Write ${cmd} ${output} SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Regexp ${KARAF_PROMPT} SSHLibrary.Close_Connection BuiltIn.Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Safe_Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console [Arguments] ${cmd} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=10 ${loglevel}=INFO [Documentation] Run Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console but restore previous connection afterwards. BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return SSHKeywords.Run_Keyword_Preserve_Connection Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console ${cmd} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} ... ${loglevel} Check For Elements On Karaf Command Output Message [Arguments] ${cmd} ${elements} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=5 [Documentation] Will execute the command using Issue Command On Karaf Console then check for the given elements ... in the command output message ${output} Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console ${cmd} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} : FOR ${i} IN @{elements} \ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${output} ${i} Verify_Bundle_Is_Installed [Arguments] ${bundle_name} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will succeed if the given ${bundle name} is present in the output of "bundle:list -s " ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console bundle:list -s | grep ${bundle_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${output} ${bundle_name} [Return] ${output} Verify_Bundle_Is_Not_Installed [Arguments] ${bundle_name} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} [Documentation] Will succeed if the given ${bundle_name} is NOT found in the output of "bundle:list -s" ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console bundle:list -i | grep ${bundle_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${output} ${bundle_name} [Return] ${output} Check_Karaf_Log_Has_Messages [Arguments] ${filter_string} @{message_list} [Documentation] Will succeed if the @{messages} are found in \ the output of "log:display" ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console log:display | grep ${filter_string} : FOR ${message} IN @{message_list} \ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${output} ${message} [Return] ${output} Check_Karaf_Log_Message_Count [Arguments] ${message} ${count} ${use_console}=False [Documentation] Verifies that the ${message} exists specified number of times in ... karaf console log or Karaf Log Folder based on the arg ${use_console}. Run Keyword If ${use_console} == False Check_Karaf_Log_File ${message} ${count} ... ELSE Check_Karaf_Log_From_Console ${message} ${count} Check_Karaf_Log_From_Console [Arguments] ${message} ${count} [Documentation] Verifies that the ${message} exists in the Karaf Console log:display and checks ... that it appears ${count} number of times ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console log:display | grep ${message} | wc -l ${line} = Get Line ${output} 0 ${stripped} = Strip String ${line} Should Be Equal As Strings ${stripped} ${count} Check_Karaf_Log_File [Arguments] ${message} ${count} [Documentation] Verifies that the ${message} exists in the Karaf Log Folder and checks ... that it appears ${count} number of times ${output} Run Command On Controller ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} grep -o ${message} ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/* | wc -l Should Be Equal As Strings ${output} ${count} Install_A_Feature [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=180 [Documentation] Will Install the given ${feature_name} BuiltIn.Log ${timeout} ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console feature:install ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} BuiltIn.Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Install_A_Feature_Using_Active_Connection [Arguments] ${feature_name} [Documentation] Will Install the given ${feature_name} using active connection ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable feature:install ${feature_name} SSHLibrary.Write ${cmd} ${output} SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Regexp ${KARAF_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Uninstall_A_Feature [Arguments] ${feature_name} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${karaf_port}=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} ${timeout}=180 [Documentation] Will UnInstall the given ${feature_name} ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console feature:uninstall ${feature_name} ${controller} ${karaf_port} ${timeout} BuiltIn.Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_On_Background [Arguments] ${member_index}=${1} ${timeout}=10 ${loglevel}=INFO [Documentation] If there is a stored ssh connection index of connection to the controller's karaf console for ${member_index}, ... close the previous connection. In any case create a new connection ... to karaf console for ${member_index}, set correct prompt set and login to karaf console. ... Store connection index for ${member_index} and restore the previous active connection. ${current_ssh_connection_object}= SSHLibrary.Get_Connection BuiltIn.Log ${connection_index_dict} BuiltIn.Log ${member_index} ${status} ${old_connection_index} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error Get From Dictionary ${connection_index_dict} ${member_index} BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If '${status}'=='PASS' BuiltIn.Run_Keywords SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${old_connection_index} ... AND SSHLibrary.Close_Connection ${odl_ip} = ClusterManagement.Resolve_IP_Address_For_Member ${member_index} SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${odl_ip} port=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} prompt=${KARAF_PROMPT_LOGIN} timeout=${timeout} ${karaf_connection_object} = SSHLibrary.Get_Connection