*** Settings *** Documentation This resource file defines keywords that are used in more ... than one lispflowmapping test suite. Those suites include ... ../variables/Variables.py, which is where some of the ... variables are coming from. *** Variables *** ${ODL_VERSION} Be *** Keywords *** Check Mapping Removal [Arguments] ${json} Run Keyword If "${ODL_VERSION}" == "Li" Check Mapping Removal Lithium ${json} ELSE Post Log Check ${LFM_RPC_API}:get-mapping ... ${json} 404 Check Mapping Removal Lithium [Arguments] ${json} ${resp}= Post Log Check ${LFM_RPC_API}:get-mapping ${json} ${output}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} output ${eid_record}= Get From Dictionary ${output} eidToLocatorRecord ${eid_record_0}= Get From List ${eid_record} 0 ${action}= Get From Dictionary ${eid_record_0} action Should Be Equal As Strings ${action} NativelyForward Post Log Check [Arguments] ${uri} ${body} ${status_code}=200 [Documentation] Post body to uri, log response content, and check status ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post session ${uri} ${body} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${status_code} [Return] ${resp} Create Session And Set External Variables Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Run Keyword If "${ODL_VERSION}" == "Li" Set Suite Variable ${LFM_RPC_API} ${LFM_RPC_API_LI}