*** Settings *** Documentation Mininet library. This library is useful for tests using mininet tool to simulate devices. Library SSHLibrary Resource Utils.robot Resource OVSDB.robot Resource ClusterManagement.robot Variables ../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${topology_file} create_fullymesh.py ${topology_file_path} MininetTopo/${topology_file} *** Keywords *** Start Mininet Single Controller [Arguments] ${mininet}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${options}=--topo tree,1 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 ${custom}=${EMPTY} ${ofport}=${ODL_OF_PORT} ${timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} [Documentation] Start Mininet with custom topology and connect to controller. Log Clear any existing mininet Utils.Clean Mininet System ${mininet} ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${mininet} prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=${timeout} Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} Utils.Flexible Mininet Login Run Keyword If '${custom}' != '${EMPTY}' Put File ${custom} Log Start mininet ${options} to ${controller} SSHLibrary.Write sudo mn --controller 'remote,ip=${controller},port=${ofport}' ${options} SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> Log Check OVS configuratiom SSHLibrary.Write sh ovs-vsctl show SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> [Return] ${mininet_conn_id} Start Mininet Multiple Controllers [Arguments] ${mininet} ${controller_index_list}=${EMPTY} ${options}=--topo tree,1 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 ${custom}=${EMPTY} ${ofport}=${ODL_OF_PORT} ${timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} [Documentation] Start Mininet with custom topology and connect to list of controllers in ${controller_index_list} or all if no list is provided. ${index_list} = ClusterManagement.List Indices Or All given_list=${controller_index_list} Log Clear any existing mininet Utils.Clean Mininet System ${mininet} ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${mininet} prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=${timeout} Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} Utils.Flexible Mininet Login Run Keyword If '${custom}' != '${EMPTY}' Put File ${custom} Log Start mininet ${options} SSHLibrary.Write sudo mn ${options} SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> Log Create controller configuration ${controller_opt}= Set Variable : FOR ${index} IN @{index_list} \ ${controller_opt}= Catenate ${controller_opt} ${SPACE}tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_${index}_IP}:${ofport} \ Log ${controller_opt} Log Find Number of OVS bridges ${num_bridges} Utils.Run Command On Mininet ${mininet} sudo ovs-vsctl show | grep Bridge | wc -l ${num_bridges}= Convert To Integer ${num_bridges} Log Configure OVS controllers ${controller_opt} in all bridges : FOR ${i} IN RANGE 1 ${num_bridges+1} \ ${bridge}= Utils.Run Command On Mininet ${mininet} sudo ovs-vsctl show | grep Bridge | cut -c 12- | sort | head -${i} | tail -1 \ OVSDB.Set Controller In OVS Bridge ${mininet} ${bridge} ${controller_opt} Log Check OVS configuratiom SSHLibrary.Write sh ovs-vsctl show SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> [Return] ${mininet_conn_id} Start Mininet Linear [Arguments] ${switches} ${mininet}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${mininet_timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} [Documentation] Start mininet linear topology with ${switches} nodes. Log Start Mininet Linear MininetKeywords.StartMininet Single Controller options=--topo linear,${switches} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 timeout=${mininet_timeout} Start Mininet Full Mesh [Arguments] ${switches} ${mininet}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${hosts}=0 ${mininet_timeout}=${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} [Documentation] Start a custom mininet topology. ${mininet_conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${mininet} prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=${mininet_timeout} Set Suite Variable ${mininet_conn_id} Utils.Flexible_Mininet_Login Log Copying ${topology_file_path} file to Mininet VM and Creating Full Mesh topology SSHLibrary.Put File ${CURDIR}/${topology_file_path} SSHLibrary.Write python ${topology_file} ${switches} ${hosts} 00:00:00:00:00:00 SSHLibrary.Read Until ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} Log Start Mininet Full Mesh SSHLibrary.Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${controller} --custom switch.py --topo demotopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 Read Until mininet> Log Check OVS configuratiom Write sh ovs-vsctl show ${output}= Read Until mininet> # Ovsdb connection is sometimes lost after mininet is started. Checking if the connection is alive before proceeding. Should Not Contain ${output} database connection failed Send Mininet Command [Arguments] ${mininet_conn}=${EMPTY} ${cmd}=help [Documentation] Sends Command ${cmd} to Mininet session ${mininet_conn} and returns read buffer response. Run Keyword If """${mininet_conn}""" != "" SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn} SSHLibrary.Write ${cmd} ${output}= SSHLibrary.Read Until mininet> [Return] ${output} Send Mininet Command Multiple Sessions [Arguments] ${mininet_conn_list} ${cmd}=help [Documentation] Sends Command ${cmd} to Mininet sessions in ${mininet_conn_list} and returns list of read buffer responses. ${output_list}= Create List : FOR ${mininet_conn} IN @{mininet_conn_list} \ ${output}= Utils.Send Mininet Command ${mininet_conn} ${cmd} \ Append To List ${output_list} ${output} [Return] ${output_list} Stop Mininet And Exit [Arguments] ${mininet_conn}=${EMPTY} [Documentation] Stops Mininet and exits session ${mininet_conn} Run Keyword If """${mininet_conn}""" != "" SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn} SSHLibrary.Write exit SSHLibrary.Read Until ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} SSHLibrary.Close Connection Stop Mininet And Exit Multiple Sessions [Arguments] ${mininet_conn_list} [Documentation] Stops Mininet and exits sessions in ${mininet_conn_list}. : FOR ${mininet_conn} IN @{mininet_conn_list} \ MininetKeywords.Stop Mininet And Exit ${mininet_conn} Verify Aggregate Flow From Mininet Session [Arguments] ${mininet_conn}=${EMPTY} ${flow_count}=0 ${time_out}=0s [Documentation] Verify flow count per switch Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${time_out} 2s MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn} ${flow_count} Check Flows In Mininet [Arguments] ${mininet_conn}=${EMPTY} ${flow_count}=0 [Documentation] Sync with mininet to match exact number of flows Run Keyword If """${mininet_conn}""" != "" SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${mininet_conn} ${cmd} = Set Variable dpctl dump-aggregate -O OpenFlow13 ${output}= MininetKeywords.Send Mininet Command ${mininet_conn} ${cmd} ${flows}= String.Get RegExp Matches ${output} (?<=flow_count\=).*?(?=\r) ${total_flows}= BuiltIn.Evaluate sum(map(int, ${flows})) Should Be Equal As Numbers ${total_flows} ${flow_count} Verify Mininet Ping [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} [Documentation] Send ping from mininet and verify connectivity. Write ${host1} ping -w 3 ${host2} ${result}= Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} 64 bytes Verify Mininet No Ping [Arguments] ${host1} ${host2} [Documentation] Send ping from mininet and verify no conectivity. Write ${host1} ping -w 3 ${host2} ${result}= Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} 100% packet loss