#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import netaddr __author__ = "Sandeep Gangadharan" __copyright__ = "(c) Copyright [2015] Hewlett-Packard \ Development Company, L.P." __license__ = "Eclipse Public License " __email__ = "sandeep.gangadharan@hp.com" __created__ = "19 March 2014" """ create_fullymesh.py: Description : Creates Fully mesh mininet topology. Input : switch_count, host count per switch, base mac address, base ip address Output : switch.py (A python topology file) Note : This is a fully mesh network. Not available in mininet by default. Hence generating a python file dynamically which represents the topology. """ if len(sys.argv) < 5: print("Please povide correct inputs. Exiting!!!") print "{0} \ ".format(sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]) print "Dpid of switches is derived from base mac and \ host ip address is derived from base ip" sys.exit(1) switch_count = int(sys.argv[1]) host_per_switch = int(sys.argv[2]) base_mac = sys.argv[3] base_host_ip = sys.argv[4] base_host_mac = base_mac.split(':') base_host_mac[0] = '10' base_host_mac = (':').join(base_host_mac) dpid_mac = base_mac.split(':') dpid_mac = ('').join(dpid_mac) def new_mac(mac, offset): """ Description: This function increments an existing mac address by offset and returns the new mac :param mac: Mac address with each hex separated by a colon (Eg: 00:01:02:03:04:05 :param offset: Increment the mac to this offset value :return: new mac in same format as input mac. """ mac = netaddr.EUI(mac).value mac = mac + offset mac = str(netaddr.EUI(mac)).replace('-', ':') return mac def new_ip(ip, offset): """ Description: This function increments an existing ip address by offset and returns the new ip :param ip: Ipv4 address string :param offset: increment value of IP :rtype : new Ipv4 address string after incrementing by offset """ ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip) return ip.__add__(offset) def new_dpid(mac, offset): """ Description: This function is for returns a new dpid by incrementing a mac address by offset value. :param mac: mac address separated by colon :param offset: increment value :return: New dpid """ mac = netaddr.EUI(mac).value mac = mac + offset mac = str(netaddr.EUI(mac)).replace('-', ':') dpid_mac = mac.split(':') dpid_mac = ('').join(dpid_mac) DPID = "0000" + dpid_mac return DPID if __name__ == "__main__": DPID = new_dpid(base_mac, 1) HMAC = new_mac(base_host_mac, 1) HIP = new_ip(base_host_ip, 1) prefix = 8 configfile = open("switch.py", 'w') configfile.write('\"\"\"@author: sandeep gangadharan\n \ This topology has {0:d} switches {1:d} hosts \ \nThis topology is made out of {2:s} script \ \nThis is a fully mesh topology. Not available in mininet by default.\ \nHence generating this python file dynamically\"\"\" \ \nfrom mininet.topo import Topo\nclass DemoTopo(Topo): \ \n'.format(switch_count, switch_count * host_per_switch, sys.argv[0])) print "This topology has %d switches %d hosts" \ % (switch_count, switch_count * host_per_switch) configfile.write(" def __init__(self):\n ") configfile.write(" # Initialize topology\n") configfile.write(" Topo.__init__(self)\n") configfile.write(" # Add Switches\n") # Add switches for i in range(1, switch_count + 1): configfile.write(" s{0:d} = self.addSwitch(\'s{1:d}\',dpid=\'{2:s}\')\ \n".format(i, i, DPID)) DPID = new_dpid(base_mac, i + 1) # Add hosts configfile.write(" # Add Hosts\n") for i in range(1, switch_count + 1): for j in range(1, host_per_switch + 1): configfile.write(" self.addLink(s{0:d}, \ self.addHost('s{1:d}h{2:d}',\ ip='{3:s}',mac='{4:s}',prefixLen='{5:d}'))\n" .format(i, i, j, HIP, HMAC, prefix)) HMAC = new_mac(HMAC, 1) HIP = new_ip(HIP, 1) # Add Links configfile.write(" # Add Links\n") count = 0 for i in range(1, switch_count + 1): if i == 1: continue for j in range(1, i + 1): if i != j: configfile.write(" self.addLink(s{0:d}, s{1:d})\ \n".format(i, j)) configfile.write("topos = { 'demotopo': ( lambda: DemoTopo() ) }") configfile.close()