Collections.Set_To_Dictionary ${connection_index_dict} ${member_index} ${karaf_connection_object.index} SSHLibrary.Login ${KARAF_USER} ${KARAF_PASSWORD} loglevel=${loglevel} [Teardown] SSHKeywords.Restore_Current_Ssh_Connection_From_Index ${current_ssh_connection_object.index} Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_With_Timeout [Arguments] ${member_index}=${1} ${timeout}=3s [Documentation] Open new connection to karaf console for member index with specified timeout. BuiltIn.Log ${member_index} ${odl_ip} = ClusterManagement.Resolve_IP_Address_For_Member ${member_index} SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${odl_ip} port=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} prompt=${KARAF_PROMPT_LOGIN} timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Login ${KARAF_USER} ${KARAF_PASSWORD} Configure_Timeout_For_Karaf_Console [Arguments] ${timeout} ${member_index_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Configure a different timeout for each Karaf console. ${index_list} = ClusterManagement.List_Indices_Or_All given_list=${member_index_list} ${current_connection_object} = SSHLibrary.Get_Connection : FOR ${member_index} IN @{index_list} # usually: 1, 2, 3 \ ${karaf_connection_index} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${connection_index_dict} ${member_index} \ SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${karaf_connection_index} \ SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=${timeout} [Teardown] SSHKeywords.Restore_Current_Ssh_Connection_From_Index ${current_connection_object.index} Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background [Arguments] ${command} ${member_index}=${1} [Documentation] Send command to karaf without affecting current SSH connection. Read, log and return response. ${karaf_connection_index} = Collections.Get_From_Dictionary ${connection_index_dict} ${member_index} ${current_connection_index} = SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection ${karaf_connection_index} ${status_write} ${message_write} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error SSHLibrary.Write ${command} ${status_wait} ${message_wait} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Regexp ${KARAF_PROMPT} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${status_write}' != 'PASS' BuiltIn.Fail Failed to send the command: ${command} BuiltIn.Log ${message_wait} BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If '${status_wait}' != 'PASS' BuiltIn.Fail Failed to see prompt after sending the command: ${command} [Teardown] SSHKeywords.Restore_Current_Ssh_Connection_From_Index ${current_connection_index} [Return] ${message_wait} Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background [Arguments] ${command} ${member_index}=${1} [Documentation] Attemp to send command to karaf for ${member_index}, if fail then open connection and try again. ${status} ${message} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background ${command} ${member_index} BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If '${status}' == 'PASS' ${message} # TODO: Verify this does not leak connections indices. Open_Controller_Karaf_Console_On_Background ${member_index} ${message} = Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background ${command} ${member_index} [Return] ${message} Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf [Arguments] ${message} ${member_index_list}=${EMPTY} ${tolerate_failure}=True [Documentation] Make sure this resource is initialized. Send a message into the controller's karaf log file on every node listed (or all). ... By default, failure while processing a node is silently ignored, unless ${tolerate_failure} is False. ${index_list} = ClusterManagement.List_Indices_Or_All given_list=${member_index_list} : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} # usually: 1, 2, 3. \ ${status} ${output} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background log:log "ROBOT MESSAGE: ${message}" member_index=${index} \ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_Unless ${tolerate_failure} or "${status}" == "PASS" BuiltIn.Fail ${output} Log_Test_Suite_Start_To_Controller_Karaf [Arguments] ${member_index_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Log suite name to karaf log, useful in suite setup. Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Starting suite ${SUITE_SOURCE} ${member_index_list} Log_Testcase_Start_To_Controller_Karaf [Arguments] ${member_index_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Log test case name to karaf log, useful in test case setup. Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Starting test ${SUITE_NAME}.${TEST_NAME} ${member_index_list} Set_Bgpcep_Log_Levels [Arguments] ${bgpcep_level}=${DEFAULT_BGPCEP_LOG_LEVEL} ${protocol_level}=${DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_LOG_LEVEL} ${member_index_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Assuming OCKCOB was used, set logging level on bgpcep and protocol loggers without affecting current SSH session. # FIXME: Move to appropriate Resource ${index_list} = ClusterManagement.List_Indices_Or_All given_list=${member_index_list} : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} # usually: 1, 2, 3. \ Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background log:set ${bgpcep_level} org.opendaylight.bgpcep member_index=${index} \ Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_On_Background log:set ${protocol_level} org.opendaylight.protocol member_index=${index} Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start [Arguments] ${ip} ${test_name} ${type} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ... ${log_file}=${KARAF_LOG} [Documentation] Scrapes all log messages that match regexp ${type} which fall after a point given by a log message that ... contains ${test_name}. This is useful if your test cases are marking karaf.log with a message indicating when ... that test case has started; such that you can easily pull out any extra log messsages to parse/log/etc in the ... test logic itself. For example, you can grab all ERRORS that occur during your test case. ${cmd} Set Variable sed '1,/ROBOT MESSAGE: Starting test ${test_name}/d' ${log_file} | grep '${type}' ${output} Run Command On Controller ${ip} ${cmd} ${user} ${password} ${prompt} [Return] ${output} Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start [Arguments] ${ip} ${test_name} ${types} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} ... ${log_file}=${KARAF_LOG} [Documentation] A wrapper keyword for "Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start" so that we can parse for multiple types ... of log messages. For example, we can grab all messages of type WARN and ERROR : FOR ${type} IN @{types} \ Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start ${ip} ${test_name} ${type} ${user} ${password} \ ... ${prompt} ${log_file} Get Karaf Log Events From Test Start [Arguments] ${test_name} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} [Documentation] Wrapper for the wrapper "Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start" so that we can easily loop over ... any number of controllers to analyze karaf.log for ERROR, WARN and Exception log messages ${log_types} = Create List ERROR WARN Exception : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM} + 1 \ Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start ${ODL_SYSTEM_${i}_IP} ${test_name} ${log_types} Fail If Exceptions Found During Test [Arguments] ${test_name} ${exceptions_white_list}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Create a failure if an Exception is found in the karaf.log. Will work for single controller jobs ... as well as 3node cluster jobs : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM} + 1 \ Verify Exception Logging In Controller ${ODL_SYSTEM_${i}_IP} ${test_name} ${exceptions_white_list} Verify Exception Logging In Controller [Arguments] ${controller_ip} ${test_name} ${exceptions_white_list} [Documentation] Local keyword to make it easier to loop through N controllers to pull Exceptions from the ... karaf.log file and validate with "Check Against White List" ${exceptions}= Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start ${controller_ip} ${test_name} Exception @{log_lines}= Split String ${exceptions} ${\n} ${num_log_entries} Get Length ${log_lines} Return From Keyword If ${num_log_entries} == ${0} No Exceptions found. : FOR ${log_message} IN @{log_lines} \ Check Against White List ${log_message} ${exceptions_white_list} Check Against White List [Arguments] ${exception_line} ${exceptions_white_list} [Documentation] As soon as the ${exceptions_line} is found in one of the elements of ${exceptions_white_list} ... this keyword will exit and give a Pass to the caller. If there is no match, this keyword will end up ... marking a failure. In the case that no exceptions are found, the caller could end up passing a single ... empty line as that is what is returned when a grep on karaf.log has no match, so we can safely return ... in that case as well. Return From Keyword If "${exception_line}" == "" : FOR ${exception} IN @{exceptions_white_list} \ Return From Keyword If "${exception}" in "${exception_line}" Exceptions found, but whitelisted: ${\n}${exception_line}${\n} Fail Exceptions Found: ${\n}${exception_line}${\n} Wait_For_Karaf_Log [Arguments] ${message} ${timeout}=60 ${member_index}=${1} [Documentation] Read karaf logs until message appear # TODO: refactor this keyword to use the new workflow to account for multiple controllers. Initial work was done # in this patch https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/45596/ # however, the consumers of this keyword were breaking after that change. Initial theory is that a previous # keyword used before this "Wait For Karaf Log" keyword was closing the karaf console connection, so the # "Flexible SSH Login" keyword from the patch above (45596) was failing. BuiltIn.Log Waiting for '${message}' in karaf log SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} port=${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} prompt=${KARAF_PROMPT_LOGIN} timeout=${timeout} SSHLibrary.Login ${KARAF_USER} ${KARAF_PASSWORD} loglevel=${loglevel} SSHLibrary.Write log:tail SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${message} SSHLibrary.Close_Connection Restart_Bundle [Arguments] ${bundle_id} [Documentation] Restarts bundle passed as argument. Note this operation is only for testing and not production environments # TODO: prepare this for cluster environment and multiple controllers Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background bundle:restart -f $(bundle:id '${bundle_id}') Restart_Karaf [Documentation] Restarts Karaf and polls log to detect when Karaf is up and running again # TODO: prepare this for cluster environment and multiple controllers Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background log:clear Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background shutdown -r -f BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return_Status BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 240s 60s Wait_For_Karaf_Log Karaf started in Restart_Jetty [Documentation] Restarts jetty bundle (to reload certificates or key/truststore information) Execute_Controller_Karaf_Command_With_Retry_On_Background log:clear Restart_Bundle OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty Wait_For_Karaf_Log Instantiated the Application class org.opendaylight.restconf.RestconfApplication Wait_For_Karaf_Log Instantiated the Application class org.opendaylight.netconf.sal.rest.impl.RestconfApplication Wait_For_Karaf_Log Instantiated the Application class org.opendaylight.aaa.idm.IdmLightApplication